Monday, December 23, 2013

In order Children Not Minerals Deficiencies

In order Children Not Minerals Deficiencies

Micro - nutrients such as vitamins and minerals - are needed to support the development of the child. However, often the need for micronutrients is not met from the daily diet.

Professor of the Faculty of Human Ecology IPB Hardinsyah Prof. MS said, the impact of micronutrient deficiencies related to child development is long-term. Among these children prone to dwarfism, bone maturation delay, and delay sexual maturity.

To address micronutrient deficiencies, need to fix the pattern of daily food consumption of healthy and varied so as to improve the overall nutritional status of children. In this case the consumption of animal food and vegetables so that the body can help to meet the adequate intake of micronutrients.

Well, one of the micronutrients are minerals are essential nutrients for health maintenance and disease prevention. Minerals are an essential element for the normal functioning of most enzymes and is essential in the control of body fluid composition. Minerals help build enzymes and proteins.

Minerals can be classified into primary minerals ( major ) and minor minerals. Calcium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and chloride are examples of major minerals, while chromium, magnesium, iodine, iron, fluorine, manganese, selenium and zinc are examples of minor minerals.

Here are the types of minerals important to know and how to meet their needs :

- Calcium
Calcium is a mineral that the body needs most. Approximately 2-3 percent of body weight is calcium, in which 98 percent is stored in the bones and teeth and 1 percent in the blood. Function of calcium for the maintenance of bones and teeth, muscle contraction and relaxation aid, blood clotting, hormone function, secretion of enzymes, vitamin B12 absorption and prevention of kidney stones and heart disease and even development of nerve cells and the brain.

To meet calcium needs, children can be given the best foods sources of calcium in between milk and milk products ( cheese, yogurt, etc. ), eggs, fish, nuts, and dark leafy greens. Milk contains a lot of calcium. Drinking milk on a regular basis to make sure to have strong bones and growing well.

- Iron
Iron plays an important role in the formation of hemoglobin ( red blood cells ) that carry oxygen throughout the body. Then bring the carbon dioxide out of the body. Zinc also supports muscle function, enzymes, protein and energy metabolism. Iron deficiency causes anemia, fatigue, weakness, headaches.

In meeting the needs of iron, the kids can get used to consume foods that are good sources of iron include milk and other dairy products, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, red meat, fish, shellfish, poultry, soybeans, chickpeas, raisins. The body can absorb 20-40 percent iron from animal sources and 5-20 percent iron from plant sources.

- Iodine
This substance serves to set the level of oxidation in every cell in the body tissues are active, regulating the function of nerve and muscle tissue, strengthen muscles, maintain circulatory.
Fulfillment mineral iodine for children can come from a variety of marine products outcomes, such as various types of fish, shellfish, shrimp, squid, seaweed ( including gelatin ). Milk and meat can also be an option.

- Zinc ( zinc )
Zinc is found in all body cells, especially in the skin, nails, hair and eyes.
Zinc plays an important role in DNA and RNA synthesis, production of proteins, insulin and sperm, helps in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, play a role in removing carbon dioxide, accelerating healing, growth, maintenance of body tissues, and supports senses such as smell and taste.

Zinc deficiency causes growth retardation, loss of appetite, slow healing, hair loss,

To meet the needs zinc, the parents can give a child is the source of various types among the best beef, lamb, and poultry, shellfish, crab, lobster, nuts and seeds.

- Selenium
The body needs selenium in small amounts but the benefits are very important to the health of the liver (liver). Selenium is found in vegetables and fruits, meat, fish and nuts, milk and milk products, eggs, milk, chicken, garlic, onion and green vegetables.

- Potassium, Sodium and Chloride
These minerals soluble in the blood and other body fluids. All three of these minerals in the body makes the fluid remains constant. They also play an important role in the transport of glucose into cells, blood pressure, heart rhythm and muscle function. Deficiency of these minerals cause anxiety, irregular heartbeat and vomit.

Sources of these nutrients are found in nearly all foods except oils, fats and sugars.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sleep Benefits to Detoks Brain

Sleep Benefits to Detoks Brain

The benefits of sleep for Brain

The experts from the long time has difficulty to determining benefits of sleep. When asked about the benefits of sleep, then the experts will not know the answer. They only know the consequences if we are deprived of sleep. That's because so far, all the research in the field of sleep can not be directly examined the benefits of sleep. The only way is to examine the effect on a person if his reduced.

When deprived of sleep or suffering from sleeping sickness, a person experiences a decrease in brain functions. In addition, hormonal changes occur that will eventually interfere with organ functions to result in various diseases.

Experts have pointed to a decrease in endurance, increased blood pressure, decreased cardiac function, metabolic disorders, to the most easily seen is a decline in the quality of the skin.

In a further development, some diseases are suspected neurological impairment also exacerbated by lack of sleep or sleeping sickness. Call it Alzheimer's, dementia, or Parkinson 's disease.

system glymphatic

The journal Science published a study that may shed some light on the benefits of sleep directly. This study states that sleep serves as a detox from residual materials unused brain.

Our body has a system to dispose of the remains of the burning of the body unused. The system has had this function. However, the brain has no lymphatic system. The brain has its own system. Blood brain barrier, for example, it serves as a kind of filter materials anything that gets in or out of the brain.

Experts say a system in the brain called glymphatic system, which is taken from the name of glial cells and the lymphatic system. Glial cells have also been known to play a role in the process of disposal of unused substances.

Glymphatic system is known as beta amyloid throw system, a metabolite that is trusted by the experts play a role in the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Go to sleep for Detoks

In theory, during wakefulness, the brain need to work hard as arson. This combustion produces unused junk. Garbage must be disposed of so as not to accumulate and poison the brain. Well, sleeping brain acts to detoxify from these toxic substances.

The experts want to see how the exhaust system works. For that they inject dye in rat cerebrospinal fluid. First with green dye, and these mice were stimulated to fall asleep. After sleeping for half an hour, these mice were injected with red dye.

By comparing the flow of cerebrospinal fluid color, experts can determine how to move fluid in the brain. It was found that the gap between the current cell is just 5 percent compared to waking during sleep. Thus concluded that, during sleep, the brain fluid flowing more profusely.

Compared with brain volume, inter -cell gap is 13-15 percent while awake. As for sleep, this gap widened 22-24 percent of brain volume. Unfortunately, researchers have yet to figure out how this gap could widen. Possibly because the cells that constrict during sleep.

Diseases of neuro-degenerative

Alzheimer 's disease and some diseases caused by other neurological impairment thought to be caused by lack of sleep and the buildup of waste products in the brain. Either because of the production of harmful metabolites or due to excessive exhaust system failure such substances, but the lack of sleep itself is almost certain to lose nerve functions.

All these factors will obviously damage the nerve neurons that eventually lead to dementia or senility.

Of course like other groundbreaking research, this study raises more questions. Hopefully future studies more enlightening about the relationship and disease -bed neuro-degenerative diseases.

Here's Stages of HIV infection Become AIDS

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS is not immediately show symptoms of infection in humans. Humans, as a victim of the infection, also did not immediately feel the effects of the dangerous virus to her.

Virus takes 5-10 years to cause symptoms. When the time required is met, the AIDS disease has been infecting the patient's body. During this period, there are several stages of infection by HIV and then develop into AIDS.

1. The first phase (the window period)
a. HIV enters the body to form antibodies in the blood.

b. People with HIV look and feel healthy.

c. At this stage, an HIV test can not detect the presence of viruses.

d. This stage lasts for 2 weeks to 6 months.

2. The second phase
a. At this stage of HIV began to develop in the body.

b. HIV tests can detect the presence of the virus because antibodies begin to form.

c. Patient looked healthy for 5-10 years, depending on durability. On average patients survive for 8 years. But in developing countries, the duration is shorter.

3. The third stage
a. At this stage confirmed HIV-positive patients with immune system decreases.

b. Began to appear symptoms of opportunistic infection, such as swelling of the lymph glands or persistent diarrhea.

c. This stage generally lasts for one month, depending on the patient endurance.

a. At this stage, positive patient with AIDS.

b. The immune system is getting down.

c. Various other diseases (opportunistic infections) causes the condition is getting worse.

At this stage, the patient should be immediately taken to the doctor and undergo viral anti-retroviral therapy (ARV). ARV therapy will control the HIV virus in the body so that the impact of the virus can be suppressed.

Nevertheless, HIV can actually be controlled as early as possible so that it can suppress the onset of AIDS chance. Should do blood checks as early as possible, especially for high risk, such as injecting drug users, often with multiple partners and unprotected sexual intercourse.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Best Treatment Overcome Retrograde Ejaculation (I)

INFERTILITY is a real threat to a person who experienced retrograde ejaculation. Immediate treatment done for curing sexual disorders.

In general, there is no specific treatment for retrograde ejaculation, as this disorder is not a serious medical problem. But with urologists will help you to treat against infertility. Following his presentation, as reported Healthmeup.

- Check if your drug consumption is one of the causes of retrograde ejaculation.

- Retrograde ejaculation caused by diabetes or surgery where the condition can be solved by taking drugs.

- Drugs to treat retrograde ejaculation is a drug primarily used to treat other conditions, including the following :

            • Imipramine ( an antidepressant )

            • Medicines for cold, sepereti Chlorpheniramine, brompheniramine and antihistamines. In addition, decongestants, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine

- Certain medications used to treat retrograde ejaculation effect increases blood pressure and heart rate. Where could be dangerous if you have high blood pressure or heart disease.

Honey Desist Infections as Good as Antibiotics?

Honey is not only remind the immune system functioning. Consumption of warm water with lemon and honey it can help women reduce body weight. Routine consumption of these drinks for a week can reduce weight as much as 3 pounds, or the equivalent of 1.4 kilograms.

The community knew him as a diet of honey or honey diet. A British author, Mike McInnes, describes the diet of honey in his book entitled The Honey Diet.

McInnes explained, honey diet starts with drinking warm water fed lemon juice and honey as much as 1-2 tablespoons. Honey in the diet will replace the need sugar in their daily activities. In addition, honey also requires a reduction in dietary intake of simple carbohydrates and replace them with complex carbohydrates. simple carbohydrates found in potatoes, wheat, or rice.

Honey diet also requires the consumption of vegetables as much as possible. Consumption of fruit also should not be too much, because the sugar content in the fruit is replaced honey.

Despite this dissenting opinion expressed nutritionists, Rania Batayneh, MPH, who is also the author of The One One One Diet. " People can call it whatever diet. However for me it is a fad diet, " he said. This is because honey diets require extreme low carbohydrate intake, which was replaced with honey.

In fact, as much as a tablespoon of honey contains 17 grams of carbohydrates. Strict diet with a pattern like that should not be continued. This is because such a diet will only add to the fat content, after all this time is done.

When dieting, usually reduced weight is a combination of muscle and fat. However, when the body weight back up, it is entirely due to fat. Even so, it is not due to the consumption of honey. Honey is full of antioxidants that help boost the immune system.

Rania said, honey should not be viewed as a substitute for sugar foods. With such a perspective, the diet will continue as usual. However, the daily consumption of sugar replaced honey, which is better for health.

Friday, December 20, 2013

2,000 Step to a Healthier Heart

THE rarity of someone doing physical activity today is believed to be one cause of the increased incidence of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, lifestyle changes through simple physical activity should be done to reduce mortality from cardiovascular disease.

A study showed that simple physical activity such as walking can have a major impact on health. Researchers say that increasing physical activity by 2,000 steps every day can cut the risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke.

In other words, changes in lifestyle can have a significant effect on health, regardless of whether a person is obese. In addition, both the impact of physical activity are also felt by people who have never exercised even before.

Therefore, the researchers recommend physical activity such as walking to people who are overweight. In addition, experts say that walking is excellent for parents who may be struggling during the exercise to be healthy.

"The benefits of this activity looks useful activity, regardless of weight or level of intensity in the beginning. Therefore, these findings provide strong evidence of the importance of physical activity in the population at risk,"said Dr.. Thomas Yates of Leicester University, told Express.

In addition, Dr. Thomas said that the research results provide new evidence related to cardiovascular disease. According to him, changes in physical activity levels by increasing the number of steps to substantially reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Destroy the HIV - AIDS Using Radioactive

Scientists find radioactive can be used to destroy the HIV - AIDS virus is hiding in the patient's body, even in the brain.

This approach is part of an effort to cure AIDS. The researchers finally thought to look for ways destroy the HIV - AIDS virus, after 30 years of fighting the deadly virus that is incurable. To this end, the White House and the National Institutes of Health ( NIH ) announced a research as an effort to cure AIDS, with an investment of 100 million dollars.

In previous studies, the researchers never tested by modifying therapies currently used for leukemia patients. The test is performed on the blood of 15 patients with HIV. The researchers found evidence that this modification therapy is able to reach the infected cells. Latent cells is what causes HIV can not be cured. Infected cells is hiding in the body, silent, but when the treatment stops, these cells react back.

Ekaterina Dadachova of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University in New York and colleagues, is working to eradicate this latent cells with cancer therapy called radioimmunotherapy.

Radioimmunotherapy using a monoclonal antibody, an engineered version of the virus the human immune system, which then come into contact with radioactive material, bismuth - 213. These antibodies are designed to recognize HIV, then the infected cells, and deliver lethal radiation HIV virus.

" Radionuclide which we use to deliver radiation only HIV-infected cells without damaging the surrounding tissue, " said Dadachova.

According to him, this therapy is not dangerous because the basic idea of using isotope radioimmunotherapy for HIV -infected cells that can be targeted appropriately.

Based on testing in mice, this therapy is able to eliminate infected cells in the body, at least in cells that could be detected using this method. Because of the demonstrated efficacy in animal testing, a team of researchers then conducted a clinical trial to 15 patients who were undergoing HIV therapy.

In a meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, this therapy revealed Dadachova destroy infected cells were still lodged in the patient's body, even in the brain. Drugs can not even give results like this.

The UN reported that the HIV virus causes AIDS, infects 35 million people worldwide, and causes death in 36 million people.

Until now there is no cure for AIDS, and vaccine did not provide optimal results. Called antiretroviral drug therapy can suppress the virus to the lowest level and much less likely to infect others. Even so, there are still remaining virus. And if the treatment is stopped, the virus appears again. Although, in some relatively rare cases, patients can be cured with this drug therapy.

According to Clyde Crumpacker of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston, one problem that arises when trying to eradicate HIV is the virus can hide inside cells.

" Some HIV-infected cells fly under the radar of the immune system, " he said.

Antibodies can recognize which cells should be attacked because these cells show little of the protein on the cell surface. But HIV is integrated with cell DNA. And according to experts, this virus can infect cells without showing its presence. So clever as any of antibodies will not be able to find or recognize it.

Therefore, further Crumpacker, Dadachova promising findings need to be tested and more powerful.

Meanwhile, according to Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, these findings are still limited to experimental and has not been tested in humans.

Of that, Dadachova said his team is being asked for permission and seeking funding to conduct testing in patients in South Africa and the United States.

However his condition, the U.S. Congress cut the budget includes some funding medical research. Even so, the NIH is still seeking additional funds for AIDS research.

" Research on AIDS is an example of an area that is progressing from year to year, and always generate new and exciting opportunities, both in the knowledge base would also knilis, so it should continue to be pursued, " said NIH Director Francis Collins.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Steer clear of Heart Disease Through Meditation

Routine meditation not only give you peace of mind and eliminate stress. In terms of health, meditation is proven to keep us from heart disease.

In one study, those who regularly perform transcendental meditation risk of heart attacks and strokes down to 48 percent.

Transcendental Meditation is a technique that diajakran by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi from the ancient Vedic tradition of India. He spread the meditation technique to the United States since the 1960s. This meditation is done while sitting with his eyes closed for 15-20 minutes.

The benefits of the Transcendental Meditation was proven through research involving 201 African-American respondents aged about 59 years and is generally categorized as obese.

The study participants were previously diagnosed with heart disease. In addition they are former smokers, people of African-Americans is 35 percent higher risk of suffering from heart disease.

Study participants were divided into two groups. Each group still running the standard therapy and treatment of heart disease, but there is one group that is asked to do transcendental meditation twice each day for 20 minutes. Previously they follow the seven steps of training do transcendental meditation.

In the second group, they are educated on health and physical activity were asked to do the least good for the heart for 20 minutes every day. The researchers followed the study for 9 years.

Besides proven to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by half, transcendental meditation also significantly lowered blood pressure. The level of anger and perceived stress in the meditation group participants also reduced.

Tea and Honey Will Replace Antibiotics?

The phenomenon of resistance of germs to antibiotics is an increasingly alarming re- echoed health experts. Recipes of traditional medicine such as tea and honey prepared as one of the alternative solutions to address the increasingly resistant bacteria to drugs.

Irrational use of antibiotics and over and over again is the biggest cause of a type of bacteria become resistant to drugs. Medical experts call this alarming phenomenon with the term "arms race".

The inability of a drug to overcome bacterial antibiotic is now a scourge after the discovery of antibiotics in the 1940s. The presence of antibiotics could be an effective solution in treating diseases caused by bacteria. However, when the bacteria have become resistant to it, the other alternatives are needed to make the treatment becomes effective again.

Prof. Les Baillie, of Cardiff University in the UK states, is not impossible that the world will return to a time where antibiotics have not been found, so the treatment of a disease becomes a big problem.

Therefore, scientists are seeking to make an alternative sulution when the bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics. Baillie currently heads the research team to find out whether such an ancient medicinal tea and honey can be the next way as the most effective drugs to treat the disease.

Tea is known to contain a compound called polyphenols that have the ability to kill microorganisms.

Baillie led the research team has found that tea is able to treat diseases caused by Clostridium difficile, a bacterium that is responsible for at least 2,000 people were killed and more than 24,000 cases of infection last year.

Rhidian Morgan - Jones, a surgeon from Cardiff, said that there are real concerns about the future of medicine when antibiotics can no longer be used.

Prof. David Livermore, from the Health Protection Agency, last month warned, major surgery and cancer treatment will become more dangerous. The use of antibiotics will likely only be done for the next 10 years.

The development of modern medicine such as intensive care and organ transplants will be under threat without antibiotics. Therefore, immediate replacement is needed antibiotics.