Sunday, July 08, 2018

This Rheumatoid Arthritis Causes

The real rheumatoid arthritis causes until this time still remain unclear. Medical science is still unable to
discover what triggers one’s immune system to act so abnormally that it attacks the inner synovial tissue.

Rheumatoid arthritis itself is more prone to infect 35 years old women or older; thus, it encourages several parties to correlate the two variables and conclude that rheumatoid arthritis is somehow caused by aging and hormone. However, the fact that a considerable number of men and toddler also suffer from such illness has broken that assumption. 

Yet, recently, researchers are reported to have been able to somehow draw a line from several factors which are suspected to contribute to one’s affliction of rheumatoid arthritis. And in this article, we will guide you through those suspected rheumatoid arthritis causes in details.

3 suspected contributing rheumatoid arthritis causes

1. Hormones
2. Genetics
3. Environment

Even though the early assumption we told you before has been considered to fail to accurately show what triggers the autoimmune abnormality, hormones are still suspected to be one of the most reasonable rheumatoid arthritis causes. Statistics show lactating and using contraception have the potential to worsen the rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. 

On the other hand, during pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis sufferers report that the pain and inflammation caused by the disease are somehow relieved. This can imply that hormones changes during the three different periods have something to do with rheumatoid arthritis and lead us to suspect that it’s one of the contributing rheumatoid arthritis causes.

The next suspected factor of our rheumatoid arthritis causes list is genetics. A direct line that correlates genetics with rheumatoid arthritis still remains unproven. The judgment is placed merely based on intuition. However, researchers agree that there are one or two genes that are believed to determine if someone will suffer from RA and how acute his/ her severity will be. It is also unknown whether these genes support each other or are being contradictive one to another.

The last on our rheumatoid arthritis causes list is environmental issues. Scientists believe that our surrounding environment has a part to determine if one day we will be afflicted with RA or not. It somehow has the ability to activate the passive genetic markers which have been descended by our parents to us. This is especially if we live in such unclean areas which are inhabited by bacteria and viruses. Moreover, cigarette’s smoke is also suspected to have slight influence to one’s affliction of RA. In addition, high sugar diet and canned food are also considered to be among rheumatoid arthritis causes.

While it’s true that scientists and researchers don’t have any strong proof yet, the likelihood of those elements to be the rheumatoid arthritis causes is quite high. Personally, we believe it’s just a matter of time before finally modern science figure it out and invent the most effective medications for RA. And ultimately, all rheumatoid arthritis causes can be anticipated and taken care of.

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This Rheumatoid Arthritis Causes
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