Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Benefits of Chewing Food with Correct and Slow

Benefits of Chewing Food with Correct and Slow

Chewing is part of the process of digesting food. Everyone is always advisable to chew food properly and slowly. Unfortunately, because of the lifestyle that haste makes many people chew and swallow food quickly away. Though there are many benefits to be gained when we chew food slowly.

Some of the benefits and advantages that we will get when chewing food properly and slowly among them:

1. More satisfied
When we eat slowly, your brain sends a signal that makes so feel fuller, thereby reducing the size of the meal. Knowing when to stop eating helps a person lose weight and prevent excessive weight gain.

2. Helps digestion
When the process of chewing food, saliva will break down food particles and soften. This makes the food easier to get into the digestive system. The enzyme alpha amylase and lingual lipase enzymes in saliva help break down carbohydrates and fats. This enzyme is produced by the salivary glands.

3. Maintaining oral hygiene
When chewing food properly, saliva helps fight bad breath and plaque. Hydrogen carbonate in saliva neutralize plaque formation. In addition, saliva also kills harmful bacteria and food particles swept around the teeth.

4. Increased saliva production
When chewing food, your mouth will salivate more. Saliva helps to soften food and also help change the texture. As he chewed, nutrients and vitamins from the food particles are absorbed by saliva will increase the body's energy and break down the food particles more easily.

As mentioned, saliva kills bacteria that may affect digestion. If the food is not chewed kkta eat properly and be devoured, the digestion will require more time and bacteria from food can cause gas that makes us often fart or abdominal pain.
Pumpkin Healthy Benefits

Pumpkin Healthy Benefits

Pumpkin by the United States and some other countries is often used as one of the attributes of Halloween. In Indonesia, many hunted pumpkin season of Ramadan came to be made into a compote or fresh fruit mixed drinks. Pumpkin flour can be used in a series of food products, for example in noodles, bread, ice cream, biscuits, cake, and others. Pumpkin pulp can be used directly through several stages of processing into chips and pumpkin stick.

Nutrition and Benefits of Pumpkin
Heavy yellow pumpkins can reach 3-5 kg. Usually this fruit has green and pale yellow. Pumpkin fruit or the color orange has a very high carotenoid. Carotenoids in pumpkins mostly have beta-carotene which is a source of antioxidants, which can prevent premature aging and cancer.

Pumpkin also contains Vitamin C which serves as an immune function for the formation of iron-rich blood, potassium is useful for maintaining water and electrolyte balance in the body and pumpkins also contain fibers that serve to the body's digestive

Pumpkin is also known to contain quite a lot of potassium, a mineral that is said can reduce the risk of developing hypertension.

Other minerals contained in the pumpkin are zinc, which can improve the immune system (defense) body. Not to mention the ability to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, because zinc plays a role in supporting bone density.

Fiber content in high enough pumpkin is useful in digestive health to reduce the risk of constipation. In addition, according to research, that fiber can also reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Pumpkin juice is useful as an antidote to poison animals and seeds can be a tapeworm medication. The juice of the fruit can also be used as natural dyes in traditional food processing because it has a yellow color due to the content of beta-carotene.

In addition to meat, pumpkin seeds also have the benefit, which is to relieve the symptoms of arthritis, because it contains anti-inflammatory substances.

A simple way to eat fruit that is mixed with yellow squash cut, peeled, roasted and spiked olive oil, salt, and pepper as a simple dish that was delicious. Pumpkin seeds or commonly called pepitas, can be found at the nearest supermarket. Usually the pumpkin seeds are available in the form of an instant that could be eaten.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Belching healthy benefits

Belching healthy benefits

Belching is the release of gas from the gastrointestinal tract (esophagus and stomach) to the mouth accompanied by the sound and sometimes smell. Belching is the process of removing gas from the stomach through the mouth. Normally belching occurs when air enters the stomach has increased.

The emergence of the sound caused by the vibration of air / gas at the exit of the gas valve throat. This is a very common thing that can happen to anyone, and is an attempt to release the trapped air in the stomach which usually causes discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

if it happens constantly burp also caused by flatulence. Consuming foods and beverages that are too fast, feeling anxious and consume soft drinks are the most common cause for abdominal bloating.

At the time of burping, larynx, upper esophageal sphincter, the esophageal sphincter and diaphragm all work in accordance with the portion to set the rising and falling of air flow from the stomach to the esophagus in the chest.
Vaccine and The Benefits

Vaccine and The Benefits

There are still many parents who ignore the importance of immune function in infants and toddlers them. Even many who think that immunization is not beneficial to the child.

Indeed, immunization is recommended by the World Health Organization or the World Health Organization and the Indonesian government through the PPI or Perogram 7 Development Indonesia to prevent a very dangerous disease that can strike children.

Below are some of the benefits of vaccines and immunization for children:

    BCG Vaccine

This vaccine works to protect children from tuberculosis were malignant. TB can damage all organs, especially the brain tissue in children or meningitis, bone or joint coxitis spine, which can result in physical or mental disability for a lifetime and can even cause death in children.

    Polio Vaccine.

Prevent paralysis that can result from polio. The disease often strikes polio in children in Indonesia. So it is not surprising that the Indonesian government declared the day "Indonesia Polio Free". The vaccine is given 3 times ie when infants aged 2, 4 and 6 months. And started again when the children were 18 months and 5 years old. Polio-O vaccine given at the first visit after the baby is born.

    Diphtheria Vaccine

To prevent the occurrence of diphtheria in children by providing basic injections 3 times and followed by a booster injection is given when the child is 2 years old and 5 years old.

    Tetanus vaccine.

Tetanus is a disease that is very deadly, especially in newborns, this was because the mother did not have antibodies against tetanus, as they are not immunized, or have not been immunized. The occurrence of tetanus in infants can also occur due to the birth process that is not sterile.

Tetanus can affect anyone, through small cuts were dirty. The patient died of tetanus can be an interruption in breathing and spasms throughout the body, resulting in spinal fractures and paralysis.

Pertussis or whooping cough disease cough, also known as a tough and insistent and lasts a long time, attacking at night, loss of appetite, bleeding complications in the eyes, convulsions, pneumonia and serious, so that the child becomes very disturbed while studying, and if prolonged can result in child malnutrition.

Possible the worst was when the attack on the baby who was not 1 year. These three diseases are Diphtheria, Pertussis can be prevented by administering danTetanus DTP vaccine.

    Hepatitis B Vaccine

Hepatitis B is also very scary because it is a major cause of liver cancer can be fatal adulthood. To prevent this disease requires the hepatitis B vaccine injected 3 times in a lifetime.

    Measles Vaccine

Measles seems very simple but apparently very dangerous because it can lead to Acute Respiratory Infections or respiratory infection that can lead to death, especially among children under five are malnourished. Measles vaccine for prevention at the age of 9 months and then repeated at the age of 6 years.

Disease Mumps (Mumps or parotitis) is a disease caused by a virus which attacks the salivary glands and is very contagious. Complications posed is inflammation of the gland hormones, orchitis in young men can cause infertility occur. Meningitis can also occur even if the case is rare and leaves deafness in children.

Rubella is also caused by a virus that if attacks on women during pregnancy will cause the child would be born handicapped with deafness, blindness, impaired brain growth and cardiac abnormalities in the baby. Commonly referred to as Rubella Syndrome. Above three diseases namely, Measles, Mumps and Rubella can be prevented by MMR vaccine.

    Pneumococcal Vaccine

The Pneumococcal Vaccine prevents the occurrence is useful for Pneumonia in children under 2 years old. Pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria that cause severe respiratory infection and meningitis.

    HiB vaccine (Heamophilus influenzae type B)

Hib disease is caused by the bacteria Haemophilus inflenzae type B. These bacteria can cause meningitis disease, Epiglottitis, pneumonia, osteomyelitis, and cellulitis. The vaccine is given when the child is 2 months old and is repeated when the baby was 4 months and 6 months. And given more time the child is 15 to 18 months.

    Typhoid Vaccine, Hepatitis A and Varicella

Typhoid vaccine to prevent the disease Typhoid, Varicella for the prevention of chickenpox disease. Typhoid and Hepatitis A vaccine is given when the child is 2 years old and Varicella be given when the child is over the age of 10 years. Typhoid vaccine administration may be repeated every 3 years. While Hepatitis A vaccine is only given as much as 2 times the distance of 6 to 12 months.

Without immunization, children will easily attacked by diseases such as above and the case will require substantial medical expenses.
Wrong Way Eating can make Protruding belly

Wrong Way Eating can make Protruding belly

Having a slim and ideal stomach is everybody's dream. Protruding belly made an appearance and made disturbed the confidence to be reduced.

Distended stomach is due to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen. Distended stomach could happen because we are lazy to exercise, or it could be due to the wrong diet. Some mistakes in the way we eat can make the stomach so bloated. Some eat the wrong way can make the stomach so bloated that:

1. Wrong mindset
Many people assume that it means that the diet should reduce or even avoid foods diet. When the diet does not mean you should avoid. Avoid fast foods can indeed make weight the body down, but can also quickly rise after you finish the diet program. For ideal weight, you need a balanced nutrition.

2. Overeating on weekends
Weekends are usually a lot of people are not able to control the size of the meal so that the amount of fat consumed increases. To avoid the addition will not excess calories and fat during the weekend, consider eating.

3. Eating large portions
Eating large portions require a longer process of digesting well. The best way is, when eating at home use a smaller plate and fill half the plate with vegetables, and the other quarter with protein. If you're forced to eat at a restaurant, ask to take half of it home to prevent overeating.

4. Eating too fast
Eating too fast makes the process of digestion is reduced. Eating quickly also makes the body did not get a signal satiety. Therefore, provide at least 20 minutes to eat. To avoid overeating, first sit down and eat slowly

5. Skipping meals
Improper eating more so distended stomach is due to missed meals. Skipping meals will only make your metabolism process so chaotic. The body will accumulate more fat to cover the lack of nutrients. Therefore, eating is often not a problem, but with a reduced portion. When hungry, you can eat a light healthy snack such as a handful of nuts or cereal. Avoid eating at the 7 pm when metabolism is at its weak.
Five Types Most Healthy Drinks for Body

Five Types Most Healthy Drinks for Body

Most of our body is fluid. One way to control the amount of fluid in the body is to increase the consumption of beverages.

Here are five kinds of healthy drinks that are good for our bodies:

1. Milk
It is no doubt that milk is a healthful beverage. Milk is very beneficial for the body, among which is to strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis. Because it contains a component of carbohydrates, protein and a little fat, you can last longer. Milk is also a source of calcium and vitamin D is also useful to stabilize blood sugar levels.

2. Warm chocolateA glass of hot chocolate can improve both mood and help protect from the dangers of heart disease. Chocolate also increases serotonin production which can set you a good mood.

3. Soy milk
Soy milk good for our health, because consuming soy milk could reduce the risk of heart disease. Because milk contains a lot of fiber and soy protein lowers levels of bad cholesterol and trigliserin that can reduce the risk of heart disease.

4. Orange juice
Citrus is a fruit that is rich in antioxidants that help protect the heart by fighting inflammation that can cause damage to blood vessels. Tea American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that people who eat fast food with a glass of orange juice had fewer artery damaging radical substances in the blood compared to those who ate the burger and fried potatoes with water.

5. Green tea
Drinking green tea every day can help reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis. The content of flavonoids and polyphenols in green tea may protect cells and prevent tumor growth. In addition, green tea is also believed to prevent cavities.

Green tea also contains polyphenols and EGCG (antioxidants) are beneficial for the skin and hair. To have thick hair, wrinkle-free skin and a perfect figure, drinking a cup of green tea on a regular basis.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Benefits Of Cabbage

The Benefits Of Cabbage

Cabbage or cabbage is usually refer to the kind of vegetables in the Brassica family such as broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts. Cabbage or cabbage are easy to find in Indonesia. Cabbage is one of the main ingredients for the menu pecel or usually served as fresh vegetables.

How to get the benefits of eating cabbage is best eaten raw. There are many benefits contained in vegetables cabbage, namely:

Caring for leather

Cabbage contains many antioxidants that are believed to help protect the skin causes by free radical damage. Free radicals are potentially presenting signs of aging.

Prevent Constipation

The high fiber content of cabbage serves as a stimulant of the digestive system and prevents constipation.

Preventing cancer cancer

Cabbage has several properties effective against cancer as lupeol, sinigrin, diindolylmethane (DIM), indole-3-carbinol (I3C), and sulforaphane. Results from a study of women in China found that eating cabbage will reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Improve the immune system

Cabbage contains Vitamin C is believed to protect the body from the effects of free radicals and improve the body's defense system.

Reduce the risk of cataracts

Cataracts usually occur at ages ranging dusk. The content of beta-carotene which is quite high in cabbage could be useful to reduce a person's risk of cataracts.

Overcome stomach ulcers

Cabbage juice is able to overcome the symptoms of stomach ulcers, according to the findings of a study from Stanford University School of Medicine. This is due to the high content of glutamine in cabbage.

Young bamboo shoots Healthy Benefits

Young bamboo shoots are shoots that grow from the roots of bamboo texture is soft (not hard). Bamboo shoots are most often made into vegetable, either dioseng or with coconut milk.

Usually the age of shoots that can still be consumed or cooked are shoots that are less than two months, because if he was already more than it usually shoots are hard so bad anymore when consumed.

In one cup sliced bamboo shoots contained 14 calories, one-third fat, and 1.2 grams of fiber (the equivalent of half a serving of brown rice). By the body, fiber is needed as facilitating digestion and prevents the emergence of a variety of cardiovascular diseases. Such as deep vein thrombosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, and excess cholesterol.

In addition, there are 640 mg of potassium; the amount is equivalent to 1.5 times more potassium content in bananas. Potassium is a mineral needed by the body to move the muscles, keep blood pressure and fluid balance. Potassium deficiency can cause joint and muscle pain.

Bamboo shoots are also enriched with mineral deposits such as calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, chromium and iron. Other ingredients are there on bamboo shoots are vitamins. Such as vitamin A, B6, and E. These foods also contain a 17 amino acid protein. Because it acts as an antioxidant and shoots free-radical scavengers. Amelinda according to Angela, STP, researchers from Nutrifood Research Centre.

How To Cook shoots aroma So Delicious

Characteristic smell is the smell of sour bamboo shoots or urine, which normally will be felt more sharply when boiled. To remove the smell of urine acid or when boiling bamboo shoots, fresh bamboo shoots first wash thoroughly. Remove shoots hard part. Boiled bamboo shoots in water until boiling. Drain bamboo shoots soon.

Boil again with plain coconut water (until the shoots submerged) until tender bamboo shoots. Drain and store in a covered container in the refrigerator. Coconut water in addition to reducing the sharp smell of bamboo shoots also provides a nice crunchy taste legit.
Nutritional Content and Benefits of Watercres

Nutritional Content and Benefits of Watercres

The Benefits Of Watercres
Watercress is one of the favorite vegetables of Indonesian society. Watercress can be processed into a variety of refined cuisine. Some types of cooking kale is quite popular in Indonesia such as sauteed kale, plecing kale, spinach and fried belacan.

Types and Characteristics of Plant Watercress

Based on the habitat, there are two kinds of kale plants, the ground water spinach (Ipomea reptans) and water spinach (Ipomea aquatica).

Watercress land can only be grown on dry land. The characteristics of swamp land that is smaller stems and greenish white, leaves are thinner and more flexible, faster wilt when cooked / baked, and has pure white flowers. When picking kale land farmers usually will pull up all the roots.

Unlike land kale, kale water can grow in wet areas such as ditches, ponds or puddles fields. The characteristics of the water spinach stems larger, darker green, leaves are wider and a little harder, longer wilt when cooked and has a reddish-white flowers. Water spinach stems can be elongated and usually only taken the young bud only to be cooked.

Nutritional Content and Benefits of Watercress

Watercress has amazing nutrients. Watercress is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, hentriakontan, and sitosterol. Based on the results of the research, the ingredients contained by spinach have benefits for treating various health disorders and as an antidote. Watercress is working as a sedative (sedative) and capable of carrying nutritious substances to the digestive tract. That is why, this plant has the ability to neutralize toxins in your body.

In addition to containing vitamins A, B1, and C, spinach also contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, and sitosterol.

Watercress has a sweet, fresh, cool. The nature of this plant into the intestine and stomach meridians. Pharmacological effects of this plant as an antidote (antitoksik), anti-inflammatory, laxative urine (diuretic), to stop the bleeding (hemostatic), sedatives (barbiturates). Watercress also be soothing and calming.

Watercress also contains carotenoids, carotenoids are plant pigments that when digested by the body into vitamin A. Carotenoids in kale is a powerful antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory properties (preventing inflammation) and anti-cancer.

The content of lutein in spinach is essential for eye health. Research shows that increased lutein intake may reduce the risk of cataracts. Watercress is also anti-microbial and anti-ulcerogenic can cure ulcer problems.

Research conducted in India showed that the leaves and stems of watercress indicate the nature of the fight and destroy cancer cells. Another study conducted in 2005 shows that eating watercress may inhibit the absorption of glucose, so it is good for diabetics. In addition, spinach is also good for maintaining brain health and memory keep forgetting to avoid the disease.