Monday, March 16, 2015

Papaya Seeds Efficasious and benefits

Papaya seeds may be only known and used as seeds for cultivation. The rest, more papaya seeds used as the waste after the flesh is taken. In fact, based on clinical trials, papaya seeds can be processed and retrieved oil. In addition to the oil, papaya seed has been traditionally known as a treatments for worm medicine, cold, diarrhea, skin diseases, digestive disorders and even as a male contraceptive. 

The complexity of the benefits of papaya seeds is not separated from the complex compounds contained therein. The content of this papaya seeds, based on research, it has a pharmacological effect on the human body. Therefore, discard seeds papaya necessarily the same as throwing a drug that could be most needed by your family.

Compounds Compiler Papaya Seeds

When parsed, the content of papaya seeds among other alkaloids, steroids, tannins, and volatile oil. In detail, the content of the seeds in the form of some unsaturated fatty acid in high amounts. The acid is oleic acid and palmiat. In addition, papaya seeds are also known to contain senyaw akimia phenols, terpenoids also saponins.

These compounds are sitoksik, anti-androgen and estrogenic effect. Furthermore, papaya seeds also contain small amounts of carbohydrates, water, ash, protein, and fat. Meanwhile, the related benefits as  hair care, closely related to carcirindan glucoside compounds in papaya seed itself.

Papaya seeds benefits can not be ignored, it can be used as a highly efficacious medication.

1. Papaya seeds as antibacterial research has been carried out and found the papaya seeds if proven to effectively eradicate E. coli, Salmonella, and Staph infections.

2. Papaya seeds in kidney protection. Research has found that of papaya seed extract may protect the kidneys from toxin-induced renal failure.

3. Seeds Papaya in eliminating intestinal parasites. There is evidence that papaya seeds eradicate intestinal parasites. In a study done on Nigerian children with intestinal parasites, 76.7% of children who received a placebo.

4. Seed Papaya Exterminate liver toxin. In Chinese medicine in the State believed if a teaspoon of papaya seeds can help detoxify the liver. Papaya seeds are often recommended by doctors naturally in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver.

5. Seeds Papaya overcome worms. The disease is also very good embarrassing eradicated with papaya seeds, even very potent he said.

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Papaya Seeds Efficasious and benefits
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