In order Children Not Minerals Deficiencies
In order Children Not Minerals DeficienciesMicro - nutrients such as vitamins and minerals - are needed to support the development of the child. However, often the need for micronutrients is not met from the daily diet.
Professor of the Faculty of Human Ecology IPB Hardinsyah Prof. MS said, the impact of micronutrient deficiencies related to child development is long-term. Among these children prone to dwarfism, bone maturation delay, and delay sexual maturity.
To address micronutrient deficiencies, need to fix the pattern of daily food consumption of healthy and varied so as to improve the overall nutritional status of children. In this case the consumption of animal food and vegetables so that the body can help to meet the adequate intake of micronutrients.
Well, one of the micronutrients are minerals are essential nutrients for health maintenance and disease prevention. Minerals are an essential element for the normal functioning of most enzymes and is essential in the control of body fluid composition. Minerals help build enzymes and proteins.
Minerals can be classified into primary minerals ( major ) and minor minerals. Calcium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and chloride are examples of major minerals, while chromium, magnesium, iodine, iron, fluorine, manganese, selenium and zinc are examples of minor minerals.
Here are the types of minerals important to know and how to meet their needs :
- Calcium
Calcium is a mineral that the body needs most. Approximately 2-3 percent of body weight is calcium, in which 98 percent is stored in the bones and teeth and 1 percent in the blood. Function of calcium for the maintenance of bones and teeth, muscle contraction and relaxation aid, blood clotting, hormone function, secretion of enzymes, vitamin B12 absorption and prevention of kidney stones and heart disease and even development of nerve cells and the brain.
To meet calcium needs, children can be given the best foods sources of calcium in between milk and milk products ( cheese, yogurt, etc. ), eggs, fish, nuts, and dark leafy greens. Milk contains a lot of calcium. Drinking milk on a regular basis to make sure to have strong bones and growing well.
- Iron
Iron plays an important role in the formation of hemoglobin ( red blood cells ) that carry oxygen throughout the body. Then bring the carbon dioxide out of the body. Zinc also supports muscle function, enzymes, protein and energy metabolism. Iron deficiency causes anemia, fatigue, weakness, headaches.
In meeting the needs of iron, the kids can get used to consume foods that are good sources of iron include milk and other dairy products, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, red meat, fish, shellfish, poultry, soybeans, chickpeas, raisins. The body can absorb 20-40 percent iron from animal sources and 5-20 percent iron from plant sources.
- Iodine
This substance serves to set the level of oxidation in every cell in the body tissues are active, regulating the function of nerve and muscle tissue, strengthen muscles, maintain circulatory.
Fulfillment mineral iodine for children can come from a variety of marine products outcomes, such as various types of fish, shellfish, shrimp, squid, seaweed ( including gelatin ). Milk and meat can also be an option.
- Zinc ( zinc )
Zinc is found in all body cells, especially in the skin, nails, hair and eyes.
Zinc plays an important role in DNA and RNA synthesis, production of proteins, insulin and sperm, helps in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, play a role in removing carbon dioxide, accelerating healing, growth, maintenance of body tissues, and supports senses such as smell and taste.
Zinc deficiency causes growth retardation, loss of appetite, slow healing, hair loss,
To meet the needs zinc, the parents can give a child is the source of various types among the best beef, lamb, and poultry, shellfish, crab, lobster, nuts and seeds.
- Selenium
The body needs selenium in small amounts but the benefits are very important to the health of the liver (liver). Selenium is found in vegetables and fruits, meat, fish and nuts, milk and milk products, eggs, milk, chicken, garlic, onion and green vegetables.
- Potassium, Sodium and Chloride
These minerals soluble in the blood and other body fluids. All three of these minerals in the body makes the fluid remains constant. They also play an important role in the transport of glucose into cells, blood pressure, heart rhythm and muscle function. Deficiency of these minerals cause anxiety, irregular heartbeat and vomit.
Sources of these nutrients are found in nearly all foods except oils, fats and sugars.
Professor of the Faculty of Human Ecology IPB Hardinsyah Prof. MS said, the impact of micronutrient deficiencies related to child development is long-term. Among these children prone to dwarfism, bone maturation delay, and delay sexual maturity.
To address micronutrient deficiencies, need to fix the pattern of daily food consumption of healthy and varied so as to improve the overall nutritional status of children. In this case the consumption of animal food and vegetables so that the body can help to meet the adequate intake of micronutrients.
Well, one of the micronutrients are minerals are essential nutrients for health maintenance and disease prevention. Minerals are an essential element for the normal functioning of most enzymes and is essential in the control of body fluid composition. Minerals help build enzymes and proteins.
Minerals can be classified into primary minerals ( major ) and minor minerals. Calcium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and chloride are examples of major minerals, while chromium, magnesium, iodine, iron, fluorine, manganese, selenium and zinc are examples of minor minerals.
Here are the types of minerals important to know and how to meet their needs :
- Calcium
Calcium is a mineral that the body needs most. Approximately 2-3 percent of body weight is calcium, in which 98 percent is stored in the bones and teeth and 1 percent in the blood. Function of calcium for the maintenance of bones and teeth, muscle contraction and relaxation aid, blood clotting, hormone function, secretion of enzymes, vitamin B12 absorption and prevention of kidney stones and heart disease and even development of nerve cells and the brain.
To meet calcium needs, children can be given the best foods sources of calcium in between milk and milk products ( cheese, yogurt, etc. ), eggs, fish, nuts, and dark leafy greens. Milk contains a lot of calcium. Drinking milk on a regular basis to make sure to have strong bones and growing well.
- Iron
Iron plays an important role in the formation of hemoglobin ( red blood cells ) that carry oxygen throughout the body. Then bring the carbon dioxide out of the body. Zinc also supports muscle function, enzymes, protein and energy metabolism. Iron deficiency causes anemia, fatigue, weakness, headaches.
In meeting the needs of iron, the kids can get used to consume foods that are good sources of iron include milk and other dairy products, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, red meat, fish, shellfish, poultry, soybeans, chickpeas, raisins. The body can absorb 20-40 percent iron from animal sources and 5-20 percent iron from plant sources.
- Iodine
This substance serves to set the level of oxidation in every cell in the body tissues are active, regulating the function of nerve and muscle tissue, strengthen muscles, maintain circulatory.
Fulfillment mineral iodine for children can come from a variety of marine products outcomes, such as various types of fish, shellfish, shrimp, squid, seaweed ( including gelatin ). Milk and meat can also be an option.
- Zinc ( zinc )
Zinc is found in all body cells, especially in the skin, nails, hair and eyes.
Zinc plays an important role in DNA and RNA synthesis, production of proteins, insulin and sperm, helps in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, play a role in removing carbon dioxide, accelerating healing, growth, maintenance of body tissues, and supports senses such as smell and taste.
Zinc deficiency causes growth retardation, loss of appetite, slow healing, hair loss,
To meet the needs zinc, the parents can give a child is the source of various types among the best beef, lamb, and poultry, shellfish, crab, lobster, nuts and seeds.
- Selenium
The body needs selenium in small amounts but the benefits are very important to the health of the liver (liver). Selenium is found in vegetables and fruits, meat, fish and nuts, milk and milk products, eggs, milk, chicken, garlic, onion and green vegetables.
- Potassium, Sodium and Chloride
These minerals soluble in the blood and other body fluids. All three of these minerals in the body makes the fluid remains constant. They also play an important role in the transport of glucose into cells, blood pressure, heart rhythm and muscle function. Deficiency of these minerals cause anxiety, irregular heartbeat and vomit.
Sources of these nutrients are found in nearly all foods except oils, fats and sugars.