Sunday, September 01, 2013

Pretty Without Makeup

Benefits of 7 Step to Look Pretty Without Makeup

Makeup is what women need to help maximize appearance and correcting some shortage in the face. However, continuous wear makeup without quality care will make your skin dull.

Occasionally may as well performing without makeup. But, how if does not look pretty?

Take it easy, do not change the actual makeup of a person's face anyway. Makeup only make this alone, so with or without makeup you can still look beautiful. Well, here's a recipe that you remain beautiful without wearing makeup.

7 Step to Look Pretty Without Makeup

Wake up early
Familiarize yourself up early will help your skin and keep it fresh and healthy body. Do not be lazy to get up and move your body. At least warm up so that blood circulation can remain smooth.

No need to take a long time, exercising 15 minutes each day will make your skin stays fresh. Never mind all the way to the gym too right.

Choose bright colors
Do not let you just look with white or black only. Exploration your style and wear bright colors that will help you look more fresh.

Compress face using ice cube
Habit of wearing ice compresses to the face in the morning will help make your skin look fresher. This method also relieve swelling and dark circles in the eye. Furthermore, the pores will appear smaller.
Wear earrings
Make no mistake ! Accessories can transform your appearance in an instant, for example, just earrings. Choose one of the earrings for you to wear and match with fashion and events that will be visited. And you will know how different you look.

Keep your cell phone away at night
According to a study conducted by the Lighting Research Center at Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute, as quoted from stylecaster, flickering flame of mobile phones can affect the amount of melatonin in the skin. The longer and more frequent exposure, then you will be more difficult to sleep. And because of lack of sleep is the skin look dull and not so fresh the next day.

Consume oranges
Consumption of citrus or fruit rich in vitamin C as an additional source of antioxidants. In addition, vitamin C is also good for the skin and improve the body's immune.

Doctors always recommend that if you are 20/20/20 engineering office workers who daily struggle with the monitor or other work. 20/20/20 means you have to look away for 20 seconds on other objects, walk 20 steps every 20 minutes or so.

Applying the 7 steps above you do not have to rely on smear makeup every day to look pretty. The skin will look more fresh, and healthy.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Vanilla Health Benefits; sexual appetite enhancer

The Benefits of Vanilla for Health

The Benefits of Vanilla for Health

The Benefits of Vanilla for Health

Vanilla contains a chemical compound vanillin (4 - hydroxy - 3 - metoksibenzaldehida), which gives the distinctive aroma of vanilla.  There is also a small content of volatile oil, which piperonal.  

First vanillin extracted from vanilla plant by Gobley in 1858.  Can also be obtained from vanillin glycoside derived from the sap of pine plantations in 1874, resulting in the temporary setbacks in the field of natural vanilla industry.

Vanilla essence is available in 2 forms, the original extract vanilla pods are composed of thousands of different chemical compounds, and synthetic essences are made ​​of artificial vanillin in ethanol solution.

Vanilla traded in 3 different forms, namely whole vanilla pods, powders (vanilla pods are crushed, then mixed with sugar or flour), and the form of the extract (in alcoholic solution).  Vanilla aroma is obtained by adding vanilla extract into the mixture by boiling food or vanilla pods.  Vanilla is widely used to give flavor to a variety of foods and beverages.

Ancient medical literature mentions the benefits of vanilla as an aphrodisiac (sexual appetite enhancer) and fever medicine.  The vanilla benefits have not been scientifically tested, but it has been proven that vanilla can increase levels of catecholamines (including epinephrine, more commonly known as adrenaline), so the vanilla can be addictive effect.

An in- vitro testing to prove that vanilla is able to inhibit the " quorum sensing " in bacteria.  It contributes to the quorum sensing signals in bacterial virulence.  Bacteria will turn into virulent (cause disease) only where there is a signal which indicates that the bacteria are strong enough to resist the immune response.  Additionally, vanilla is used also for aromatherapy.

Species Vanilla planifolia, Vanilla pompona, and tahitiensis Vanilla is a plant belonging to the orchid family.  Vanilla vines grow on other plants, in the forest or in garden cultivation.  Typical vanilla scent that comes from the fruit, which is produced from vanilla flower pollination.  Each one will produce a single flower.

Ganoderma Benefits; mushroom of immortality

Ganoderma health Benefits; mushroom of immortality

Ganoderma health Benefits;

Lingzhi is the name for two species of fungi Ganoderma lucidum and Ganoderma tsugae. The mushrooms are wild in the tropics and temperate regions, including North and South America, Africa, Europe, and Asia. Lingzhi grows as a parasite on trees.

Lingzhi mushroom, in Chinese, is defined as the mushroom of immortality. Named like that because this fungus has many properties that are beneficial to health.

How to use traditional lingzhi is by immersion in boiling water in a pot. Lingzhi, like any good fresh -dried, sliced ​​thin and then immersed in a pan of boiling water. Flame slowly diminished, the pot is then covered, and left to stand for 2 hours. The resulting liquid tastes very bitter.

Ganoderma lucidum ganoderat acid containing compounds, the chemical structure similar to steroid hormones. There are also the following compounds : polysaccharides, ergosterol, coumarin, mannitol, lactones, alkaloids, fatty acids are unsaturated, as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals.

Unlike other forms of fresh mushrooms contain as much as 90 % water, only fresh lingzhi mushroom has as much as 75 % water content.

Lingzhi has anti- tumor properties, immunomodulatory, and imunoterapeutik ( 1 ). It added that the lingzhi efficacious inhibit platelet aggregation, lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels ( 2 ). Other properties lingzhi is an antioxidant, pain relief, nerve and kidney amplifier. Lingzhi has been used to prevent bronchitis and cardiovascular care, and also in the treatment of high triglycerides, hypertension, hepatitis, allergies, chemotherapy support, HIV support therapy, fatigue, and nausea due to altitude ( 3 ).

In addition to properties, lingzhi is also said to have side effects such as dryness of the nose, mouth, and throat, stomach disorders, and nosebleeds. However, these mild side effects only occur in some people lingzhi users who consume them in a long time ( more than 4 months ).

Lingzhi mushroom, in Chinese, is defined as the mushroom of immortality. Named like that because this fungus has many properties that are beneficial to health.

1. Paterson RR (2006). "Ganoderma - a therapeutic fungal biofactory". Phytochemistry 67: 1985–2001.
2. Chinese Herbal Medicine: Materia Medica, Third Edition by Dan Bensky, Steven Clavey, Erich Stoger, and Andrew Gamble (2004)
3. Medicinal Mushrooms: An Exploration of Tradition, Healing, & Culture (Herbs and Health Series)by Christopher Hobbs (Author), Harriet Beinfield
Dealing With Fibroadenoma

Dealing With Fibroadenoma

Fibroadenoma DEFINITION

Fibroadenoma is a solid lump is small and benign breast that consist of glandular and fibrous tissue . These lumps are usually found in young women , often found in adolescent girls .

Fibroadenoma CAUSE

The cause is not clear known .


Bumps easily moved , its clear and can be felt on BSE ( Breast Self Examination ) . Palpable rubbery because it contains collagen ( protein fibers yan gkuat found in cartilage , tendons and skin ) .

BSE ( Breast Self Examination )

1 . Standing in front of a mirror , look at the breast . Under normal circumstances , the size of the left and right breast is slightly different . Note the change in the difference in size between left and right breast and nipple changes ( eg interested in ) or discharge from the nipple . Consider whether the wrinkled skin on the nipple .

2 . Still standing in front of the mirror , put both hands behind his head and pulled his hands back . With this position it will be easier to find small changes due to cancer . Note the changes in the shape and contour of the breast , especially on the bottom of the breast .

3 . Put both hands on her waist and body slightly leaning towards the mirror , press the shoulder and elbow to the front . Note the change in the size and contour of the breast .

4 . Raise your left arm . By using 3 or 4 fingers right hand , browse the left breast . Move your fingers in a circle ( small circle ) around the breast , starting from the outer edge of the breast and then moving towards the nipple to . Press slowly , feeling every lump or mass under the skin . Do the same on the right breast by lifting the right arm with his left hand and examine it .

Note also the area between the breast and armpit .

5 . Press nipples slowly and see if the discharge from the nipple .
Do this alternately on the left and right breast .

6 . Lying on your back with a pillow placed under the left shoulder and left arm is pulled up Browse the left breast using your right hand fingers . With this position , the breast will flatten and simplify inspection . Do the same on the right breast by putting a pillow under your right shoulder and right arm raised , and breast searches performed by the left hand fingers .

Examination no. 4 and 5 will be easier to do when taking a shower because of the wet hand over the skin more easily moved and slippery .

Diagnosis is based on symptoms and physical examination of the results . Lumps tend to be round and have a fringe which can be distinguished from the surrounding breast tissue , which is often palpable as there are marbles in the breast tissue .

To help establish the diagnosis is usually made needle aspiration or biopsy .

Fibroadenomas often stop growing or even shrink by itself . In such cases , the tumor is usually not removed . If fibroadenoma continues to grow , it must be removed surgically .

Friday, August 30, 2013

Papaya nourish sperm

Papaya nourish sperm

Beside rich in vitamin C, papaya also contain dietary fiber. Papaya is believed to combat intestinal worms, prevent various types of cancer, and improve sperm quality.

Papaya contains meat tenderizer (meat tenderizer material). Fruit and leaves contain papain enzymes that break down proteins. When the leaves are used to wrap meat, making the meat more tender and easier to digest.

In Chinese medicine, papaya is used to overcome the difficulties digesting food, due to high protein. Also believed to cleanse the teeth, to break down food scraps attached. The fruit is used to expel intestinal worms. Seeds are soaked in water and used as tea. Papaya is a good cook to overcome dysentery, rheumatism, and excess mucus production.

In 1997 the World Cancer Research Fund's report, consume papaya (as a dessert) on a regular basis both to ward off lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, bladder cancer, and colon, as vitamin C and carotenoids his height. Both nutrients it is very potential to reduce the activity of free radicals, which can lead to cancer.

For men, the consumption of papaya every day very well because of its vitamin C is essential for the formation of semen and sperm. Low levels of vitamin C in the body can be a constraint to produce offspring. The test results showed that a man may be infertile due to sperm clumping. Quality, quantity, and mobility of sperm life can be improved by increasing the consumption of vitamin C, up to 500 mg per day.
Vitamin E Health Benefits

Vitamin E Health Benefits

Vitamin E Other Benefits for Health

Vitamin E has countless benefits for humans:
- Increase endurance ,
- Reduce stress ,
- Prevent the occurrence of cancer ,
- Help fertility and
- Prevent the occurrence of heart disease .
Vitamin E is more widely developed for skin care ingredients . Because of its benefits to the skin , among others, to protect from UV rays , keeping the skin moist and prevent premature aging of the skin .

Sources of Food Containing Vitamin E

Fruits Containing Vitamin E

What are the fruits that contain vitamin E ? fruits such as avocado , sunflower seeds , tomatoes . For the consumption of vitamin E daily fulfillment of the easiest was to consume avocado or tomato. How much should a daily consumption of avocado? Note that avocado contains vitamin E of 3.4 mg/100 g . While the recommended consumption of blood is 10mg to 30 mg of vitamin E in the blood . 

So as to meet the daily consumption , you can buy an avocado with a weight of 500 gr each to get 17 mg of vitamin E. Or if you want to be lower , you can consume as much as 300 mg of an avocado and obtain 10.2 mg of vitamin E, which is needed in the blood. For compliance with consumption of tomatoes there are two types . 

Namely the use of fresh tomatoes and tomatoes are already a seasoning for consumption can be as much as 82.39 % seasoning . Noteworthy for daily spice consumption using more tomatoes than fresh fruit , then look at the comparison of the composition of tomato fruit flavoring . Try to do contain the proper dose for daily consumption to avoid shortage of vitamin E in the body .

Vegetables Containing Vitamin E

Vegetables that can be eaten every day to meet your daily vitamin E needs . For vegetables that contain vitamin E are vegetable that has a dark green like the green spinach . While the full combination of similar cabbage , broccoli , cabbage , cauliflower will greatly help with the anti-cancer benefits of phytochemical components . Then you can also consume nuts such as hazelnuts , pea has a function phytosterols that help in lowering the risk of cancer , lower blood cholesterol , and increase immunity .

Hazelnuts or walnuts contains two types of vitamin E. Namely alpha - tocopherol and gamma - tocopherol that work in synergy . If you want a more simple , sweet potatoes can also complete the need for vitamin E you need each day .

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Vitamin B2 Riboflavin Health Benefits

Vitamin B2 Riboflavin Health Benefits

Health Benefits Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin 

Vitamin B2 has quite a lot of benefits. However there are some benefits of vitamin B2 were already found and known that can solve some problems of human health. Especially the top 5 uses vitamin B2 for health. By knowing these important uses, it is expected that you yourself will keep taking vitamin B2 to guard your health. So what are the top 5 uses vitamin B2 for the health? Will be discussed in this article.

Next Headache (Migraine)
Migraine is often an obstacle. Many do not experience this, but if it ever did, it would be easy to relapse. Migraines can strike the head of the left only or right side of the head only. Usually when we have been eating and going nausea or fullness after eating or while eating and then move, then migraine ensued.

Can also occur when the head is dizzy because of the food you eat contains vitamin B2 was less. For example, too much fat and carbohydrates, so that the process for the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats into energy does not happen. To cope with migraines on your head, can consume vitamin B2 supplements at a dose of 400 mg.

Free radicals are closely related to the air. Usually when we inhale air too much dirty air, pollution, motor vehicle fumes, cigarette smoke then it was called free radicals. When the body is exposed to a lot of free radicals, the body will easily damaged tissues and cells in the body. To that end, the vitamin B2 was able to ward off free radicals.

Vitamin B2 be an antioxidant which prevents a person develops heart disease and cancer at a relatively young age. Would also maintain the vitality of the body fitness for those who are elderly. Because the main function of vitamin B2 are generating energy, replacing damaged tissue, and maintain healthy skin from free radical attack.

Anemia is more common in female patients. So what is anemia? Anemia is a decrease in red blood cells (levels) in the blood which can only be checked from the laboratory test. When a person develops anemia, the circulation of oxygen in the body is carried through the blood becomes impaired. When disturbed circulation of oxygen the body will quickly limp, tired, lethargic and not powered.

The symptoms are also characterized by a pale face which is not a healthy blood circulation smoothly. Cause of anemia aplenty, mainly due to lack of iron, vitamin B2 and also bleeding. For women who have menstrual periods, more often exposed to anemia if not balanced by consuming food sources that contain iron and vitamin B2. It is important to keep in shape by taking vitamin B2.

Anti Carcinogen
Carcinogens are cancer-related. So what exactly is a carcinogen? Carcinogens are substances that enter the body that can trigger cancer. Materials that can be a lot of carcinogens into the body. Among other things we eat in the form preservatives (modern food) as well as the beverages we drink (beverage modern).

Besides the chemicals that have been entered in the products consumed daily can also cause carcinogens. Flavorings such as herbs, chili instant, instant sauces, then there is soy sauce, syrup, cigarettes, and many chemicals are carcinogens. For that vitamin B2 can make anti-carcinogen as well as an antioxidant. Fill vitamin B2 food every day so that you make yourself stay healthy to live up to several years.

The main function of vitamin B2 is breaking carbohydrates, proteins, fats into energy. Therefore, if the vitamin B2 requirement is not met, then the body will lack energy. Such as fats and proteins that accumulate and accumulate unprocessed carbohydrates into energy is just right to make a person obese. This usually occurs in growing children.

Many say that a healthy child has a pretty good weight. In fact not the case, due to excess weight and lack of vitamin B2 to make themselves difficult to move up. To the necessity of breaking the main substances into energy that obesity does not occur in children. Even adults if you want to lose weight, it's good to take vitamin B2 and exercise in order to get maximum results.

Another favorable benefit of vitamin B2 as regulating the activity of the thyroid hormone, helps cleanse the skin (reducing oily skin), as well as maintaining eye health for the prevention of cataracts. So there is no harm in starting now or tomorrow you can try taking regular vitamin B complex, including vitamin B2 in the consumption of your daily diet.

Because to get the body healthy, fit, strong and fit should regularly consume nutritious food and vitamin. Note also the people you care about to be able to eat a nutritious and vitamin-rich foods to maintain joint health.
Broccoli and Spinach for Healthy and Strong Bone

Broccoli and Spinach for Healthy and Strong Bone

Health Benefits of Broccoli and Spinach for Healthy and Strong Bone

Recent case studies that have been conducted at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute shows that for the first time how the protein osteocalcin is poorly understood in an important role in bone strength. But this new discovery is expected to be a solution for bone diseases such as osteoporosis and reduce the risk of bone fracture. 

Another fact is the U.S. National Institutes of Health has funded research on the mechanism of bone fracture in human bone. This study tested the bone pierce a hole about the size of 500 atoms. Apparently when the bone is simulated for walking, and other activities, a pair of osteopontin and osteocalcin protein that is covering the hole that has been created it. 

Thus preventing further bone damage. If the protein is not present then facilitated suffered broken bones and broken in a faster time.

Then continue on research studies involving nano size on the bone hole. As said by the head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Rensselaer, Deepak Vashishth that recent studies of the role of osteocalcin can maintain the shape of the bones that are not easily broken and fragile. Moreover, osteocalcin closing holes smallest point on the bone so that the bone strengthening can be thorough.

Broccoli and Spinach
Turns broccoli and spinach may be the best solution for the treatment of bone to micro size. Because there are a lot of vitamin K in spinach and broccoli. While also helping to increase the amount of protein osteocalcin naturally in the body. Of course this is also aided by the consumption of calcium into the body. Calcium is consumed along with vitamin K helps more optimal protein osteocalcin nano cover holes in the body of the bone. The better the consumption, the better the health of bones.

Research on osteocalcin was quite interesting. Where osteocalcin can be strengthened relationship with osteopontin. By adding a natural supply of both these proteins as described earlier can reduce the risk of osteoporosis impact. 

Must be in the form of osteocalcin is carboxylated to be able to optimally absorbed into the bone. Then the protein was carboxylated by vitamin K. So it takes the form of natural consumption of broccoli and spinach. Because the researchers now believe was not only full of calcium had a significant role in bone strength that exist in the body. But also the role of green vegetables.

Researchers suggest that regular consumption of calcium as a source of reference that have been patent can strengthen bone tissue. Then also exercise regularly so that your metabolism can work and train optimal bone strength. Then consume more nutritious foods as a counterweight to keep the body fit and healthy bones. Then what is the required amount of vitamin K each day?

Vegetables and Fruits That Contain Vitamin K
The need is certainly quite a lot, but first identify the most vegetables contain vitamin K. First the kiwi fruit that contains 40 mcg of vitamin K, both containing avocado 81 mcg of vitamin K. Third grapes contain 22 mcg of vitamin K. For there asparagus vegetables containing 416 mcg of vitamin K. Then there are the vegetable broccoli that contain as much vitamin K 155.20 mcg. 

Finally, the spinach containing 89 mcg of vitamin K. All that according to a dose of 100 grams. So it feels quite a lot that we can to increase the consumption of healthy body and increase healthy bones. Meet the needs of vegetables and calcium to prevent themselves from bone disease.
Ageless Secrets: Food For Prevent Aging

Ageless Secrets: Food For Prevent Aging

Ageless Secrets: Food For Prevent Aging

Every woman wants to look beautiful and attractive for longer. There's no question that with age the appearance physically unattractive not to mention the health decline with aging. 

Beside could be less confident because of the appearance of health problems due to aging also adds new problems for women in particular, who turned 40 late. Turns youthful can be obtained by setting the following foods and healthy living his review.

6 Foods Prevent Aging

It turns the food we eat everyday someone take effect in aging and age factors in addition to other natural factors. The food we eat daily consumption can prevent or even reverse aging. Below is a list of foods secret of youth:

1. Vegetables and Fruit
Fruits and vegetables have low calories, high in nutrients, and filling but recent studies have shown that fruits and vegetables also provide anti-aging benefits.

Such as blueberries, for example, useful to improve memory skills. But all berries are rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals, molecules that can damage cells and associated with chronic inflammation. 

In contrast to the inflammation that occurs when you sprain an ankle or strain a muscle, the type that contributes to aging that are fixed, and the roots of chronic diseases of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes to Alzheimer's, arthritis, and osteoporosis. 

In addition to the berry has the added bonus of beauty because it contains vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that can help keep your skin looking smooth by fighting free radicals that damage the skin.

To keep your vision sharp intake of spinach and dark green vegetables. Vegetables are the main source of lutein and zeaxanthin are plant pigments that protect your eyes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Leafy greens are also rich in vitamin K, a nutrient that plays a role in reducing bone loss and prevent fractures.

2. Protein
The protein component of the diet is the key factor when stepping on the age 40s, when muscle mass begins to decline by 1 percent per year. This resulted in a slowing metabolism, making weight loss easier to grow. Risk that you will receive a two-fold increased weight puts your health at risk, and reduced muscle mass could threaten your ability to recover from illness or accident.

To maintain the muscle mass of experts recommends eating protein obtained from skinless chicken breast, turkey breast, lean beef, pork, eggs, nuts, and seafood. And do not forget protein-rich dairy: Minerals (primarily calcium, phosphorus, and potassium). The content of the fat-free milk and low-fat yogurt and cheese help to maintain healthy blood pressure, strong bones. Calcium can not build bone mass if you do not get enough protein, and current recommendations about five ounces a day for women weighing 60 Kg
Additionally ate yogurt at least 1/4 cup per day reduced the risk of gum disease by 60 percent and reduce the risk of tooth loss by 50%. This effect is thought to be related to probiotic contained in yogurt, which could not obtained from most of the other milk.

3. Omega-3 fatty acids
Fatty acids in aiding the healing of chronic inflammation. In addition, new data suggests that omega-3 fats from fish beneficial to the brain which causes the atmosphere and attitude of heart for the better. This improvement makes people feel healthier and stronger. omega-3 in fish like salmon and tuna have an anti-inflammatory with the most potent effects. Omega-3 can also be obtained from plants, such as walnuts and flax seeds, especially if you do not like fish.

4. Seeds Whole Wheat or Whole Grains
Wheat, oats, brown rice, and bread, cereals, and other foods made ​​from whole grains helps you stay slim, it is also because of the role of fiber from whole grains in controlling appetite. The low glycemic index (the content of which increases blood sugar carbohydrates) in whole grains also play a role.

A study has also shown that whole grains offer protection against diabetes, heart disease, stroke, colon cancer, high blood pressure, and gum disease. This benefit is closely related to vitamins, minerals, and fiber that work together to improve health. That's why refined grains, the loss of nutrients during processing does not offer the same advantages.

5. sport
Exercise slows aging in addition to being actively maintain muscle mass, increase metabolism, and makes the heart and lungs healthy. Recent study has found that walking, can make a long life. Working out twice a week with the muscles and metabolism will be maintained.

6. Coffee and Tea
Coffee has a lower impact risk of type 2 diabetes and Parkinson's disease, and evidence suggests that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of death from heart disease. Some of these benefits come from caffeine, but coffee also contains chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant that may also play a protective role.

Drinking tea may lower the risk of heart attack, strengthens the immune system, protect tooth enamel, and helps fight memory loss associated with aging. Choose green, black, white, or oolong tea. Leaf teas all come from the camellia sinensis, or tea plant. And tea also contains polyphenols (antioxidants), fluoride, and caffeine are thought to contribute to the health benefits, most of the benefit is lost when tea is processed.

Two Best Groceries Prevent Aging

1. Nuts
Nuts have benefits for weight loss but it is also useful to prolong life. Nuts provide excellence surprising that despite a diet high in fat, high calorie foods, nuts do not gain weight. Why is nuts make more full stomach so that it will reduce the consumption of other foods after eating peanuts than it was 20 percent of the calories in nuts can not be absorbed by the body.

2. Dark Chocolate
Flavanol cocoa contained more predominant in dark chocolate can lower inflammation, keep blood pressure in check, prevent platelets from clotting which can prevent strokes and heart attacks, and boost brain power.
So beautiful and stay young could actually be obtained if we keep the food we eat and maintain our way of life in order to remain healthy.