Friday, July 20, 2018

nutritional scale daily body need

Intervention for Clients with Malnutrition and Obesity

Nutrition has a major role in promoting and maintaining health. Health nutrition not only contributes to the results of positive treatment but also as health care. As part of a comprehensive health assessment, including a nutritional examination to identify clients who are malnourished or at risk for developing nutritional deficits.


1. Diet Recommendations
Several national standards are available to evaluate planning and nutrition. The most widely accepted standard in the United States is Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). The RDA sets out recommendations for energy intake, protein, vitamins, and minerals for population health. For adults it takes 1800 calories / day and 0.8 g protein / kg body weight to meet basal energy needs.

RDA can be used to estimate adequate nutrient intake over time. If the client does not meet 100% of the RDA he will be malnourished. All people who meet 100% of the RDA will not experience malnutrition.

The Food and Nutrition Board (FNB), with Canadian Health involvement, has recommended that the Dietary Intake Reference (DRI) replace the RDA. The first DRI was released recommending nutritional intake relating to bone health (Food and Nutrition, 1997). The established standard of Canada, Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI), is similar to the United States.

The role of diet and nutrition in illness has been an interesting topic for many years. The current focus is on health promotion of disease prevention. In 1995 the Dietary Guidelines for Americans were revised by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

The seven guidelines emphasize the importance of choosing food to maintain a healthy diet with balance, moderation. One of the most striking changes of the previous edition occurred in the heavy guidelines. For the first time, diet and physical activity are useful to maintain or increase weight.
Nutrition Recommendation for Canada (Table 64-1) is similar to Dietary Guidelines for Americans. In addition, they recommend limiting to consuming no more than four cups of coffee per day for diet and adding florida to drinking water sources to a level of 1 mg / L.

Table 64-1 Recommended Nutrition for Canada
· Sodium should be reduced
· Diet is no more than 5% of total energy
· Diet should contain no more than four cups of regular coffee per day
· Energy for the diet should be consistent with weight maintenance within the recommended range
· Diet should include essential nutrients in specific amounts of nutritional intake recommendations
· Diet should include no more than 30% of energy as fat (33 g / 1000 kcal or 39 g / 5000 kJ) not more than 10% as saturated fat (11 g / 1000 kcal or 13 g / 5000 kJ)
· Diet should provide 55% of the energy as carbohydrates (138 g / 1000 kcal or 165 g / 5000 kJ) from various sources.

2. Food Pyramid
Developed the USDA Food Guide Pyramid in 1992 to translate food recommendations into a practical graphical format (Fig. 64-2). A pyramid is chosen to communicate three key successful diets: varieties, moderation, and proportionality. The design of the pyramid of dietary buildings emphasizes on the basis of grains, fruits, and vegetables. The amount of meat, protein sources, and everyday products is added, and the intake of fats and sweets is limited. Table 64-2 shows the daily portion of each food group and explains the size of a serving.

Following this pattern produces an adequate nutritional intake if various foods are selected.
Various vegetarian dietary patterns are being adopted by many people for health, the environment, and moral reasons. In general, vegetarians are leaner than those who consume meat. Lacto-vegetarians who eat milk, cheese and milk, but avoid food, meat, fish, poultry, and eggs. The lacto-ovo-vegetarian also includes eggs. The vegetarians only eat foods that come from plants. Vegan can develop megaloblastic anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency. All vegetarians must make sure that they get an adequate amount of calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamin D and B12. The Vegetarian Food Pyramid, supported by the Vegetarian Resource Group, can help vegetarians with daily food choices (Figure 64-3).

The third pyramid has recently been developed low-carb trends ("low-carb") diets, such as the Atkins and South Beach diet. Emphasizing the Atkins pyramid building diet on protein sources, vegetables rather than whole grains, fruits, dairy products, and nuts are added, as well as limited wheat food. Foods containing carbohydrates are the most undesirable foods, such as pasta, cakes, and white bread.

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