Monday, March 25, 2013

Five Types Most Healthy Drinks for Body

Five Types Most Healthy Drinks for Body

Most of our body is fluid. One way to control the amount of fluid in the body is to increase the consumption of beverages.

Here are five kinds of healthy drinks that are good for our bodies:

1. Milk
It is no doubt that milk is a healthful beverage. Milk is very beneficial for the body, among which is to strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis. Because it contains a component of carbohydrates, protein and a little fat, you can last longer. Milk is also a source of calcium and vitamin D is also useful to stabilize blood sugar levels.

2. Warm chocolateA glass of hot chocolate can improve both mood and help protect from the dangers of heart disease. Chocolate also increases serotonin production which can set you a good mood.

3. Soy milk
Soy milk good for our health, because consuming soy milk could reduce the risk of heart disease. Because milk contains a lot of fiber and soy protein lowers levels of bad cholesterol and trigliserin that can reduce the risk of heart disease.

4. Orange juice
Citrus is a fruit that is rich in antioxidants that help protect the heart by fighting inflammation that can cause damage to blood vessels. Tea American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that people who eat fast food with a glass of orange juice had fewer artery damaging radical substances in the blood compared to those who ate the burger and fried potatoes with water.

5. Green tea
Drinking green tea every day can help reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis. The content of flavonoids and polyphenols in green tea may protect cells and prevent tumor growth. In addition, green tea is also believed to prevent cavities.

Green tea also contains polyphenols and EGCG (antioxidants) are beneficial for the skin and hair. To have thick hair, wrinkle-free skin and a perfect figure, drinking a cup of green tea on a regular basis.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Benefits Of Cabbage

The Benefits Of Cabbage

Cabbage or cabbage is usually refer to the kind of vegetables in the Brassica family such as broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts. Cabbage or cabbage are easy to find in Indonesia. Cabbage is one of the main ingredients for the menu pecel or usually served as fresh vegetables.

How to get the benefits of eating cabbage is best eaten raw. There are many benefits contained in vegetables cabbage, namely:

Caring for leather

Cabbage contains many antioxidants that are believed to help protect the skin causes by free radical damage. Free radicals are potentially presenting signs of aging.

Prevent Constipation

The high fiber content of cabbage serves as a stimulant of the digestive system and prevents constipation.

Preventing cancer cancer

Cabbage has several properties effective against cancer as lupeol, sinigrin, diindolylmethane (DIM), indole-3-carbinol (I3C), and sulforaphane. Results from a study of women in China found that eating cabbage will reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Improve the immune system

Cabbage contains Vitamin C is believed to protect the body from the effects of free radicals and improve the body's defense system.

Reduce the risk of cataracts

Cataracts usually occur at ages ranging dusk. The content of beta-carotene which is quite high in cabbage could be useful to reduce a person's risk of cataracts.

Overcome stomach ulcers

Cabbage juice is able to overcome the symptoms of stomach ulcers, according to the findings of a study from Stanford University School of Medicine. This is due to the high content of glutamine in cabbage.

Young bamboo shoots Healthy Benefits

Young bamboo shoots are shoots that grow from the roots of bamboo texture is soft (not hard). Bamboo shoots are most often made into vegetable, either dioseng or with coconut milk.

Usually the age of shoots that can still be consumed or cooked are shoots that are less than two months, because if he was already more than it usually shoots are hard so bad anymore when consumed.

In one cup sliced bamboo shoots contained 14 calories, one-third fat, and 1.2 grams of fiber (the equivalent of half a serving of brown rice). By the body, fiber is needed as facilitating digestion and prevents the emergence of a variety of cardiovascular diseases. Such as deep vein thrombosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, and excess cholesterol.

In addition, there are 640 mg of potassium; the amount is equivalent to 1.5 times more potassium content in bananas. Potassium is a mineral needed by the body to move the muscles, keep blood pressure and fluid balance. Potassium deficiency can cause joint and muscle pain.

Bamboo shoots are also enriched with mineral deposits such as calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, chromium and iron. Other ingredients are there on bamboo shoots are vitamins. Such as vitamin A, B6, and E. These foods also contain a 17 amino acid protein. Because it acts as an antioxidant and shoots free-radical scavengers. Amelinda according to Angela, STP, researchers from Nutrifood Research Centre.

How To Cook shoots aroma So Delicious

Characteristic smell is the smell of sour bamboo shoots or urine, which normally will be felt more sharply when boiled. To remove the smell of urine acid or when boiling bamboo shoots, fresh bamboo shoots first wash thoroughly. Remove shoots hard part. Boiled bamboo shoots in water until boiling. Drain bamboo shoots soon.

Boil again with plain coconut water (until the shoots submerged) until tender bamboo shoots. Drain and store in a covered container in the refrigerator. Coconut water in addition to reducing the sharp smell of bamboo shoots also provides a nice crunchy taste legit.
Nutritional Content and Benefits of Watercres

Nutritional Content and Benefits of Watercres

The Benefits Of Watercres
Watercress is one of the favorite vegetables of Indonesian society. Watercress can be processed into a variety of refined cuisine. Some types of cooking kale is quite popular in Indonesia such as sauteed kale, plecing kale, spinach and fried belacan.

Types and Characteristics of Plant Watercress

Based on the habitat, there are two kinds of kale plants, the ground water spinach (Ipomea reptans) and water spinach (Ipomea aquatica).

Watercress land can only be grown on dry land. The characteristics of swamp land that is smaller stems and greenish white, leaves are thinner and more flexible, faster wilt when cooked / baked, and has pure white flowers. When picking kale land farmers usually will pull up all the roots.

Unlike land kale, kale water can grow in wet areas such as ditches, ponds or puddles fields. The characteristics of the water spinach stems larger, darker green, leaves are wider and a little harder, longer wilt when cooked and has a reddish-white flowers. Water spinach stems can be elongated and usually only taken the young bud only to be cooked.

Nutritional Content and Benefits of Watercress

Watercress has amazing nutrients. Watercress is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, hentriakontan, and sitosterol. Based on the results of the research, the ingredients contained by spinach have benefits for treating various health disorders and as an antidote. Watercress is working as a sedative (sedative) and capable of carrying nutritious substances to the digestive tract. That is why, this plant has the ability to neutralize toxins in your body.

In addition to containing vitamins A, B1, and C, spinach also contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, and sitosterol.

Watercress has a sweet, fresh, cool. The nature of this plant into the intestine and stomach meridians. Pharmacological effects of this plant as an antidote (antitoksik), anti-inflammatory, laxative urine (diuretic), to stop the bleeding (hemostatic), sedatives (barbiturates). Watercress also be soothing and calming.

Watercress also contains carotenoids, carotenoids are plant pigments that when digested by the body into vitamin A. Carotenoids in kale is a powerful antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory properties (preventing inflammation) and anti-cancer.

The content of lutein in spinach is essential for eye health. Research shows that increased lutein intake may reduce the risk of cataracts. Watercress is also anti-microbial and anti-ulcerogenic can cure ulcer problems.

Research conducted in India showed that the leaves and stems of watercress indicate the nature of the fight and destroy cancer cells. Another study conducted in 2005 shows that eating watercress may inhibit the absorption of glucose, so it is good for diabetics. In addition, spinach is also good for maintaining brain health and memory keep forgetting to avoid the disease.
Benefits of Healthy Breakfast

Benefits of Healthy Breakfast

Do we Need a Healthy Breakfast?
Not many people realize it but the breakfast is one of the secrets to staying healthy. No matter how busy you are, it's important to refuel your body so that energy throughout the day. 

Breakfast gives you capital energy to all day activity. In fact, besides giving energy to the body, the breakfast also has other benefits that are not less important. Here are some of the benefits of healthy breakfast.

     Giving Strength metabolism from the overnight - Breakfast is considered an important meal because it breaks the night that did not and replenishes your supply of glucose. Sugar is a source of energy that is absorbed from the carbohydrates you eat. 

In the morning, after you have gone without food for 12 hours, the sugars in your body down to the level of the low. When this happens, your body compensates by releasing the glucose that has been stored in your muscle tissue and liver, called glycogen.

    Useful For Weight Loss - Over 12 hours of sleep your body is fasting all night and in the morning you are in the first phase are hungry. Skipping breakfast keeps your body in 'starvation' mode, while eating a good meal will give your metabolism a boost. 

If you're trying to lose weight, the last thing you want to do is keep your metabolic rate is low. Eating a healthy breakfast will improve your fat burning. Furthermore, breakfast can increase your energy levels throughout the day as well as metabolism.

Benefits of Healthy Breakfast

      Increase your essential nutrients and overall energy levels - Breakfast provides a significant proportion of total nutrient intake for the entire day, and offers the opportunity to eat foods fortified with nutrients such as iron, vitamins and fiber. Essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients can only be obtained from food.

    Giving You Brain fuel To Enhance Concentration - Eating breakfast improves your thinking ability and keeps you at top mental performance. The breakfast provides fuel for your brain to improve memory and problem solving.

      Avoiding Uncontrolled Eating - a good breakfast will keep you from getting too hungry, which will help prevent you from overeating during the day. Food consumed at breakfast unable to resist fatty and high caloric foods throughout the day. If you skip breakfast, you will tend to divert hunger by snacking all morning until late lunch. And it will encourage you to look for another runaway on coffee, or drinks that can boost energy.

Whatever you choose, eating breakfast gives you body and your brain the energy they need to carry throughout the day. Be good to yourself and eat breakfast. This habit will make you feel better throughout the day.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Healthy Benefits Of Consuming Salmon Fish

Salmon fish is a unique fish. Salmon born in freshwater, migrate to the ocean for an adventure, and when ready to reproduce, she will return to fresh water. There is a belief that salmon will always return to the same place where he was born to breed. The results do show this, but the reason why it happens and how salmon can save the memory is still a mystery.
Besides known as the unique fish, salmon is also known as a fish with a high nutrient content and has a wide range of benefits for the body. One of the existing content in salmon is an omega-3 is very high. 

Here are some benefits of eating salmon for the body:

The Healthy Benefits Of Consuming Salmon Improves brain function and memory Fish salmon contain vitamin A and amino acids are highly efficient in stimulating brain activity and make your memory function optimally. These components contribute to the growth and development of brain cells.

Reduces inflammation Eating salmon can reduce the likelihood of blood clots, it completely eliminates the risk of stroke, blood arthritis, or cancer.

Muscle Development The content of protein and amino acids in salmon are the building blocks for muscle development. Nutrition is also known for developing tissue.

Enhance eye view Omega-3 fats in salmon are there to help in the fight against chronic dry eye problems, thus increasing your views during old age.

Maintain healthy skin and hair Nutritional omega-3 fats in salmon can always make you look younger. Not only the skin, omega-3 and protein in salmon can maintain hair strength.

Increase metabolism Fish salmon also contain nutrients that facilitate the absorption of sugar in the body and in this process are known as the best diabetes control and blood sugar control.

Prevent a heart attack The salmon fishing is the best food to be consumed by people with heart disease. This is because most salmon reduces cardiovascular problems.

Reducing depression The salmon fishing is one of the best ever depressants available in the market. This is because they contain omega-6 highly effective in reducing depression and other types of stress.

7 Benefits Of Facebook

So far, Facebook is often associated with adverse effects on the social life of the people. But it turns out Facebook is also providing seven unexpected benefits for your life, as reported by Live Science (23/05) below.

7 Benefits Of Facebook

Healthy heart
Opening Facebook helps you be more relaxed and reduce stress, as evidence of a study conducted by experts from the Institute of Technology and the University of Milan. Of course it's true that you do not overdo it.

Provide employment
Already many people are using Facebook to help launch businesses or business. Facebook is one of the marketing media that is easy, inexpensive, and effective.

Increasing confidence
A study from Cornell University states with respect to the display wall Facebook account, then someone will be more confident. It is caused by any form of the best view of someone actually maximized when posted on your Facebook wall.

Increasing stock prices
For people who already have a large business, has an active Facebook account and use it also could help boost the company's stock price that they have. Because Facebook is not directly increase a person's name and the company itself.

Increase productivity
A Studia from the University of Melbourne has also been proven that employees are given the opportunity to access Facebook for 10 minutes while working will increase their productivity.

Helping kids graduate school
Another study by experts from Abilene Christian University says some school children who do not have a social media account such as Facebook, great opportunity for expulsion from school and fail to graduate.

Help find a mate
Final benefit of Facebook for your social life is to help find a mate that you've been looking for.

Similarly, the seven benefits of Facebook for you, have you ever felt some of those benefits?

The Benefits Of Consuming Catfish

Catfish is one type of fish that is quite popular in Indonesia and readily available, either in the village or in the city. There catfish that live in the wild and some are cultivated.

Catfish have distinctive characteristics with his slick, slightly flattened elongated and has a mustache kind of long, sticking out around the mouth.

Some types of catfish have been cultured people, but most species caught from wild populations in the wild. African catfish are popular as farmed fish, is actually a kind of imported alien (introduced) from Africa.

Catfish are nocturnal, which is actively engaged in search of food at night. During the day, catfish silent and shelter in dark places.

Healthy Benefits of Consuming Catfish

Catfish has a distinct advantage compared to other types of animal products, which is rich in catfish Leucine and Lysine. Leucine (C6H13NO2) is an essential amino acid that is necessary for the growth of children and nitrogen balance. While Leucine is useful for an overhaul and the formation of muscle protein.

Lysine is one of the nine essential amino acids needed for growth and repair cell. This amino acid is very useful for growth and bone development in children, helps the absorption of calcium and nitrogen balance in the body, and maintains a child's body that is not too fatty. 

Lysine is also needed to produce antibodies, hormones, enzymes, and the formation of collagen, as well as tissue repair. In addition, Lisin also useful to protect children from cold sores and herpes virus (Wikipedia).

Based on the scientific study of catfish has a high protein content in it is about 17%, not only that this fish also have a wide range of fatty acids, which can meet the essential fatty acids to fill about 9% daily need us. But limit your intake of fish, because the cholesterol content is also quite high. 1 day 2 tail is sufficient to provide a lot of benefits.

In addition, channel catfish also believed to strengthen the abdominal muscles, treating diabetes, impotence, hepatitis, ambient and eczema. How to use is very easy, simply cooked / boiled then eaten or burned, charred, and in finely crushed and made powder, pour in hot water and drunk.

Other Benefits of Catfish

In Indonesia, catfish bred for consumption and also to maintain the quality of contaminated water. Often catfish placed in polluted places because it can remove impurities. Catfish were placed in dirty places must  maintained in running water for several days in order to clean it.

Sometimes catfish are also placed in the field by eating pests in rice fields. Catfish are often placed in ponds or places other stagnant water to combat the growth of mosquito larvae.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut is plant with 1000 benefits, the coconut water can be very beneficial to pregnant women and the coconut oil also have a lot of benefits, 

Here are some of the benefits and ways of treatment using coconut oil:

Coconut oil as a tooth pain medication
Use cotton for a hole in the tooth, dip the cotton was then heat the oil on the fire not to burn, and then enter in the holes in our teeth, let it to cool cotton. It can relieve toothache due to cavities.

Coconut oil as a cure for fever in infants and children
Grate 3 pieces of red onions and give a squeeze of lemon juice, then mixed with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and auk until evenly distributed. Apply on the head crown baby or child with a fever.

Coconut oil to remove varicose veins in the legs
Apply the oil contained in the veins, then rub it over and over with a spoon until the skin looks reddish. Do it every morning and evening until the varices disappeared.

Coconut oil as an ingredient for body massage
In young children, mix coconut oil with a little oil or eucalyptus oil telon can help massage the reflexology for healing sick coughs and colds

Coconut oil for diarrhea
As a topical, hard-boiled piece of papaya leaves and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, after withered stick to the stomach is still warm.

Coconut oil to treat swelling in the legs
Combine oil with grated coconut and tamarind turmeric and apply evenly on the swollen foot, in addition to treating foot wounds fester.

Coconut oil as a cure nasal congestion due to colds
As a culturar treatment, apply oil on the right and left nasal congestion to reduce complaints.

That need to be considered when frying with coconut oil is to avoid the use of coconut oil for frying repeatedly. This is because the fatty acids contained in coconut oil will be oxidized into peroksidan. Some peroksidan will produce a smell that makes cooking delicious, but other products are free radicals peroksidan very detrimental to health.