Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Health Benefits of Avoiding Electrical Cigarette

The Benefits of Avoiding Electrical Cigarette

Many electric cigarette circulating in society as a replacement for regular cigarettes. Electric cigarettes do not emit smoke and leaves no smell burning sting. Electric cigarettes also claimed healthier and more comfortable than regular cigarettes. Is that true? find out the truth in this article.

It turned out the news that healthier cigarette and safer than regular cigarettes is not true. Electric cigarettes also has the same poisonous nicotine with regular cigarettes.

Headmaster University of Indonesia Faculty of Public Health, Professor Riza Thabrany, asserted that electronic cigarettes as dangerous as regular cigarettes. Cigarettes in any form only as far as a regular nicotine addictive and nature harmful of health.

The Canadian Lung Association announced the results of a study that confirms that the impact of electronic cigarettes as dangerous as regular cigarettes. "Do not be fooled by advertising this electronic device. Reasons, electronic cigarettes could potentially devastate the lungs and in no way proven to be a solution for people who want to quit smoking," said Margaret Benhardt-Lowdon, a spokesman for the Canadian Lung Association.

Health Benefits of Avoiding Junk Food

The Benefits of Avoiding Junk Food

Avoid junk food benefits

Health Heart by Avoiding Junk Food

Although already a lot of information about the harmful effects of junk food or fast food, fast food but this still has a lot of fans. Junk food is coming from western countries, but eat junk food were more commonly found in other regions such as Asia.
There are many health benefits that can be obtained by avoiding Junk Food, based on the results of research, both west and east of the country, proving that junk food gives more negative effects than positive. What are the health benefits of avoiding junk food? The following refer to his review.

Benefits of avoiding Junk Food

1. Avoid the risk of heart diseaseA study by the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, examines the harmful effects of junk food. The research was conducted over 10 years involving more than 60,000 Singaporeans of Chinese descent. Participants aged between 45-74 years. During the 10 year study period, showed 1,397 participants died from heart disease and 2,252 had type 2 diabetes.
This study came to the conclusion that eating fast food two or more times a week had a 27 percent greater likelihood of developing diabetes and 56 percent die from heart disease, compared with participants who rarely or never eat fast food. Even the 811 participants who were known to eat fast food four times or more per week, the risk of death from heart attacks increased by 80 percent.
2. Potential lowering colorectal cancer strickenColorectal cancer or cancer that attacks the organs of the colon and rectum, mostly strikes people over the age of 50 years. However, in Indonesia known to some patients under age 50 is also suffering from cancer. Proliferation of fast food restaurants or fast food blamed for the high colorectal cancer patients in Indonesia.

DR. dr. Noorwati Sutandyo, Sp.PD, KHOM advised to prevent colorectal cancer early. This can be arranged by eating plenty of vegetables, fruits, fish and plenty of exercise. Additionally as early as possible to reduce or not to eat fast food at all. Colorectal cancer is a cancer that can be prevented and treated if it is still in the lower stages.
3. Making higher child IQ Research from the University of Adelaide shows that a diet full of junk food in small age, IQ child will make two points lower than children who do not eat much junk food as a child.
Although his IQ difference is not so obvious, this study proves that the diet of children aged 6 to 24 months giving a small but significant effect on IQ at the age reaches 8 years. It is therefore important for parents to consider the long-term impact of food given to children.

beautiful Hair with The Benefits of Hair Mask

Beautiful and Fashionable Hair with The benefits of using hair mask

Beautiful and Fashionable Hair with The benefits of using hair mask

The benefits of using hair mask

What would be very annoying when suddenly hair loss, the hair becomes dull and unhealthy.

Use a hairdryer, hair catokan, sosisan hair, hair coloring and often causes damage to the hair. 
Because every woman always want to look beautiful and fashionable, even in doing a variety of ways to make a good hair, regardless of the impact it will have on the hair.

But not to worry you can use a hair mask. Many products have masks that are sold in grocery stores or supermarkets. But if you want to make it at home you can make it. This mask is very beneficial for damaged hair.

The benefits of using hair mask

1. The process is very easy to use
Using masks should not be the one to bother to use it. It's easy just apply a hair mask from roots to ends of the hair, massage parlor, after 30 minutes rinse with clean water. 1 You can use a mask once a month in order to get maximum results.

2. beautify hair
By using the mask, the hair will be looking beautiful. Damaged hair, hair loss, dull can be overcome by using a mask. Not only looks gorgeous hair mask makes your hair much healthier, and also do not fall out.

3. Material that is easily
If you do not want to buy it in a store or supermarket, you can also make your own with simple ingredients that you get the olive oil, honey, yogurt, cider vinegar, mineral water and others.

4. Savings
Of course spend enough money when we went to salon. Ranging from cost to the salon, to mask treatment at the salon. Therefore, it is better you use it yourself at home, because it would be more cost efficient.

5. relaxation
At the time of being relaxed, we can use the mask as relaxation. At the moment we use the masks we will feel the freshness and pleasure in itself.

Monday, July 08, 2013

the benefits of having healthy tooth

the benefits of having healthy tooth in daily life

healthy tooth benefits

the benefits of having healthy tooth

Not only to eat, look charmingly tooth also support a person socializing. 

But in addition the teeth is also a bastion of so many diseases are not biting into the body. Because the mouth and teeth like a door entry all the food and other substances into the body. 

Therefore, dental health is very important. As quoted from Lifemojo, if healthy then several diseases below may be cast.

Below you will find out what is the benefits of having healthy tooth for daily life

 Top 4 Health Benefits of Having Healthy Tooth

1. Keeping blood sugar remains stable
For those who have diabetes then having healthy teeth is very important. If high blood sugar levels can develop periodontal disease which will have an impact on blood sugar levels, so as to form a vicious circle.

2. Avoid digestive problems
The digestive process begins with the physical and chemical processes in the mouth. Started biting food into smaller pieces in order to digest the intestine. If the problem in this process it can cause intestinal problems, irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive disorders.

3. healthy heart
The bacteria that cause gum infections can cause or worsen atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) which can lead to heart disease. This is because some certain disease-causing bacteria can enter the bloodstream through the gums and blood vessels attached to a plaque and blockages.

4. Reduce the risk of infection
Poor dental health can cause infection in other parts of the body. And one study showed a strong relationship between gum disease with autoimmune disease rheumatoid arthritis that causes inflammation of the joints. This is because the mechanism of destruction of connective tissue is similar in both diseases.

5. protect memory
In the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry found that adults have gingivitis (swollen or bleeding gums) tend to perform tests of memory and cognitive ability is worse, and people with high pathogenic bacteria will be 3 times more difficult to perform tests of verbal memory.

Benefits of Atmosphere

Meaning Definition / Understanding Atmosphere (Atmospheric)

Benefits of  Atmosphere
Benefits of  Atmosphere
The atmosphere is a layer of air which consisted of a mixture of gases surrounding the planet Earth a better planet, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Venus, Neptune and others. The atmosphere is all around us start from the ground up in the sky far there

Constituent components / content / Composition Atmostfer (atmosphere) Earth

- Nitrogen (N ^ 2): 78.08%
- Oxygen (O ^ 2): 20.95%
- Argon (Ar): 0.93%
- Carbon dioxide (CO ^ 2): 0.035%
- Neon (Ne): 0.0018%
- Methane (CH ^ 4): 0.00017%
- Helium (He): 0.0005%
- Hydrogen (H ^ 2): 0.000009%
- Xenon (Xe): 0.000004%

Benefits of  Atmosphere

The atmosphere protects the earth from the fall of the celestial body
The atmosphere has a role in life on the surface of the earth, among others.
- Protecting the earth from the fall of the celestial bodies such as meteors, comets etc..
- Maintain the air temperature at the earth's surface in order to remain useful for life
- Reflecting the radio waves
- Helps maintain stability temperatures day and night
- Absorb ultraviolet radiation and extremely dangerous to humans and other creatures of the earth.
- Creating the weather, such as rain and snow so there summer and winter.
- Means the process of combustion, without air we can not light a fire, breathing, and so on
- In addition, the gases in the atmosphere have their respective roles are:
a. Nitrogen for plant growth
b. Oxygen for respiration
c. Carbon dioxide for photosynthesis
d. Neon to electric lights
e. Ozone to absorb some solar radiation

Improve Sexual life with Viagra Benefits

The Benefits of Viagra

Viagra, one of the world famous tonic that is trusted by millions of people for sexual gratification or arousal lust good man or woman.

Viagra benefits for men

Benefits of viagra for men sex hobby among others to increase passion and sexual energy while doing so not lackluster. In addition, for a disorder erectile dysfunction or impotence also sometimes use viagra to handle it.

Benefits of viagra for women

Improve Sexual life with Viagra Benefits

Improve Sexual life with Viagra Benefit

Benefits and uses of viagra for women is also not much different from the benefits of viagra for men. For women, viagra usually consumed to overcome the decreased sex drive due to lack of libido. 

With viagra, women who are "bored" passionate and love to be back in the hot fuck.
Thus viagra benefits for men and women. How? Viagra benefits a great right? However, you do not directly so just believe thus buy viagra for sexual satisfaction because Viagra side effects it appears also very much.

Sunday, July 07, 2013

the benefits of choosing a bedroom paint

sleep well with the benefits of choosing a bedroom paint

Color not only beautify, but also creates its own mood. Soothing colors such as blue or green, suitable to be applied in the bedroom. 

The color combination between the walls, furniture and other furniture should also take note. As quoted from Helium, the following tips on choosing colors for the bedroom so you can be more relaxed and restful.

Top 4 Benefits of choosing bedroom paint

1. Beige & Natural Colors
Beige or other natural colors can be used to create a neutral effect or a classic in the bedroom. The best thing about using natural colors in the bedroom, creating a more quiet and calm. In order not to look too monotonous, use bright colors on the sheets, pillow cases, rugs or sofas.

2. light blue
Blue fit for busy couples who want to relax. Light blue to give the impression of cool, but if you do not want your room to look like a hospital room, combine with white furniture. The combination of these two colors gives a fresh impression. Pale blue could also be the perfect background to highlight paintings or artwork on the walls and tables.

3. Pale pink
Perhaps you are thinking, the use of the color pink is more suitable for little girls bedroom. But pink can bring a romantic and feminine atmosphere. To appear more mature, give a touch of black on the carpet or furniture. Combine pink or pale mauve with neutral colors such as beige or white.

4. green
Green is the most restful color eyes. In the bedroom, the green form the atmosphere is relaxed and fun. Green also has a calming effect when used as the main color for decorating. This color is believed to relieve stress by helping people to relax.

Benefits of Blood Donor

The Health Benefits of Blood Donor

Avoid stroke with blood donor

Health Benefits of Blood Donor

Every June 14, the world blood donor day commemorates the slogan Give the gift of life: donate blood. In its 10th year, the warning focused on the importance of donating blood to the patient. Not only to save lives, blood donors also help people live longer and more productive.

Ironically, in the middle of this warning, the awareness for blood donation in fact still quite low. 

According to the Director of the Center Blood Donor Unit Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), dr Yuyun Soedarmono, there are a few things that make people reluctant to blood donors. Ranging from not knowing the location of donation, fear of pain or contracting an infection, do not have the time, wait a long time, until the officers were less friendly.

In fact, other than beneficial to the recipient, donor blood is also beneficial to the health of the donors themselves. Here are the health benefits the donor as expressed by Dr. Yuyun to VIVAlife.

Top 3 Benefits of Blood Donor

1. Production of new cells

Donating blood can stimulate the bone marrow to produce new cells. In other words, take a blood donor blood cells to replace the old or regenerate new blood cells.

2. Prevent free radicals

Blood donors maintain iron levels in the body to remain normal. "If excessive iron then the end result of free radicals (carcinogenic nature.) This condition can potentially become cancer," said Dr. Yuyun.

3. Avoid the risk of cardiovascular

For those of you who regularly donate blood should rejoice. Because the blood donor can trigger metabolism so that blood flow remains smooth. So that no more blood clots in blood vessels. Thus, the risk of heart and stroke would be reduced.

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Business Plan Benefits

The Value and Benefits of Business Plan for Business 

business plan benefits

Business Plan Benefits

A proverb says, "Make a plan if you do not want to fail. If you fail to make a plan then you actually are planning a failure! "

So, do you think a business plan is important?

Planning is one of the most important when running a business. No matter whether it is a multinational business that plans for expansion, or a small business trying to launch exciting new products.

It's easy to start a project, but without careful planning it is like walking into an unfamiliar place without armed with a map. In the end maybe you will achieve those goals, but do not be surprised if you get lost along the way.

Many small business owners are ignoring a plan, especially if you are the only person in the company. The reason is very simple, the planning process can be time consuming.

For small business owners, time spent on planning can mean lost revenue. Though the benefits of good planning will far outweigh the temporary loss of income.
Other benefits of business planning is as a reference for you to re-focus on a project. Later you can use it to check if you've strayed too far from the main goal.

Writing a business plan will help you think more analytically than ever before about the industry and your role in it.

Thus you can see the correlation between the different parts of the business. For example, how to reduce the cost of a particular process will affect your overall profit margin.

The value of the business plan is no doubt. Put the ideas and concepts on paper will be invaluable, and measures for researching and compiling data on competitors and your market will prove to be very useful in the years to come.