Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Meniran Healthy Benefits

Although this plant grows wild but also contains medicinal properties that are useful for us. This plant is easily recognizable, like tamarind tree leaves, but many pieces along the stem below the leaves. In the science of plant morphology commonly taught in the Department of Biology, the plant is modeled as one of the anomalies in compound leaves.  

The leaves are similar at a glance, tamarind tree leaves like compound leaves, but actually is a single leaf. Because of the fruit under the leaves so he is not a compound leaf. And characteristic compound leaves no leaf buds or fruit buds in the armpit leaves.

Recent research on meniran it can be used for people with HIV-AIDS, which extracts meniran be "adjuvant", especially to increase the T-helper. Adjuvant means help in overcoming an infection. In addition to the standard drug given, coupled with a stimulant. With adjuvant therapy, the cure can be more quickly and more importantly, is to eliminate the recurrence.  

Meniran extract can be used as an adjuvant therapy in the treatment of stubborn infections such as viral infections, fungal infections, bacterial infections, intracellular and other chronic infectious diseases. Extract meniran this is helpful, not treat, cure HIV / AIDS. At least improve the quality of life and prolong life.
Prof traditional herbalist Hembing, offering healing hepatitis B with meniran. The recipe, 60 grams of leaves meniran several other herbs mixed, then boiled with 1 liter of water until the water is only 200 cc. Boiling water is taken twice a day for seven consecutive days. no modern medicine can cure hepatitis B with sniper. The most ideal is to prevent hepatitis B by vaccination. For those who are already infected, what may make, he must live with the virus HBV (hepatitis B causes).
The virus is transmitted through blood transfusions, sexual activity, and the exchange of body fluids-including through needles and razors. Vertically, hepatitis B can also be decreased by HBV-infected pregnant women.
Active compound in meniran-filantin and hipofilantin-function flush toxins in the body. In addition, shrubs plays one meter is also able to stimulate the immune system.
used as a cure various diseases, from diarrhea to epilepsy. Active compound in meniran-filantin and hipofilantin-function flush toxins in the body. In addition, shrubs plays one meter is also able to stimulate the immune

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Meniran Healthy Benefits
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