Dietary fiber is one of the nutrients that are considered essential these days. So far, the discussion of dietary fiber is often neglected in comparison with a discussion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
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7 Top Benefits of Fiber for Health |
The reason is because the physical properties of the fiber, including portions of food that can not be digested (indigestible) and nutritional contribution is not taken into account (negligible nutrient value). However, the actual dietary fiber has important functions that are not replaced by other substances.
Soluble fiber in the form of a viscus may prolong gastric emptying time. Meanwhile, guar and pectin improved transit time in the gut.
Conversely insoluble fiber will shorten the transit time time or in other words, the period between the entry and exit of food as leftovers that are not needed by the body to be shorter. Transit time is short cause contact between the substances irritating the mucosa and colorectal be brief, so that it can prevent the disease in parts of the colon and rectum.
Dietary fiber also affects the intestinal hormone release (digestion in the gut), calcium, iron, zinc and other organic substances, however, the fiber can also bind cholesterol and bile acids that affect cholesterol enterohepatic circulation (blood flow through the liver is not directly leading to heart).
In the colon, fiber is fermented by colonic bacteria and will produce short-chain fatty acids (short chain fatty acids). These fatty acids can inhibit fat mobilization and reduce gluconeogenesis and therefore contributes to the use of glucose, insulin secretion and glucose utilization by the liver cells.
Fiber also serves to prevent colon cancer. Dietary fiber consists of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin largely be destroyed by enzymes and bacteria in the digestive tract (GI tract). In the colon, dietary fiber will absorb water so the stool becomes larger volume and will stimulate the nerves in the rectum. This stimulation will cause a desire for defecation (issued feces). Feces containing fiber will be easier in eliminate (excluded).
In addition to absorbing water, dietary fiber also absorbs bile acids and fewer bile acids can stimulate the colorectal mucosa. Mechanisms such as fiber can prevent the occurrence of colorectal carcinoma (cancer of the colon colon-rectum). In addition, dietary fiber may also reduce the intake of calories. Low-calorie diet with high-fiber diet is beneficial to address the problem of obesity (obese).
In nutrition, fiber from vegetables and fruits called crude fiber (crude fuber). In addition to crude fiber, no fiber foods that are not only found in vegetables and fruits, but present in other foods, such as rice, potatoes, beans, and tubers. Existing fiber in food is commonly known as dietary fiber which is very good for maintaining a healthy body.
Fibers previously interpreted as part of the plant that can not be absorbed by the body. However, lately the term fiber developed a more precise definition. In nutrition, fiber is defined as all the structural materials of the plant cell roomates taken in our diet are resistant to digestive tract. In recent literature, The American Association of Cereal Chemist, stating fiber foods as part of edible plants or analogous carbohydrates that can not be hydrolyzed by digestive enzymes of human colon.
Dietary fiber also affects the intestinal hormone release (digestion in the gut), calcium, iron, zinc and other organic substances, however, the fiber can also bind cholesterol and bile acids that affect cholesterol enterohepatic circulation (blood flow through the liver is not directly leading to heart).
In the colon, fiber is fermented by colonic bacteria and will produce short-chain fatty acids (short chain fatty acids). These fatty acids can inhibit fat mobilization and reduce gluconeogenesis and therefore contributes to the use of glucose, insulin secretion and glucose utilization by the liver cells.
Fiber also serves to prevent colon cancer. Dietary fiber consists of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin largely be destroyed by enzymes and bacteria in the digestive tract (GI tract). In the colon, dietary fiber will absorb water so the stool becomes larger volume and will stimulate the nerves in the rectum. This stimulation will cause a desire for defecation (issued feces). Feces containing fiber will be easier in eliminate (excluded).
In addition to absorbing water, dietary fiber also absorbs bile acids and fewer bile acids can stimulate the colorectal mucosa. Mechanisms such as fiber can prevent the occurrence of colorectal carcinoma (cancer of the colon colon-rectum). In addition, dietary fiber may also reduce the intake of calories. Low-calorie diet with high-fiber diet is beneficial to address the problem of obesity (obese).
In nutrition, fiber from vegetables and fruits called crude fiber (crude fuber). In addition to crude fiber, no fiber foods that are not only found in vegetables and fruits, but present in other foods, such as rice, potatoes, beans, and tubers. Existing fiber in food is commonly known as dietary fiber which is very good for maintaining a healthy body.
Fibers previously interpreted as part of the plant that can not be absorbed by the body. However, lately the term fiber developed a more precise definition. In nutrition, fiber is defined as all the structural materials of the plant cell roomates taken in our diet are resistant to digestive tract. In recent literature, The American Association of Cereal Chemist, stating fiber foods as part of edible plants or analogous carbohydrates that can not be hydrolyzed by digestive enzymes of human colon.
Fiber called unavailable carbohydrates. Meanwhile, lignin or plant parts that can not be absorbed by the body called crude fiber or non-carbohydrate.
So that no one sense, the term is used to differentiate dietary fiber dietary fiber with coarse fiber (crude fiber). Crude fiber (crude fiber) used in proximate analysis of food, from food that can not be hydrolyzed by chemicals (sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide).
So that no one sense, the term is used to differentiate dietary fiber dietary fiber with coarse fiber (crude fiber). Crude fiber (crude fiber) used in proximate analysis of food, from food that can not be hydrolyzed by chemicals (sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide).
Meanwhile, dietary fiber includes polysaccharides is everything and that can not be hydrolyzed by digestive enzymes work human gut. Dietary fiber or fiber in the diet is usually several times the crude fiber intake, including the unavailable carbohydrates.
Currently, the recommended fiber intake is higher, given the many health benefits for the body. The World Health Organization has issued adequate intake (AI) of dietary fiber which can be used as a reference for maintaining gastrointestinal health and the health of other organs.
Currently, the recommended fiber intake is higher, given the many health benefits for the body. The World Health Organization has issued adequate intake (AI) of dietary fiber which can be used as a reference for maintaining gastrointestinal health and the health of other organs.
AI value of dietary fiber for adults, now set at 25-30 grams / day. Previously only the set at 16-28 g / day, equivalent to 1-4% crude intake british diets. In the American diet, the recommended dietary fiber gram/100 5-8 grams of crude fiber.
7 Top Fiber Health Benefits
Consider the function of fiber more as reported by the Huffington Post following.
1. extend the life of
A research has shown that a person's daily routine to meet the needs of fiber (14 grams per 1,000 calories consumed) have the opportunity to live 9 years longer than those without.
2. Maintain intestinal health
There is no relationship dietary fiber with the risk of colon cancer. Nonetheless eating fiber as needed indirectly able to maintain overall intestinal health.
3. Lowering Cholesterol
Soluble fiber plays an important role in lowering levels of bad cholesterol in the body that normally trigger cardiovascular disease.
4. Preventing diabetes
Diets high in fiber also slows the absorption of sugar in the blood levels. So someone who diligently meet the daily fiber needs a small risk of type 2 diabetes.
5. Avoid Digestion
Constipation? Sign you eat less fiber every day. If you experience it, you should increase your intake of fiber so digestion becomes more fluent.
6. Help Lose weight
Fibers have a tendency to make a full belly in the long term. So if you want to lose weight, do not be lazy to eat fibrous foods.
1. extend the life of
A research has shown that a person's daily routine to meet the needs of fiber (14 grams per 1,000 calories consumed) have the opportunity to live 9 years longer than those without.
2. Maintain intestinal health
There is no relationship dietary fiber with the risk of colon cancer. Nonetheless eating fiber as needed indirectly able to maintain overall intestinal health.
3. Lowering Cholesterol
Soluble fiber plays an important role in lowering levels of bad cholesterol in the body that normally trigger cardiovascular disease.
4. Preventing diabetes
Diets high in fiber also slows the absorption of sugar in the blood levels. So someone who diligently meet the daily fiber needs a small risk of type 2 diabetes.
5. Avoid Digestion
Constipation? Sign you eat less fiber every day. If you experience it, you should increase your intake of fiber so digestion becomes more fluent.
6. Help Lose weight
Fibers have a tendency to make a full belly in the long term. So if you want to lose weight, do not be lazy to eat fibrous foods.
7. Prevent heart attacks
In a long term study, eat fibrous foods was also associated with being able to prevent heart disease. The study also proves that nutritious fiber prevents inflammation and lower blood pressure.
That is an important function of fiber for the body. Have you eat fibrous foods today?
In a long term study, eat fibrous foods was also associated with being able to prevent heart disease. The study also proves that nutritious fiber prevents inflammation and lower blood pressure.
That is an important function of fiber for the body. Have you eat fibrous foods today?
7 Top Benefits of Fiber for Health