Sunday, June 02, 2013

Saliva Benefits for health

The Benefits of Saliva for Human Health

health benefits of saliva
Saliva Benefits for health
Saliva or saliva is known fluid produced from the human mouth. In the oral cavity, saliva acts to keep the body from various diseases (a first line of defense in the gastrointestinal system).

Saliva is mostly produced by three major glands are the parotid gland, the gland sub-lingual and sub-mandibular gland.

Many know about saliva, but some of them also do not know that saliva has good benefits for health. Reported by Female First, as to the health benefits of saliva;

Top 3 Benefits of Saliva for health

Prevent Damage to Teeth

Saliva contains polin, which is a protein that serves to protect tooth enamel. Saliva also contains minerals that help the tooth remineralization process. Production of saliva in the mouth, we can also help clean the dirt in between our teeth loh.

Maintain Cleanliness Mouth

Saliva also contains antibacterial substances that can prevent bacteria in our mouths. In addition, saliva or saliva also contains antibodies and antimicrobial compounds. Even saliva can also be deadly HIV virus.

Accelerate Wound Healing

Wound on the inner cheek and gums heal faster than in the outer shell. This occurs because of the presence of protein in saliva that helps form new blood vessels. It is also the cause why animals often lick his wounds.

So great benefits saliva saliva quality therefore need to be kept to a really high quality in carrying out its functions. Here's how to maintain the quality of saliva;

Using a toothpaste that does not contain detergent. Content of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (detergent) contained in toothpaste can damage the quality of saliva and makes the mouth dry and damage the sense of taste. So that the flavor of the food turned out to be bitter or bland shortly after brushing your teeth using toothpaste that contains detergent.

Avoid brushing your teeth immediately after eating, preferably 20 minutes after meals, because according to Prof. drg Melanie S. Djamil, MBiomed, oral health experts, saliva acts as a buffer (counterweight).

During the meal, normal saliva pH 6.8 was originally going to go down until it reaches a critical pH, which is 4. Where to eat and brush your teeth immediately, then the natural structure of the saliva will be damaged and affect the function of the digestive process takes place in the oral cavity.

Thus some of the benefits of Human Saliva.

Saturday, June 01, 2013

7 Benefits of Cry

7 Benefits of Cry
Who says there's no point crying? Eventually cry it can make eyes red and swollen. But make no mistake, crying and tears it could be a wonder drug that is useful for the health of body and mind. What is it?

Quoted from Beliefnet, the top 7 benefits of crying and watery eyes:

1. Improve visibility

Tears turned out to help the vision of a person, not just the eye itself. Discharge from the eyes to prevent dehydration in the eye membrane that can make the vision becomes blurred.

2. Kill bacteria

No need eye drops, enough tears that serves as a natural antibacterial. Contained in the tear fluid called lisozom that can kill around 90-95 per cent of the bacteria left behind from the computer keyboard, railings, sneezing and places containing bacteria, in just 5 minutes.

3. Improve mood

Someone who can cry lower levels of depression with crying, mood will be lifted again. Tears resulting from type to cry with emotion it contains 24 percent protein albumin are useful in regulating the body's metabolic system than tears resulting from irritation of the eyes.

4. Remove toxins

Biochemist William Frey has conducted several studies about tears and found that tears came out of the emotional cry because it turned out to contain poison.
But make no mistake, the release of a toxic tear it signifies that it carries toxins from the body and release it through the eye.

5. Reduce stress

How crying can reduce stress? Tears were also secrete stress hormones contained in the body of the endorphin leucine-enkaphalin and prolactin.

In addition to lowering levels of stress, tears also help fight diseases caused by stress such as high blood pressure.

6. Building a community

In addition to good physical health, crying can also help a person build a community. Usually a person in tears after telling the problem in front of his friends or someone who could provide support, and it can improve the ability to communicate and socialize.

7. Comforting feeling

It seems everyone feels that way. Although you suffered a variety of problems and trials, but after crying usually appears relieved.

After crying, the limbic system, the brain and the heart will be smooth, and it makes a person feel better and relieved. Take out the problem in your mind through the tears, not because you can cry buried explosive.

So, it's okay if you cry occasionally, I hope you like this 7 benefits of cry article :).

Friday, May 31, 2013

5 Benefit of Pets for health

The Benefits of Pets for Health

health benefits having pets

The Benefits of Pets for Health

Keeping animals can provide many benefits to its owner. Not only teaches about the meaning of love and the love of God's creation, pet it also has a variety of benefits for your health and family, not least for the children.

Based on a study in the journal Pediatrics, children who live with a pet in the first few years of even more healthy when compared with those who do not keep animals in the house.

Dr.. Danielle Fisher of St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica, United States explained that raising animals can stimulate the immune system to fight infection, for toddlers. For example, children who have a dog in the early ages they have respiratory problems and 31 percent lower than those who do not have animals.

In addition to the benefits, pet also has five other health benefits, as summarized below.

Healthy heart. According to a study published in the American Journal of Cardiology, the people who have severe disease and raising animals tend to have a healthier heart. Pet them through the tough times and painful when fighting disease. In addition, a report in 2008 also mentions that cats can reduce the risk of death after suffering a heart attack. Studies involving 4,500 people showed that cats can reduce the risk of death after a heart attack by 40 percent and reduce the risk of death from heart disease by up to 30 percent more.

Reduce Children Allergy Risk. Level of allergy sufferers in children is growing every year. However, it turned out to be solved by raising animals. According to research published in Clinical & Experimental Allergy, allergic children can be reduced if they live with a pet infancy. The reason could be because the child's immune system is getting stronger due to being near a pet.

Reduce Stress Potential. Bring pets into the workplace it can reduce stress levels and increase your satisfaction in the work. The study, published in the journal International Journal of Workplace Health Management show that the presence of pets in the workplace can provide the support that will enhance one's performance. Not only that, stroking pets can also increase levels of the hormone oxytocin and serotonin, which gives a comfortable feeling to someone, which would reduce your stress levels.

Lowering Blood Pressure. High blood pressure is associated with stress, either at work, family, etc.. Based on the study in the journal Hypertension, has turned a pet can lower one's blood pressure. In another study conducted by the University of Missouri-Columbia, stroking a pet for 15 minutes was able to reduce a person's blood pressure up to 10 percent.

Improve Self Pride. People who keep animals tend to have a greater pride and feel less lonely than those who do not. Research on it published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. In addition, pet owners also make more bold and open, because of the presence of animals pet that provide moral and social support. Pets also provide many benefits for the owner, both in terms of psychological and psychic.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Swaiso ; Suitable Sport for Slackers

The Benefits of Swaiso ; Best Exercise for the laziest

Exercise for the laziest
First, as Admin of I would like to thank to all of my readers who is willing to read this blog :) 2nd I would like to share one of my secret, I'm one of the lazy people to sport :D so I'm looking to find best exercise for slacker, and here are the story ^_^. 

According to the Greeks, is an athletic sport that cool. According to the Scotsman, is a cool sport to play golf. Did you know that the Scots are true?

According to Prof. Hembing we need to choose a sports we will do until old age. And the champion is: walking. You may choose tennis, swimming, dancing, riding, running, and so on. But make sure you do it up to old age. Because, when it used to exercise then suddenly the exercise stop then the body will 'demand' re the first. 

Still according Hembing, walking is kind of 'medium exercise' and it will make you stay healthy. So, since golf was much using legs or walking, then golf was spot on with this Hembing recommendation. Unfortunately, this sport takes a lot of capital, consuming much time, and huge space.

The Chinese are different again. The important thing on sport is to cultivate energy, instead of muscle processing. So it is not swim the best sport (like the doctor says), search is continue found: tai-chi. Ok, I agree. So I started looking for a tai-chi on the internet. Got it. Everyday Tai-chi site contains a complete different types of tai-chi as well as with the video. Cool.

It turns out I found myself are lazy. After studying the 5 moves of tai-chi 24 form, eh already demoralized. So I'm looking for another alternative, a sport for slackers. Then I found Falun Gong. Cool too, complete with video. 5 sufficiently stance, without concentration, without the rule of breath, just follow the movement of energy will appear alone.

Unfortunately, once again the power of the spirit only in positive thinking alone. Back lazy again. So I start a new search, a sport that really is perfect for someone who is very, very lazy. Uh, get a well. And after search and search on internet hola, this is the winner.
The Benefits of Swaiso

The Benefits of Swaiso

'sport swinging arms' swaiso is the original name. Yes, just swing your arms as much as 200-400 times every day. That is equivalent of walking, exercise medium. The advantages of this sport need not fear the rain, or hit by a car, or need a spacious room. according Hembing, this sport comes from Shanghai.

Here's how to do the sport for slackers:

   Stand up straight, feet shoulder width stretched and look straight ahead
   Gripping toes. he is to press your foot so pressing acupuncture points
   Use abdominal breathing, Inhale while expand abdomen and exhale breath while gently pull the abdomen in
   Arms straight, palms facing backward
   Swing your hands together forward and backward. One swing is calculated starting from the front-to back - to the front again.
   Do as many as 200-400 times (approximately 5-15 minutes)

That is my story my "hard" way to find suitable sport for the laziest :D.

earthworms lower cholesterol and cure thypus

The Benefits of Earthworms to Lower Cholesterol and Cure Thypus

Earthworms may look disgusting, but do you know if apparently earthworms have many benefits and efficacy for human health. Benefits and Efficacy of earthworms in the world of healthcare can treat some types of diseases. see more below

Among the more than 1800 species of earthworms are there in the world and has been recognized by scientists, of which there are two types of earthworm commonly used in the cultivation of earthworms and organic fertilizer production process, which is kind of worm Lumbricus and Eisenia Rubellus Fetida (tiger worms). Earthworm species Lumbricus Rubellus are animals that belong in avetebrata animals (invertebrates) that live in the land is fertile and moist. The worms go in gologan epigeic worms. The second type of worm is very easy to breed among other types of worms.

Several studies have proven the anti-bacterial properties of the protein produced from the extraction of earthworms that can inhibit the growth of gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli, Shigella Dysenterica, Staphilococcus Staphylococcus, and Salmonella Thyp. Experts from a variety of sources and experts earthworm researchers commented that there are a lot of benefits and efficacy of the earthworm, to cure some diseases among which are:

    Earthworms benefits to cure diseases thypus
    Earthworms benefits could lower cholesterol levels
    Earthworms benefits to increase endurance.
    Earthworms benefits can lower high blood pressure.
    Earthworms benefits can increase appetite
    Earthworms benefitsto treat infections of the gastrointestinal tract such as dysentery, diarrhea and other stomach disorders.
    Earthworms benefits can treat respiratory tract infections such as influenza, asthma, bronchitis and even TB (Tuberculosis).
    Earthworms benefits can reduce fatigue and aches and pains due to rheumatism.
    Earthworms benefits can lower blood sugar levels for people with diabetes.
    Earthworms benefits can treat exim, hemorrhoids, wounds, allergies and toothache.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Water; top 10 benefits for body

Water; top 10 benefits for body

1. Forming cells and body fluids
Water plays an important role in the body. Imagine, most of the human body consists of water. If we are short of water, it will interfere with the body's systems work.

This fluid is required for substances such as blood, gastric fluid, hormones, enzymes and so on. The water is also present in the muscle and muscle tone so useful maintain muscles are able to contract.

2. Regulating body temperature
Produce hot water, absorbs and dissipates heat through the body so as to keep the body temperature remains stable. Through the production of sweat which is largely made up of water and salt, the water can make the body temperature becomes cooler.

3. solvent

Water dissolves more nutrients and helps the process of digestion. Water can quickly pass through the small intestine and most of the absorbed.

Well, the water also serves to facilitate the process of human waste expenditure. Therefore, if we rarely take the course defecation (BAB) so it is not smooth.

4. Lubricants and bearings

Water also serves as a lubricant or lubricant in the form of joint fluid which allows joints to move properly. Water also serves as a vibration-resistant pads on the body tissues, such as the brain, eyes, and uterus.

5. media transport

Water consists of hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, therefore it serves to be a means of transport in the body. He will carry vital substances such as vitamins, minerals, calcium entry of food and then distributed throughout the body.

6. Detoxification (Removal of toxins)

The human body produces toxins from the remnants of food that enters the body. Well, these toxins can be removed through the urinary tract (to urinate), gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, and skin, which requires the media, namely water.

Wow, that's a lot of water function and is essential for the body. If so, please do not hesitate to drink lots of water, well that is always a healthy body.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Using Payment Cards: Top 10 Advantages of

The benefit of Using Payment Cards: Top 10 Advantages of

credit card benefits

debit card benefits

Using credit and debit cards provide a number of benefits that you can not get with cash or check. Credit cards do give a lot of advantages both discounts at restaurants, hotels, ticket purchases, department stores and supermarkets as well as the ease of payment. 

However if we are not careful in using it, we might preoccupation swipe a credit card without considering how much we have to pay bills.

Below are 10 key benefits of using payment cards:

  1. Convenience - credit and debit cards offer a hassle-free shopping experience - without the need for cash - no checks - no other proof of identity requirements.

  2. Security - Cash stolen can certainly be used by anyone. If you lose a credit card or debut, report it to the card issuing bank as soon as possible in order to be protected from unauthorized card use. However, every bank card issuers may have different policies, you need to confirm with your bank.

  3. Emergency protection - Credit cards can help you to make payments in any kind of emergency. Like a security blanket that will provide protection in all situations.

  4. Accepted Worldwide - Most credit cards and debit accepted worldwide. Compare with DAJ cash a check! Even if you need the cash, you can get local currency withdrawals through ATMs or banks around the world that accept credit or debit cards.

  5. Recording Transactions More Simple - Credit card and debut gives you a record of all transactions each month, so you can keep track of where your money goes.

  6. Consumer Protection - When you buy goods or services with a credit card, you can have protection if the product / service is defective or unsatisfactory, because the card issuing bank could intervene on your behalf in the event of a dispute. But if you have to pay in cash or by check, the merchant would not be too keen to make adjustments. Clearly Consult with your card issuing bank about a policy dispute with the merchant.

  7. Additional Benefits - Many credit cards offer rebates, cash back, 0% installment or additional benefits that you will not enjoy the payment through cash.

  8. Flexibility - Suppose you are in a shopping center and see an item on sale for a limited time. You do not have the money at the time, but do not want to downsize the opportunity, credit cards allow you to take advantage of discounts or special moments, and then you can pay in full the bill later.

  9. Budget setting Easier - With credit cards, you can plan to make large purchases and then pay it all at once or in stages according to your ability.

  10. Essential Elements for shopping transactions via mail, telephone and internet - credit or debit card is very important for booking airline tickets or hotel rooms. When you travel abroad, the credit card is a universal guarantee your ability to pay. Credit or debit cards also simplify and accelerate the process of shopping by mail, telephone and online.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sneezing Benefits

Sneezing is a great airflow through the mouth and nose. According to wikipedia, a sneeze is a semi-autonomous air discharge that occurs with hard through the nose and mouth. This air can reach speeds of 70 m / sec (250 km / h). Sneezing can spread the disease through a grain infected water whose diameter between 0.5 to 5 lm. Approximately 40,000 grains of water as it can be produced in a single sneeze

Sneezing usually occurs because there are bullies particles in your nose. Nerve endings in the nose stimulates you sneeze to get rid of those particles. 

Other causes that brought this about was the cold or flu. At the time of the flu, a lot of foreign particles in your nose, forcing the nose stimulates sneezing. And when you sneeze air speed can reach 166 kilometers per hour. Then when you sneeze will issue up to 100,000 small mucus granules and micro-organisms.

At the time of sneezing, your eyes closed, because there are nerves in the nose and the eyes is actually related to each other, so that when we sneeze, our eyes will automatically be closed. This is to protect the tear ducts and blood capillaries to avoid contamination by the bacteria out of the nasal membranes. 

By the time we sneeze, the reflex muscles on the face we become tense, the heart would stop beating for a moment. Soon after sneezing it will be back again throbbing heart beat again alias.
Actually sneezing also has the benefit of keeping your nose clean, sneezing which occurs over and over again is expected to help the cleanup efforts in the nasal cavity

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Blinked Eye Benefits

The eye is a sense of vision, so as to have a pretty vital functions for our body. Without we realize, this vision senses often blinking, without us ever know what its function. Often we ignore these flickers activity, whereas blinking of the eyes is an "activity" very important to maintain the function of the eye.

Do you ever count how many times you blink in a day? hundreds or thousands of times? There are some who blink frequency fast, some are slow. If you know the real benefits of blinking, then you'll notice how great the blessings given by God to man only from a simple activity, that is flashing.

Based on a research, the human eye can blink as much as 15,000 times a day. The figure is the estimated amount for adult and old people have a normal eye health. That is the amount that you would not realize as a way to keep the work function points. In many cases, the amount of flicker varies per person. Age is a major factor that affects the amount done by a wink. Baby still has a lot of eye mucous membrane up level relative blink less frequency compared to those elderly who have little mucous membranes in the eyes. Several other psychological trigger factors also affect the amount of flicker, such as an angry, emotional, nervous, embarrassed, or see some attraction, the total points possible will blink manifold.

Top 4 Functions & Benefits of blinking :

1. With a blink, the eyes are awake humid, because when blinking tears will wet the surface of the eye ball, especially on the cornea. Part of the cornea of ​​the eyes are susceptible to irritation when left in dry conditions.

2. Blink as a reflex to prevent the entry form various forms of foreign objects into the eyes. Various dirt, dust, or perhaps a small animal that comes into your eye will easily detected the occurrence blink of an eye. Existence of cilia will also help the process of blinking, people who have little or short eyelashes tend to be more easily contaminated by dirt or dust. Long eyelashes will usually help protect the eyes.

3. Flashing a response form the various events that took place. Blink of an eye is one part of the body language that has many meanings. Blink of an eye that is too much can have a sense that someone is keeping a lie, nervous, and so on. People like this would normally do with a blink of an eye blink more.

4. Other benefits of blinking is to add aesthetic value and appearance of your face. Imagine what will happen if your eyes do not blink, then it could be you are a terrible figure without expression.

Some benefits blink of an eye on will certainly make you more aware of how important keeping eye health can be reached by consuming vitamin sources that support, and do not do other activities that trigger damage to the eye.