Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Insurance for life protection

What is Insurance

Insurance is a term used to refer to the act, system, or business where financial protection (or financial compensation) for life, property, health and so forth to get reimbursement from the events that can not be expected to occur such as death, loss , damage or illness, which involves the payment of premiums on a regular basis within a specified period in exchange for a policy that ensures the protection.

The term "insured" usually refers to everything that the protection. Insurance is basically a requirement which is quite important and should be met by every individual. In the wheel of life, without realizing a lot of threats and hazards referred to the risk of life. The risk of the lives of ordinary tangible illness, critical illness, permanent disability or death.

6 Basic Principles of Insurance

In the insurance world there are 6 kinds of basic principles that must be met, namely:

benefits of insurance

Insurance benefits

* Insurable : interest right to insure arising out of a financial relationship, between the insured and the insured is legally recognized.

* An action : Utmost good faith to disclose accurately and completely, all facts material (material fact) about something that would be insured, whether requested or not. The meaning is: the insurer must honestly explain everything clearly about the extent of the terms / conditions of the insurer and the insured must also provide a clear and correct for objects or interests of the insured.

* Proximate : cause means the active, efficient cause that chain of events that brings about a result without the intervention of any force started and working actively from a new and independent source.

* Indemnity : A mechanism by which the insurer provides financial compensation to put the insured in a financial position that he had prior to the loss

* Subrogation : transfer of demand from the insured to the insurer after a claim has been paid.

* Contribution : right person to invite the other person equally bear, but do not have the same obligations to the insured to participate in providing indemnity.

At this time has developed various types of insurance in society, in risk management, insurance allows sharing and transferring risk, this is the best way to compensate. Most people, do not understand the fundamental differences in the type of insurance, but insurance program to determine the most suitable to the needs, we must recognize the types of insurance.

Insurance is divided into two main types
1. Traditional Insurance
2. Non-Traditional Insurance (modern)

In the traditional insurance, is divided into several types of insurance, the insurer usually has long been used by consumers.

Traditional insurance consists of:

2. Wholelife
3. Endowment

Explanation TERM insurance

- You never know about Auto Insurance or Motor? Or maybe health insurance? Well kind of term insurance is usually purchased by many people, because the premium payment cheap and get great benefits. In other words, pay less, failure by many, but if it is not used in insurance claims and does not occur, then the money we deposited will be forfeited. Of that fact, we can see, no savings element in this type of insurance, so call us to buy our security guarantee within 1 year or a certain period. We pay the same as travel insurance, time will be billed an amount of money on a plane, after getting off the plane safely, the contract is completed. Because the premium payment period is not specified, then every year, premiums will increase with age insured.

Wholelife insurance explanation

- Wholelife, meaningful life. This type of insurance protects the insured until the end of the age, are usually covered up to age 99 years. And great! premium payment period is determined from the outset, there could be no extension of the period of premium payment. If elected for a 5-year, five-year pay him yes, then life will not be billed again, whenever we passed, we can still claim the sum assured that we have planned. Because the system is saved, then started the second year of the policy cash value is created, in particular the savings can be captured at up to 80%. Cool ga? Besides protection still go ahead, there are also savings, but the cash value is not much compared to the value of PROTECTION.

Endowment insurance explanation

- Endowment, this is life insurance with a value greater savings. In certain years the savings can be withdrawn in accordance with the program. Usually this type of insurance known as education insurance or pension insurance. Insurance education is determined when the money could be taken for school fees dearest. The Endowment system, life insurance savings bonus, if anything happens when saving, then we get the sum assured as death benefit, but in the event of an obligation to pay claims, insurance companies still pay the claim until the contract is completed. Usually the premium offered is much larger than the type TERM and Wholelife.

Modern Insurance

Non Traditional insurance or insurance called modern, is a type of insurance with UNIT-LINK. Where the Unit Link Insurance is very popular at the moment, why? because unit-Link is a type of insurance that combines life insurance and investments. Mated life insurance with investment, is a type TERM. Remember! TERM if it is a short-term insurance, and insurance costs could rise with age.

UNIT + LINK = TERM Investment

Most people take a Unit Linked because they want to save the results many times, than have savings in the bank, the interest does not amount to much. By investing or MUTUAL FUND, then the money we invest will grow prolifically. But you have to remember, the greater the profit, the greater the risk.

Investment can increase and may decline, according to the economic development of the nation at that time. In times of crisis, it is certain that the value of investments that we have dropped dramatically, and consequently the value of our savings will be depleted. If so, do not protest my last want gain a lot, means must bear the loss as well .. :)

It is certain, on the type of unit link insurance, do not have a cash value that is guaranteed, even the company that issued the insurance policy, the cash value can not promise that obtained in X. Another case of traditional insurance, in her policy is clearly stated and guaranteed cash values ​​obtained in X.

Because there is no guaranteed cash value, probably in the 11th or so, the insured must pay the premiums back, even though the promised pay only 10 years old, in fact is not listed in the policy premium payment period, so that premiums can be BILLED BACK at any time.

Link Unit, bear the cost of life insurance is the type TERM, then each year the costs will go up with age, and the cash value that is formed will cut the cost of insurance and other administrative costs.

Benefits of Insurance

insurance benefits

Why Insurance?

• Insurance provides protection when disaster strikes. Every day, "disaster" threatens you. Ranging from homes due to disaster fire, accident, or simply catch the disease from their colleagues in the office. With insurance, it occurs when a critical condition. Your mind can be calm. Therefore, all events outside of the plan are already protected by insurance. Moreover, when mortality risk of illness such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer are certainly, require no maintenance costs little. Health insurance could be the solution to this kind of conditions.

• Insurance can help you manage finances more wisely. Insurance with a certain guarantee that you choose can be  "Way out" of financial problems at the onset, to cover the cost of daily living. Therefore, the range of facilities options insurance, you can get various advantages in these critical moments. 

moreover, you can also set how much it costs invested in insurance so could actually manage expenses more easily. Plus, if you have life insurance, the time of death, your family would not be abandoned because it was bailed for living expenses.

• Insurance to help enjoy a better future. When retirement someday, if not prepared early, you can desperate for revenue from monthly income suddenly reduced drastically or even no income at all. Therefore, in order to remain able to enjoy old age, retirement savings plan plus health insurance package will make retirement more enjoyable.

• Insurance can help prepare your child's school tuition. When your child enters school age, certainly a lot of expenses that you need to prepare. From year to year the higher education expenses. How The good of the child was aged 0 years, you have to prepare for their insurance education. And planning costs education from elementary to college. Thus education is secure even if something is not untoward happen to their parents.

Insurance denial

Some people think of insurance as a form of betting in force during the period of the policy. Insurance companies are betting that the property buyer will not be lost when the buyer pays the money. Differences in fees paid to the insurance company against the amount they can receive when the accident occurred about the same as when someone bet on horse racing (eg, 10 to 1).

For this reason, some religious groups, including the Amish avoid insurance and rely on the support received by their communities when disasters occur. In the community and supports a close relationship in which the people can help each other to rebuild the lost property, this plan can work. Most people can not effectively support the system as above and the system will not work for big risk.
water soda benefits

water soda benefits

Many people are fond of fizzy drinks, this may be because of its unique taste and its effects felt after drinking, drink soda often used to serve as replacement drink to eliminate hunger, but it is also suitable for fizzy drinks entertaining guests.

Soda water is a kind of water is effervescent carbonized and made with the addition of carbon dioxide gas under pressure. Soda water gets its name from the sodium salt contains said compound 'salty,' adds a different quality for a number of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_soda accessed on September 24, 2011 at 19:21 pm ). Carbonation happen when carbon dioxide dissolves in water or in a chemical compound is CO2 + H2O -> H2CO3.

However, do you know the benefits of soft drinks? If not, time for you to know in order to take advantage of these soft drinks and avoid the side effects of fizzy drinks.

4 sodas benefits are:

    Soda water can be used to clean the crust in the bathroom.
    Can be used to clean the carburetor.
    As a rust remover.
    Soda can be used for cleaning stains on clothes that contain fat.

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Benefits of Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol Benefits

Researchers from Emory University have discovered that the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) to consume alcohol to be used as medicine. The flies are drinking alcohol to expel parasites that exist in his body.

This of course will impact on alcohol consumption by humans is not entirely negative or damaging the body.

"We believe what we found has shown that alcohol consumption may have a protective effect against infectious diseases, especially against parasites that invade through the blood," said Dr. Todd Schlenke, author of the study published in scientificamerican.com.

Todd is also an expert at Emory University evolutionary geneticist added, "Fruit flies may be able to adapt to alcohol, therefore used as a drug. But then we tried to raise the question becomes, if the flies could use alcohol to control parasites in the blood, other organisms including humans possible to control parasites in the blood by using high doses of alcohol? "

Todd studied two species of wasps lay their eggs and larvae in the fruit fly. When the wasp eggs hatch, the baby wasps eat fly larvae from the inside out. If you consume a lot of alcohol fruit flies, wasps difficult to lay their eggs in the larvae of flies. Even if the bees do it, there will be lots of eggs that hatched.

Inside the fruit is ripe, fly larvae consume 5-15% alcohol. "They (the flies) generally live with alcohol," said Tood.

Tood also said that he wanted to test whether flies consume alcohol can prevent what is called "endoparasitoid" wasps that eat the flies from the inside out. So to a study appearing in the journal Current Biology, the researchers releasing some flies on petri dishes containing food flies (6% alcohol on half of the plate and the free alcohol on the other side).

After 24 hours, 80 percent of the infected flies wasp eggs on the side of alcohol, while only 30 percent of the uninfected larvae of fruit flies were on the other side is free of alcohol.

"The results were very surprising," said Tood. "Flies are infected accidentally consume alcohol. Due to consume alcohol flies can extend their survival."

Benefits of Alcohol

Alcohol Benefits

Why You Should Not Avoid Alcohol

Beer and wine that had consumed sufficient alcohol to have saved some of the adventurers the world. Just say Columbus who survived the journey to the sea but as it is known that the water in the vessel likely to be contaminated with the pathogen. Columbus and his crew landed at Plymouth Rock instead because of its beauty but because that's where they ran out of beer.

The meaning of the story by Tood is they know that the sailors who make it healthy is beer. If not why Henry VII ensure its vessels carrying more beer than food. Or during the Spanish expedition, John Stile wrote to the king, "Your Majesty, the biggest drawback is the way the stock of beer."

Only remember to not consume Alcohol too much, cause it will cost your health.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Benefits of bathing with warm water

If you are like to shower with hot water, please be careful since it’s just not advisable to linger. Better is a bath with warm water. According to the Live Strong website, there are several benefits of bathing with warm water as below

Top 6 Benefits Bathing With Warm Water:

benefits of shower with warm water

benefits of shower with warm water

1. Relaxation Muscle, tendons, and joints
Bathing with warm water will give relaxation of the joints, tendons, and muscle tissue.  At the same time, Warm water can treat pain in muscles and joints caused by arthritis, muscle tear, and fatigue. Warmth will stimulate circulation and blood flow. Although no permanent cure, a five-minute warm baths can reduce pain, stimulate healing and reduce inflammation.

2. Cleaning the skin
Clogged pores can cause blemishes and accumulation of toxins in the skin. Warm water will open the pores, making it easy to clean, and all the dirt was loose. Rinse with cold water, so the pores will close again.

3. Warm up before exercise
Warm bath in the morning is an effective way to heat up the body before exercise in the morning. When you wake up, the muscles may be in a rigid state. Warm bath can help relax the muscles with blood circulation.

4. Eliminate neck and shoulder were sore
Besides massaged, hot bath can to reduce neck and shoulder were sore and stiff. Flush with the rigid parts warm water for a few minutes to relax the muscles.

5. Relieves cough
Steam from the warm water can relieve and get rid of phlegm. Causing coughing sputum or throat pain. Adding eucalyptus oil to the skin or into the air will make you breathe easier.

6. Reduce stress and insomnia
Warm bath is a natural tranquilizer. If you are under stress or trouble sleeping, take a bath of warm water for 10 minutes to soothe the body, mind, and nerves.

Have you take a bath with warm water today?

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Benefits of Chives

The Benefits of Chives

So far, people familiar with Leek or Allium schoenoprasum as a food flavoring. Culinary expert as a mixture of chopped vegetables fried egg, tofu, shrimp bakwan, or martabak. Savory aroma, make your own chives one favorite seasoning. Vegetables that are used to add flavor to balance the spicy and sour taste of vinegar in pickles.

If you are a fan of Leek, be thankful because it could well reap the benefits of antihypertension chives as an herb. In addition to cheap, readily available Kucai anytime and anywhere, including on your subscription vegetable vendors.

The antihypertension efficacy due tetrametiloksamida chives contain compounds and ester 17-etadekadesenil. Antihypertensive effect comparable with chives extract Atenolol 25 mg dose. Atenolol hypertension-lowering agent that is often prescribed by doctors belonging to the beta blockers. About toxicity, from the clinical trials revealed that eating chives in high doses remains safe though.

Fortunately Indonesia is rich in medicinal plants, so there is new hope for people with hypertension to be independent of pharmacological drugs. This fact can be seen from the number of traditional medicine (fitofarmaka) to treat hypertension in circulation and consumed by the public.

Leek or Allium leaf schoenoprasu also known as chives, onions and gow choy doubles, including the type of plant onions. These plants clustered like the new rice plants grow. Purple flower color and shape is flat, solid and not hollow. Onions are soft scent of plants in the leaves take this course in addition to adding flavor to a dish, it also serves to lower blood pressure and stimulate the appetite, remove phlegm / mucus. Good use of the leaf is young leaves dark green.
the benefits of cupping

the benefits of cupping

cupping health benefits

cupping health benefits

Cupping or hijamah is a treatment technique by throwing dirty blood (harmful toxins) from the body through the skin surface. According to public schools, in fact it serves to remove the blood that has been damaged or oxidized due to high oxidant in the body.

Al Hijamah words derived from Arabic terms: Hijama (حجامة) which means the release of bad blood. Whereas in English called cupping, and in the Malay language known as bekam. In Indonesia, also known as kop or cantuk term.

Cupping therapy is quite popular in many European countries and America, in colleges-universities and colleges curriculum that teaches alternative medicine and complementary medicine, and in many treatment centers with a variety of ingredients.

Cupping blood is the blood that issued by the clerk of cupping of the body.
There are several features of the bruise blood that makes me stunned:

1. Oxidized blood without air (anaerobic).
2. Separation of plasma from blood.
3. Plasma discharge alone of the cupping place.
4. If we put the two cups to suck the blood, then the blood could have come out on the glass, but could not go out at all on the glass that one again, even though both are side by side.

Comparison of Laboratory Results Between Blood in Blood Vessels Set with Blood Out Because Cupping:
The doctors were surprised by the statement of scientists Damascus, Muhammad Amin Syaikhu in outstanding scientific article about the bruise and common knowledge about the healing mechanism derived from the practice of cupping is in damaged blood cleansed from the body that inhibits the passage of the functions and duties of the perfect body , so that the body becomes easy prey for a variety of diseases.

To reveal the meaning of this sentence "cleanse the body of damaged blood", a laboratory team have examined the blood of cupping points (ie from the nape) in laboratory and compared with normal blood vessels in a large number of people who have cupping based on the principles of Cupping is true, and blood can be seen from the results of laboratory studies of blood against the blood of cupping.

Based on the research, the benefits of cupping look as follows:
1. That the bruise blood containing one-tenth levels of white blood cells (leukocytes) in the blood that is in common. Was seen in all the cases studied, with no exceptions. This fact is staggering the doctors!! Therefore, how the blood can get out without the release of white blood cells? This fact suggests that cupping therapy remains to protect and at the same time strengthen the immune system elements.

2. As concerns the erythrocytes (red blood cells), all red blood cells have an odd shape, meaning that the cells are not able to activity call, in addition to also inhibit other cells are still young and active.

This suggests that the process of cupping throw red blood cells are damaged and are no longer needed blood, while retaining the white blood cells in the body. While fashd cause loss of blood composition useful with red blood cells to be cleared.

3. Bonding capacity of iron in the blood is very high cupping (550-1100), one thing that shows that the bruise maintain iron in the body do not come out with blood ejected with a bruise as the early use of iron in the formation of cell- new young cells.

4. Content of red blood cells and white blood cells in the blood of cupping high. This suggests that the cupping process succeeded in removing all dirt, rest, and erythrocyte sedimentation active pushing back the entire system and organs of the body.

I hope after you read this article you'll now know about the benefits of cupping.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Benefits of Pumpkin

All About Pumpkin

Pumpkin is a food that is rich in vitamins A and C, minerals, and carbohydrates. There are five species commonly known pumpkin, Cucurbita maxima Duchenes i.e., Cucurbita Ficifolia Bouche, Cucurbita mixta, Cucurbita moschata Duchenes, and Cucurbita L. pipo the fifth species in Indonesia pumpkins called pumpkins water fruit (pumpkin) because it has characteristics similar. 

benefits and efficacy Fruit Pumpkin
Pumpkin Health Benefits
Based on research conducted by the Nutrition and health experts, pumpkins have enormous benefits for health to cure various diseases and also for beauty.

Pumpkin fruit in fact contain a variety of content that are beneficial to health, benefits and efficacy Pumpkin can also be used for treatment, there are many types of pumpkins but only a few types of squash are widely used, namely squash, yellow squash fruit, and fruit flask of water. Pumpkins can also be found in almost all places in the world, the celebration of Halloween and the story of Cinderella is 2 things that have always been associated with a pumpkin.

Pumpkin Benefits to Health

Did you know that pumpkin also contain a variety of nutrients that are needed by the body? Several types of vitamins contained in fruit squash is Vitamin C, Vitamin A and beta-carotene. It makes eating pumpkin is very good for maintaining eye health and to increase endurance.

6 Health Benefits of Pumpkin

1. Pumpkin is rich in mineral deposits such as iron, potassium; phosphorus and calcium are needed by the body.
2. Water content and high fiber in pumpkin also have benefits for digestion, fight fever, diarrhea and resolve inflammation.
3. Consuming pumpkin is also health for kidneys and heart and is able to prevent premature aging due to the high antioxidant content of a pumpkin.
4. Another benefit of a pumpkin that is able to treat thrush as well as laxative urine (diuretic)
5. Pumpkin Fruit content of alkaloids containing useful as anti-cancer, which is very good for preventing attacks cancer cells.
6. To the young lady pumpkin Fruit Benefits for skin care, prevent bone loss and beneficial boost immunity.

Other Benefits of Pumpkin

In addition to the flesh, the skin turns a pumpkin is also rich in benefits. Based on research conducted by scientists in South Korea was found protein substances in the skin of a pumpkin is very effective for treating fungal diseases.

Hopefully with article about a thousand benefits of a pumpkin can be useful for the readers.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

benefits of yoga reduces allergic reactions

reduces allergic reactions
reduces allergic reactions with yoga
Nearly 40 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies. When allergy relapse will appear various reactions, such as sneezing, itching, pain, and fatigue. To overcome this, allergy sufferers will usually consume drugs. Are there other ways besides taking medicine to overcome allergies?

Allergic reactions can interfere with the activity at home, at school and even at work. According to the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology, allergic rhinitis or hay fever occurs when the inside of the nose are inflamed or swollen as a result of allergens.

"Allergens are allergy triggers, such as pollen, dust, or pet dander. Allergens trigger the release of substances in the body called antihistamines," said Michael Setzen, MD, clinical professor of otolaryngology at the University Medical School, New York.

"When people suffer from allergies, they become restless and stress levels go up," said Baxter Bell, MD, a medical acupuncturist and yoga instructor in Oakland, CA.

Reduces Allergic Reactions with Benefits of Yoga

"Furthermore, the immune system begins to close. Doing something that allows for relaxation, such as yoga, can help your body respond calm and soothe allergies," said Bell, as quoted on the Prevention, Tuesday (23/04/2013).

One of the yoga moves that can be done to help relax the body cope with stress due to allergy is the movement of 'Warrior I Pose'. This movement allows the chest and lungs to open and drain all the mucus that causes shortness.

Here are the stages of yoga 'Warrior I Pose' to do:

1. Stand up straight with your feet together and arms at side.
2. Inhale and stretch the right foot forward, left foot back.
3. Inhale and raise your arms over your shoulder width apart, palms facing each other.
4. Exhale and turn your right foot out 90 degrees to the right and your left foot at 45 degrees to the right.
5. Exhale, turn your hips and body facing the same direction with your right foot. Take a deep breath.
6. As you exhale, bend your right knee, forming a right angle with the thigh and shin. Hold this position for 3 to 10 slow, deep breaths. Repeat on the left side.

"Laid back and relaxed to relieve allergic reactions. Yoga is also usually can be done indoors, so it will prevent patients from any irritants in the air outside," said Setzen.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Benefits of Hypnosis

About  Hypnosis

Hypnosis is the art of exploring the human subconscious. Whatever the benefits of Hypnosis? people may only know hypnosis as an entertainment. In fact, during times of war, hypnosis is used to 'erase' the army of pain to be amputated. According to Brendan L. Smith (2011), hypnosis can make a very relaxed condition, inner concentration and focused attention on the patient himself.

Hypnosis can also be adapted to the different treatment methods, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy. Patients in the hypnosis also can become more competitive by learning to compelled self (self-hypnosis) in the home to reduce the pain he suffered, enhance sleep quality and reduce some of the symptoms such as depression and anxiety.

In fact, hypnosis actually has a lot of benefits. Here are the benefits of hypnosis in a variety of fields:

health benefits of hypnosis
story of hypnosis
Hypnosis Benefits in Psychology
In the field of psychology, hypnosis has a lot of benefits. One is for the healing of trauma caused by a thing. Hypnosis can also be used to generate self-confidence.

field of Beauty
Hypnosis is also very useful in the field of beauty. Especially to bring inner beauty. In addition, hypnosis can also dgunakan as a means of diet and slimming the body.

Benefits of Hypnosis in Health Sector
In the field of health, hypnosis also has a huge benefit. One example of the application of hypnosis in health is to eliminate pain when injected, tooth extraction or when giving birth.

Hypnosis Benefits in Business Sector
Hypnosis can also be used in the business you know. One of the benefits of hypnosis in the field of business is when negotiating with partners.

Hypnosis Benefits in field of Education
Have you heard about hypnoteaching?? Hypnoteaching is hypnotic applications in education. Hypnoteaching very useful, especially for you in the field of education.

The above was just a bit of benefit from the breadth of the ocean hypnotic. You can perform hypnosis for yourself. Then gain the benefits of Hypnosis.