Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Several Benefits Of consuming Chili / Chillies

Other Benefits of
Benefits of Chillies
Who does not know with this one? Yes, chilies or chili. You may just find out that chilies or chili this just raises the nutty taste only of our tongues. Behind it, a lot of the benefits contained in the chili or chili. Here is the explanation.

The content and benefits of Chillies

According to Dr. Prapti Utami, a consultant herbal, medicinal plant in the EVERGREEN family, a lot of people don't know the benefits of chili. Chili actually is a nutrient-rich food. Chilies contain lots of vitamin C and betakaroten (pro vitamin A), more so than fruits such as mango, pineapple, papaya and watermelon. The chilies having a lot of benefits for human body especially the levels of calcium and phosphorus, to surpass the fresh fish. But vitamin C is higher than green chili pepper. Red peppers have more vitamin C twice as high than other colored peppers. The levels of betakaroten were nine times more superior compared with green peppers. Most of the content is located on the peppers betakaroten near the skin.

Substances that make the chili tasted spicy capsaicin is stored in the "grain" white Chili, attachment place of seeds. Therefore, to reduce the sense of spiciness, usually red chili deseeded follows the grain. Capsaicin chili is stomachic, which can increase appetite. Not to mention its ability to stimulate endorphin hormone production that is capable of evoking a sensation of pleasure. That is why people eat chili when the head dizzy. Spicy capsaicin caused blocking brain activity to receive the signal of the pain that we suffer, "Dr. Prapti demolished.

The compound capsaicin turned out to be not only stimulates the appetite, but also be a remedy. Capsaicin thins mucus so as to loosen the blockage in the throat and nose, sinusitis. Capsaicin is also keeping the way blood anticoagulant to keep watered and prevent the formation of a crust of fat on blood vessels. Not surprisingly, people who regularly consume chili long term were suffering from a blockage of blood vessels (atherosclerosis). That means also less likely suffered a stroke, coronary heart disease, and impotence.
Chillies Benefits

Other benefits of Chillies

  1. Chili can relieve colds and nasal congestion due to capsaicin can thin the mucus. So, the mucus congestion in the nasal cavity will become diluted and out. As a result, the nose becomes clogged again. This applies to sinusitis and cough with phlegm also.
  2. Chilli can decrease the risk of stroke, blood vessel blockage, impotence, and coronary heart disease. Because, by consuming blood routinely capsaicin will remain watered and crust of fat on blood vessels would not be formed. So, blood will flow smoothly. So, chili also helps reduce the occurrence of blood clotting (thrombosis).
  3. As a natural antibiotic.
  4. Chilli can ease complaints of headaches and joint pain. Because, nutty taste and heat caused capsaicin will halt delivery of pain signals from the central nervous system to the brain. So, the pain will be reduced, even lost.
  5. Chili may increase appetite, because capsaicin can stimulate the production of hormones, hormone endorphin which is able to evoke a sense of enjoyment and happiness. So, the appetite becomes increased.
  6. Lower cholesterol levels.
  7. Antioxidant Content can be used to overcome infertility (infertility), aphrodisiac, and slow down the aging process
  8. Fruit extract, cayenne pepper has the power of drag against the growth of the fungus Candida Albicans, the fungus on the skin's surface.
  9. Normalize the back legs and hands that buckled.
  10. Relieves migraine.
  11. In case of rheumatism and disorders of frostbitten (pain due to the cold finger).
  12. Cure flatulence.
  13. Help the calorie burning up to 25%.
  14. Provide calcium and phosphorus for the body.
  15. Hot peppers produce vitamin C (more than oranges) and pro vitamin A (more than carrots), which are indispensable for the body.
  16. Rich in calcium and phosphorous that outperformed the fresh fish.
  17. Chili can eliminate the sense of cold on the body in a way, put on the part that feels cold.

Despite the many benefits that can be derived from consuming Chili, however it is recommended not to consume excessive chilies. So it is not wrong when you start an insert in daily menu of spicy foods you regularly.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Honey Helpful to Reduce Acne

honey healthy benefits
The Benefits of Honey
A wide variety of benefits of honey for health

The immune system will also increase if we are diligent in taking this honey. Honey we consume has an anti-bacterial effect of external as well as internal, so the effect is to boost the immune system. Besides the benefits of honey can also help your body while it is curing the disease.

Honey is a mixture of sugars and other compounds. With respect to carbohydrates, honey is mainly fructose (about 38.5%) and glucose (about 31.0%), making it similar to the synthetically produced inverted sugar syrup, which is approximately 48% fructose, 47% glucose and 5% sucrose.

Carbohydrates remaining honey include maltose, sucrose, and other complex carbohydrates. Like all the other nutritious sweeteners, honey is mostly sugar and only a small amount of vitamins or minerals. Honey also contains small amounts of several compounds thought to function as antioxidants, including chrysin, pinobanksin, vitamin C, catalase, and pinocembrin. Specific composition of a number of honey depends on the flowers available to the bees that produce honey.

Analysis of honey in general:

     Fructose: 38.2%
     Glucose: 31.3%
     Maltose: 7.1%
     Sucrose: 1.3%
     Water: 17.2%
     Sugar highest: 1.5%
     Ash (analytical chemistry): 0.2%
     Other: 3.2%

The viscosity of honey is about 1.36 kilograms per liter. Or equal to 36% thicker than water).

Other benefits of honey

Healthy Benefits of Honey
Honey Benefits
Other benefits is honey that will enhance brain function is. Try a spoonful of honey before bed routine.

A study shows that the health benefits of honey to it will feel when you are attacked by influenza. Honey can both be natural Antivirus. Efficacy of flu drugs are sold freely on the market was unbeaten with honey.

If you are experiencing digestive problems, benefits of honey very much for you. It helps smooth digestion, you are advised to consume 2 teaspoons honey 3 times a day to nourish your digestive organs.

Honey Helpful to Reduce Acne

Acne can also be reduced by applying 3 tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, apply on your face before bed. in the morning and rinse with warm water. Try to do a routine for 2 weeks in a row, then the benefits will be felt by the loss of honey to your acne.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Dragonfruit benefits : Treatment for HIV AIDS

Dragon fruit healthy Benefits
Benefits of Dragon fruit

Dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) is a native fruit of Central America and grows in areas with tropical climates, subtropical, arid to temperate regions. The benefits of dragon fruit has been known throughout the world.This fruit is an excellent antioxidant that can protect the body from free radicals and cancer. The fruit has a taste somewhat bland. Efficacy of dragon fruit is for the body to neutralize the toxins, and also bind heavy metals.A high content of vitamin C in dragon fruit benefits dragon fruit made very useful to boost immunity to help heal wounds / bruises. The content of vitamin B2 and B1 in dragon fruit is very good for increasing metabolism and restore appetite. Plus, dragon fruit also contains vitamin B3 which serves to lower cholesterol levels. Not yet finished, dragon fruit also has benefits to cure cough and asthma to treat high blood pressure. 

Benefits of Dragon fruit
Images of Dragon fruit
Moreover, dragon fruits contain not only vitamins, but also phosphorus and calcium can make bones stronger and healthier teeth. We can conclude that the dragon fruit is excellent for those who want to lose weight and blood sugar levels. Red Dragon Fruit - Benefits The benefits of red dragon fruit known to be effective for lowering blood glucose levels. 

Red dragon fruit is a fruit that is high in fiber that can help the process of digestion and also helps to reduce fat in the body.Red dragon fruit also serves to keep your eyes healthy as red dragon fruit also contains carotene. 

Efficacy of red dragon fruit next is to prevent and treat heart disease, cancer, to help lower blood pressure. This is because the dragon fruit contains lycopene. Red dragon fruit also serves to help the formation of a network because this fruit contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, calcium, protein and phosphorus. 

To obtain the benefits of dragon fruit is the maximum, you can make it into juice and drink it regularly. Each cup of dragon fruit contains approximately 100kkal. But if you do not have time to process into juice, then you can take it directly to obtain benefits.

Other benefits of Dragon fruit :

Dragon fruit has beneficial properties for human health of them as blood sugar balance, also oral health protection, preventive colon cancer, reduce cholesterol, prevention of bleeding and treating complaints of vaginal discharge and help the patients of the HIV / AIDS to heal.

In general, experts agree and acknowledge dragon fruit is rich in potassium, iron, protein, fiber, sodium and calcium are good for health compared to other fruits are imported.

According to AL Leong from Johncola Pitaya Food R & D, an organization that examines the red dragon fruit, honey cactus fruit is quite rich in various vitamins and minerals that really help to improve endurance and beneficial for metabolism in the human body.


The Benefits of Dragon fruit - Treatment for HIV AIDS

Benefits of aloe vera

benefits of aloevera
aloevera benefits

The aloe vera Benefits

There are many benefits of aloe vera plant. During this time we may only know as aloe vera plants growing in the yard and we rarely use. But in fact, from the results of various studies known properties of aloe vera was very much.

But did you know that the benefits of aloe vera that grows in tropical areas it contains about 75 kinds of useful substances and more than 200 compounds that can be used in herbal medicine. With such great content, the benefits of aloe vera plants not only as a shampoo to wash it, but it is also a useful herb for treating various diseases.

Examples of the benefits of aloe vera

Some examples of the benefits of aloe vera can be obtained as follows:

As Detoxification Toxins. By way of making Aloe Vera Juice, various vitamins and minerals contained in aloe vera can be detoxification (antidote) toxins in your body. Overcoming Digestive Disorders. The survey results revealed that the use of aloe vera can be overcome such as acid reflux and esophageal soothing. This will prevent you from the risk of peptic ulcers and irritable bowel, so that you will be more healthy digestion.
Benefits of aloe vera to Prevent Diabetes. In addition to the detoxification of toxins, aloe vera juice also contain substances that can prevent diabetes risk. With regular consumption of aloe vera juice, your blood sugar will stay awake and avoid the attack of diabetes.

Bowel Movement Helps in digestion. Aloe vera latex contain Aloe. These substances can produce anthraquinone glycosidesaloin A and B. These substances have the benefit of a strong laxative bowel movement and helps in digesting the food.

The benefits of aloe vera for Skin Care and Maintain Weight Loss.

Do not be surprised if the aloe vera juice is also beneficial to eliminate acne and moisturize the skin. In fact, aloe vera juice can also lose weight. Various benefits of aloe vera plant has been used by traditional ancestors for many years.

Various benefits of aloe vera you can try at home. Apart from the five examples above, actually there are many more benefits of aloe vera which I can not mention here. That is a sign of God's incredible power is on an aloe vera plant. So, let's take advantage of and we preserve the best of the plants around us.

Benefits of Apples

Apples Healthy Benefits
Benefits of Apples

The Healthy Benefits of Apples

Apples contain high antioxidant, anti-oxidants can also help lower bad cholesterol, lower bad cholesterol will protect you from heart disease.
Benefits of apples as a food rich in fiber and water level. Choose foods with fiber content like fruits, vegetables, cereals, wheat. Apples with pears, citrus fruits are including high fiber yield. Benefits of Apples that have a high water content can also make stomach stretch. Melon and watermelon fruit with a high water content despite its low fiber could easily make the stomach full and filling.

Apples benefits when consumed with the skin will make blood glucose levels rise slowly. Glicemic skinned apples have a low index. Rate of rise in blood sugar levels can be reduced by glicemic index foods that are low. In addition to the benefits of Apples skinned, average vegetables also have low levels of glicemic index marked by the number of fiber in the leaves and stems. 

Other benefits of apples
Apples contain high antioxidant, anti-oxidants can also help lower bad cholesterol, lower bad cholesterol will protect you from heart disease. In addition, there are many benefits of apple juice made for, among others, as follows.
Relieves diarrhea
Digestion and weight loss
Apple juice can fend off viral infection
Helps treat asthma
Preventing tooth decay and gum disease
Strengthen Kidney
Lowering blood pressure
Fight arthritis
Stabilize blood sugar
As an anticancer agent
It turns out is a lot of apples for health benefits

Sunday, September 30, 2012



Wednesday, September 21, 2011

America's First Hemp Drink - Chronic Ice - Making a Splash in the Natural Beverage Market

America's First Hemp Drink - Chronic Ice - Making a Splash in the Natural Beverage Market

Chronic Ice, the nation's first drink containing hemp, is making a splash in the healthy beverage market. The refreshing health tea, made with organic sugar cane, a green and black tea blend, lemon essence, ascorbic acid and, of course, hemp seed extract, is in growing demand by health food and hemp enthusiasts.

According to Dr. Slavik Dushenkov, Executive Vice President of Consolidated Growers and Processors, Inc., hempseed oil is a health food. It contains approximately 57% linoleic (LA) and 19% linolenic (LNA) acids, in the three-to-one ratio that matches human optimal nutritional needs. These are the essential fatty acids (EFAs), which the body cannot make and which must be obtained from dietary sources.

"People don't get high drinking our tea, but they can get healthy," said Tony Van Pelt, founder of Chronic Ice. "Although its name is a play on marijuana, Chronic Ice does not contain any cannabis or THC."
Each serving of the antioxidant-rich, healthy tea contains only 80 calories per serving, and it is free of preservatives and high fructose corn syrup. It has been tested with oncologists and enjoyed by notable hip hoppers Lil' Wayne, 50 Cent and Snoop Dogg.

Currently, Chronic Ice can only be purchased at select stores in Southern California and Washington State. The company is negotiating distribution deals to increase availability. In addition to expansion plans, several product improvements are in the works.

This summer the company plans to launch new flavor options, start bottling in modern aluminum bottles dressed up with slick new labels, and implement new policies for sourcing 100% of the health tea's ingredients through organic fair trade suppliers.

Fair trade is a social movement and market-based approach that aims to help producers in developing countries create better trading conditions and promote sustainability. The movement advocates the payment of higher prices to producers and adherence to social and environmental standards.

Fair trade primarily focuses on handicrafts, coffee, cocoa, sugar, tea, bananas, honey, cotton, wine, fresh fruit, chocolate, flowers and gold exported from developing countries to developed countries.
For more information about Chronic Ice, call (415) 734-8350 or go to the website www.chronicice.com/
About Kush Boys Worldwide Kush Boys Worldwide is a Los Angeles-based company committed to pursuing ventures that benefit a demographic they call the new-age pop culture.

Current projects include the online animated series Master Kush; an eco-friendly clothing line for the urban demographic called Kush Couture Lifestyle Apparel (KCLA); an all-natural iced tea made with hemp known as Chronic Ice; the natural male enhancement supplement Sir Rock; and Kush Boys Studios.