Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Benefits of Beards and Mustaches for health

The Benefits of Beards and Mustaches for health

Illustrate: Tom Cruise
Do you know the benefits of beards and mustaches for health? doesn't know yet? read this article, most of men often shave his beard and mustache. due to the diligent man shaves mustache and beard is going to look more clean and tidy. 

However, there is no harm in letting the beard and mustache growing on your skin because recent studies find that the beard and mustache beneficial to your health. because the beard and mustache can be neat to make it look nicer, more people see from the look of the face but not pay attention on health side.


Top 3 Benefits of  beards and mustaches for health

1. protect Skin
Research conducted at the University of Southern Queensland state that men are bearded and mustachioed face a third lower than the exposure to UV light clean-faced man without a mustache and beard. This research uses dosimetric technique that measures the amount of radiation absorbed at any given time. 

The result, it is known that the more bushy beard then the more protected skin. Bushy beard that can protect the skin from sun exposure as much as 90-95 percent. Another theory also suggests that a thick beard and curly ultraviolet radiation is able to break down so that the light is difficult to reach the skin surface.

2. prevent asthma
Man with a mustache is also a lower risk of asthma, especially those caused by pollen. Mustache that reaches the nose can block the allergens inhaled into the nose and into the lungs. However, mustache can not prevent the entry of dust into the nose as microscopic dust size.

3. prevent Flu
Beard growing around the chin and neck are also able to avoid the flu due to temperature, around the neck warmer.  Body temperature warm and drink plenty of water to accelerate the healing of flu.

Benefits of Pregnancy Gymnastics for Mother and Fetus

Benefits of Pregnancy Gymn for Mother and Fetus
HAVE A healthy fetus is not as easy as desired. Many ways to improve the health of the fetus, one of them pregnant women gymnastics premises. This exercise also helps the mother to keep it healthy and will facilitate the delivery process.

Dr Abdul Rival has held a pregnant woman gymnastics classes since a few months ago. The program is conducted every Saturday. "So, in the class of pregnant women are taught how to keep his body in order to stay healthy and fit," said Abdul Rival PR dr, dr Erva Anggriana.

Sports are very important to pregnant women. Therefore, through the direct physical activity can help maintain health and fitness. "In fact, not only during pregnancy, healthy and fit will greatly help the delivery process will be," he explained.

Explained Erva, exercise during pregnancy is done to maintain stamina remains good, control weight gain, reduce trouble sleeping. "Equally important is also reduces the risk of cholesterol during pregnancy.

The concept, pregnancy exercise performed to train the specific muscles that can help the process of giving birth normally. "As the abdominal muscles, pelvic muscles, and thigh muscles. This pregnancy exercise, breathing exercises taught during contractions and when to push, "he continued.

Found in his office, Erva explained that pregnancy exercise contains movements that combines breathing exercises, working heart muscle, relaxation, and flexibility. Thus improve blood circulation, strengthen muscles, reduce pain, cramping, and finally help the baby into the birth canal. "So, in addition to a healthy and fit during pregnancy, pregnancy exercise later after working out, pregnant women (pregnant women, Red.) Can give birth normally and safely," he said.

At what gestational age should pregnant women exercise classes? "Age above 22 weeks of pregnancy, is consult and examination of the doctor or midwife. And of course, done under the direction of pregnant women special gymnastics instructor dong ya? "

However, he said, more fun for the participants to invite the husband to pay attention to his movements. So that could help to repeat at home. Asked gymnastic activities other than pregnant women, she explained that there is also a matter for the breastfeeding (breast milk).

Benefits of White Blood Cells

Definition of White Blood Cells
White blood cells are also called leukocytes (English: white blood cell, WBC, leukocyte) and circulating in the human body is the circulatory system of cells that make up blood components.

Benefits of White Blood Cells
Benefits of White Blood Cells
Benefits of White Blood Cells
White blood cells are used to help body against various infectious diseases as part of the immune system. White blood cells are colorless, have a nucleus, can move amoebeid, and can penetrate the walls of the capillary / diapedesis.

In normal circumstances contained 4x10 to 11x10 9 9 white blood cells in a liter of blood in healthy adult humans - around 7000-25000 cells per drop.

In all there are 6000 millimeters of blood swelled to 10,000 (8000 average) of white blood cells. In the case of leukemia, the amount can be increased up to 50000 cells per drop.
In the body, leukocytes associate not tight with a particular organ or tissue, they work independently as a single cell organism.

Leukocytes are able to move freely and interact and capture cellular debris, foreign particles or microorganisms intruders.

In addition, leukocytes can not divide or be reproducing in their own way, but they are the product of pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells that exist in the bone marrow.

Number of leukocytes (White Blood Cells)
Leukocyte count less than that of erythrocytes. In men and women every cubic mm of blood there are only about 4,500 to 10,000 the number of grains.

Leukocytes have varied shapes and sizes have larger than erythrocytes. Leukocytes have a nucleus round and concave. These cells can move freely in amuboid and can penetrate the capillary wall (diapedesis).
Type of White Blood Cells
Leukocytes can be divided into two, namely leukocyte granulocytes (granular plasma = basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils) and leukocytes agranulosit (not plasma = granular lymphocytes, monocytes)

The formation and function of White Blood Cells

Leukocyte formed in the red bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes, and network retikulo endotelium.
Granulocytes and monocytes have an important role in protecting the body against microorganisms. With the ability as phagocytes (Fago-consuming), they eat live bacteria that enter the circulatory system.

through a microscope can sometimes be found as much as a 10-20 microorganisms ingested by granulocytes. at the time they perform this function are called phagocytes. the strength of the amuboid movement he can move freely inside and can get out and walk around the blood vessels throughout the body.  
This way white blood cell can:
Surrounded the affected area of ​​infection or injury, capture capture organisms and destroy, get rid of other materials such as dirt, and other debris, in the same way, and as granulocytes have enzymes that can break down proteins, which allows damaging living tissue, destroying and throw. in this way are sick or injured tissue can be removed and healing is possible As a result of the work of phagocytic white blood cells, inflammation can be stopped altogether.

If activities are not managed properly, it can form pus.
Pus Store "corpse" of friends and enemies - who were killed in the performance phagocytes called pus cells. There are so many germs are dead in the pus and coupled with a large number of networks that have been melted. and pus cells will be eliminated by a healthy granulocyte working as phagocytes.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Benefits of Chlorophyll

Nowadays many Chlorophyll products sold in the market either through MLM, or with conventional marketing. Clearly, the product is made from natural green pigment commonly found in the leaves, has a property which is very good for human health.

Chlorophyll is very useful for people who have been proven through research by some experts. The ancient Greeks showed their ability in terms of natural remedies using plant green leaves to cope with various diseases. such as cuts or abrasions. Chlorophyll is a supplement that is rich in essential minerals, which can help repair tissue, cleanses the blood, helping with the liver in producing red blood cells and internal body cleanser.

In addition, chlorophyll supplements are also necessary for the body to boost the immune system, regulate blood circulation, digestive, urinary and respiratory systems. As a remedy, chlorophyll supplements are also efficacious as anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, wound healing, improve digestive problems such as constipation (difficult bowel movements) and anemia (Chernomorsky & Segelman, 1988).

Prof. Benard Jansen states, healthy people have more blood than the amount of sick people, but the people ill after consuming sufficient amounts of chlorophyll, showed an increase in blood count and improved health. Dr. Richard Willstätter. Hans Fisher has successfully identified the true function of chlorophyll and explained that the chlorophyll molecule has structural similarity to hemoglobin, the red pigment in human blood.

Chlorophyl therefore very useful for people who eat less vegetables, article, 1 tablespoon (1 shot) Chlorophyll equal to 1 kg of vegetable consumption. This means providing nutrients, boosting your intake of nutrients in the blood to increase oxygen in the blood, helping to regenerate red blood cells, inhibit the oxidation process and stimulates cell regeneration.

Chlorophyll is a health drink which is very suitable for young and old. Chlorophyll serves as a disinfectant, antibiotics, even before the existence of synthetic drugs. Chlorophyll cleanse the body tissues and metabolic waste disposal sites in the rest of the body, as well as cope with parasites, bacteria and viruses that exist in the body. Chlorophyll can eliminate chemical compounds are toxic in the body.

Tail of chlorophyll molecules that are hydrophobic (fat-soluble) can dig into the cells or tissues and lift hydrocarbon compounds from the cell wall also heavy metals (in the drinking water and emissions of motor vehicles) as well as the issuing of toxic compounds, such as lifting soap grease and dirt on our hands.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

benefits of  electromagnetic wave for our daily basis

benefits of electromagnetic wave for our daily basis

There are many electromagnetic wave we use on daily basis, below you'll find benefits of electromagnetic wave for our daily basis
Range / spectrum of Electromagnetic Waves (GEM).
=> Gamma rays, X-rays, ultra violet, visible light, infrared, radar and TV waves, radio waves, microwaves, etc.
=> In this order (from left to right) the smaller the frequency, but the greater wavelength.

Gamma rays.
> Frequency: 10 ^ 20 hz-sd-10 ^ 25 hz
> Has a very large penetration power
> Used in industry
> Detection devices: Geiger Muller

X-rays (= X-ray)
> Frequency: 10 ^ 16 hz-sd-10 ^ 20 hz
> Great penetrating power
> Used to detect organ in the body organs
(eg, determining the position of the fracture)

Ultra Violet.
> Frequency: 10 ^ 15 hz-sd-10 ^ 16 hz
> The main source of the sun
> Needed in the assimilation process plants
> Kills some types of skin disease germs

Looks light (= light)
> The only GEM can be seen (observed human eyes)
> Wavelength: 430 nm-690 nm-sd)
(narrow frequency range)
> Benefits / functions: allows us to see

Infra Red.
> Frequency: 10 ^ 11 hz-sd-10 ^ 14 hz
> Used in photography (aerial photography or satellite) for mapping the surface of the earth and natural resources
> Can also be used in physical therapy (physical therapy)

Radar waves. (Radio Detection and Ranging)
> To detect aircraft that moves close / away from the air base.
> Can also be used in the means of communication.

TV and Radio Wave wave.
> Use mostly for radio and TV transmitters

cure asthma with benefits of nebulizer

The Benefits of Nebulizer to treat respiratory disorders

Benefits of Nebulizer

A nebulizer is a tool to help smooth breathing for the patient. Due to respiratory problems, if left unchecked, could reduce the patient's condition is concerned ..

Nebulizer was pointless to have any problems with the respiratory tract, such as coughs, colds, or asthma, which also serves to help remove phlegm. He's better than oral medication because it does not settle in the blood, because of steam, so the side effects of the drug are very small.  

Nebu is not just for asthma, cough and cold too powerful for use with oral medication 3 times a day, usually vapor mixture of drugs is to facilitate the child's airway if the asthma, Ventolin can use the ampoule, solution & NaCl dosage bisolvon depending on body weight and age of the child should consult a doctor so that proper dosage.

We just say it to the pediatrician when we already have the tools in String together a nebulizer and prescription medicine ask, the doctor will usually prescribe appropriate to age and ill nebul child.

About nebulizer and evaporation is a way of drug delivery via inhalation / exhalation, the same function as with other drug delivery but has a higher effective power than by mouth. medication through a nebulizer is more effective than taking medication, because it is directly inhaled into the lungs, so the dose required is smaller, automatically also safer. 
Usually used for children with asthma or cough that is often severe because of allergies. If it were just a regular cough occasionally do not have to use a nebulizer (or can ask your doctor first)

goal Giving Nebulizer: to deliver drugs through the client spontaneous breathing.

Preparation to Giving Nebulizer
Tools and drugs:
1. oxygen set
2. nebulizer set
3. Normal saline fluids and drugs to be used
4. 5 or 10 cc syringe.
5. Mouth piece if necessary
6. crooked
7. tissues

Giving Nebulizer is giving mixed aerosol substances in airborne particles with air pressure.
procedures Provides Nebulizer: 
1. Monitor vital signs before and after treatment especially in clients who use bronchodilators.
2. Explain the procedure to the client.
3. Adjust the position of the client as comfortable as possible is most often in a position semifowler, guard privacy.
4. Attendant hand washing.
5. Filled nebulizer medication (according to the program of treatment) and normal saline fluid ± 4-6cc.
6. Turn nebulizer nebulizer and then connect the hose to the oxygen flow meter and set the flow at 4-5 liters / minute, or to the air compressor.
7. Instruct client to waste breath.
8. Ask the client to take a deep breath through the mouth piece, hold breath while breathing through the nose and then throw away.
9. Observation of the development of lung / chest client.
10. Ask the client to breathe in slowly and after all the drug vaporized.
11. Completed action, encourage the client to cough after breathing in a few times (effective cough techniques).
12. Clients trimmed.
13. Trimming tool.
14. Attendant hand washing.
15. Record the client's responses and actions taken.

The things to note:
1. Treat clients carefully.
2. When clients need to be accompanied by the initial actions to be seen calm.

Benefits of Red Cell Blood

Definition and Function of Red Blood Cells - In the human body, have been no circulatory system, where blood contained in its components, such as white blood cells, red blood cells and blood plasma. Well, this time we will describe a little explanation of the red blood cell and its function.

What Is Red Blood Cells?

benefits of red blood cell

Red blood cells also called erythrocytes. Erythrocyte itself comes from the Greek, which means red and kytos erythros which means sheath cells. Red blood cells are the cell type most blood. Shaped like a disc / bikonkaf and has no core. 

 A diameter of approximately 7.7 units (0.007 mm), can not move. Number approximately 5 million in 1 mm3 (41/2 million). Reddish yellow color, because it contains a substance called hemoglobin, the red color will increase if it contains a lot of oxygen. Section consists of hemoglobin in erythrocytes, a biomolecule that can bind oxygen. 

Hemoglobin will take oxygen from the lungs and gills, and oxygen is released when erythrocytes pass through capillaries. Red blood cells red color comes from the element of hemoglobin is iron maker. In humans, red blood cells are made disumsum spine, then forming bikonkaf pieces. In the red blood cells are not the nucleus. Red blood cells will be active for 120 days before being destroyed.

Benefits and Function of Red blood cell

1. Functioning red blood cells circulate throughout the body O2. Red blood cells will bind oxygen from the lungs to be distributed to all body tissues and bind carbon dioxide from the body tissue to be removed through the lungs. 

Binding of oxygen and carbon dioxide is carried by hemoglobin that has bound with oxygen is called oxyhemoglobin (Hb + 4 Hb oxygen-oxygen) so the oxygen is transported throughout the body of the oxyhemoglobin that later after arriving in the network will be released: Hb + Hb oxygen-oxygen, and so on. 

Hb was going to bound with carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide called hemoglobin (Hb + Hb carbon dioxide-carbon dioxide) in which the carbon dioxide will be released in the lungs.

2. Function in blood grouping.

3. Erythrocytes also play a role in the immune system. When red blood cells undergo lysis by pathogens or bacteria, the hemoglobin in the red blood cells will release free radicals that will destroy the pathogen cell wall and membrane, and killed him.

4. Also releases erythrocyte S-nitrosothiol compounds while deoxygenated hemoglobin, which also serves to dilate the blood vessels and blood flow in order to expedite the blood to the area of ​​the body is starved of oxygen.

That's a little explanation of the meaning and function of red blood cells.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Benefits of O2

the benefits of oxygen for human life

Benefits of O2
(O2) is the key to all of life. We can live a few days without food and water, but can not live for 4 minutes without oxygen. Even our brain cells will die within 15 seconds when in the absence of oxygen. Each cell in the human body needs oxygen, to divide, to grow and to keep the cells alive.

Benefits of Oxygen:
     Improve memory and intelligence.
     Medium of cancer, asthma and other diseases.
     Increase metabolism.
     Reduces toxins in the blood.
     Stabilize blood pressure.
     Strengthen the heart and immune system.
     Prevent stress and nervousness.
     Beautify the skin and prevent premature aging.

Many diseases in this modern era are caused by lack of oxygen. This is a serious problem world. With oxygen the body will be able to regenerate cells, helps increase the absorption of vitamins and nutrients, increased system
immune and neutralize toxic substances in the bloodstream.

On the average, each tree in its life cycle could be sufficient oxygen (O2) to the needs of 18 (eighteen) and absorb the carbon dioxide (CO2) from cars that run about 41 834 km. Large tree absorbs approximately 120-240 pounds of tiny particles tau pollutant gases. Only plants that produce oxygen in the earth (Jalal 2007).

According Bernatzky (1978) high tree with a trunk diameter of 25 m and 15 m, will have an area 160 rod cover and leaf surface area of 1600 , will produce as much as 1712 grams of oxygen. For 1 acre of green land with a total area of ​​5 acres of leaf surface would require 900 kg of CO2 to conduct photosynthesis for 12 hours, and at the same time will produce 600 kg of O2.

Benefits of Echinoderms

Benefits of Echinoderms for Human.

The sea urchin is food for humans, who consumed either raw or lightly cooked. Urchin roe is a popular food in Korean cuisine, and this is called "uni" in Japanese sushi cuisine. It is also a traditional food in Chile, where he was known as "erizo," and are greatly appreciated in Spain. In addition to domestic consumption, Chile and a number of other countries export the sea urchin to Japan in order to meet demand across the country.

Sea cucumbers are considered a delicacy in the Far Eastern countries such as Malaysia, China, Japan, and Indonesia. It is highly valued for its medicinal properties are supposed to be. In Japanese cuisine, konowata made from sea cucumber entrails are extracted.

Trade of sea cucumbers, among sailors Macassans and Aboriginal Arnhem Land, to supply the South China market is the first recorded example of trade between residents of the Australian continent and their Asian neighbors.

Ecologically, echinoderms play a key role in the food web. In the case of sea cucumbers, this is usually as scavengers, feeding on debris in the benthic layer, and feed on plankton and other organic matter found in the sea.

Variety of fish, most commonly pearl fish, have evolved a symbiotic relationship (commensalism) with sea cucumbers in which the pearl fish will live in sea cucumber's cloaca, use it for protection from predation, a source of food (the nutrients passing in and out of the anus from the water), and to develop into their adult stage of life. In the case of the sea, where they are in the food web also impact the world economy, because they eat oysters, clams, and other organisms that humans use.

Scientifically, sea urchin occupies a special place in biology as long as the use of a standard subject for study in the field of embryology.

Medical field, several varieties of sea cucumber (known as gamat in Malaysia) is said to have excellent healing properties. There are pharmaceutical companies being built based on this gamat product. Extracts are prepared and made into oil, cream, or cosmetics. Some products are intended to be taken internally. Claims have been made that cucumber helps wounds heal faster and reduce scarring.

Aesthetic, diverse forms of echinoderms, and sometimes makes them brilliant coloring, often a source of joy for people who observe them.