Friday, June 07, 2013

Benefits of Coral Reef

Coral reefs have many benefits for the life of marine ecosystems and human life. For the life of marine ecosystems, coral reefs have benefited as a friend and shelter diverse animal life of the sea, such as grouper, rabbit fish, crabs, shrimp, jellyfish, and others. Coral reefs are also a shelter animals are almost extinct, such as giant clams and sea turtles.

Animal feed around coral reefs. Their food is a little shrimp, larvae and plankton animal. Plankton is a one-celled animal or plant that size is very small.

For human life, coral reefs serve as coastal protection from damage caused by waves or ocean waves so that humans can live in areas near the coast. Humans can also catch marine animals that live in coral reefs. They are high protein sources needed by the human body.

Humans can make coral reefs as an object of research for the development of science. Humans can also acquire the basic material for the manufacture of a drug that can cure a variety of diseases, such as cancer and bone fragility.

Coral reefs also be biased exciting marine attractions. Travelers who come see the coral reefs would provide income for local people and foreign countries.

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Benefits of Coral Reef
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