Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Overcome Astigmatism with green vegetables

Astigmatism Treatments
What is Astigmatism
Sharpness normal human eye to see pictures or writing at a distance of 6 meters. In addition, the eye can see clearly the point of view of visuals 5 degrees. If one can not see with these standards then it is possible abnormal eyes. One of the abnormalities in the eyes, one of which is an eye astigmatism. The disorder is caused by the patient's eyes can not see as clear as the one on the picture plane. The cause curvature of the cornea, post-infection, and post-surgical cornea.

what is astigmatism

The definition is defective eye with astigmatism symptoms if you see a dot (light spots) appear bright lines spread. This happens because the lens of the eye (cornea) has no true spherical surface. This resulted in corneal aberration refraction of the light at different meridian to another meridian. Astigmatic eyes can be helped with glasses negative cylindrical lens, which serves to weaken the strongest refracting meridian, or can also be a positive cylindrical lens to strengthen the weakest refraction on the meridian.

Astigmatism symptoms

The disorder is caused by the patient's eyes can not see as clear as the one on the picture plane. The cause curvature of the cornea, post-infection, and postoperative corneal

Clinical Manifestations

    Impaired vision / visual acuity
    Eye strain
    Fatigue on the eyes
    The views are shaded and blurred
    Watery eyes

Prevention Astigmatism naturally

Through foods that contain vitamins for the eyes, you can keep your eyes healthy fun way. Yes, eat well, their eyes healthy. Here is a list of five nutritious food for the eyes:

1. Carrots
This vegetable is ranked number one in the source of vitamins for the eyes. Carrots are rich in beta carotene. Beta carotene is converted by the body into vitamin A, which plays an important role for the eye. Carrots also help the body to release free radicals.

2. Avocado
You a fan of avocado juice? Nothing wrong with favoring nutrient-dense fruits that proved this. The fruit is good for the eyes, especially because avocados contain more lutein than any other fruit. Lutein is important in preventing macular degeneration (decreased visual acuity) and cataracts. Dark green fruit is also an important source of nutrients for the eye, such as vitamins A, C, B6, and vitamin E.

3. Broccoli
These vegetables contain many vitamins and nutrients needed eye. Not only vitamin C, calcium, lutein, zeaxanthin, and sulforaphane, broccoli turns can prevent breast cancer and as an antioxidant. Healthier  your eyes by including broccoli in the daily menu.

4. Eggs
Eggs are rich in nutrients for eye health care, such as vitamin A, zinc, lutein, lecithin, B12, vitamin D, and cysteine. In addition to meet the daily intake of protein, eggs are also good nourish your eyes.

5. Spinach
Spinach also has vitamin A. In fact, green vegetables contain nutrients that are good for the eyes such as lutein and zeaxathin.

Read also the health benefits of broccoli.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Healthy Benefits of Swim

Swimming Healthy Benefits

The benefits of swimming are not only for health but also form a more perfect body. Swim also suitable for pregnant women, those who have problems with obesity, and impaired bone joints (arthritis). In addition to minimal risk of injury, the following other benefits you can get:

Top 5 Benefits of Swimming

1. Muscle formation
Swimming requires you to move almost all of the muscles in the body. When it moves in the water, your body must expend more energy because they have to fight the mass of water that is able to strengthen and flex the muscles of the body. This movement can indirectly make the muscles more toned and sculpted.

2. train the respiration
Swim to strengthen the respiratory system making it suitable for people with asthma. Movement in the area could make the respiratory system longer and healthier body.

3. Improving the ability of cardiac function and lung
Swimming can be regarded as an aerobic exercise in the water. Movements push and kick the water using the limbs, especially the legs and arms able to spur the flow of blood to the heart, blood vessels, and lungs. Movement is able to improve the function of the heart and lungs as trained regularly.

4. Height increase
For children who are still in its infancy, swimming can make a higher body. For adults, swimming can improve your posture so that it can look taller.

5. Eliminate stress
Exercise is able to eliminate stress. So even in a swimming motion carried with a relaxed and slow to increase endorphins in the brain that calmer mood. Contact with water will make your body cooler that affect mood and mind.

Swim does have many benefits but also not spared from the shortage. The only drawback to this sport is not good for bone health. Not the force of gravity when swimming turns bad influence on bone mass.

This contagion could you cope with intersperse with other sports, such as cycling, walking, or jogging. Note also security when you are swimming, especially if you are not good at swimming, make sure someone is watching.

The other thing you need to consider is that warming up before swimming. Warm up 10-15 minutes, can by swinging arms and legs or walk around the pool. Get the benefits of swimming for you are also the people you care about.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Top 10 Benefits of Chocolate

Chocolate Healthy Benefits

Chocolate Benefits
Chocolate Benefits
Over the past there is the notion that chocolate causes dental caries and may also be responsible for the problem of obesity. Undeniable that obesity is a risk factor for degenerative diseases. But a study at Harvard University shows that if you balance the consumption of chocolate candy with enough physical activity and eating a balanced diet, then the negative effects of chocolate is not much to worry about.

According to the Mayan belief, chocolate is the food of the gods. Original taste bitter cocoa bean is actually due to the content of alkaloids, but after going through the engineering process can produce chocolate as the food was liked by everyone. Cocoa beans contain 31% fat, 14% carbohydrate and 9% protein. Chocolate is rich in protein amino acid tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine. Although chocolate contains high fat, but relatively easy to rancidity because chocolate also contains polyphenols (6%), which functions as an antioxidant deterrent.

In the United States, chocolate consumption contributes only 1% of the total fat intake as stated by the National Food Consumption Survey (1987-1998). This amount is relatively small, especially when compared to the contribution of meat (30%), cereals (22%), and milk (20%). Fat in chocolate, often called cocoa butter, mostly composed of saturated fat (60%), especially stearic. But the brown fat is a vegetable fat which does not contain cholesterol. To keep pressing the saturated fat that is not too high, it is better to limit eating chocolate just one cigarette per day and limiting consume supplements or other food containing catechins such as apple and tea.
Top 10 Benefits of Chocolate
Healthy Benefits of Chocolate
In fact, many of the benefits that can be obtained from eating chocolate in sufficient quantities

10 Top Benefits of Chocolate

1. Here are the facts collected by one of the leading chocolate manufacturers, namely Ceres and Tulip Chocolate exhibition. Chocolate has great benefits as a source of antioxidant-rich foods. You know, a kind of antioxidant is a substance that can help cells overcome the damage.

2. Two tablespoons of cocoa has four times more antioxidants than green tea. Tea is one of the plants that produce polyphenols, a type of antioxidant.

3. Chocolate helps heart health, blood circulation, normalize cholesterol levels, and lower high blood pressure.

4. Free eating chocolate by nutritionists is 60 grams or 200 calories per day. A chocolate bar contains 200 calories.

5. Chocolate does not make fat. There is no research that says that people become obese because of eating lots of chocolate.

6. Chocolate contains iron that can prevent fatigue, irritabilities, and headaches. Adequacy of iron also helps you to be better able to concentrate.

7. The cause of toothache is not as brown, but due to the sugar content in foods in the oral cavity. Meanwhile, brown leaves the mouth quickly.

8. There was no association between chocolate (dark chocolate) and acne (according to the Journal of the American Medical Association).

9. Chocolate does not cause hyperactivity.

10. As many as 90 percent of people who suffer from allergies is not caused by chocolate, but to eggs, peanuts, milk, wheat, fish, and shellfish. However some of the material that may be present in the chocolate mixture

Almond Health Benefits

5 Benefits of Almonds for the Body

top 5 Almonds benefits
Almonds Benefits
Almonds are not only delicious eaten as a friend ice cream or cookie dough mixture. In various studies suggest that the type of beans with the Latin name (Prunus dulcis) has abundant benefits.

Benefits of Almonds for Diabetes

Increased blood sugar is a serious threat faced by diabetic patients if it is too much to eat. Almonds can prevent it, because the food is potent enough to delay hunger and suitable also for food as a diet.
Seen from a low glycemic index, including almonds slowly digested food in the digestive tract. The lower the glycemic index, the increase in blood sugar levels will rise more slowly so it is safe for diabetics.

Rice and other carbohydrates with a high glycemic index tend to be digested and absorbed more quickly. In addition to making spike blood sugar levels are higher; these properties also make the stomach more quickly so feel hungry again.

Foods with a low glycemic index such as almond useful when having to avoid spikes in blood sugar levels in diabetic patients as well as those looking to limit your calorie intake such as diet. Its can delay hunger makes food is highly recommended.

For people with diabetes, the benefits of almonds have been demonstrated by Professor Richard Mattes of Purdua University in Indiana, USA. By incorporating natural almonds breakfast menu patients, hunger does not quickly come up, so avoid overeating.

"Participants who ate almonds tend to feel full longer after breakfast and lunch, compared with participants who did not breakfast with foods with a low glycemic index," says Prof Mattes as quoted from the Telegraph, Friday (06/04/2012).

When the diet is more controlled, then an increase in blood sugar levels which can lead to sudden hyperglycemia or excess glucose. In the long term, hyperglycemia can lead to significant damage to various organs such as the eyes, kidneys and heart.

Top 5 benefits of almonds:

1. Increasing blood flow:

in many studies say almonds contain vitamin E, unsaturated fats, magnesium, and antioxidants that help in increasing blood flow. Regularly eating almonds also helps your liver health.

2. Slimming:

published  study in the International Journal of Obesity revealed that consuming a handful of almonds a day, along with a healthy diet, can help burn fat as much as 18 percent compared to those who only limiting daily menu.

3. Natural Moisturizers:

pure oil produced almonds is a natural moisturizer to keep the skin from drying out. Almond oil is naturally providing food and returns the dead skin cells.

4. Upholstery hair:

Almond oil also contained the potent role in treating hair loss and promotes hair growth.

5. Friends of cardiovascular disease:

a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic, who used to be friends nut chocolate dish is believed to lower LDL cholesterol levels by 12 percent.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Benefits of Fart

Healthy Fart Benefits

Healthy Fart Benefits
Benefits of Fart
Fart (flatus) is the release of gas that has been produced in the digestive tract via the anus. Farts are often regarded as an act rude if done in public by most of the cultures, including the cultures of Indonesia. Even to respect the norms of etiquette or a part of self-actualization, it is not uncommon to make a person tend to try to hold the farts while in a public place. But, you know even hold a fart harmful to the body?

How does the process of farting?

Fart comes from the gases contained in the gut. These gases come from swallowed air when someone is eating / drinking and from the incomplete digestion of food in the gut. Production of gas in the intestines will usually increase after eating.
Gas that is formed will be brought into the rectum (the last part of the intestine) through intestinal peristalsis which will also bring the rest of digestion (stool). Gas or even feces that have reached the rectum will cause a similar complaint, that discomfort around the stomach and heartburn.
Subsequently to be issued through the anus fart by accident when the pressure in the rectum is greater than the power of the anal sphincter, such as coughing, sneezing or orgasm or removed intentionally (consciously) by increasing the pressure of the rectum and the anal spincter reduce pressure so that the gas is easy out.

Important Healthy Benefits of Fart

A French doctor suggested to the entire community, especially the French, ventured to throw gas, either from the mouth or from 'bottom', to reduce the risk of cancer.

Frederic Saldmann urged the French people to be able to relax in life. This must be done to maintain their own health. How to relax is Saldmann is the courage to issue fart, belch and sweat. Saldmann gives tips to the people of France to get rid of all social restrictions are adopted from English culture that does not allow people to burp or fart and sweat lightly.

"Disposing of gas production in the body as much as 2 liters a day is a natural thing. While withstand exhaust gas will be very dangerous for the survival of the colon, "said Saldmann written in his book Le Grand Ménage.

Gas contained in the body will be out in two ways: through the top (mouth) is termed a belch and bottom of the hole or the term fart. Saldmann recommends that all people can spontaneously emit them, when they want it, rather than have a clandestine manner.

This, he added, is the best way to reduce the risk of hiatal hernia (hernia) are usually suffering among the people of France and Europe. Maintaining the air in the stomach will increase heart disease as well as cancer risk in food vessels. The increase is predicted Saldmann disease due to lack of people do fart and burp.
Dr Saldmann also advised to dispose of drugs blocking sweat sweat because he came out as well as stop the toxin or toxins to exit the body. In addition to requiring farting, burping and sweating. Saldmann also called on French citizens to reduce consumption of chewing gum, should not eat while walking and reduce the consumption of soft drinks, which has the potential to produce a fart.
So, brothers and sisters are not always what we think is bad and shameful that there is no benefit.

A Passionate Kiss Healthy Benefits

The Benefits of Kiss
A Passionate Kiss
A passionate kiss is not just unite the lips together. There are many other interesting things beyond the usual activities of the couple. Although there are many kind of kiss i.e. French kiss, neck kiss, etc. All that kiss have benefits for human body. Want to know the benefits?

Top 8 benefits of A Passionate Kiss:

1. Kissing is Not Only Just The Chemistry
Kiss the most fun when the couple had known each other do have a strong emotional connection and the atmosphere just right, not just have chemistry.

2. Kiss is The Secret Recipes for a Sustainable Relationships
"Kissing on a regular basis for a married couple can make your relationship more healthy,". Why? because When kissing, you and your partner secrete oxytocin, a hormone that makes you closer and love each other.

"Kissing is a good way to stimulate oxytocin,". For couples that have been married a long time, its recommend to take time each day to kiss.

3. Kissing move 29 facial muscles, in other words, by kissing, you will be younger, because it prevents wrinkles on the face.

4. Couples who kiss each other to exchange substances such as fats, minerals, and protein. This will encourage the manufacture of antibodies, which will be used to fight various diseases. So kissing is extra healthy!

5. Romantic kiss will burn 2-3 calories, whereas French Kiss will throw 5 calories, in other words, the more you kiss, the more calories you burn.

6. Lip sensitivity 200 times higher than your finger.

7. The man who kissed his wife before leaving for work, will have the age of 5 years old, while the man who just closed the door were more likely to engage the problem of road accidents.

8. Kissed passionately for 90 seconds will elevate blood pressure and increase heart rate. It will also increase the level of hormones in the blood, so it will increase the age of 1 minute! Want a long life? Frequent kissing.

Friday, November 02, 2012

The Benefits Lime for Beauty Face

Lime Benefits for Face

Orange juice nutritious for your face, some of the benefits of lemon juice to the face include the following:

Orange juice can make the skin smoother.
Orange juice can make your skin whiter naturally.
Orange juice can beautify the skin.
This lime close up pores - pore.
To obtain the benefits of lemon juice to your face as I stated above, the recipe is as follows:

Provide fresh lemon, and then split into two parts. Then wipe the lemon flesh into the skin, nose, and cheeks that have large pores. Rub the lemon flesh also to the face rough and dull. By doing this regularly, your face will be smooth, white, and has pores that meeting.

Lemon Benefits for Beauty

In addition to the face, lemon juice is also beneficial for beauty. Orange juice can make your nails are clean and bright: you can use lemon water to cleanse and scrub your nails are dull.

If your hair is oily and dirty easily, you can wash it off using warm water mixed with lemon water. Benefits of lemon can make your hair into smooth, soft, and shiny.

You can also eliminate dandruff in the hair with lime juice rubbed into the scalp and wait for 20-30 minutes, after which the air Wash. Once you make this recipe as much as 2-3 times, your hair or your scalp will avoid dandruff.

Lime Benefits for Acne

Benefits of lemon next step is to deal with acne growing on the face. You can use the juice of lemon and honey as a mask. Lemon water can reduce the oil on the face, while the antiseptic content contained in honey can kill the bacteria that cause acne.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Is There Benefits of Yawning?

Yawning Benefits?

healthy yawning benefits
Benefits of Yawning
It seemed everyone had evaporated. However, the physiological mechanism, the purpose and meaning of the activities of this yawning is still a mystery for scientists.

According to Andrew Newberg, MD, associate professor of radiology at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA: Yawning has the effect of linkages with social awareness and feelings of empathy. It probably explains why yawning can be contagious. remember. Yawning can also regulate metabolism and cools the brain. This means that it can evaporate rid drowsiness and help you stay focused.

Actually, quite a lot of research trying to uncover the benefits of this evaporated. However, recent research conducted Dr.Adrian G.Guggisberg and published in the journal Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews mention that none of these theories are proven.

Father of medicine Hippocrates stated evaporate will issue a "dirty air" and increase "good air" to the brain. In the modern view, the theory is defined as the activity of yawned will increase oxygen levels in the blood and reduce carbon dioxide.

According Guggisberg, if the theory is true, then there should be people who are exercising more often volatile. Moreover, people with lung or heart disease are often deprived of oxygen, it turns yawn frequency is the same as healthy people.

In a measurement of well-known high carbon dioxide healthy levels, not yawn more frequently. In fact there is no research to prove that the oxygen levels in the brain can change because of a yawn.

In other words, the research shows the best way to increase oxygen levels in the blood are more likely to inhale, not yawning.

Yawn frequency usually increases before and after waking. Feeling bored and tired can also cause us to yawn more frequently. Then came the hypothesis of yawning will make us more fresh.

When the researchers tried to prove through observation of brain activity using EEG (encephalography), did not find any improvement in brain feeling alert or central nervous system.

Guggisberg also mentions that yawning activity could not help equalize the pressure inside the ear because this function can be replaced by swallowing or chewing.

He thinks it's actually not contagious yawning as theory was recently revealed by researchers from the United States. "Solitary species was also evaporated, so it's not only humans and chimpanzees are social animals are yawning," he said.

Researchers from the University of Geneva, Switzerland, said yawning is a rich and complex phenomenon. Currently we are not able to uncover the mystery of the yawn, but later there will be experts who can explain to us what exactly the benefits of these activities seem trivial. However, according to my self yawning is a sign, a sign from the body that indicate you need more interesting activity than what you do now :). how about you?.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Bee Stings Treatment Benefits

Treatment Benefits of Bee Stings

treatment effect of bee stings
Bee Stings Treatment

Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, and are known for their role in pollination and for producing honey and beeswax.

Bees are extraordinary insects. The sting and its derivatives help overcome a variety of diseases, from allergies to nervous breakdown, and increased durability. Treatment with bees and their products called apiterapi.

The word aphitherapy (apiterapi) is a blend of Latin, APHIS means bees and therapy, treatment. Apiterapi defined as complementary treatment efforts for the purpose of preventive, curative and rehabilitation using bees and its derivatives.

The use of honey bees for health, he said. Adji Suranto, SP.A, of the Indonesian Doctors Association of Traditional Eastern Health Development (PDPKT) DKI Jakarta, has been known since thousands of years ago. Painting coral stone age (6000 BC) shows honey hunting activities. The oldest evidence of the use of honey to treat skin infections and sores, ulcers, eye and ear diseases, written in the ceramics of the Samaritans (2000 BC).

The Ebers Papyrus (1550 BC) recorded recipes honey for external use, namely for the treatment of baldness, burns, abscesses, and pain relief. Honey is also used to heal wounds after surgery, including circumcision, suppositories, reduce inflammation, and relieve stiff joints.

Until 1990, cotton soaked in lemon juice and honey is used as a contraceptive. The use of bee sting therapy for joint pain and arthritis has long been done by the Greeks. Vanguard is the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates. In 1888, Dr. Tere Philip of France investigated the relationship between bee sting and rheumatism.

Bee Stings Treatment - Apipuntur

Previously, in 1864, Prof.. Libowsky reported cure patients suffering from rheumatism and neuralgia after treatment with bee stings. Treatment using the sting (can) bees known as apipuntur. Apipuntur, he said. Adji, is part of apiterapi. Apipuntur use bee venom and methods of acupuncture. Therapy for this type bees Apis mellifera and Apis Cerana.

Apipuntur itself is part of apiterapi. Bee sting or poison very well to normalize all the activities of the blood vessels and nerves. "The results showed that bee sting contains melitin, apamin, peptide 401 (MDC), protease inhibitors, and norepinephrine," said the doctor who studied complementary medicine since 1999.

Apiterapi generally used to relieve rheumatic disorders, colds, flu, one vein, to serious illnesses, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer. This method is also claimed to be effective for treating degenerative diseases, such as stroke. In practice apipuntur, told Dr. Adji, bee stings are inserted into the body in two ways, namely (direct bee sting) and passing shots containing bee venom.

"Bee venom extracted from pure antibody someone who has often been stung by a bee," he said. The number of shocks depends on the type of disease. However, the sting in certain spots considered sufficient as an introduction. "In subsequent therapy, the dots stung again, but should not be more than 10 stings," said the man of this child.

Bee stings is to react in the body characterized by abnormalities while the individual nature. Reaction of different patients, whether previously been stung by a bee or not. Usually patients will have local and systemic reactions. Characteristic local reaction is swelling around the sting site, clinical symptoms of itching, pain, and stiffness. Systemic reactions include fever, malaise, buzzing ears, and dizziness.

According to Dr. Adji, when the reaction occurs in patients who are sensitive, replaced with an antihistamine drug for 10 days. Furthermore, the new permissible apiterapi again. Above conditions, doctors said 1988 graduate of Faculty of medicine, it is natural for bee venom is to react in the body. Like when we immunized.

To counteract these conditions, he advocated the consumption of honey and apply ointment on the swelling and itching. Therefore, bee sting therapy will be more effective when combined with the honey, propolis, pollen, or royal jelly.

Even combined, not all types of diseases can be cured by the same treatment. For example, for diabetes, additional therapy is used pollen and propolis. For cataract disorder, in addition to a bee sting, treatment in the form of eye drops of honey and honey bee Trigona. For rheumatic disorders, there are two points that stung, i.e. the point where it hurts local and systemic point, i.e. the point acupuncture zusanli (concave area below the knee).

Besides shock at that point plus the consumption of royal jelly, propolis, and citosan. Apipuntur therapy conducted in 12 meetings. "Usually the first visit is only one point that stung. The next day plus one point shock again. And so on. The length of the sting of 10-15 minutes. Once it can be repeated again, "he said.

Utilization apipuntur, added Dr. Adji, is determined by the type of disease, patient age, and contraindications. Pregnant women, infants, children, and elderly people are advised not to undergo this therapy.