Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Benefits of Bacteria

Bacterium or Micro Organisms Bacteria are a group that has no nuclear membrane of cells. These organisms are included in Prokaryotes and very small (microscopy) but had no small role on the environment and our lives.  

The Benefits of Bacteria
The Benefits of Bacteria
Bacteria type that number could reach 400 type, it simply can be grouped into bacteria that cause infection and disease (bad bacteria) and beneficial bacteria (good bacteria). The structure of the bacterial cell is very simple, no nucleus (nucleus), the cell's skeleton and other organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplast .

So far we have always assumed that the bacterium was the cause of the disease is very dangerous. Bacteria that can not be seen directly by the naked eye can be easily approached and we unwittingly. Not only can cause disease, bacteria also can be utilized for our lives. Here are some of the benefits of Beneficial Bacteria:

  • Beneficial Bacteria to balance the environment around us, such as bacterial decomposers. These bacteria can be utilized to describe plants or animals that have died, and the remnants of organisms or dirt. Decomposing bacteria also degrade proteins, carbohydrates and other organic compounds into Carbondioksida, gaseous ammonia and other compounds that are simple so bacteria can clean up the environment from waste. Imagine if there were no bacteria to decompose waste, of course there will be many problems in our environment.
  • Beneficial Bacteria to restore and regulate bowel of hard labor, type of bacteria is bacterium Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidobacteria (bifidus). These bacteria can also serve as a poison because it is able to disable eleminator toxic compounds such as nitrate produced by other microorganisms and food, as protector of the immune system (immune system) because the bacteria is able to stimulate the formation of antibodies that prevent excess growth of harmful bacteria, prevent urinary tract infections , increased protection against pathogens, viruses and bad bacteria, restoring balance to the intestines after administration of antibiotics, chemotherapy, prevent gas formation due to decomposition and fermentation.
  • Escherichia coli bacteria types contribute to food spoilage, nitrogen fixing Rhizobium Leguminosarum function, useful for the production of Lactobacillus bulgaricus Yogurt, Acetobacter Xilinum useful for making nata de coco, Lactobacillus Casei useful for cheese manufacture, manufacture Biogas Methanobecterium useful and useful for the production Griceus Streptomyces antibiotic Streptomycin. 
10 types of beneficial bacteria:
1. Rhizobium / Rhizopus
These bacteria play a role in fixing nitrogen in the roots of leguminous plants. Fermentation in tempe

2. Escherichia coli
The bacteria Escherichia coli. These bacteria play a role in the process of decomposition of food waste and forms of vitamin K and vitamin B12 that is in the colon.

3. Acetobacter xylinum
Acetobacter xylinum bacteria play a role in the making "Nata de 'coco'.

4. Pseudomonas sp
The bacteria Pseudomonas sp role in the manufacture of vitamin B.

5. Candida krussei
Krussei Candida bacteria play a role in the manufacture of chocolate.

6. Pseudomonas, Xantomonas
Pseudomonas bacteria, Xantomonas, Flavobacterium and Streptomyces role in the decomposition of organic waste.

7. Streptococcus termophylus
Termophylus Streptococcus bacteria play a role in the manufacture of butter.

8. Streptomyces griceus
Griceus Streptomyces bacteria. These bacteria are capable of forming antibiotic streptomycin.

9. Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus
Bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus termophylus role in the manufacture of yoghurt.

10. Streptococcus sp. And Propionibacterium skermanisi
The bacteria Streptococcus sp. And Propionibacterium skermanisi role in cheese making.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

20 Benefits Turmeric for Health and Beauty

If we want to live healthier back to nature lifestyles more promising than we did premises ways in a modern way. One way to treat and maintain our health is by using turmeric.

Turmeric Healthy Benefits
The Health  Benefits of Turmeric
Who does not know of turmeric? Turmeric is very easy to find, because it is usually used as spice turmeric or mixed herbs. But in addition to useful as a kitchen spice, turmeric turns out to have many benefits for our health.

Since 2500 years ago, the Indian people have made use of turmeric, turmeric beginning only known as a dye. But gradually aware that the health benefits of turmeric.

The substance content of Turmeric

Turmeric has a number of content including:
  • The dye kurkuminoid - A compound diarilheptanoid around 3-4% and consists of Curcumin, dihidrokurkumin, desmetoksikurkumin and bisdesmetoksikurkumin.
  • Essential oils - Contains as much as 2-5% consisting of sesquiterpenes and turmeron phenylpropane derivatives (aryl-turmeron, alpha and beta turmeron turmeron), kurlon kurkumol, atlanton, bisabolen, seskuifellandren, zingiberin, aryl kurkumen, humulen.
  • Minerals - magnesium iron, manganese, calcium, sodium, potassium, lead, zinc, cobalt, aluminum and bismuth
     Other substances - Arabinose, fructose, glucose, starch, resins and tannins
These 20 health benefits of turmeric for us.

  1. Turmeric is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful as a disinfectant like any ordinary wound burns.
  2. When combined with cauliflower, turmeric has been shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer.
  3. Prevent breast cancer from spreading to the lungs in mice.
  4. Turmeric could prevent melanoma skin cancer and melanoma cell death caused by it.
  5. This Turmeric Reduces risk of leukemia.
  6. Turmeric is useful as expenditures natural toxins from the liver.
  7. Turmeric can prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease by removing plaque buildup in the brain amyloyd.
  8. Turmeric could prevent the metastasis of occurrence of various forms of cancer.
  9. Turmeric is useful as anti-inflammatory drugs but without the side effects.
  10. Can slow the progression of multiple sclerosis.
  11. Turmeric is useful as a natural painkiller.
  12. Can aid in fat metabolism and help in weight management.
  13. It has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.
  14. Turmeric can be used as a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
  15. Turmeric able to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy treatment.
  16. Studies are ongoing in the positive effects of turmeric on multiple myeloma.
  17. Research shows that turmeric can stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors.
  18. Turmeric can accelerate wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged skin.
  19. May help in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions.
  20. Turmeric is beneficial in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. However it is still in the research stage
Well, that's 20 health benefits of turmeric for us.

The Benefits of Fishing

Fishing is a fun hobby, despite there are some people who say this hobby is a hobby for lazy people. Regardless of the negative sentiment towards people who likes fishing, a hobby is still having a lot of benefits you know.

Many reasons why the fishing mania should be willing to sit for hours in the fishing, river, lake, or ocean, waiting for bait fish struck. Although the resulting catches may not khan more than the costs incurred.

Many anglers who are willing to spend money mania hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars just to purchase fishing equipment, when compared with the results of the fish must be far away price.

Anglers who mania is an extreme way to cultivate hobbies like fishing and want to provide time to hunt fish by fishing.

Here are 4 benefits of fishing :

1. Fishing is a fun hobby. With fishing, people can experience exciting fishing experience where time is the most memorable moment for the angler mania. When the fish started grabbing and with our skills we can finally pull then there is satisfaction for anglers.

2. Fishing will get the health benefits. Fishing is also the sports facilities for anglers fishing mania as you exercise will provide enough physical activity successfully, throw rod, reel exciting, interesting fish, and other physical activities so that you get health.

3. Fishing can treat stress, the mania anglers must have known that fishing activities can eliminate fatigue in the mind, reduce feelings of boredom than a full week you indulge in the office, and even fishing can foster excitement as well as eliminate the stress that may be in your whack.

4. Fishing can exercise patience. Anglers mania is usually the person who patiently. Well how come? Fishing as provide therapy, patient effects in an effort to achieve something.
Fishing certainly will require substantial time, many hours you have to wait for your bait fish eaten; many times you try to catch the fish that eat your bait. Fishing can also be applied to children as a game that children exercise patience and concentration.

Happy fishing!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Benefits of Coconut Water For Pregnancy Mom

Benefits of Coconut Water For Pregnancy Mom

Is it true that Coconut Water is good for pregnancy?

So far there has been no scientific studies that prove the truth of that suggestion. However, coconut water does contain many substances that are beneficial for pregnant women. Substances that are perhaps not directly make babies healthier as mentioned in the traditional advice.

5 Benefits of Coconut Water

1. Natural Electrolytes
Coconut water is rich in electrolytes content, chloride, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and riboflavin. As a natural isotonic mineral rich and has the same electrolyte body electrolytes, coconut water is very beneficial for rehydration and restoring stamina.

Pregnant women need more water than others. Dehydration during pregnancy can cause a variety of complications, including headaches, cramps, edema and even contraction which can lead to premature labor.

2. Natural Diuretics
As a natural diuretic, sterile, coconut water diuretic and helps cleanse the urinary tract. It is nutritious substances out toxins from the body and prevent urinary tract infections are also quite common in pregnant women.

3. Anti diseases
Young coconut water contains lauric acid, the acid that helps fight disease. Lauric acid contained in coconut water the same as those found in breast milk and have the characteristics of an antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties that maintain the health of the mother and baby from viruses such as herpes and HIV, protozoa giardia lamblia, and bacteria chlamydia and heliokobater.

4. Helps Digestion
Coconut water is also believed to improve digestive function. During pregnancy, the placenta produces the hormone progesterone, which slows digestion so that the stomach muscle contractions slowed down. Coconut water can help increase the speed of digestion.

5. Increase HDL
Young coconut water contains no fat and cholesterol, according to research even to raise good cholesterol (HDL) in the body.

If you can not get fresh coconut water, now available in pure coconut water containers ready to drink can be purchased at the supermarket.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Benefits Of Dates

Benefits Of Dates

Dates are a fruit that grows from the family Arecaceae palm trees of the genus phoenix. The scientific name is the date palm phoenix dactylifera. Dates are believed to originate from the land around the Nile and the Euphrates. Now palm tree widely cultivated in warm temperate regions on all continents, including Africa, Australia and the United States (California).

Fresh dates have fibrous flesh soft and very sweet taste, like a mixture of molasses and honey. A date containing simple sugars like fructose and dextrose are easily digested and quickly recharge the body's energy. Because of these characteristics, it is suitable dates for the commencement of fasting.

Dates have a long list of nutrients that are beneficial to the body. The table at right shows the nutrient and non-nutrient elements are there on dates.

Dates contain sugar cooked about 80%, the remainder consists of protein, fat and mineral products including copper, iron, magnesium and folic acid. Dates are rich in fiber and an excellent source of potassium. Five dates (about 45 grams) contains about 115 calories, nearly all from carbohydrates.

12 Benefits Of Dates

1. Bedouin Arabs, who eat dates on a regular basis, showed a very low incidence rate of cancer and heart disease.
2. Dates are rich in fiber which prevents the absorption of LDL cholesterol in the intestine. Palm fiber content also helps to protect the intestinal mucous membrane by decreasing exposure and binding chemical that causes colon cancer.
3. As food laxative (laxative food), dates useful launched bowel movements and prevent constipation.
4. Dates contain antioxidants known as tannins. Tannins are known to be anti-infective, anti-inflammatory and anti-hemorrhagic.
5. Dates are a source of vitamin A, which is known to have antioxidant properties and is essential for eye health. Vitamin A also required maintaining healthy skin. Consumption of natural fruits rich in vitamin A is known to help protect against lung cancer and oral cavity.
6. Dates are an excellent source of iron either. Iron is a component of hemoglobin in red blood cells that determine blood oxygen carrying capacity.
7. Potassium in dates are an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure, thus providing protection against coronary heart disease and stroke.
8. Calcium is an essential mineral in the formation of bones and teeth, and is needed by the body for muscle contraction, blood clotting and nerve impulse conduction.
9. Manganese is used by the body as an element of support for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase.
10. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells.
11. Magnesium is essential for bone growth.
12. Dates are rich in vitamin K and vitamin B-complex, namely pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), niacin, pantothenic acid and riboflavin. This vitamin helps the body metabolize carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Vitamin K is important in blood clotting and bone metabolism.

10 Healthy Benefits of Soy Milk

Here are 10 Benefits of Soy Milk for Human Body. Soy milk, a name we've heard. Many people who sell soy milk. But do you know the benefits of soy milk? probably a lot of people who like to drink soy milk but never knew the benefits of soy milk. Well, for those of you who want to know what are the benefits of soy milk please read this article to the end, here's the benefits of soy milk.

10 Benefits of Soy Milk

1. To prevent premature aging
Benefits of soy milk first is to prevent premature aging. Besides soy milk also contains high protein rich in substance compounds Anti Aging, vitamin E was contained therein. So, consume soy milk will look younger.

2. Overcoming Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance is a digestive system that is not able to digest and absorb lactose or milk fat properly due to lack of the enzyme lactase in the body whose function is to break down lactose into glucose and galactose (monosaccharides) to be more easily digested by the intestine.

So it is not good to give cow's milk to children who have lactose intolerance. because cow's milk contains lactose. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and other symptoms. Instead you can give soy milk to infants up to 1 year as breastfeed substitute.

3. Substitute milk for autism
One of the benefits of soy milk is that it can be used as a substitute for cow's milk beverage for people with autism. Autism is a state of a person who was born or when the toddler was not able to form social relationships or normal communication.

Milk and cheese is ne of the source of casein or milk protein and wheat protein glutein or so is not good given to people with Autism. Since casein and glutein can cause brain dysfunction and can cause more severe autisnya. So giving milk and cheese can be replaced with soy milk.

4. Cow's milk substitute for vegetarians
The vegetarian away from foods that come from animals, therefore there must be a solution for the vegetarians. Because the nutrient content of soy milk is very large, such as vitamins, mineral sources, sources of carbohydrates, protein source and fat source. So it is very good if used as a substitute for cow's milk for vegetarians.

5. Prevent Arteriosclerosis, Hypertension, Coronary Heart Disease, and Stroke
Other benefits of soy milk is Vitamin E which can prevent the occurrence of Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke. Soy milk also contains folic acid and vitamin B6, which is very useful to prevent heart disease. The content of magnesium in soy milk can regulate a person's blood pressure.

6. Reducing cholesterol levels in the blood
The content of lecithin in soy milk served to dispel the isoflavone content of LDL, while able to function as an antioxidant and increases the level of HDL is good for heart health. Want a healthy heart, drink soy milk.

7. Preventing diabetes / diabetes mellitus
The content of protein in soy milk is easier to be accepted by the kidneys than other proteins of animal origin. So consuming soy milk is very good for diabetics.

8. Inhibiting menopause and prevent osteoporosis
Soy milk contains isoflavones and vitamin E, which can cope with menopause syndrome and also prevent osteoporosis.

9. Prevent Migraine
Soy milk is rich in Vitamin B-Complek (except B12), minerals (especially potassium), and amino acids (especially lysine) were able to prevent and relieve migraines. So one of the benefits of soy milk is to relieve migraines.

10. As an anti-cancer
Soy milk contains antioxidants (seleniu, vitamin E, isoflavones and Genistein.) That can counteract free radicals trigger cancer attack.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Benefits of Folic Acid For Pregnant Women

Benefits of Folic Acid For Pregnant Women

For pregnant women, having a healthy baby means make her self healthy first. One of the most important things you can do to prevent serious birth defects in the baby is getting enough folic acid every day - especially before conception and during early pregnancy.

What Is Folic Acid?
Folic acid is vitamin B9, vitamin B forms are soluble in water. Folic acid occurs naturally in foods. Folic acid is the synthetic form is widely used for food fortification and nutritional supplements.

In humans, folic acid required for the synthesis of nucleic acids and the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells. Intake of folic acid deficiency can interfere with the maturation of young red blood cells and cause anemia.

Folic acid is important for the development of the neural tube during pregnancy that forms the brain and spinal cord. Deficiency of folic acid in pregnant women increases the risk of preterm birth, infants with low birth weight or with neural tube defects (neural tube defects).

Many studies show that women who get 400 micrograms (0.4 mg) of folic acid daily before conception and during early pregnancy reduces the risk of having a baby with neural tube defects by 70%.

Neural tube defects occur when the neural tube fails to close properly thus making the brain or spinal cord exposed to amniotic fluid. Defects are the most common nerve trunk is spina bifida (incomplete closure of the spinal cord and spine), anencephaly (cranium fails to close), and encephalocele (protruding brain tissue in the skin of an abnormal opening in the skull).

All of these defects occur during the first 28 days of pregnancy (or 4 to 6 weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period) - usually before a woman knows she is pregnant. That's why it's so important for all women of childbearing age to get enough folic acid - not just those who are planning to become pregnant. Only 50% of pregnancies are planned, so any woman of childbearing potential should make sure he is getting enough folic acid.

Doctors and scientists are still not entirely sure why folic acid has a major impact in the prevention of neural stem defects, but they know that vitamins are very important in the development of DNA. Consequently, folic acid plays a major role in cell growth and development, as well as tissue formation.

Sources of folic acid
Folate derived from Latin, which means the leaves. Folic acid is found in dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, mustard greens, katuk, green beans and broccoli. Oranges, nuts, soybeans, asparagus, cauliflower, cabbage, liver and meat is also rich in folic acid.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Benefits of Tempeh

The Benefits of Tempeh

Tempe is a food made from the fermentation of soy beans or some other materials that use some kind of fungus Rhizopus, such as Rhizopus oligosporus, Rh. oryzae, Rh. stolonifer (bread mold), or Rh. arrhizus. Preparations fermentation is commonly known as "yeast tempe".

Mold that grows on hydrolyze soy complex compounds into simpler compounds that are easily digested by humans. Tempe is rich in dietary fiber, calcium, vitamin B and iron. A wide range of content in tempeh have medicinal value, such as antibiotics to cure the infection and antioxidant prevention of degenerative diseases. 
Below You will find 7 Benefits of Tempe

1. Rich in fiber
A serving of tempeh contains more fiber than most people consume in a day. Fiber is essential for digestive health and prevent chronic diseases.

2. Easily digested
Tempe is a great choice for people who have digestive problems. The fermentation process greatly reduces the oligosaccharides that make nuts hard to digest by some people. Soybean tempeh softer because of the fermentation process produces enzymes that made pracerna most basic nutrients. The enzyme phytase in soybean increases the absorption of minerals such as zinc, iron and calcium.

3. Low sodium
If you have hypertension, tempeh is the ideal food for you. Unlike other soy products such as tauco and soy sauce, tempeh is very low in sodium.

4. Containing natural antibiotic
Tempe contains antibiotic substances that fight disease-causing organisms. Tempe can be used as a natural remedy for dysentery and other intestinal problems due to infection.

5. Good for diabetics
The protein in tempeh is very good for diabetic patients, who tend to have a problem with animal protein sources. Protein and fiber in tempeh can prevent high blood sugar levels and help maintain blood sugar levels remain under control.

6. Prevent many diseases
Tempeh and other soy-based foods contain isoflavones, phytochemical compounds found only in plants. Isoflavones are a type of phytoestrogen that resemble human estrogen in chemical structure, but weaker. By mimicking estrogen at specific locations in the body, isoflavones provide many health benefits that help you avoid many diseases. In addition to soy, isoflavones are also found in other nuts, but the concentration of isoflavones in soy is the highest. One hundred grams of tempeh contains about 43.52 mg of isoflavones. In the same weight, peas and peanuts each only containing 2.42 mg and 0.26 mg of isoflavones.

7. Cheap and nutritious
No less important of all, tempeh is much cheaper than other sources of protein, a nutrient that does not lose much. Thanks to the Government that always keep soybean prices to remain affordable to the public!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Some of the benefits of isoflavones

Some of the benefits of isoflavones

What is Isoflavones? Isoflavonoids are 15 carbon compounds such as flavonoids like only isoflavonoid ring B at the carbon atom attached to the third position in the carbon ring. Tempeh is food that rich with isoflavones. There are many benefits of Isoflavones, 
below you will find 5 Benefits Of Isoflavones :

1. Isoflavones Reduce the risk of cancer. 
Isoflavones act as weak estrogen that binds to estrogen receptors and block some of the adverse effects of estrogen that support the growth of cancer cells. This effect is similar to the workings of Tamoxifen, a drug prescribed to treat breast cancer, which acts as an anti-estrogen by binding to estrogen receptors and block the effects of estrogen that support the growth of cancer cells. 

Epidemiological studies indicate that a diet rich in soy can provide protection from some cancers, including breast, prostate and colon.

2. Isoflavones Could Increased bone health. Consumption of isoflavones have been shown to reduce bone loss and slow the loss of calcium in osteoporosis studies in animals. 

3. Isoflavones as Anti-osteoporosis drug is a synthetic isoflavone Ipriflavon prescribed in Europe to reduce bone resorption in postmenopausal women. In addition, soy contains a lot of calcium.

4. Isoflavones Lowering blood pressure. 2005 study in the U.S. showed that a diet rich in soy can lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension by 10%.

Relieve the symptoms of menopause. In women who experience menopause in which estrogen production decreases, phytoestrogens can produce estrogenic activity to relieve symptoms such as swelter (hot flushes). In Japan, where soy consumption is very high, menopausal symptoms are rarely reported.

5. Isoflavones Lowering cholesterol. Isoflavones are antioxidants that help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). Besides isoflavones, soy also has a substance called saponin, which significantly lowers cholesterol. Tempe and many other soy products contain saponins. 

Raw soybeans contain between 2 and 5 g per 100 g of saponin. Research in 1997 by Dr. Rene Malinow at the Oregon Regional Primate Center shows conclusively that the saponins bind cholesterol and bile acids in the intestine to allow their disposal. This effect is similar to the workings of cholesterol-lowering drugs cholestyramine.