Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Nitisinone Health Benefits

Health Benefits of Nitisinone

Liver Treatment with Nitisinone
Nitisinone Health Benefits
Nitisinone used to treat disorders of tyrosinemia type 1 (HT-1). HT-1 is usually found in infants and require lifelong treatment. This condition is caused by a deficiency of a certain natural substance that is needed to break down nutrients (tyrosine) that are found in food.

This effect causes the accumulation of tyrosine and related substances in the liver. Nitisinone works by helping prevent the formation and accumulation of toxic substances which caused some damage to the liver, kidneys, and nervous system. This medication should be used along with a diet low in protein and tyrosine phenylalanine.

Drugs to treat disorders tyrosinemia (HT-1), Tyrosinemia is a disorder that causes serious problems with liver metabolism

Monday, June 24, 2013

HYDROCARBON Benefits In Daily Life

A. Usefulness of Hydrocarbons

Hydrocarbons many benefits to human needs, both in the field of food, clothing, housing, art and aesthetics. In this case the use of hydrocarbons will be presented in daily life for humans, namely in the field of food, clothing, housing, art and aesthetics.

1. Field of food
If you've talked usefulness of hydrocarbons in the field of food, the language is not a pure hydrocarbon anymore, but a little wider namely carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are present in nature. Many carbohydrates have the empirical formula CH2O.
Types of carbohydrates
Monosaccharide is a carbohydrate the simplest that can not be hydrolyzed into smaller carbohydrate molecules again.
Glucose / sugar wine is widely available in fruits, corn, and honey.
There fructose together with glucose and sucrose in fruits and honey.
Galactose, the source can be obtained from the hydrolyzed lactose digestion through our food.

Disaccharide is a carbohydrate that is composed of two monosaccharides.
Maltose (glucose + glucose), can not be easily fermented by colonic bacteria, it is used in baby food, milk powder leavened bread (malted milk)
Lactose (glucose + galactose), found in cow's milk and 5-8% in the mother's milk.
Sucrose (glucose + fructose), sugar is normal. When heated to form invert sugar called caramel brown. Used for the manufacture of ice cream, soft drinks, and candy.

Polysaccharide is a carbohydrate composed of many monosaccharides. Usefulness of hydrocarbons on polysaccharides in food such as rice, starch, corn, etc..

2. For clothing
Of hydrocarbon material that could be used for clothing is PTA (purified terephthalic acid), which is made of para-xylene in which the material is essentially kerosene (kerosene). Kerosene is all of the material formed into aromatic compounds, ie para-xylene

Para-xylene is then oxidized using air into the PTA (see map above petrochemical process). Of PTA shaped like detergent powder is then reacted with methanol into polyester fibers. Ester poly fiber that is the synthetic yarn that looks like thread. Almost all uniforms sisters may wear made of polyester. To facilitate their identification can be seen from the price. Prices of clothing made of synthetic polyester yarns are usually relatively cheaper than clothing made from raw cotton, silk or other natural fibers. Fineness of material made from polyester fibers affected by additive (additive) in the process of making yarn (when reacting with methanol PTA). Actually, there are others who also dibunakan polymers for the manufacture of synthetic fibers finer or softer again. Eg fiber content material for sanitary napkins. The polymer is made of polyethylene.

3. Field board
Building materials derived from hydrocarbons in general the form of plastic. Plastic base material similar to LPG, which is a polymer of propylene, the olefin compound / alkenes of carbon chains C3. Of plastic material is then so wide, ranging from the roof of the house (plastic tiles), furniture, interior equipment, bumper car, tables, chairs, plates, etc..

4. The arts
For matters of art, especially painting, the main role of hydrocarbons exist in the ink / oil paint and solvent. Maybe the brothers knew thinner used to thin the paint. Temporal affairs sculpture for many of the sculptures are made from plastic or trophies, etc.. Hydrocarbon solvents used for paints made of Low Aromatic White Spirit is a solvent or LAWS resulting from Pertamina refinery in Plaju with a boiling point range between 145o C - 195o C. LAWS hidrokarbonyang form solvent compound is a mixture of paraffin, cycloparaffins, and aromatic hydrocarbons.

1. Usability and composition of hydrocarbons in everyday life can be grouped in the field of food, clothing, housing, commerce, art, and aesthetics.
2. Example of the usefulness of hydrocarbons in the field of food that is in the carb.
3. Example of the usefulness of hydrocarbons in the field of clothing is PTA (purified terephthalic acid), which is made of para-xylene in which the material is essentially kerosene (kerosene).
4. Example of the usefulness of hydrocarbons in the field of the board is a polymer of propylene, the olefin compound / alkenes of carbon chains C3.
5. Example of the usefulness of hydrocarbons in the arts: the main role of hydrocarbons exist in the ink / oil paint and solvent.
6. Example of the usefulness of hydrocarbons in the field of aesthetics, among others: lipstick, waxing (hair removal using a foot candle) and other ingredients mixing cosmetic, pharmaceutical or shoe polish.
7. Petrochemical industry is the result of material-based oil and natural gas. Some examples are the petrochemical plastics, deterge, and artificial rubber.
8. Petrochemical basic materials can be olefins, and aromatic sy-gas.

Hydrocarbons: Compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms of carbon atoms.
Carbohydrates: A compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are found in nature that has the empirical formula CH2O.
Petrochemical industries: petrochemical industry is an industry that materials derived from the fuel industry, da petroleum gas (natural gas).
Olefin: The basic ingredients are the most important petrochemicals like ethylene (ethene), propylene (propene), butylene (butene), and butadiene.
Aromatic: Benzene and turunanya example benzene (C6H6), toluene (C6H5CH3), and xylene (C6H4 (CH3) 2)
Synthetic gas: A mixture of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Efficacy and Benefits of Mangosteen Fruit For Health

Top 11 Health Benefits of Mangosteen

benefits of Mangosteen

Mangosteen health benefits

Mangosteen benefits we have seen since the first and for the health benefits of mangosteen have been realized and used either traditionally or in modern in Southeast Asia, China, Africa to treat various health problems. 

For the moment we find a lot of different foods and processed from the mangosteen fruit which does not reduce substances contained in the mangosteen fruit when we consume them. Tropical fruit that has many benefits and efficacy is also known as the "Queen of Fruits" in which most of the mangosteen fruit producer, Indonesia is one of them.

Mangosteen fruit benefits not only lies in the fruit that has a high nutritional value, but it also has the Mangosteen Skin properties and benefits are pretty good for the health. The content of the mangosteen fruit such as vitamin C, fiber, potassium and even some biogas active compounds such as catechins and Proanthocyanidins make this tropical fruit a lot diuru by all circles of society. 

On the skin of the mangosteen, are antioxidants called Xanthones and a few other ingredients that are very useful for the human body such as: anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral and antioxidant.

Efficacy and Benefits of Mangosteen Fruit For Health:

  1. Helping to combat pain (anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation, pain and joint damage associated with arthritis, or pain caused by exercise and minor injuries)
  2. Reduce free radical damage and inflammation - help maintain healthy blood vessels, lower cholesterol, protect the heart muscle, lowers high blood pressure
  3. Boost energy without stimulants
  4. Maintain intestinal health - relieve diarrhea, constipation, stimulates normal bowel health
  5. Both are used in Skin and Face - can be applied to the skin for eczema, fight bacteria that cause acne and teen issues which also helps accelerate wound healing
  6. Help fight infection - viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, fever
  7. Can reduce blood sugar in type II diabetes by making insulin more effectively
  8. Helps to fight free radical damage resulting cell mutations (cancer and tumor growth)
  9. Protect the brain and nerve health - helping to combat Parkinson's, Alzheimer's disease
  10. Help to combat allergies (anti-histamine), supports the immune system
  11. Helps to manage weight - reduce body fat

Top 10 Benefits of Cheese

The Benefits of Cheese

Cheese Health Benefits

Cheese is a food that is produced by separating the solids in the milk through a process of thickening or coagulation. Coagulation process is done with the help of certain bacteria or enzymes called rennet. The results of this process will be dried, processed, and preserved in various ways.  

Milk can be produced from a variety of cheese products. Cheese products vary determined from the type of milk, coagulation methods, temperatures, methods of cutting, drying, heating, as well as the process of cheese ripening and preservation.  

Generally, animals are used as a source of milk is cow. The milk of the camel, goat, sheep, horse, or buffalo used in several types of local cheeses.

Besides it tastes good and tasty, the cheese also save a lot of nutrients that are beneficial to the body. Among them are:

Top 10 Benefits of Cheese

1. Amino acid profile of the cheese is quite complete for building muscle tissue, metabolism of body cells and bone.
2. Rich in riboflavin useful to help metabolize carbohydrates and maintain healthy mucous membranes.
3. Rich in vitamin B12 and folic acid are beneficial in cheese helps DNA synthesis, maturation of red blood cells and maintain nerve function.
4. Rich in vitamin A which is important for the sense of sight, healthy skin, tissue surfaces and protection against infection.
5. Rich in selenium which is essential for the synthesis of an antioxidant enzyme.
6. Phosphorus rich useful as forming ATP for energy production, bone and teeth formation and acid base balance.
7. Rich in calcium which is important for the formation of bones and teeth, blood clotting, maintaining nerve function, muscle and heart rhythm.
8. Cheese also contains tryptophan, an amino acid that can relieve setress, aid sleep and reduce pre-menstrual syndrome.
9. In calories and very low in carbohydrates are also making it suitable as a diet food.
10. Contains a lot of minerals so it is good to protect teeth from decay.

Other Health Benefits of Cheese

Often set aside cheese on food that was served? It feels fear of cheese that are considered fat and just adds a little weight should be removed.

Blue cheese or blue cheese for example. This cheese has a low fat content is quite friendly for the heart. Sightings cheese the same as cheese mostly, it's just that in it there is a blue fibers formed from the mold. Here are some benefits of eating blue cheese:

1. Lose weight
Almost everyone who did diet program, always put the cheese in her diet menu list. This cheese has an extremely low calorie which helps the weight loss process.

2. build muscle
The process of making blue cheese from sheep's milk and cheese aging. Thus, this cheese contains a lot of amount of milk protein. If you want to build muscle then it is advisable to consume this cheese.

3. anti-inflammatory
Blue cheese has a high level of anti-inflammatory, which helps keep arteries clean and healthy.

4. anti cellulite
This type of cheese can prevent the development of fat in the body that tend to form cellulite. If you are prone to cellulite, you'll want to eat this cheese every day.

5. Prevent osteoporosis
Especially in women entering menopause phase, the consumption of cheese is highly recommended. Calcium content are extremely high to prevent osteoporosis and osteoarthriitis.

Appendix Benefits for body

Appendix Benefits for body

Appendix is often regarded as a useless organ and so easy to cut when there is an infection. However, Bill Parker of Duke University in its publication in the Journal of Biology 2007 Theorethical refute that view.

Parker said, when a person experiences digestive tract infection, beneficial bacteria counts will decrease. Appendix has helped restore populations of beneficial bacteria back to normal.

Benefits of appendix

Appendix benefits for body

Appendix benefits for body

More recently, James Grendell of Winthrop-University Hospital on Long Island found evidence to support the view Parker. He conducted a study in 254 patients infected with Clostridium difficile, a common type of bacteria mengibfeksi hospital patients, especially those taking antibiotics.

Grendell, based on the results of the research, said that the C. difficile can not directly compete with the good bacteria in the digestive tract. However, if the number of good bacteria is reduced, the number of C. difficile directly increases.

As reported in March 2012 issue of Scientific American, Grendell said that the growth of C. difficile in humans who did not have appendicitis faster. Sick from C. difficile occurs in 18 percent of people with appendicitis, while the man who did not have appendicitis reached 45 percent.

Grendell said that the appendix acts to save human lives from infection. He said the research needs to be done so that in the future, doctors are not the origin of the appendix cut.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Benefits of Google Plus +

The Benefits of Google Plus for SEO Purpose

Google Plus Benefits for SEO
Google Plus Benefits for SEO Purpose
As we know, the development of social media is increasing very rapidly from day to day. Of the many social media is of course that became champion Facebook and Twitter. but did you know that it is actually useful for webmasters like us is google plus. Why? yes because google plus very good for SEO.

Yes, Google plus is very good for seo because basically google plus social media itself is made by Google, of course, each is a positive impact on the SERP. for more details refer to the following explanation of the benefits of google plus for seo and blog:

Authorship Rich Snippet

In content indexing, Google will provide a filter to every website / blog is in the index, one of which is the use of filters authorship. With the Google plus is every webmaster can verify the author website uses google google plus so that the content would prefer the website / blog. If the language easily google will prefer the person who he knows, knows not want to cook in rank on page one .. hehe. In addition to the article author rich snippets will also increase the confidence of visitors in your article.

Recommendation +1

As with any other social media, google plus also provides the facility to share things like user. In this case the call +1 google. so what is +1 for SEO benefits?. Actually tremendous benefits for blog and seo as google will read your article as the article is useful for many people because it was recommended by many people. and its impact was predictable, the possibility of your article in page one perched become large.

Dofollow backlinks

It's the most delicious, hehe. So google will provide compensation in the form of backlinks for each article by a user should be +1, of course this is dofollow backlinks. Which is more stable again, each user gives an article +1, then the article will automatically go to his profile and appears also in connection veranda (circle) of the user. so imagine if you have 10,000 people in your circle, then how many backlinks coming into your article.

So from now on do not underestimate Google Plus, because he is part of our stained. hehe. okay if you find this article useful please give +1 this article yes. Better yet if you add me to your circles.

And after knowing about benefits of Google Plus, please don't forget to give this article plus +1 :)

18 Benefits of Stop Smoking

Smoking is known to have a bad effect on health. Even so, smokers still have difficulty or even reluctant to stop doing it. Here are 18 benefits to be gained if quit smoking, as quoted by the Times of India, on Monday (29/04/2013):

Top 18 Benefits of Stop Smoking

18 benefits of stop smoking

quit smoking benefits

1. Healthier body
Not the cliche, but if it was smoke and immediately stop this habit, in a matter of minutes, the body will return to its normal response. Ranging from blood pressure, pulse, body temperature up overall. All activity in the body will be normal.

2. Stopping Cough husky
Soon after quitting smoking, the tendency to cough with severe levels will be reduced. At the same time, heavy breathing that often occurs is also reduced because the lungs begin to return to normal functioning without interruption cigarette smoke. Because lung function began to return to normal, the lung's ability to control mucus, clean the lungs, and reduce the risk of infection increases.

3. Enhance Sexual Ability
For those of you who are married and have a couple of smokers, immediately warned to quit because quitting smoking will improve one's sexual performance. For men, by stopping smoking will facilitate the process of erection, while for women will be easily aroused.

4. Aroma smoking in the Missing Body
If you stop smoking, within a few minutes the aroma of cigarettes from the body will be lost. Additionally, where you live will be fresh and clean.

5. Reduce the Risk of Health Problems
Smoking just makes life vulnerable. Quit smoking if you want to live a healthy life without diseases like impotence, fertility problems, cataracts, gum disease, tooth loss, and osteoporosis.

6. Extend Age
Smoking increases ten times the risk of disease to die from a variety of life-threatening health problems.

7. Looks Younger
Smoking causes premature aging. By quitting smoking, not only will benefit your overall health, but also the appearance. Smoking causes wrinkles and dull skin.

8. No More Shortness of Breath
Do you often feel anxious and short of breath after walking for 2 minutes? This is due to nicotine. Once you stop smoking, within a day will decrease the level of carbon monoxide and respiratory system for the better.

9. Improve Self Confidence
Stop smoking if you want to regain self-esteem and confidence. With stops, you will stop hiding behind cigarettes every time you interact with someone or dealing with something.

10. Reduced heart problems
As mentioned earlier, smoking makes closer to death and shorten the life. If you stop smoking, the possibility of death by coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke will be down nearly 50 percent.

11. Sensory Organ Back to Normal
After quitting smoking, you will get back the ability to recognize the touch and taste. Damaged nerves will begin to grow again, and finally a sense of touch, taste, and smell will return to normal.

12. Checks to Reduce Costs for Doctors
Smoking causes several diseases that arise, both now and later. Diseases such as cough, bronchitis, sores in the mouth, all will begin to disappear. If you quit smoking, you will feel healthier.

13. Handle Stress with Better Health
Generally we think that smoking helps to relieve stress. But it's not true, your body experiences when smoking a stress reaction due to reduced oxygen levels in the brain, it actually increases stress. Therefore, stop smoking if you want to deal with stress in a more healthy.

14. Oxygen Transport in the Body of Being Good
After quitting smoking, the carbon monoxide levels will be reduced. This will increase the level of hemoglobin, the oxygen transport will be done so efficiently throughout the body.

15. Reduce the Risk of Cancer
Because of the environmental carcinogens in cigarettes, the more they smoke the more likely to trigger different types of cancer, such as the throat, mouth and esophagus.

16. Better Oral Health
Oral health is necessary for better overall. With smoking, would reduce the ability to taste, appearing stains on teeth and improve gum problems. Could eventually lead to tooth loss and damage to the overall appearance.

17. Stronger Immune
Within a few days stop smoking, the immune system will grow stronger. This will reduce the likelihood of falling ill from various health problems such as colds and flu.

18. More Energized
After quitting smoking, the circulation in the body will improve. Good circulation means oxygen will make the body become more energetic and healthier.

The Benefits of Beards and Mustaches for health

The Benefits of Beards and Mustaches for health

Illustrate: Tom Cruise
Do you know the benefits of beards and mustaches for health? doesn't know yet? read this article, most of men often shave his beard and mustache. due to the diligent man shaves mustache and beard is going to look more clean and tidy. 

However, there is no harm in letting the beard and mustache growing on your skin because recent studies find that the beard and mustache beneficial to your health. because the beard and mustache can be neat to make it look nicer, more people see from the look of the face but not pay attention on health side.


Top 3 Benefits of  beards and mustaches for health

1. protect Skin
Research conducted at the University of Southern Queensland state that men are bearded and mustachioed face a third lower than the exposure to UV light clean-faced man without a mustache and beard. This research uses dosimetric technique that measures the amount of radiation absorbed at any given time. 

The result, it is known that the more bushy beard then the more protected skin. Bushy beard that can protect the skin from sun exposure as much as 90-95 percent. Another theory also suggests that a thick beard and curly ultraviolet radiation is able to break down so that the light is difficult to reach the skin surface.

2. prevent asthma
Man with a mustache is also a lower risk of asthma, especially those caused by pollen. Mustache that reaches the nose can block the allergens inhaled into the nose and into the lungs. However, mustache can not prevent the entry of dust into the nose as microscopic dust size.

3. prevent Flu
Beard growing around the chin and neck are also able to avoid the flu due to temperature, around the neck warmer.  Body temperature warm and drink plenty of water to accelerate the healing of flu.

Benefits of Pregnancy Gymnastics for Mother and Fetus

Benefits of Pregnancy Gymn for Mother and Fetus
HAVE A healthy fetus is not as easy as desired. Many ways to improve the health of the fetus, one of them pregnant women gymnastics premises. This exercise also helps the mother to keep it healthy and will facilitate the delivery process.

Dr Abdul Rival has held a pregnant woman gymnastics classes since a few months ago. The program is conducted every Saturday. "So, in the class of pregnant women are taught how to keep his body in order to stay healthy and fit," said Abdul Rival PR dr, dr Erva Anggriana.

Sports are very important to pregnant women. Therefore, through the direct physical activity can help maintain health and fitness. "In fact, not only during pregnancy, healthy and fit will greatly help the delivery process will be," he explained.

Explained Erva, exercise during pregnancy is done to maintain stamina remains good, control weight gain, reduce trouble sleeping. "Equally important is also reduces the risk of cholesterol during pregnancy.

The concept, pregnancy exercise performed to train the specific muscles that can help the process of giving birth normally. "As the abdominal muscles, pelvic muscles, and thigh muscles. This pregnancy exercise, breathing exercises taught during contractions and when to push, "he continued.

Found in his office, Erva explained that pregnancy exercise contains movements that combines breathing exercises, working heart muscle, relaxation, and flexibility. Thus improve blood circulation, strengthen muscles, reduce pain, cramping, and finally help the baby into the birth canal. "So, in addition to a healthy and fit during pregnancy, pregnancy exercise later after working out, pregnant women (pregnant women, Red.) Can give birth normally and safely," he said.

At what gestational age should pregnant women exercise classes? "Age above 22 weeks of pregnancy, is consult and examination of the doctor or midwife. And of course, done under the direction of pregnant women special gymnastics instructor dong ya? "

However, he said, more fun for the participants to invite the husband to pay attention to his movements. So that could help to repeat at home. Asked gymnastic activities other than pregnant women, she explained that there is also a matter for the breastfeeding (breast milk).