Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mineral content makes long life and eternal youth!

Mineral content makes long life and eternal youth!

If you want to always look younger and have a long life, you try to get acquainted with one of the mineral substances in foods called selenium. Selenium is a chemical and mineral substances which may be present in certain foods.

German researchers found that when a person is deficient in selenium content, they will be more at risk of getting cancer and having a faster aging process, as reported by You Beauty (06/11).

The study, conducted by researchers at the Institute for Experimental Endocrinology Clinic at the Charité, Berlin (Germany) conducted a study on the benefits of selenium to human health. They found that selenoprotein in the body act to protect the body from free radicals.

If you always want to look younger and live longer, consume foods that contain lots of selenium such as egg yolks, asparagus, mushrooms, corn, and Brazil nuts. Eating foods rich in selenium that can provide protection for the body against free radicals and reduce the risk of cancer.

overcome hernia without surgery with this exercise

Hernia is a disease caused by stomach muscles began to weaken. The disease is also referred to as disease ' hernia ' This usually happens in the groin area.

Hernia patients would have symptoms vary, depending on the type of hernia that they suffered. Up to now there are still many people who believe that the hernia can only be cured by surgery alone. Though there are other ways that can be done to overcome the pain due to hernia, namely through yoga athletics.

Yoga movements has proved efficient enough to cure some types of hernia, depending on the patient's condition. Doing yoga regularly can also make patients have a more healthy lifestyle. Here are some types of yoga that can be done to overcome a hernia, as reported by the Boldsky ( 09 / 11 ).

Top 4 Yoga Position to Cure Hernia

1. Supta Vajrasana
This movement is done by using rocks elbows, head, and neck. You must sit down, then bend the elbow to the back and put the head on the floor. When doing this, you will need to be bent and knees position on the floor. Very important to close your eyes and let the body relax while doing it, so you can get the best results.

2. Sarvangasana Asana
Sarvangasana is another movement that is more difficult to do. To do this, you should be lying face with both hands on the side of your body, keep the hands in order to stay on the floor. After that, raise your legs with the help of hand. Bend your elbows to keep straight regular handheld. Further care that foot position perpendicular to the neck.

3. Vipareetkarani Asana
Mudra vipareetkarani movement similar to Sarvangasana. But at this yoga movement, body and legs should form an angle of 45 degrees, while in Sarvangasana body and knees forming an angle of 90 degrees.

4. Halasana
Yoga movement is done by lying on her back and then put your ass sideways. Afterwards, you should lift up and straight legs without creating pressure on the hand. Then move your foot down to thumb through your head touch the ground.

That's some yoga movements that can be done to cure ghernia without performing the operation. Other yoga movement is also effective to overcome a hernia is Pashini Mudra, Aswini Mudra, Yogamudra, Jalandhat bandh, and others. Nevertheless important to remember that better do yoga movement on the supervision of or yoga instructor to avoid injury.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Drinking coffee lower the risk of liver cancer

There is good news for coffee lovers. Because according to a recent study, coffee drinking is quite effective in lowering the risk of liver cancer.

As reported by The Examiner, the American Liver Foundation reported that there were approximately 21,000 Americans are diagnosed with the cancer each year. So they try to find ways to reduce the number of such cases.

"Coffee consumption may lower the risk of disease is hepatocellular carcinoma, liver cancer is the most commonly infect humans, up to 40 percent," said Carlo La Vecchia from the Istituto Ricerche in Farmacologiche, Italy.

Vecchia explained that the positive effects of coffee initially preventing diabetes, which is one of the risk factors for liver cancer. Vecchia also said another theory that coffee may be useful for the liver enzyme that triggers inflammation prevent cancer.

In addition to coffee, vaccines Hepatitis B and C as well as reducing the consumption of alcohol also include how to reduce the risk of liver cancer.

The results then reported in the American Gastroenterological Association.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Coffee Benefits ; Best time for Coffee time

Most of you consume coffee in the morning as a breakfast menu. Sometimes you also consume coffee when you want it.

Coffee has many health benefits for the body. As reported by care2.com, a Harvard study says that those who consumed 1-3 cups of coffee a day can avoid the risk of diabetes. Not only that, coffee is also able to provide an injection of enthusiasm for the body in the morning.

Health Benefits of Coffee

But apparently after lunch you were also required to consume coffee. This is because coffee ability to process glucose in the body of the most effective is in the daytime, especially after lunch. That is the reason why coffee can lower diabetes in the body.

Coffee substances capable of digesting glucose is called chlorogenic acid. This acid can digest glucose and also address inflammation and improve insulin hormone. Besides that, Coffee also contains magnesium which serves to regulate blood sugar.

So after lunch, do not forget to insert a cup of coffee in your lunch menu.

Saturday, November 09, 2013

This is how Sleep Can Make You Slim

Until now exercise and diet is an attempt to get a slim body and ideal body weight. But not only that. Slim fact can also be obtained through quality sleep and enough.

According to medical science, sufficient sleep between 7-8 hours a night. Quality sleep is by the time you wake up, your body feeling refreshed and ready to undergo daily activities. If you meet these two criteria was that simple, you will not have problems about weight anymore.

Slim body could certainly get.

How can sleep makes the body so slim? Allwomenstalk reveals some facts that show that you can slim down with sleep.

Stock hormone cortisol is low
When you get enough sleep, the hormone cortisol, which is produced by the body tends to be low. Hormone cortisol itself appears when you stress, lack of sleep or panic, creating a lot of problems in the body, ranging from beauty to health problems problems.

But enough sleep will make the body able to suppress the production of the hormone cortisol, so he did not have much chance to trigger hunger, or the desire to overeat.

Controlling portion sizes
Is normal when you wake up with hunger condition. However, the condition of the hungry will make you unable to control your appetite if you are not sleeping enough. You will continue to satisfy the stomach with food until you feel completely satisfied.

Whereas when you get enough sleep, stomach will automatically feel full longer. The desire to eat remained there, it's just that there are not too crazy like when you are sleep deprived.

Better Mood
Often grumpy, lazy and do not feel uncomfortable is a sign your body enough rest. When sleep was obtained with enough energy will be automatically filled. If the mood is not usually the easiest escape is food, it's no wonder it if your weight actually increases every mood you're missing.

And it was when you got enough sleep, you can think more clearly, think more long and more cheerful.

More passionate sports
Lazy to exercise and often skipping your workout is not as tired or bored. Mostly because your body is screaming fatigue, and of course is due to lack of sleep. As a result, the fat in the body there is no burning. Well, how can weight down if you let the fats that keep piling up ?

Affects the digestive process
Difficulty in bowel movements is not only caused by a lack of fiber. Body that stress often experience difficulty in bowel movements. And even stress itself is often caused by your lack of sleep.

Try it on a regular basis you can sleep quality and pretty, you will not experience any bowel problems really.

Healthier food choices
Had enough sleep and enough energy, you will be excited as well to remember what foods should be eaten and needed by the body. Because of this energetic you will be more aware and disciplined to choose food. You will avoid junk food and remain faithful to the menu in your diet program.

Nah, never thought it was only able to give a lot of positive benefits in your life ? Starting today, organize and discipline yourself to have a good night's sleep quality. Keep all the gadgets and turn off the lights so that within 2-3 minutes you will fall asleep, and wake up the next morning and be ready to run all activities.

Friday, November 08, 2013

Healthy Life Styles Made Easy

Live healthier with Healthy Life Styles

Many benefits can be obtained from a healthy life. Ranging from avoid various diseases, fitter body, to avoid the various kinds of mental illness.

Many people think that healthy living is a lifestyle that is hard to implement. Many people including you think that a healthy lifestyle will make you feel constrained in many ways.

Below are the unique things that you can apply to live healthier as reported from huffingtonpost.com.Take the kids to school on footStart your day with a walk. If your child's school is located not too far from home, it would not hurt if you take him on foot. Walk for about 30 minutes can burn 140 calories.

Do not eat carbs at breakfast, especially carbohydrates such as white bread and rice contain much glucose is then stored as fat in the body. Replace your bread or rice with a more healthy carbohydrates such as whole wheat bread contains more fiber.

Get used to park the car further away from the shopping center you visit, or anywhere else you go, you will have more time to walk away so that the calories burned will also be much more.

Get used no to use the lift There is no harm if you prefer to climb the stairs instead of the lift as long as the destination floor is not too high. This step is in addition to making calorie burning and muscle strength also training the legs, buttocks, and thighs.

Breakfast 30 minutes after waking in the morning. Breakfast is believed to be effective in encouraging you in the morning. Breakfast within 30 minutes after waking up with a healthy menu can be uplifting and increase your body's metabolic system working. If you skip breakfast, you will devour more food at lunch hour.

Healthy lifestyle is not a hassle if you are already committed to making your life healthier. More slender body is a bonus that you get from a healthy lifestyle that you actually apply for the main purpose of this lifestyle is better health.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Insomnia? get regular exercise

Insomnia? get regular exercise

If you have difficulty sleeping disorders or insomnia, sports being one solution. Even so, only one or two times the exercise alone does not necessarily keep you from insomnia.

A study of the origin of the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine indicates, exercise is not an instant fix insomnia. It takes a few months of regular exercise before able to feel the positive effects.

The researchers conducted an analysis for 16 weeks in some women with sleep disorders. They found that sleep disturbance is a new women improved after four months of regular exercise.

Chairman Kelly Glazer Baron study says exercise does not directly provide benefits on sleep disorders such as insomnia. Both have long-term relationships

" You need to maintain a regular exercise within a specified period. Otherwise, the effect will not be felt, " said clinical psychologist and director of behavioral sleep program at Northwestern University 's Feinberg School of Medicine.

Regardless of the " waiting time " of her long enough, but the researchers said the exercise is still the best solution for people with insomnia.

" Pasein insomnia had higher levels of brain activity that is heavier and takes the process to return to normal levels to make them sleep better, " said another study author Dr. Phyllis Zee, researchers from the same university.

According to him, compared with drugs that provide instant results, sport is a much healthier option for improving sleep.

This Food Help You Sleep well

Good quality sleep has major implications on health. A quality night's sleep not only makes us happier when awake in the morning, but it also makes us more energy when on the move during the day.

Conversely, poor sleep quality can be very detrimental to health. Trouble sleeping or insomnia is one of the causes of poor quality of sleep. The good news however, insomnia can be improved by improving nutrition and food intake.

By increasing the consumption of vegetables, fruits, and herbs, the quality of sleep can be helped to the better. The following are the types of foods recommended by health experts to help relieve insomnia and improve sleep quality for the better.

Top 8 Food to Help You Sleep Tight

1. Cherry
This fruit contains a lot of melatonin, which helps relieve insomnia. In the body, the hormone melatonin helps regulate hours of sleep and energy cycles. Melatonin deficiency causes a person to feel tired, and could not sleep well at night. Cherry can be consumed in the form of raw fruit, juice, or mix it in cake.

2. Sweet potatoes
In addition contains a lot of protein complexes, sweet potatoes also contain potassium which helps improve the quality of sleep. Potassium helps muscles relax and induce sleep more healthy. Worthy of note, most of the nutrients are in the skin so that the potato skin and flesh eating yams will complete nutrition that the body is received. Regular consumption each day will improve the quality of sleep.

3. bananas
Bananas contain a lot of natural elements made ​​from potassium for muscle relaxation. Bananas are also rich in vitamin B6, which is a constituent of melatonin. Melatonin will increase slowly treat insomnia.

4. Kale
Kale is a dark green leafy vegetables are rich in calcium. A study said that people who lack sleep are also deficient in calcium in the body. Kale consumption may help increase calcium, which then have a positive impact on improving sleep patterns.

5. edamame
In Indonesia known as edamame soybeans Japan, and can be consumed in a state of fresh, frozen, or as a snack. Edamame is a source of carbohydrates, protein, fiber and some vitamins. Research shows, edamame reduce symptoms of lack of sleep menopause for women. Edamame contains components similar to estrogen, which prevents heartburn at night can disrupt sleep.

6. chamomile
This herb has long been used to help variety of health problems, ranging from stomach complaints to less sleep. Widely recognized as a product of health tea, chamomile also can now be found in the shape of extracts and ointments applied to the skin surface.

As a kind of tea, chamomile can help the body to be more relaxed. Clinical research on the benefits of this herb in improving the quality of sleep in humans is still limited. But animal testing has provided positive results.

7. valerian
This herb is found in the form of supplements. For thousands of years, valerian is used to treat symptoms of anxiety and insomnia. Worthy of note, there has been no scientific studies that prove the efficacy of herbal success to treat insomnia. However, many are experiencing sleeplessness complaints using valerian as a supplement every day. Be sure to always consult a physician before using any medications or herbal supplements.

8. melatonin
Produced by the pineal gland in the brain, melatonin is a hormone essential in charge of regulating the activity of sleep. When a person is deficient in this hormone in the body, then he will experience insomnia and lack of energy. Melatonin is now available form of food / natural supplements to help improve sleep. The melatonin supplements have not been thoroughly tested scientifically therefore important to consult a physician before using this product.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Gardening Lower the potent risk of heart disease and stroke

Benefits of Gardening on Elderly

Elderly who have retired from their jobs tend to be susceptible to heart disease and stroke. But gardening can reduce the risk of both diseases.

A study of Swedish precisely mentioned that physical activity in the garden as well as exercising in the gym. Because in addition to maintaining the health, the elderly also lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke.

As reported by the Daily Mail, a total of 4000 Elderly aged 60 years and involved in the study.

Researchers then asked respondents perform medical tests and ask for information about lifestyle made ​​, such as diet, smoking or drinking alcohol, and physical activity everyday.

Respondents were also asked if they like gardening, like fixing a broken home appliances, and other independent activities.

After that, cardiovascular health checked to check the levels of blood fats, blood sugar, blood clotting factors triggers, and other things that can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

As a result, the active gardening elderly or just doing something else in the house have an increased risk of heart disease and stroke are lower despite not working out.