Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mango the natural antioxidants for body

The Benefits Of Mango, The Natural Antioxidant for Body

mango benefits

natural antioxidants for body

Before we know the benefits of mango, a little explanation about the race mango, mango some have a sense of wry / sour, sweet, and some mediocrity. But over the expansion period, and knowledge of crop cultivation, the fruit is still always available in the market although not as much in season.

Mango fruit has some good content for the health of our bodies, as for the content, such as Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, C, pantothenic acid, magnesium, calcium, antioxidants, carbohydrates, protein content and much more nutrient contents beneficial for our body.

Well after we both know a little about the mango, the following is a benefit of mango that you can get if you consume:

Top 5 Mango Fruit Benefits

1.  Is Mango Antioxidant Natural Resources
    The availability of calcium, betakaroten, as well as vitamins A and C, making this one piece to be one of the alternative sources of natural antioxidants. As we know that vitamin C can betakaroten and body protection. As for Vitamin A itself is useful good for eye health / retina of our eyes.
2.  For Fruit To Diet
    Usually people do diet program by reducing meal portions, or eating routine schedule every day, which usually eat 3 times a day to 1 or 2 times a day, even though this can harm our body. Therefore to trick it you can consume mangoes, without the need to reduce food portions.
3. Why mango fruit can make solutions to diet? This is because mangoes are rich in nutrients, such as antioxidants, magnesium, calcium, fiber and vitamins A, C Well with the various kinds of nutrients that cause smooth the mango suitable for your diet program.
4.  Getting Rid of Acne And Making skin soft and smooth
    In addition to natural antioxidant and beneficial to the diet, it appears mango can also provide a positive effect to the skin and eliminate acne. This is supported by the availability of nutrients such as Vitamin A in mangoes.
5.  Mangoes Gets cure misnomer or Inner Fever.
    To cope with the heat we have always felt, after contact with the heat of the sun can cause heat inside. Of course you want something fresh-fresh right?, Whether it's food or drink. Well mango can provide the best solution to solve the problem. You can make or buy mango juice can eliminate body weary.

That was short article about Mangoes benefits, if any of said pass word and not immaculate, I'm sorry, hope this article was beneficial to us all.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Vomiting Health benefits

So far, vomiting synonymous with disease that must be stopped. In fact, it's not all bad throw. Vomiting can be divided into two, namely vomiting unintentional and intentional vomiting. Vomiting that can occur when we are feeling sick, eating foods / drinks that are not suitable for our digestion, poisoning, or even because of nausea after seeing someone else's vomit. The deliberate vomiting conducted primarily to maintain a healthy body.

Vomiting is one of the ten things that should be removed from the body by Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jauziyah in his book Zad al-Ma'ad. Thus, we should not stop vomiting if it felt like vomiting unless excessive vomiting frequency.

Vomiting is one of the methods used by the body to remove mucus from the body that interfere with the digestive and respiratory systems. This method is often used by experts gurah to the patient. Maintain health by doing more suited vomiting during hot weather, for example in the summer (in the 4 seasons) or in the dry season. Hot weather tends to draw the mucus making it easier to remove. When the weather is cold, the mucus in the body will experience freezing making it difficult to ride / expelled through vomiting. When mucus can not be expelled through vomiting, then the mucus excreted through feces.

Ideally, vomiting needs to be put in once a month during hot weather. Vomiting is best done in the middle of the month hijriyah, for example at 13-15 hijriyah, because at times the moon is full and the weather is at its hottest. If the vomiting is still deemed less completely finished (it still feels no mucus), vomiting can be done back in the next day. To avoid excessive vomiting because he saw his own vomit, vomiting can be done by closing your eyes and get rid of it before it opened my eyes.

The Benefits of Forest for Human Being

Since the ancient human ancestors, the forest was designated as the area for earning a living. Since then there have been local wisdom about human beings to protect and preserve the forest and its environment to remain a excellent forest rest of their lives.
Forest known to have benefits directly or indirectly to human life as presented as follows.

1. Direct benefit of Forest for human being

1.1. Resource materials / construction of buildings (houses, bridges, ships, boat, train bearings, power poles, plywood, particle board, panels etc.).
1.2. Resource materials home furniture (furniture, sculptures, plates, ladles, spoons, etc.).
1.3. Source of food supply (sago, umbian, vegetables, etc.).
1.4. Protein source (honey, meat, bird nests, etc.).
1.5. Resource support educational facilities (pinsil and paper).
1-6. Source of fuel (firewood, charcoal etc.).
1-7. Source of oxygen (breathing human, animal respiration)
1.8. Sources of income (sale of timber and non-timber forest)
1.9. Source of drug-Department (leaves, bark, sap, fruit / seeds)
1-10. Wildlife habitat (food, drink, play, sleep)

2. Indirect benefits of Forest for human being

2.1. Regulator solar system water (water discharge, erosion, flooding, drought)
2.2. Control climate patterns (temperature, humidity, evaporation)
2.3. Control global warming
2.4. Ecotourism (recreation, hunting, camping etc.)
2.5. Germplasm laboratory (national parks, botanical gardens etc.)
2.6. Education and research center
2.7. Resources supporting materials chemical industries (dyes, terpenes, cosmetics, drugs, textiles etc.).

Forest is a community of plants and animals that live in the surface layer and the ground, which is located in an area and form an ecosystem that is in dynamic equilibrium. Thus meaning associated with processes relating namely:

1. Hydrological,
forest means a storage warehouse absorb water and rain water or dew will eventually stream into the rivers that has a fountain in the middle of the forest on a regular basis according to the rhythms of nature. Forests also play a role to protect the soil from erosion and recycle momentous element.

2. Climate,
natural means ecosystem component consisting of the elements of rain (water), sunlight (temperature), wind and humidity can greatly affect life at the surface of the earth, especially macro-or micro-climate.
benefit forest climate elements

3. Soil fertility,
means forest land is the main humus formation and storage of mineral elements for other plants. Soil fertility is determined by factors such as parent rock types that form, the condition for the process of formation, texture and structure of soil covering the humidity, temperature and soil water, topography regions, vegetation and bodies of living bodies. These factors which later resulted in the formation assorted forest formations and forest vegetation.

4. Genetic diversity,
forest means a wealth of varieties of flora and fauna. When the forest is not observed in the utilization and sustainability, it is not impossible to happen genetic erosion. This is because diminishing forest habitats.

5. Natural resources,
forest means able to contribute substantial natural result of foreign exchange for the country, especially in the field of industry. Besides forest also provides functionality to the community forest as day-to-day fulfillment. In addition to wood also produced other materials such as resin, Kopal, gondorukem, turpentine, white wood and rattan and plant medicines.

6. Regional nature tours,
forest means capable of functioning as a source of inspiration, aesthetics, ethics and so on.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Benefits Of SEO for Blog or Website

SEO Benefits

The Benefits Of SEO for Blog or Website

In this post I will share article about the benefits of SEO for your blog or website. In principle, SEO is a series of processes carried out systematically in order to improve the volume and quality of traffic through search engines to a particular website by utilizing the mechanism of action or the search engine algorithms.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art and techniques used or the webmaster or internet marketer in order for their website to appear at the top of search engine pages (especially on google).

Types of SEO

SEO is basically divided into two parts, namely SEO Onpage and offpage SEO
SEO Onpage SEO deals with optimization techniques that relate to the content / page website itself, such as keyword selection, keyword placement, keyword and number of others.
Related to SEO offpage optimization SEO techniques outside of the website itself, for example blogwalking, a blog comment, backlinks, Social media promotion, etc.

Benefits of SEO for Website and or Blog

There are several important points regarding the benefits of SEO for your website, ie:
1.  Increasing the quality of traffic
     Running continuously SEO techniques then blog or website will get quality qualified traffic from google, yahoo and bing.
2.  Increase the popularity of blogs
     With good SEO optimizers often also our blog on the first page in the SERP and can easily recognize.
3.  Improving an online business
     By applying SEO techniques proportionately our online business is definitely going to be a new subscriber-subscriber, because we get the website traffic and high position in the search engines.
4.  Additional sitelinks from google
     Blog or website we can special assessments provided by Google.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Cough health benefits

Cough is one of the common diseases, especially in children. Some causes of cough include infections that can be derived from a virus or bacteria, allergies, asthma, smoke cigarettes and so on.

Cough usually accompanied by a cold or flu can certainly interfere with the activity and rest time. However, cough also has its own benefits for your body.

"Coughing that occurs occasionally is part of the body's defense mechanism because it is useful in removing the mucus and clear the throat and respiratory tract," said Dr S Djokomuljanto, MMed (Paeds) SpA, when met at the restaurant Goela Flower, Jakarta.

Normally, 10-year-old healthy children cough as much as 10-34 times in 24 hours and take place during the day so it does not interfere with sleep. However, Djokomuljanto also add that you have to recognize the type of cough suffered.

"A cough that lasts for a long time can be dangerous and is a symptom of a serious illness such as heart disease, lung and so on," he said.

Cough can be divided into several types namely acute cough is usually experienced more than two weeks, 2-4 weeks experienced sub acute cough, chronic cough experienced more than four weeks, and chronic recurrent cough that lasts for two weeks or more or a recurring cough at least in three consecutive months, with or without accompanied by symptoms or non respiratory respirator.

To deal with children who have cough, advised rest with enough warm water consumption, protecting the environment and keep the room warm, routine hand washing and cough medicines given. Do not let a cough occurs in a period too long because it could be a symptom of serious illness. Immediately consult a medical expert or doctor if your child suffers from recurrent chronic cough.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Massage make you rileks and healthy

Massage make you rileks and healthy

Who does not like a gentle massage on the body after tired of doing various activities? Massage is not just a stress reliever and can make your body more comfortable. Massage also proved beneficial to your health.

Until now you might think that massage has only one ultimate goal, which is to make you feel pampered and relaxed. Apparently, there are tremendous benefits of massage that you normally do, one of which helps your blood circulation. Here are the benefits of massage, as reported Magforwoman.

Improve blood circulation

As previously disclosed, massage can improve blood circulation and therefore helps the heart pump more blood around the body. This in turn leads to more oxygen and vital nutrients are pumped to the vital organs and other tissues.

It regulates blood pressure

Massage also helps in reducing hypertension. When you massage the body will be stimulated in order to get pressure receptors in the brain that regulate blood pressure.

reduce stress

To relieve stress, massage is the best option. Cortisol, a stress hormone, which decreases after a massage session according to scientific reports.
boost immunity

Levels of stress hormones (cortisol) decreases when you go for a massage. Cortisol can kill cells that are important for immunity. Thus, two-way massage benefits by reducing your stress and lead to an increase in white blood cells that boost the immune system.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Cannabis Leaves Health benefits

Cannabis for health benefits. 

cannabis leaves health benefits

cannabis leaves for health benefits

Probably all know about cannabis, but may not know all the benefits of Cannabis Leaves for Health. We all know the content or cannabis for health benefits. Cannabis or Cannabis sativa leaves another name for a marijuana leaf crops are easy to grow without the need for special care and maintenance. This plant grows in temperate climates. The tree is quite lush and thrives in the tropics.

Cannabis is well known as the tree of life because of its many benefits to sustain human civilization since the year 12,000 BC to the 1900s, the use of fiber for clothing and paper, oil and vegetable protein sources rich in seeds, leaves and the fruit useful as a medicine and a means of reflection and ritual purpose.

Do you still remember the tragedy of Chernobyl nuclear accident? nah, to neutralize radiation in agricultural land in the area was using marijuana trees. Want to know the other benefits of marijuana for health? refer to the following description

Top 8 Health Benefits of Cannabis Leaves

- Enables the entire cell system
- Nourish Body and Soul, including all ills
- Feeding Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual
- Effective for the use of the right brain
- Very useful for Science and Technology Research and Assessment
- Useful for generating energy Subconscious
- Helpful to unlock the secrets of the subconscious power of almighty
- Beneficial for Humanity restore true identity.

it was the marijuana leaf for health benefits, just remember to use it at the right dose and you'll gain the true benefits of cannabis leaves.

Cucumber ; 12 Health Benefits

The Benefits of Cucumber for Skin Care and Much More

Most of us probably often eat cucumber or cucumber. Fruit in Latin named Cucumis sativus, in some place cucumber frequently encountered in every dish, especially fresh vegetables, salad, or pickled. Cucumbers have a high water content so that the cooling function.

Cucumber pieces are also often used to help moisturize the face and is believed to reduce high blood pressure. However, to find out more about the nutritional and health benefits contained in the cucumber, let's explore what health areas obtained from the consumption of fruit including pumpkin family.

Top 12 Health Benefits Of Cucumber

benefits of cucumber

benefits of cucumber

1. Skin care
Cucumber has diuretic properties, cooling effect, and cleaners that are beneficial to the skin. High water content; vitamins A, B, and C, as well as minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, manganese, and silica; make cucumber become an important part of skin care. Face masks containing cucumber extract used for skin tightening. Ascorbic acid and caffeic acid are present in cucumber can reduce the level of water retention, which in turn reduces the swelling around the eyes.

2. Digestive function
Digestive problems, such as ulcers, gastritis acidity, and even ulcers, can be cured by eating fresh cucumber juice every day. The fiber content of food in cucumbers can expel toxins from the digestive system so it help digestive process. In fact, eating cucumbers every day is considered very effective as a cure constipation.

3. Joint health
Contained silica in cucumbers can promote the health of your joints by strengthening the connective tissue.

4. Protein digestion
Erepsin Cucumber contains enzymes that help in digestion of proteins.

5. Blood pressure
Potassium, magnesium, and fiber present in cucumber can help you keep your blood pressure remains normal.

6. Kill the tapeworm
Cucumber seeds is considered as a natural remedy to expel tapeworms in the intestinal tract. In fact, cucumber seeds are also known to be useful as anti-inflammatory and effective in the treatment of swelling of the mucous membranes (nose) and throat.

7. Nail care
Cucumbers are rich in silica, can prevent rupture and destruction of the nails on the toes and fingers.

8. Overcome gout and rheumatism
Cucumber juice is enriched in vitamin A, B1, B6, C, and D and folate, magnesium, and calcium when mixed with carrot juice can help patients who experience joint pain by lowering uric acid.

9. Treat toothache and gum
Mouth disease on the teeth and gums, especially pyorrhea, can be treated effectively with cucumber juice. Consumption of raw cucumber also can increase saliva and serves to neutralize the acids and bases in the oral cavity.

10. Diabetes
Cucumber juice is known to help the health of patients with diabetes. The content of manganese minerals useful in the synthesis of natural insulin in the body.

11. Renal Care
Cucumbers showed benefits in helping to relieve bladder and kidney problems. Water contained in the cucumber helps expedite the process of kidney function with urination. In fact, cucumber is the best natural diuretic.

12. healthy hair
Cucumber contains silica. Cucumber juice mixed with carrot, spinach, and lettuce will help hair enrichment. Silica is found in connective tissue in the body. This compound helps hair growth so that if diligent eating foods containing silica, you will have good hair and healthy bones.

So, After read the benefits of cucumber above, have you eat cucumber this day? ;).

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Water Birth Benefits for mother and baby

Benefits of water birth for mother and baby

Benefits of water birth

Benefits of water birth For Mother & Baby

The process of giving birth in water or water birth is not as popular as conventional birth, this is because Water birth requires trained medical personnel, the hospital must have a special maternity pool (birth pool). The sterility of the water need to be considered so as not to cause an infection in the mother and baby were born.

Water Birth Benefits for mothers:

Health experts in the field acknowledge that the gynecologists gave birth in the water has advantages over other delivery method. Mom will feel more relaxed because all the muscles associated with childbirth becomes elastic. This method will also facilitate the process of straining. So the pain during labor was not feeling. In the process of opening of the birth canal water will run faster.

Water Birth Benefits For babies:

Reduce the risk of injury to the baby's head.
Although it has not done in-depth research, but health experts believe that being born with this method allows the baby to be a higher IQ than babies born with other methods.
Baby's blood circulation gets better, so that the body will be quickly flushed after the baby was born.


There are 2 methods of water birth

Pure water birth. Mother came into the labor pool after an opening 6 to childbirth occurs.
Emulsion water birth. Mom just be in the pool until the end of the contraction period. Birthing process is still being done in bed.

Risk of Water Birth

  • Water birth has a possibility of swallowing pool water by baby. This condition causes the process requires the help of a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology, as well as child specialists who will check immediately at birth. So if there is an interruption can be directly detected and addressed.
  • Hypothermia or body temperature too low could be experienced if the birth mother last longer than time estimate.
  • Infants at risk of temperature shock if the water temperature is not the same as the temperature of the mother in childbirth is 37 degrees Celsius.