Monday, June 17, 2013

The Benefits of Falling in Love

The Health Benefits of Falling in Love

love benefits for health

The Benefits of Falling in Love

Who would not be happy if it is experiencing love? Over the years, many studies have shown that real love has proven to be beneficial for health.

The health benefits of love may surprise you - love can make you healthy mentally, physically, socially and spiritually. This is good news for people who spend time to love the environment and what is most important is that it's not just the physical side of it you can benefit, there are again some things that you've never known before.

Professor Jacques Snyman, Clinical Advisor for Resolution Health Medical Scheme highlights why it is important to create a space for love in your life. below you can find out seven benefits of falling in love for health

Top 7 Health Benefits of Falling in Love

1. Love can make you live longer
In the beginning, humans have relied on each other to survive. As social beings, we all have a natural biological desire makes us want to find a intimate bonds with others. Found no such connection can lead to stress and other factors, which could affect your age.

"Research shows that people who are in love relationships have lower mortality rates than single people, even those with healthy lifestyles tend to live longer than those who do not have social support and community," said Professor Snyman.

According to a study conducted by Brigham Young University, spending time with your loved ones have a very positive effect on the health and can reduce the risk of premature death. Falling in love also reduce the likelihood of depression.

In addition, this study also showed that people often will feel safe when they are combined (joint). For example, a person tends to risk their lives by smoking, binge drinking, illegal racing, or dangerous eating habits if a loved one depends on them.

2. Love can help fight disease
What's better than falling in love with each other with your partner and the bonus is you can help fight the deadly disease within you? Research has shown that falling in love can help combat asthma, arthritis, fever, nasal congestion and even headaches.

"A strong support system and protect the body from developing a romantic high levels of cortisol (kartisol is one type of hormone). And fell in love helps protect you from various diseases including cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, high blood pressure and ischemic heart disease - three diseases The most deadly, "said Professor Snyman.

3. Love boosts the immune system
Have love in your life might just save you from the flu. A recent study showed that five minutes you get a sense of affection, will boost your immune system as a whole, led to a gradual increase in the release of the antibody immunoglobulin A (IgA), the body naturally against colds, flu and germs that attack parts of your body other.

4. Love to help you look younger
Shining part of falling in love is not a myth. Many studies show that people who are in a happy relationship physically look younger than those who did not. "By increasing the blood flow to the skin, falling in love can increase the supply of essential nutrients and oxygen to the cells of your skin, make you look healthier," explains Professor Snyman.

5. Love can make you slim
It is very common for people to lose weight when they start dating someone. "Falling in love causes your body to pump out a neurotransmitter called adrenaline, which acts as an appetite suppressant," says Professor Snyman.

"For all adrenalin like riding back in you, you tend to not snacking on certain foods at night or feel the need to eat if you do not really feel hungry, and this helps avoid you from extra weight. Also, the possibility that the fall love will keep you motivated to exercise more to look and feel your best for your partner, "he continued.

6. Love improving your mental health
You definitely know that falling in love makes people feel happy, but it's not just in your head. People who fall in love in general have increased energy, which makes them eager to find new adventures and different hobbies.

"To love and be loved helping vaccinate yourself against anxiety. When you're in love, your brain produces a chemical called dopamine, a stimulant that makes you feel good and are responsible for feelings of happiness, optimism and patience," said Professor Snyman.

7. Love boost confidence
People in healthy relationships tend to be more confident in all areas of their lives. They are confident because they feel there are people who have always supported them and always be there for them and it will automatically raise their confidence.

what do you think readers? if there is still benefits of love for health that you would like to share please write them in the comment section below

Health Benefits of Sugar

benefits of sugar
Health Benefits of Sugar
Consuming too much sugar is not good for health as it can lead to various diseases such as diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. But do you know if sugar also has a lot of benefits without having to swallow. Here are some of the benefits of sugar for everyday life.

Top 5 Benefits of Sugar

1. Eliminating Spicy Taste
After eating spicy mouth usually tastes like burnt, the best solution is to drink. But it turns out there is another way that is powerful enough to eliminate the bike is by gargling with sugar but not until you swallow.

2. Eliminates Dead Skin Cells
Mix sugar with olive oil, then rub it into your skin evenly. Once done, rinse with water and dead skin cells you will peel off.

3. smooths Lips
Benefits of sugar can help overcome the problem of dry lips because of the heat inside. Combine sugar and olive oil, then apply on the lips and let stand for about 30 second. Wash with clean water and your lips will feel softer.

4. Cleaning Used Oil
If your hands are exposed to oil or oil, the first thing you do must rinse it with water. But water alone is not enough because the water can not penetrate the layer of oil on your hands. Use sugar and olive oil to remove the oil, wash hands with soap.

5. Treating Wounds and Infection
A study at Selly Oak Hospital to test traditional medicine of African people is by pouring sugar on a wound. It turns out this way works well to kill bacteria and prevent infection. To survive, the bacteria need water, but the benefits of giving up sugar water properties. Because there is no water then bacteria will die.

That was top 5 benefits of sugar, I hope this article could useful for you.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Brain Gym for Brain Health

The Benefits of Brain Gym for Brain Health

benefits of brain exercise for brain health

The Benefits of Brain Gym

Brain Gym (Gymnastics Brain) is a training program developed by prof. paul E.Dennison, Ph.D. and Gail E. Dennison since 1970. This program was originally designed to cope with learning disorders in children and adults. The main thing is learning should be natural and fun activities are carried throughout life.

Learning difficulty usually comes from the inability to cope with stress and doubt in the face of a new task. Brain gym exercises the brain or is a method in place to optimize brain function. Brain Gym is done with certain gestures that cause stimulation to the nerves and brain cells.

The movement includes movement of the hands, feet, head, and there is also a way to draw a number 8 repeated. Every movement in various parts of the body have different functions. And the result is very surprising, the ability to think, brain durability and so on.

All of the movement will be felt for the people who do brain exercises routinely and regularly. Despite all these moves seem strange but this all movement should not be underestimated because it is so beneficial.

The following is benefits of brain exercise for brain health:

1. Lets learn and work without stress.
2. Can be used in a short time (less than 5 minutes).
3. Does not require special materials or place.
4. Can be used in all situations, including while studying / working.
5. Increase self-confidence.
6. Show results immediately.
7. Can be explained by neurophysiology: "why learning is not all in your head"
8. Highly effective in the treatment of a person experiencing barriers to learning and stress.
9. be autonomous one in terms of learning, and to enable all potential
and skills of a person.
10. Recognized as one of the most well studied technique by National Learning Foundation USA, and is widespread in more than 80 countries

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Health Benefits of Olive Oil

The Benefits of Olive Oil for Beauty and Health

Olive oil or Olive oil is the oil obtained from olives (Olea europaea), a traditional tree of the Mediterranean basin. Oil can be used for cooking, cosmetics, herbal medicine, and soap, as well as fuel for oil lamps. Olive oil is considered a healthy oil because it contains high unsaturated fat (primarily oleik acid and polyphenols)

Benefits of Olive Oil for Beauty

Benefit of Olive Oil for Health

Benefit of Olive Oil for Health & Beauty

For Facial Moisturizer
Linoleic acid content of substances capable of maintaining the water evaporates. So, this substance is very good to use as a moisturizer dry skin and wrinkles begin. Apply on face while trick massaged lightly for 10 minutes. Then rinse with clean water.

For hair growth
Olive oil can help nourish the hair so that hair is more black and dense. The way is mixed with the shampoo you use and then rinsed clean. Skin health care by applying olive oil when bathing. Any body skin will retain moisture and look more radiant.

Caring Hands and nail
The way is by mixing one tablespoon of olive oil with warm water to soak his hands 1 week. This habit makes the skin around the nails and soft hands.

For Foot Care
Feet are cracked or rough can be overcome with the olive oil treatment. The trick premises applying olive oil to the soles of the feet and around the ankles. Wrap with socks and wear during sleep at night. Then clean the next morning. Can be carried on hand. Perform routine for one month for maximum results.

For Body Skin
You do this by mixing olive oil with kosher salt, to make a natural scrub. In addition to help exfoliate dead cells, the use of olive oil on the body can make the skin brighter.

Olive Oil Benefits for Health

Reduce Risk of Heart Disease
very high antioxidant content that will lower the risk of heart disease. Simply by drinking two tablespoons per day will reduce the risk of heart disease.

Able Against Cancer
Olive oil can reduce cell damage (this damage may lead to cancer). Phenols in extra virgin olive oil acts as an antioxidant to prevent disease to inhibit the cancer process; oleic acid is expected to prevent the spread of the tumor.

Eliminating Arthritis
Olive oil contains prostaglandins that are useful to overcome joint pain and bone loss. The trick is consumed in the daily diet mix and will make pain reducing to lubricate joints and prevent swelling. Or by rubbing olive oil on muscle pain or joint pain.

Preventing Diabetes
Olive oil content in the form of monounsaturated fats. Olive oil so beneficial for lowering blood sugar levels and the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Stopping the Pain
The content oleokantal can prevent inflammation, similar to painkillers like ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory drugs. Olive oil can be used for topical medication abrasions, wounds torn, and disorders that create risk of inflammation, swelling, and pain.

Preventing Senile
The content of monounsaturated fatty acids in olive oil serves to maintain cell structure and membranes in the brain, thus helping to prevent memory loss.

Preventing Osteoporosis
Olive oil helps the absorption of calcium needed to prevent bone loss.
Olive oil can be utilized for our health and beauty in everyday life. Ways and rules of life would be better if we first recognize in depth, so that maximum benefit can we can satisfactorily. Hopefully the above article about benefits of olive oil can be beneficial to you.

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Sleeping in Dark Condition

The Benefits of Sleeping in Dark Condition

Benefits of Sleeping in Dark Atmosphere

Benefits of Sleeping in Dark Atmosphere

Night's sleep in a dark room really beneficial for the body. It is advice from the Expert. According to biologist Joan Robert, said the body would not produce the hormone melatonin when there is light. The hormone melatonin is a hormone that is able to maintain immunity against various diseases AZ. : D

Produce the hormone melatonin when sleep will not use lights at night. It would be wise to help the sleep hormone melatonin metabolism in the dark aka turn off the lights before going to bed at night.

Sleep without lights help activity was significantly faster to sleep. By turning off the lights when in bed at night, not only saves energy but also improve the health of the body.

Brief details the benefits of sleep at night without lights (Sleeping in Dark Atmosphere):

Benefits of Sleeping in Dark Atmosphere

     Bed asleep faster
     Production of the hormone melatonin more and better to ward off disease
     Save energy.

General details of the overall benefits of sleep in dark condition:

  •  Stabilize the emotions
  •  The body becomes more energized (activity even more smoothly, easily sluggish)
  • Reduced fat (for the girls to make a slim or slim)
  • Increased brain performance (ga easy senile)
  • relieve stress
  • reduce obesity
  • reduce depression
  • Against the growth of a variety of illnesses A-Z
  • Survived the trip (lack of sleep triggers fact majority of accidents on the highway)
  • etc ^_*

Friday, June 14, 2013

Function & benefits of Kidney

Kidney is one organ that is vital for the human body because of renal function and appeared to have enormous benefits for human survival. Who would have thought, kidney function that measures just eleven times seven feet two inches proved to be extremely large for human health. Not believe? Let me examine one by one the function of the kidney is to the human body.

Kidney Function In The Human Body

Function & benefits of Kidney

The kidneys play an important role in the human body, especially in terms of the process that issued the excretion of waste products of metabolism of various substances that are no longer needed by our bodies.
Although kidney size is very small, it is very large kidney function. It could be said that the function of the kidney that primarily is as a waste disposal site in the body.

Every day and endlessly, kidneys process about two hundred liters of blood and filter them to produce approximately 2 liters of waste that must be removed from the body in the form of urin. Urin will be streamed in the form of liquid water into the bladder through a channel known as ureter. The urine will be collected in advance of the bladder until the bladder is full and eventually expelled from the body in the form of urine.

Consumption of foods that we eat every day as energy producers after going through the digestive process will surely generate a lot of waste products and waste as well as toxins or toxin. Substances is exactly what will be excreted by the kidneys because otherwise it would be very dangerous for our body.

Other kidney function is doing the re-absorption on a number of specific electrolytes that are still needed by the body. The absorption occurs in the renal tubules.

Kidney is an organ that also maintain acid-base balance, as well as producing certain substances or hormones such as erythropoietin, calcitriol, and renin. Erythropoietin or EPO is abbreviated with a hormone that stimulates red blood cell formation in bone marrow.

Renin serves to regulate blood pressure in the body, while calcitriol is kidney function to form vitamin D, maintaining the chemical balance in the body, as well as to retain calcium in the bones in the body.

Kidney Structure

Kidney structure is very unique and different from other organs. In the kidney, there is a filter unit as well as blood vessels. Blood screening process to dispose of the waste substances occur in the nephron. One kidney has approximately one billion nephron in the nephron there are many small blood vessels that are connected with small channels called tubules.

Normally, humans have two kidneys. With the presence of two kidneys, the renal function, which works perfectly. However, in some cases, there are people who are born with just one kidney.

Although it only has one kidney, but the kidney function remains the same as the organ of excretion. However, due to only having one kidney then people who live with one kidney should actually maintain kidney health and avoid the various diseases that can affect the kidneys.

Various Abnormalities In Kidney

There are many disorders that can occur in the kidneys that would interfere with the function of the kidneys in the human body. Abnormalities are:
1. Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are caused by abnormalities in the kidneys urine contains too much chemicals and minerals. Kidney stones can be caused due to our lack of drinking water or too frequent urge to urinate so that the minerals can not be dissolved by the kidneys to settle and form a kidney stone.

Kidney stones are shaped like grains can also form crystals or grains small stones attached to each other and come together. Kidney stones are very disturbing function of the kidney as a whole so that the flow of urine that must be removed to be disturbed. Even in severe conditions, kidney stone will cause pain when trying to urinate.

To prevent the occurrence of kidney stones, we have a lot to consume at least eight liters of water per day. Also, try not to resist the urge to urinate so there is no buildup of minerals in the bladder.

2. Renal failure
Kidney failure is a disruption in kidney function in which the kidneys are not able anymore to clean and filter the blood of waste substances. Impaired renal function such as this is very dangerous for our body because it can result in the waste substances are absorbed back into the body and eventually become toxic leading to the overall health of our bodies being disturbed.

There are many causes of kidney disease that would interfere with and influence the overall function of the kidneys. The causes are too many foods and beverages that contain alcohol and other chemicals harmful to the body. Food preservatives are also included in foods that contain harmful substances.

Fatty foods may also lead to increased cholesterol in the blood so that it can be a cause of kidney disease. Lack of exercise, smoking, and lack of health care is another cause of kidney failure.

Kidney Function In Formation and Spending Urine

Kidney function is the excretion of various substances, especially waste in the body unused and issued in the form of urine. It could be said that the function of the kidneys is urine formed in order to issue a variety of toxic substances from the body. The process of formation of urine through the various stages, namely:

Filtration process, is a process where there is blood in the glomerular capillary filtration in the kidney. Here also occurs the re-absorption of blood cells, most of the plasma proteins and blood platelets. Results of glomerular filtration in the primary urine produced still contains potassium, salts, glucose, sodium, and amino acids.
Reabsorption process, where the materials are still important and useful primer contained in the urine will be absorbed back. Function of the kidney's reabsorption process occurs in two ways. Glucose and amino acids are absorbed by diffusion while the water will be absorbed by osmosis. Substances that are still needed will be returned to the blood while substances that are not used anymore like the remnants of various chemical materials, ammonia, and salts expelled with urine secondary.
Augmentation process, where the addition of residual substances and urea that occurs in the distal tubules of the kidney contours. Once this process will lead to urinary bladder through the channels contained in the kidneys. We will feel the urge to urinate when the bladder has been filled urine and urine that's when we spend. Urine will come out through the urethra in salt form, water and urea and other waste substances.

Once we know that the function of the kidneys is so important for our bodies that we should really keep our kidney health. How to maintain the health and function of the kidneys can be through keeping food and beverages we consume, plenty of exercise, drink lots of water, and do not like to hold pee.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Waxing Health Benefits

The Benefits of Waxing for Health

waxing benefits

Waxing health benefits

Waxing, what is the importance? This knee-jerk reaction out of some people who may be concerned with the pain of hair in areas vital revoked. Same reaction appeared to those who think waxing is not much benefit.

Elly Gozal, franchisees Strip (spa waxing to remove the hair or fine hair on the body and V area) in Indonesia was experiencing the same thing. When not familiar with waxing, Elly also questioned the benefits of hair pulling in V area. No doubt until finally in 2008 Elly offer specialized care by choosing Strip waxing as investment in the field of hair care in the body.

"Waxing make more V area kept clean and help women care for intimate organ," Elly said when met at the Compass Female Strip outlets in Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta.

Remove dead skin more leverage than shaving hair 

Waxing not only straighten hair in female sex organs. Hair pulling up roots give better results than shaving. 
"Waxing helps remove dead skin. Shave the hair on the body, dead skin can not be lifted. Waxing where play its role," said Elly. He added that the dead are not raised skin that causes patches of skin color in the crease area, such as the armpit or groin.

According to Elly, hair shave is not recommended because the hair will grow coarse and thick thereafter. That's because the growth is not the stems and roots. Meanwhile, by removing hair through waxing, and hair roots will only grow more subtle.

Also cause ingrown hair shaved hair or ingrown hairs. The danger, there will be dark spots, itching, bumps, and even fester.

Free clean damp prevent discharge

Hair around the vagina is too heavy not only interfere with the view. Sex organs also become damp because of it. In fact, there are many things that make this area become moist. Apart from the weather in Indonesia is likely to damp, moisture also occurs due to the use of tight underwear and menstrual periods are coming every month. Pubic hair that is too heavy can even make dirt stick if not cleaned perfectly.

One of the three disease is an enemy of women is vaginal discharge. Fungus that grows as V area moist and cause vaginal discharge untreated. With the V area maintained and kept clean, and avoid moisture, whiteness can be prevented.

There has been no study that could prove whether waxing can be seen as efforts to prevent discharge. However, if the vaginal area is easy to clean with unkempt hair, humidity can be minimized.

Whiteness remains should be treated with the help of a doctor. However, it can also be prevented with diligent care of the organs in the area V.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Benefits of Having Short Haircut

The Benefits of Having Short Hairstyles

The Benefits of Having Short Hairstyles

Benefits of Having Short Haircut

Benefits in appearance and short hair care, short hair tomboy memorable for women proved to have benefits in appearance even allow you to do the daily care of the hair in the health and beauty of hair itself.

Many of the women who could be said to "fail" in realizing the long hair beautiful and healthy choose the type of model of a shorter haircut. In fact, by replacing a short haircut you have health benefits for the hair itself.

Difficulty caring for long hair naturally lead to problems in your hair, so no harm no justice if you change the appearance of your hair to be shorter than before. Here are some benefits which are owned by the type of short hair.

Top 5 Benefits of Short Haircut

1. Look younger
Usually women who have a short haircut can look younger, with short hair can look into more fresh appearance and look more youthful.

2. Sexy with short hairstyles
With a short haircut neck and collarbone will be obvious, it can make you more sexy than ever.
3. Easy to set up
With short hair certainly further shorten the time you spend styling your hair so that no more time in the affairs of your daily hair. This is helpful for those of you who include women who have busy activity on a daily basis so you are not wasting time.

4. Healthier hair
Have shorter hair of course, the easier for you to take care of her affairs. Maximum working on the hair of natural moisturizers that hydrate hair from root to tip of the hair is certainly faster than the long hair condition. Beside that also spread nutrients to the hair must be faster so it avoids you from hair damage problem.

5. More Efficient
Not only efficient in terms of time, with short hair certainly has its benefits more efficiently to the expenses used in the treatment of the hair. With short hair you certainly do not need to do a more intensive treatment of the hair, keeping it as long as enough healthy short hair is certainly more beneficial to you.

Health benefits of Cinnamon

The Benefits of Cinnamon for Health

Cinnamon nutrients are already not very much further denied his number. Crops can also be used as spices were certainly rich cuisine and nutritional benefits. Cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicum have scientific names can be used to treat a variety of diseases such as diarrhea, arthritis, menstrual cramps in women, yeast infections, flu and many more other benefits of cinnamon her.

maybe not everyone knows for sure what nutritional value. Cinnamon is often found as well as a perfume manufacture special because it has a very soothing aroma. Even a single crop is also considered, including the spices most sought-after.

In europe there are no cinnamon crops, because cinnamon actually come from mainland Asia, particularly from Sri Lanka and India. But the benefits of cinnamon for so many, now nearly grown cinnamon and is found throughout tropical regions of the world. In India itself has begun cinnamon utilized hundreds of years ago, cinnamon is used as an Ayurvedic or traditional Indian medicinal system.

Here we let cinnamon Nutrition for his full human health: Cinnamon nutrition Compatible cinnamon consumed as medicine diabetes and hypoglycemics. because cinnamon has maampu content controls blood sugar levels.

Cinnamon is also examined emotional afford mengkontrol him as the best of chocolate. Cinnamon is able to reduce LDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol can cause cardiovascular disease. For the cinnamon mengknsumsi also directly will be exposed to the risk of an inhibitor of the disease. Cinnamon is effective once to fight the bacteria that cause ulcers-H. pylori and other pathogens because cinnamon is anti-infectious compounds according to experts.

Benefits of Cinnamon to treat rheumatism and other arthrithis

Cinnamon can overcome neuro degenerative diseases

Health benefits of Cinnamon

In a study in the Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Korean Hospital, cinnamon appears to reduce cytokine nutritious relating to the pain associated with rheumatism and other arthrithis. Cinnamon is able to reduce the proliferation of cancer cells, can be used to prevent cancer and to cure cancer according to research at the University of Texas, published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer.

Cinnamon can be used as a natural food preservative. Cinnamon contains fiber, calcium, iron, and manganese are naturally Cinnamon air nutrients to reduce pain or cramps in menstruating women Cinnamon is a natural chemical cinnamaldehyde, which can increase the hormones progesterone and lower testosterone levels in women, this means cinnamon balances the hormones.

Cinnamon can overcome neurodegenerative diseases including: Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, and meningitis. It is presented by the research on cytokines Research Laboratory, Department of Experimental Therapeutics, The University of Texas.

Cinnamon is also beneficial as spices and natural healthy foods. That's a full list of benefits of cinnamon that was very much, maybe we did not realize so much its benefits cinnamon, but one at a scrutiny able to prove that the benefits of cinnamon is indeed very much. So that I can pass on the benefits of cinnamon for human health. May be beneficial and add your insights associated with cinnamon Nutrition. waiting for other health articles on his next opportunity.