Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fear of Breast Cancer

Many women you know may have breast cancer. It could be friends, co worker or relatives. It seems that this cancer has been stalking you, it haunts everywhere you go. There has been more than a few media pointing out this issue of breast cancer threatening today’s community especially women.

The first time being diagnosed of breast cancer can hit you hard. When the doctor brings you the news, you are probably terrified. Mostly this is because many people only have little knowledge about the cancer. If you have had it before, you may be haunt by the thought of it comes back, or it may be life threatening.

Breastcancer.org explained that having this kind of fear doesn’t mean you definitely infected with cancer. If you have had it in the past, it doesn’t indicate that the cancer will return. Nonetheless, it is only normal to be caution and aware of this condition, considering the rise of breast cancer is all over the news recently.

Fear of breast cancer is not like other psychological fear, and experts from other field share the opinion. The thought we have and the background knowledge of breast cancer plays major role in this matter. It’s necessary to recognize that you share the same fear with so many others out there. However, despite fear is normal, it’s not something to be taken lightly.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Night Shift Women Face More Risk of Breast Cancer

According to a Canadian medical review, as reported by cbc.ca, someone who works on the night shift has a greater risk of breast cancer those who than those who don’t. The review doesn’t specifically aim for women because actually men share the same threat.

Now, if the statement above is correct, then how can working after sunset increases the risk of breast cancer?

The conclusion had been presented as evidence in a previous study conducted by The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The research revealed that there is an actual connection between the work hour and health condition, known as carcinogenic (causing toxic or poison). 

Face More Risk of Breast Cancer

However, the lack of evidence provided in the report as well as the limited sorts of respondents - the study only examined nurses who work on night shift – had encouraged Prof. Kristan Aronson from Queen's University in Kingston to devise a new study.

Prof. Kristan Aronson decided to expand the scope of respondents and investigate 1100 women with breast cancer diagnosis and 1100 women with no diagnosis of breast cancer. Although his aim focuses on the correlation between night shift and the risk of breast cancer, Prof. Kristan also included other factors such as reproductive patterns, lifestyle and body mass of each respondent.

A hypothesis can finally be concluded from the study by Aronson. The conclusion states that a woman who works at night and spent his days sleeping or outside activity had a greater risk of breast cancer. That's because the lack of production of the hormone melatonin - the hormone anti cancer - due to lack of sun exposure that he got.

Eventually, a hypothesis is drawn from the research, suggesting that a woman who works at night and sleeps or lacking of outside activities during the day pose greater chance of breast cancer. That's because the lack of the hormone melatonin - the hormone anti cancer - produced by the body due to lack of sun exposure that she gets.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Smoking Increases the Risk of Breast Cancer

as we all know there are many factors related or directly responsible for breast cancer.  Some we can’t control, such genes passed down from mother to daughter. However there are also factors that we can choose to let it happen or not, such as lifestyle and diet and that include drinking and smoking.

Let’s talk about women smoking, Ladies. It wasn’t so long ago when a smoking woman especially in public is considered taboo in some society. Today, it’s a common sight, women smoke in public and there’s no secret about it.

Huffingtonpost.com writes that a recent research suggested smoking women risk more to have breast cancer than those who don’t. it gets even worse if this bad habit starts in young age.

However, the risk of smoking in this case is relatively small, except for some big timers. The same source also referred to the comparison indicates that smoking women pose 6% higher chance of getting breast cancer.

Now ladies, aren’t we suppose to prevent this? Our health is way too precious to be trade away for some time wasting activities that could threat our healthy such as smoking. It’s true the risk of smoking is not that high. Even so, smoking earlier will fold increase the risk. So, aren’t we supposed to avoid it?

a recent research suggested smoking women risk more to have breast cancer than those who don’t.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

This Mushroom Has Beneficial to Cure AIDS

The Benefits of Chaga Mushroom to Cure AIDS

Since it was first discovered, AIDS has become a terrible scourge because it has not found a cure to date. But scientists in Russia believe this deadly disease antidote contained in traditional mushroom called Chaga.

The scientists of the Institute of Vector in Russia claim, mushroom known in the area around the Siberia for centuries been believed to be effectively used for antiviral drugs . This time, the researchers claim these allegations already have a scientific basis.

Chaga mushroom which has the Latin name Inonotus obliquus grows in birch rod. It contains a high concentration of acid Betulinic who have antiretroviral properties, anti- inflammatory, and has recently discovered the existence of anticancer agents.

“This fungus strains showed low toxicity and potent antiviral effect. Fungus has a very strong effect against smallpox, influenza, and HIV, “said scientists from Vector as Siberian Times reported on Friday (19/09/2013).

Previously, researchers selected 33 of the 82 strains of fungi that grow in the East Siberian Sea. They found that Chaga mushrooms useful as anti- HIV and anti- AIDS due to substances and the ability to stimulate anti- tumor immunity.

Chaga mushroom became more popular around Siberia peoples because it shows the ability of a large antivirus. Russian folklore often mentions the properties of Chaga as a dietary supplement.

 This fungus is also described as a cancer drug in Alexander Solzhenitsyn's novel written in 1968 entitled “Cancer World ‘.

It's just in the U.S.; this fungus is less scientific support. Memorial Sloan - Kettering Cancer Center in New York on its website stating that there has been no clinical trials have been conducted to assess the safety and efficacy of Chaga in preventing disease or treating cancer.

“While it is relatively not been written in the mainstream media, Chaga mushroom has been used for folk medicine for generations. Research has shown Chaga is very effective in protecting cells from DNA -damaging free radicals, “said a spokesman for Vector.

Previously, researchers selected 33 of the 82 strains of fungi that grow in the East Siberian Sea. They found that Chaga mushrooms useful as anti- HIV and anti- AIDS due to substances and the ability to stimulate anti- tumor immunity.

Friday, September 20, 2013

5 facts and health benefits of Lactic Acid

Lactic acid accumulates when you do physical activity (exercise) at high intensity. Lactic acid also plays a role in the body's metabolic processes. But there are more facts about lactic acid than it is.

Here are the facts and health benefits of the lactic acid you need to know:

1. Lactic acid is always present in the body.
Lactic acid is always produced even when the body is resting. At rest, lactic acid levels produced about 1 millimoles / liter (mmol / L).

The more intense physical activity, the more lactic acid is produced. When active, the concentration of lactic acid could reach approximately 4 mmol / L, or 70-80% of VO2 maximum.

2. Not only because of lack of oxygen.
Many people think the lack of oxygen will lead to increased production of lactic acid. In addition to the lack of oxygen which is one of the factors that contribute to the formation of lactic acid, the absence of "molecular career" NAD (nicotinomide adenine dinucleotide) and FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide) has a much greater effect.

These molecules play an important role in the transport of hydrogen into the cell for use in energy production.
When molecules are not present career, will be joined by hydrogen pyruvate to produce lactic acid.

3. Lactic acid as fuel.
Lactic acid will usually disappear from the muscle tissue within 30 minutes of physical activity. Lactic acid is used by the liver, heart, and kidney as a source of energy. Liver to convert lactic acid into glucose, which is then released into the bloodstream to be used muscles. Lactic acid can also be converted into glycogen to be stored.

4. Fatigue and lactic acid.
Increased lactic acid will cause physical fatigue resulting in lower performance. But not many know how this could happen. Fatigue occurs because some stages. First, the energy reduction will be felt. Increase in hydrogen reduces the production of ATP (energy) due to inhibition of enzymes involved in energy production.

Second, the muscles can not contract normally or by force as in the past. To contract, muscles need calcium. The problem occurs when the hydrogen blocking calcium, so that the muscle can not contract normally.

5. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (Doms).
Doms is a pain or pain in the muscles that you feel 24 - 48 hours after physical activity or sport. DOMS was originally thought to occur due to the presence of lactic acid. In fact not the case. Doms occurs due to excessive physical activity causes damage to the muscle or connective tissue.

The body responds by repairing the damage and stimulate sensory nerve endings resulting in pain. Doms usually happens when you first start the sport, or when exercising at a very high intensity.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Seriously Breast cancer symptoms

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that attacks many women. Infact survey reported that 1 out of 8 women has it. The cancer started when cells in breast are contaminated by cancer cells.
Actually, the cancer is not so picky as to attack only women. Actually, men are also in risk of this cancer. Yes, it’s only 1:1000 chance, but it’s still a risk.

Since the cancer can attack anyone at anytime, we all need to be on alert and take precaution. Pay more attention to any chances on our body. You don’t just get the third stadium without showing symptoms before.

As stated in health.nytimes.com, there are some symptoms indicates that you may under serious stage of this condition. They are pain in the bones, feeling uncomfort in breast, some ulcers appear on the skin and lump at the armpit near the attacked breast, and drastic reduce in body weight. 

So if you notice any of these happening on your body, it is strongly suggested to have checked up immediately. Surely we don’t want to find out whether you really have it or not late.

Fat body, Genetic or Lifestyle?

"Battle Your Biology? Fat Chance!”, Is a headline that became a hot topic in the health section of The New York Post newspaper that was released some time ago. Citing research from a variety of nutrition experts and physicians, in the article is written that genetic factors  also influence a person's weight. So, if you are fat easy, it's not your fault entirely. Is this true?

Dr. James Rosen, a professor from the University of Vermont stated, "We know that outside environmental factors and behavior, genetic factors also play a major role in determining a person's weight."

While genetic factors influence body weight and fat makes a person inherits genes from his parents, then the best way to avoid weight gain is willing to take responsibility for yourself and try to make changes. Remember, though genetically inherited, obesity is preventable.

Obesity & Body Types

In the 1930s, Harvard psychologist Dr. William H. Sheldon developed a classification system for different body types called "somatotyping." Somatotyping a classification system of the body based on the body type of each individual is divided into 3 different types, namely, ectomorph, mesomorphs and endomorphs.

Body types are ectomorph body shape looks thin. The body of the owner usually has a fast metabolism and low body fat. Even when eating a lot of food even once, their weight is difficult to grow.

Mesomorph is an athletic body shape with a solid body and tend to be muscular. This body type usually easiest to form the body and gain muscle mass.

While Endomorphs is someone who tend to overweight, has little muscle mass and fat overstocked. Mesomorph weight will easily rise if you eat certain foods.

Endomorphs produce too much insulin when eating carbohydrates. This is one factor contributing to increased fat storage and difficulty in losing existing fat. This condition is known as "insulin resistance" or "Syndrome X."

Hormones and Weight Loss

The scientists claim that the tendency to gain weight as well as the owner Endomorph body chemical imbalance in the brain that causes people to overeat. The content of this chemical called ghrelin.

Ghrelin is a hormone produced by the cells lining the stomach P/D1 of human and epsilon cells of the pancreas that stimulates hunger. Ghrelin levels increase before meals and decrease after meals.

Ghrelin may lead to accumulation of fat especially in the abdominal area (visceral obesity) which may engakibatkan high blood pressure to diabetes type 2.

In fact, further research is mentioned, when a person is given an injection of ghrelin and then welcome to eat, they ate 30 percent more than usual!

Basically, what the medical community is trying to tell you is that if you are overweight, it is not only affecting the lifestyle, but you may already be genetically inherited.

Experts also suggest that efforts to lose weight instantly without any offset by setting diet and proper exercise should be avoided early on.

The use of drugs sometimes can never be a solution healthy. Diet experts agree if the most healthy way to lose weight is to maintain a diet, exercise, with patience and persistence.

All People Can Lose Weight

Dr. Thomas Wadden, a psychologist from Syracuse University, said, "If you have a genetic predisposition towards obesity, you can reduce the fat like everyone else. No one is destined to be fat, because in essence everyone can lose weight. "As quoted muscleandstrength.

"You just have to work harder and longer than anyone else's. The result may not be as thin as you can imagine, but you can lose weight. "Said Wadden.

Is not a wise thing if you have to give up just because it has genetic factors causing obesity. Bring up the reasons that make you surrender yourself and do not want to do anything to lose weight even make the weight increase.

So, start taking responsibility and make healthy changes in life that 'legacy fat' does not haunt you forever.

Hospital Seek Blood of 100 Virgins

The Medical Benefits of Virgin Blood.

What’s the first thing in your mind if someone told you that an organization, or even a hospital are seeking blood of 100 virgins for sample? That must have been for some hocus focus ritual or some supranatural stuffs.

When Peking University Cancer Hospital in China issued a notice for request of virgin blood, it was a blow in society. The hospital and research center requested 100 samples of female blood age ranged from 18-24 years old. The condition was that the source must be virgin, as reported by Huffingtonpost.com, Monday (16/9).
 “We don’t need males’ only females’, it’s for scientific medical purposes” a statement quoted from China social media.

Guan Jiuping, the hospital spokesman confirmed that the blood request has absolutely nothing to do with any ritual or blood sacrificial. The researchers at the hospital was investigating human papilloma virus (HPV). The virus was known to attack genital areas, up to uterus.

So why virgin?
It wasn’t that complicated. HPV finds its way to spread by sexual intercourse, easier for those who often change partners. For female who are yet to have sex, the risk for HPV is very low. That’s the reason why the researchers only asked for blood from virgin for negative control in their research.

According to data reported by IBTimes.co.uk, there have been 50 female virgins who enroll for a blood sample. Surely the blood to be taken in just small amount. Ultimately, this research aims for science in medication, particularly to protect women from the risk of getting HPV.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Breast Cancer Preventive with Tamoxifen Benefits

Tamoxifen Benefits to Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer, yes it’s a nightmare for women everywhere. Women tend to show hesitation in having some check up on them. In fact, most women find it more comfortable not to talk about this condition.
So what if it comes to this point? Correct, prevent is out of question, while it could have been done way earlier.

Just what are these precautions? Medicine is one.

This issue has been laid out by telegraph.co.uk, and the medicine is Tamoxifen.
This medicine aims for female under 35 years old with likelihood of breast cancer based on family history. The goal? Surely to reduce the risk of having this condition. 

This medicine is for everyday consumption over the period of 5 years. Take it regularly, the effect will be significant. Imagine ladies, the number of women with breast cancer can be pressed down by 33%. That’s must be count for something.

This medicine has some advantages, no doubt. One of them is you don’t have to reach deep into pocket. You only need to pay some $40 for one year consumption of Tamoxifen. Affordable, right? And also, as a prevention, it helps women to stay out of trauma caused by diagnosis, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and many kinds of treatment. So ladies, care to try?

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