Sunday, June 23, 2013

Appendix Benefits for body

Appendix Benefits for body

Appendix is often regarded as a useless organ and so easy to cut when there is an infection. However, Bill Parker of Duke University in its publication in the Journal of Biology 2007 Theorethical refute that view.

Parker said, when a person experiences digestive tract infection, beneficial bacteria counts will decrease. Appendix has helped restore populations of beneficial bacteria back to normal.

Benefits of appendix

Appendix benefits for body

Appendix benefits for body

More recently, James Grendell of Winthrop-University Hospital on Long Island found evidence to support the view Parker. He conducted a study in 254 patients infected with Clostridium difficile, a common type of bacteria mengibfeksi hospital patients, especially those taking antibiotics.

Grendell, based on the results of the research, said that the C. difficile can not directly compete with the good bacteria in the digestive tract. However, if the number of good bacteria is reduced, the number of C. difficile directly increases.

As reported in March 2012 issue of Scientific American, Grendell said that the growth of C. difficile in humans who did not have appendicitis faster. Sick from C. difficile occurs in 18 percent of people with appendicitis, while the man who did not have appendicitis reached 45 percent.

Grendell said that the appendix acts to save human lives from infection. He said the research needs to be done so that in the future, doctors are not the origin of the appendix cut.

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Appendix Benefits for body
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