Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hydroponics Benefits

Hydroponic gardening is not difficult actually easy and fun, so easy is one of the advantages of hydroponics. Just look at the picture below. In the picture is clearly visible mustard plant that thrives in the aquarium fish. This is easy to apply the advantages of hydroponics and is applied mainly in urban areas, the narrow yard does not matter.

Keuntungan hidroponik

Advantages Hydroponics - Environmentally Friendly

Other hydroponic advantage is not dependent on the land and media containers (pot) even with a bottle of mineral ex hydroponics farming ever we can. Some of the other advantages that hydroponics, plants can grow more fertile because of the condition of hydroponic growing media and nutrients preserved and arranged in such a way that is sufficient to meet crop needs.

Advantages Simple Hydroponics

From the psychological advantages and benefits of hydroponic hydroponics also give pleasure and satisfaction to see the plants that we plant thrives, especially if the vegetables would be useful because it can save the expense of consumption and of course the kitchen.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Benefits of Stress

Benefits of Stress

Stress widely touted is bad for health, start triggers premature aging, high blood pressure, stroke, until a heart attack. But unfortunately, almost unavoidable stress of everyday life. Because it can not be avoided, it should be well-managed stress. In fact, stress is actually beneficial to health.

"Stress is a healthy thing because it provides the energy needed for life. Without it, we would not have the energy needed to take action," says Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, medical director of the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers and chronicity in the United States as reported by

According to Dr. Teitelbaum, stress becomes unhealthy if overdone, lasts for a long time and is not released through physical activity or emotional reactions. Excess stress is toxic to the mind and body.

Apart from the adverse effects adverse to the health of some manfat stress include:

1. Helps Prevent Colds and Flu
If pressed for a tight deadline, the body will work harder to keep the body fit condition. That's because stress is to help restore the immune system to fight viruses and bacteria. Stress regulates the adrenal glands to balance the immune system.

"The situation depressed helping the release of cortisol, an anti-inflammatory function of physical or emotional stress response so that the body can utilize energy reserves and fight off infections. However high levels of stress for more than a few hours can be exhausting the adrenal glands are so susceptible to getting sick," said Dr. Teitelbaum.

2. Accelerate Recovery After Surgery
Surgery can obviously lead to stress. But the short-term stress caused by surgery can be beneficial because it helps the body to recover more quickly.

Researchers tested this hypothesis by collecting a series of blood samples from 57 of the patients before and after undergoing knee surgery. As a result, the patient's immune system responds to stress by mobilizing and redistribute large amounts of pathogen-fighting cells for the body to recover faster.

3. Strengthening ties Emotional
"Short-term stress or shown to increase levels of oxytocin the love hormone. Oxytocin actually inhibits the production of stress hormones and reduced blood pressure by dilating the artery to help keep the body from the negative effects of anxiety," said Kathleen Hall, PhD, founder of The Stress Institute and The Mindful Living Network .

4. Vaccine Can Make It works so More
Researchers studying mice that stress due to be immunized. Apparently mice have a number of pathogen-fighting T cells are more numerous and have an immune response 9 months longer than the group of mice that were not stressed.

5. Improve Memory
In stressful situations, some people just have a sharper memory. This occurs because the increased flow of hormones into the prefrontal cortex, a brain region important for controlling cognition and emotion thus improving working memory.

Several studies linking chronic stress to the development of Alzheimer's brain plaques that trigger. Acute stress has been shown to improve memory. In a study published the journal Molecular Psychiatry, stressed rats were forced to swim to score better on memory tests than mice that were more quiet.

6. Can Against Tumors
Chronic stress can make people stay awake at night, suppress the immune system and cause disease. However, stress in the short term can help fight skin cancer.

According to a study published the journal Brain Behavior and Immunity, when mice were exposed to ultraviolet irradiated cancer for 10 weeks, the rats were placed in a situation less stressful triggers tumors than mice that were not stressed. Allegedly, stress triggers the expression of genes that activate the immune system and helps suppress tumor growth.

7. Improve Endurance Body
If you lose your job or having marital problems, stress can change your life in a good way. Approximately 2,400 people were asked about negative experiences. Researchers found that people who have faced adversity several times have the ability to adapt better than that had no problems at all.

"Facing the challenge to strengthen the body and make people more ready to face the next challenge," said Mark Seery, PhD, the researcher who is an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Buffalo.
Iler Leaf Healthy Benefits

Iler Leaf Healthy Benefits

These plants include familia Lamiaceae. Which leaves berhasiat is colored black. Multiply through stem. Major areas: singresing (Batak), Adong-Adong (Palembang), jawer gross (Sunda), slobber (Java), serewung (Minahasa), ati-ati (Bugis).

Description: Habitus shrubs, annuals, height of 1.5 m; Rod soft rectangular, single leaf, oval, pointed tip, flat edge, 7-11 cm long, 5-7 cm wide, 3 cm long stalk, purple flowers compounds, bunches form, at the end of the stem, crown-shaped lips, whitish purple, petals form a funnel, light green, stamens two, white, young buds; Fruit square, round, young green, after the dark brown; small seeds, flat, shiny, black; roots riding, yellow, whitish.

Chemical constituents: leaves and roots contain saponins flavonoids, polyphenols, essential oils, carvacrol, eugenol, ethyl salicylate.

Uses: medicine hemorrhoids, inflammation of the ear, puerperal fever, constipation, constipation in patients with hemorrhoids, constipation, boils, sores / ulcers, stomach mules, delayed menstruation, irregular menstruation, menstrual blood clean up, red eyes.

Benefits and Efficacy of Purple Eggplant

Eggplant / brinjal actually have different types of both size and shape and color. And eggplant / aubergine was also generally used as vegetables or for vegetable or sauce, depending on its type. Eg small globular eggplant is generally made because the vegetables were crunchy texture. 

Eggplant purple oval shaped like the picture usually vegetable stir fry, made sambal eggplant or usually there are only boiled / fried vegetables to be made in the companion sauce. But in this post I will only discuss about the eggplant purple only. For you fans of eggplant purple, there is good news .. want to know? Let's look together.

Eggplant has a scientific name Solanum melongena, plants with traits of plant height up to 40-150 cm (16-57 inches). The leaves are large, with lobes rough. The size is 10-20 cm (4-8 inches) long and 5-10 cm (2-4 inches) in width. The types of semi-wild and grow to a greater height 225 cm (7 feet), with leaves that exceed 30 cm (12 inches) and 15 cm (6 inches) in length. The trunk is usually spiked. Flower color between white to purple, with a crown which has five lobes.

Nutrient content in eggplant purple, among others: water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, calories, crude fiber, calcium, iron, phosphorus, carotene, vitamin B1, B2, C and vitamin C, nicotinic acid, and others.

Benefits and Efficacy of Purple Eggplant and recipe

1. For hypertension
250 grams of eggplant purple
Tofu and soy beans to taste
Created dishes taste then eaten

2. Overcoming hepatitis
250 grams of eggplant purple chopped
30 grams of corn hair
100 grams of the roots of weeds
Boiled with water, once filtered drinking water

3. Preventing and treating cancer
250 grams of eggplant purple
10 grams of mushrooms Hioka (can be bought in supermarkets)
10 grams of black mushroom
100 grams of fresh shrimp
All materials sauteed and cooked

4. Circulation
250 grams of eggplant purple
25 grams of dried white fungus (first soaked in water until soft)
200 grams of lotus root
Cooked according to taste

5. Overcoming colitis
250 grams of eggplant purple
30 grams of fresh purslane
Water boiled with 600 cc up to 300 cc, after adding sugar to taste and drink

6. Indulge in fat levels in the blood
250 grams of eggplant purple
30 grams of seaweed Hi Cad
30 grams of seaweed Che Chai
Pan with non-cholesterol cooking oil and edible

7. Overcoming bronchitis
60 grams of dried eggplant roots
10-15 grams of green tea
Combine eggplant root powder with 10-15 grams of green tea, drink while warm
250 grams of eggplant purple
25 grams of dried white fungus (soaked until soft)
Drinking water, eggplant and mushrooms were edible white

8. To overcome the thickening of blood vessel walls
250 grams of eggplant purple
30 grams of seaweed
10 grams of black mushroom
Made soups or other foods according to taste

9. Coping with diabetes
250 grams of eggplant purple, plus pumpkins, pumpkin kenthi and pare, made dishes to taste and eaten

10. Overcoming bleeding gums
250 grams of eggplant purple
100 grams of lotus root
Cooked to taste and eaten

11. Overcoming hemorrhoids
Drain eggplant purple stalk, then ground into powder
Combine 3 grram eggplant stalks powder, aloe vera juice and enough powder gambier, then applied to the affected part

12. Addressing a frequent tingling hands
30 grams of eggplant shoots boiled in 500 cc of water, let it get to 250 cc of water, then drink.

13. Rheumatism and arthritis
60 grams of roots of eggplant purple, red ginger 15 grams, 20 grams, ginger boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc. Then filtered and drunk as much as 150 cc. Apply 2 times a day. Or use 60 grams of eggplant purple roots washed, 20 grams kencur sliced, 30 g bitter boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc iarnya filtered and drunk while warm.

14. Lowering Cholesterol
250 grams of eggplant purple, che chai grass 30 grams, 20 grams of mushrooms hioko that has been soaked until soft and made into a stir. Consume is as varied. 1 Fruit eggplant purple, 7 leaves, 50 grams Ceremai leaves boiled with 500 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc then filtered and drunk while warm.

15. Improve S3ksu4l D3sir3
Purple eggplant 250 grams, 100 grams of chicken meat, 100 grams of keys, onions, created a stir. Consumption of regular and varied. Recommend to consume the cooked eggplant purple suit the varied tastes. Should the consumption of eggplant purple every day not more than 250 grams.

(Compiled from various sources. Hopefully useful)
Healthy Benefits of Corn

Healthy Benefits of Corn

Overview About Corn

Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the world's most important food crops, except wheat and rice. As the main source of carbohydrate in Central and South America, corn is also an alternative source of food in the United States. 

Residents of some areas in Indonesia (eg in Madura and Nusa Tenggara) also use corn as a staple food. Aside from being a source of carbohydrate, corn is also grown as fodder (forage and cob), extracted oil (of grain), made of flour (from grains, known as corn flour or cornstarch), and industrial raw materials (flour, grain and cob meal ). 

Corn cobs are rich in pentose, which is used as raw material for the manufacture of furfural. Genetically engineered corn has also now grown as a producer of pharmaceutical ingredients. (Source Wikipedia).

Nutrient Content of Corn per 100 grams of material

    Calories: 355 Calories
    Protein: 9.2 g
    Fat: 3.9 g
    Carbohydrates: 73.7 g
    Calcium: 10 mg
    Phosphorus: 256 mg
    Ferrum: 2.4 mg
    Vitamin A: 510 SI
    Vitamin B1: 0.38 mg
    Water: 12 gr

Healthy Benefits of Corn for the Body

1. Improves digestion
Corn has a lot of fiber which is a great advantage for digestion. It can prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, and even lower the risk of colon cancer.

2. Rich mineral
More than you can think, the majority of corn contains magnesium, copper, iron, phosphorus, and most importantly, necessary for bone health. These nutrients not only prevent you from cracking bones as you get older, but also improve kidney function.

3. Caring for leather
Corn is also rich in antioxidants, which helps in keeping the skin youthful. Besides consumed as food, can also be used oil which is a rich source of linoleic acid. Cornmeal is also useful to relieve skin irritation.

4. Preventing anemia
Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells is reduced considerably due to lack of iron. Thus, sweet corn beneficial to health because it is rich in B vitamins and folic acid to prevent anemia.

5. Controlling cholesterol
Cholesterol is a substance produced by the liver. There are two types of cholesterol, the good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). Increased cholesterol intake of fatty foods because it weakens your heart and can lead to cardiovascular disease. Vitamin C, carotenoids and bioflavinoids contained in sweet corn keep your heart healthy by controlling cholesterol levels and improve blood flow in the body.

6. It is important during pregnancy.
Maize consumption in pregnant women, providing a rich source of folic acid. Folic acid deficiency in pregnancy affect the baby. Lack of folic acid in the body affects the baby's weight. Sweet corn beneficial to the health of pregnant women and infants. This prevents babies were underweight and avoid other defects.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Healthy Benefits Of Ginger

Did you know About Ginger? Ginger can have up to 2 meters high and has yellow flowers. The healthy benefits of ginger has been used as a beverage of Asians population as well as traditional medicine ingredients.
The benefits of ginger, among others to overcome and prevent many diseases such as hepatitis, liver, bile production, bile inflammation, stomach ulcers, digestion, to kidney disorders.

Some Benefits of Ginger.

health benefits of ginger

In addition, based on research, the benefits of ginger is now known to also be overcome anemia, lower cholesterol, improve blood circulation, resolve blood clots, fever, malaria, measles, overcoming stiff, lumbago, rheumatism, treat vaginal discharge, hemorrhoids, constipation , cough, asthma, sore throat, inflammation of the respiratory tract to, treat eczema, acne, inflammation of the bile, and remind stamina, etc.

Some Ways to Get Benefits Of Ginger.

Various benefits of ginger above can be obtained by eating ginger are processed using some of the following:
  1. Treating liver disease: Provide 25 grams and 30 grams of ginger leaves shaved / mirten. Then mixed with about 600 cc of water, and boil until the water remaining live 300 cc. After that strain the water and drink in warm.
  2. To treat inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder: Take about 30 grams of ginger, sliced ​​into small pieces, then put in 500 cc of water and boil until the water is left only 200 cc. strain and drink the decoction of ginger.
  3. Treating stiff pain, arthritis, and rheumatism: Provide 20 grams of ginger and 20 grams of red ginger. Enter in 400 cc of water and simmer a bit longer until the water is left only 200 cc. Drink boiled water it while still warm.
  4. Treating gallstone disease: Take about 25 grams of ginger, 30 grams meniran, and palm sugar. Enter the three ingredients into 500 cc of water and boil until the water is left only 200 cc, then strain and drink the water.
  5. To cope with the disease cough to respiratory tract inflammation: Provide 25 grams of ginger, then grate and add enough lukewarm water. Then squeeze and strain the water. Give the juice of 1 orange juice and honey to taste and drink.
To obtain the maximum benefits of ginger, you can drink two to three times a day regularly.

Healthy Benefits of Cassava

Benefits of Cassava has many benefits for health, benefits also known as cassava tubers which have antioxidant, anti cancer, antitumor, and increase appetite. Not only that, cassava is also able to cure various diseases. What are the diseases?
Cassava efficacy for ArthritisTo treat arthritis, treatment with cassava can be from inside or outside. In external use, use cassava leaves five pieces plus 15 grams of ginger. Then stir and apply on the body.

For inside treatment, use 100 grams of cassava stems, lemongrass, salt, ginger 15 grams. All the ingredients are boiled with water up to 1000cc to 400 cc, filtered. Drink as much as 200cc once a day. Do it for two days.
Cassava Benefits for FeverBoil 60 grams and 300 grams of cassava stems of cassava leaves with 800 cc of water. Let the stew shrunk to 400 cc, strain and drink. For maximum results, should drink it twice a day.
Efficacy Cassava to treat woundsCassava can also be used to treat wounds that have entered the stage of infection. How: Mashed cassava stems were still fresh, and cream in a wound. It may also wrapped again with a bandage. For injuries caused by hot objects, cassava can be grated and squeezed. Then rub in the wound. Repeat until the wound dry.
Cassava Benefits for DiarrheaTo treat diarrhea or abdominal pain, try using cassava leaves. How to boil the seven pieces of cassava leaves, with 800 cc of water, allow it to shrink 400 cc, strain and drink.
Cassava Efficacy for HeadachesDrinking too much headache medicine is not good for health. Therefore, you should try the natural way by pounding cassava leaves until smooth, then put it on top of the head to compress.
Cassava Benefits for BeriberiLuckily for those who love to eat cassava leaves, because it will be spared from this disease. However, for those who have the disease beriberi, should consume 200 grams of boiled cassava leaves as fresh vegetables.
Efficacy Cassava to Improve StaminaTo increase stamina, mix 100 grams of cassava, 5 grains angco (a type of Chinese dates), and water. To avoid a bitter taste, add a little honey.
Healthy Benefits Of Basil Leaf

Healthy Benefits Of Basil Leaf

Basil (Ocimum sanctum) most people probably only know that basil is only used as fresh vegetables, added to fish dishes, chicken or use as a traditional medicine

Plants like basil and the basil or basil (Ocimum basilicum) has an interesting history, this type of plant once the plant kingdom in France and Italy.

The flower of this plant was chosen to express love, while in India this plant is one of the sacred plants that are used for religious ceremonies. In the country of China, the plant is used as medicine infection, abdominal pain, snake bites, insect, drug fever and as a cancer drug.

Many other countries also use the plant as medicine in tradition, such as Greece, the Philippines, Tanzania, Mexico and the United states and Europe.

Regardless of the scientific evidence, basil and sweet basil has been used empirically use in traditional medicine for various diseases, either in Indonesia or other countries.

Basil is rich in beta-carotene and magnesium, an essential mineral that serves to keep and maintain a healthy heart. Basil scent is inviting appetite. Naturally, if people consume these leaves as raw vegetables, spiced mixture, Karedok or threatened. In addition to flavor dishes, basil contains arginine compounds are found to strengthen the life of sperm, prevent sterility and lowers blood sugar. Basil also contains substances that can stimulate the formation of hormones androgen and estrogen.

Basil leaves are normally used fresh vegetables with sauce, cabbage leaves and cucumber slices turns out to have health benefits. Often people who are not interested in making basil leaves are also not liked by some people for some reason, like they do not like the smell or just do not like it.

In fact, basil has good benefits for our bodies, so do not ignore the basil leaves just be the fresh vegetables. The first leaves of basil beneficial for people suffering from the problem of bad breath or body odor, basil leaves are consumed directly and routinely bisi prevent and reduce bad breath and body.

And what if you do not like the smell you can also membaut the juice of basil leaves mixed with turmeric and beluntas leaves and drank regularly every day.

Even John Henry M. in his book, "A Dictionary of Practical Medical Materials" saying that the properties of basil leaves or basil leaves juice can to address diarrheal disease, disorders of the vagina, breast pain, to cope with kidney stones and albuminaria.

While based on research conducted by the Center for New Crops and Plant Products, Purdue University, USA, proving that proved efficacious basil powerful resolve complaints flu, diarrhea, headaches, intestinal worms, constipation, to kidney disease.

In addition, the study also proves the benefits of basil leaves to treat flatulence, heartburn, body fatigue, colds, to cope with seizures. The aroma of basil leaves can also be used as an insect repellent.

Of the several explanations had no doubt that it has basil beneficial properties, and we know just basil leaves for vegetables only. Basil is often refined as it contains essential oils of high class where basil aroma will disappear within 24 hours after applied to the body.

Essential oils can make the body more refreshed and ease the pain so it is good to use as a massage oil scent. However, if you are pregnant women not to use this oil because it can cause the risk of miscarriage.

Not only that the health benefits of basil leaves, basil leaves still have benefits for digestive problems, intestinal infections, vomiting, headache, fever, up to gastric inflammation. And if anyone has a complaint ejaculation, basil contains Eugenol and Apigenin fenkhona substances that can help make it easier erections, and substance arginine to prevent infertility.
a Million Benefits of Seed Plants

a Million Benefits of Seed Plants

Seed plants often called black cumin spice plants that can be used as a medicinal plant. Plants Seed also known as others such as Black Cumin or Fitch (from the Bible), Black Seed or Love in the Mist or Black Carraway Seed or Habbatul Baraka (UK and USA), Kalonji, Azmut, Streaks, AOF, and Aosetta ( Urdu, Hindi, Sri Lanka), Syuniz / Shonaiz, Al-Habbah Al-Sawda, Habbet el-Baraka and Khondria (Persia and Pakistan) and Nigella sativa (botanical name of plants numenklature).
Seed is one of the medicinal plants, including how the Prophet's treatment, in the form of black beans that have been known for thousands of years ago and is widely used by the people of India, Pakistan, Egypt, and the countries of the middle east other to treat various diseases.
Ibn Sina is a genius researcher of the Middle East in the field of medicine whose names are recorded in all history books eastern and western medicine, lived between 980 - 1037 AD, has been researching the various benefits of Black Seed for health and medicine. Ancient Greek physicians, Dioscoredes, in the first century AD have also noted the benefits of Black Seed to treat headaches and respiratory tract.
Benefits of Black Seed /
Black Cumin
  • Black Cumin can Increase the number of milk
Seed / black cumin can increase the amount of milk in nursing mothers due to the combination of the elements and structure of lipid hormones contained therein. In addition, black cumin also contains arginine which is important for the growth of infants.To increase the production of breast milk, nursing mothers can take half a teaspoon of oil or Seed extract, three times a day. Better yet, when mixed with one tablespoon of honey every time.
  •     Black Cumin  as Inflammatory drug
Thymoquinine the Seed is an effective anti-inflammatory drugs. You can use oil as an ointment Seed on inflamed acne. To prevent acne and smooth the skin, take one tablespoon of olive oil and mix with half a teaspoon of oil habbatusaudda. Rub on the face and wash the face with soap water after an hour later.
  •     Black Cumin  As Cancer Drugs
Fatty acids in black cumin can inhibit cancer development. Black cumin stimulate productivity and bone marrow cell immunity and interferon production, protects normal cells against cell destroying viruses and against tumor cells without damaging healthy cells.

For cancer treatment, mix one glass grape juice and half a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil. Drink three times a day. Treatment may last for forty days. In addition, you can also rub the oil on the affected Seed cancer for two weeks.
  •     Black Cumin  Could Boost the Immune System.
Black cumin can boost immunity, especially in patients with impaired immune systems. According to research, 1 gram Seed capsules, twice daily for four weeks can improve T-cell ratio between positive and negative up to 72%. Increased immunity plays an important role in the healing of colds, influenza, AIDS, and other diseases related to the immune system.
  •     Black Cumin as Sources of nutrition
Seed containing beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A), calcium, iron, sodium and potassium. Although needed in very small amounts by the body, these elements serve as cofactors in various enzyme functions. Black cumin also has eight of the nine essential amino acids. Essential amino acids can not be synthesized in our bodies that need to be taken outside.