Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Fasting Slowing Aging

According to Dr. Siti Setiati, SpPD, a specialist in diseases of the Division of Geriatrics Department of Medicine Faculty of Medicine, University of Indoenesia (Faculty ), with fasting, food calorie count will be reduced.

"Restricting the number of calories of food is one way that has been shown to slow aging and prevent diseases that commonly arise in the elderly and cancer, " he said, Wednesday ( 27/7/2011 ) in Jakarta.

When fasting, generally there will be a reduction in the amount of calories diasup up 10-40 percent of daily needs. Results of animal studies indicate, by reducing the amount of calories, it can prolong life expectancy, lower the risk of cancer, as well as prevent the development of diseases, such as diabetes and kidney.

" Human studies also exist. Result, reduced body fat composition, improved blood pressure, cholesterol down, reduced risk of diabetes, and can slow the aging process, " he said.

Siti said, various studies and literature it has proven the benefits of fasting for health. However, one certainly would not directly feel the usefulness if only the fasting month. " It's certainly not the fast that only one month alone, but must be constantly carried out in the following months, " he said.

Benefits restriction ( restriction ) of calories, said Siti, also affect heart health. Calorie restriction is believed to be a stronger heart pumping and make a person not easily tired after doing the activity or sport.

Meanwhile, Dr. Dr. Ari Fahrial, SpPD, digestive health expert from Cipto Mangungkusumo, say, run fast process that is ideally not a "revenge ", ie avenge or eat at will outside hours of fasting. Therefore, in the process of fasting, basically had no weight loss.

According to Ari, fasting can be termed as the concept of alternate day fasting, where in a day and a half meal, half- fasting. The goal there is a reduction in caloric intake. " Usually the weight loss of about 5 percent, " he said.

Ari asserts, if a person experience weight loss, will be followed by a reduction in calories, cholesterol, fat, free radicals, and increased antioxidant. When fasting, it's good to eat vegetables and fruits that contain lots of antioxidants.

Because, with plenty of vegetables and fruits, are actually in the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and there has been a reduction of sugar by the fibers.

"In principle, if we fast, the body still produces sugar and fat is destroyed. Destroyed with fat, automated piles that do not need to be reduced. Effect of weight loss, " he said.

Buffaloberry, New "Superfood" in 2014

Researchers claim they have found the latest superfood in early 2014. Its say superfood because of the content of nutrients in this food, including alkaline fluid that nourish the body naturally. The name of this superfood is Buffaloberry.

Buffaloberry is a native fruit from South American soil. Just like other berries, Buffaloberry small, red -colored, with a mix of sweet - bitter flavor. Fruit containing anti-cancer compound lycopene is actually not a new thing.

The fruit is commonly grown in the bush and requires little maintenance, up to flowering and fruiting. Fruit is also known as shepherdia this, a lot of growing in the wild in the former residence of Indian tribes in the north and south Dakota. The fruit is commonly eaten first Native Americans.

Research published in the Journal of Food and Science stated, this wild fruit turned out to contain valuable nutrients. Ease of growth and nutrient content abundant, causing the fruit is suitable to be consumed developing economies to meet their nutritional needs.

The content of antioxidant lycopene in Buffaloberry was very high, reaching 55 percent in the form of apo - 6' - methyl lycopenoate. These antioxidants also that gives the red color to Buffaloberry.

Buffaloberry bitter taste is the result of high levels of phenolic antioxidants, which may help prevent cancer and cell aging. Buffaloberry also contain other dissolved acid up to 21 percent, to make it suitable as raw material for wine.

According to researchers, the current develop investment to Buffaloberry is still limited. Moreover, the findings Buffaloberry benefits is still relatively new. However, the same conditions do not necessarily happen in the next few years.

Buffaloberry cultivation would provide advantages both in terms of nutrition and economics. This is because Buffaloberry holds the potential to continue to grow, consumed, and marketed

Monday, January 06, 2014

H1N1 Swine Flu outbreak in Canada

About a thousand people in the province of Alberta, Canada, suspected of being infected H1N1 flu strain. According to the local provincial health officials, the flu outbreak has claimed five victims were killed, while 250 others were hospitalized.

"Some of this week, we saw a tremendous increase in cases of influenza in Alberta. Generally the infected are young and healthy adults," said Fred Horne, the official.

He said they are now undergoing treatment or workers are generally younger. According to Horne, so far only one of the five people in Alberta who received influenza vaccine. Reflecting this situation, he warned its citizens to immediately obtain the vaccine for self defense.

Province of Alberta is currently extending service hours to give the flu vaccine. Expected before February, which is the peak month of the flu, most people have received the vaccine.

"The attack has resulted in full flu treatment room in the emergency room. Attacks also started to restrict access to a bed in the hospital, and other health care facilities," said Horne.

Public Health Agency of Canada states, about 90 percent of cases of flu season this time due to the H1N1 virus. Previous The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said H1N1 attack predominantly young and adult patients.

In 2009, H1N1 has also been causing a pandemic with more than 203 thousand deaths. H1N1 attacks often called swine flu, since the virus was first discovered in these animals. Researchers generally identify the victims young and living in certain parts of the American continent, such as Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil.

Although in 2010 the WHO declared the H1N1 pandemic has been controlled, in fact, the virus persists in the flu season. According to the CDC, it is also common in the United States.

In the CDC report said that in 2013 there were more than 1,500 cases of H1N1 attack that successfully authenticated. Some adults from Texas died from swine flu, including some teenagers from Houston. Some reports said the attack had spread H1N1 to Alaska, Kansas, New York, Pennsylvania, and Wyoming.

This is 5 Myths Damaged a Healthy Lifestyle

Weak body easily infected with various diseases is a condition that many people avoid. To prevent this, one does not hesitate to run a healthy lifestyle including diligent consumption of vegetables, fruits, and exercise.

Even so, there are some myths that are popular and often believed lay society. This myth can damage healthy lifestyle lived. The following explanation nutrition expert, Tim Crowe of the Academy of Nutrition at Deakin University.

1. Exercise caused a person to eat more.
This myth eventually cause someone to think exercise will promote weight loss, as a result of intake consumed. Yet according to Tim, the exercise will shed unneeded fatty deposits in the body. Various research proves, the sport is the best way to reduce fat in the body. The more one moves, the less reserves of fat in the body.

2. Food without the calories burn more energy.
Almost no food in the world that does not contain calories. " Even a piece of celery with a dominant content of the water, still contains some carbohydrates kilojoules. Usually about 65 kilojoules, " says Tim.

Tim explains the body requires energy to process food. The need is the same as the energy content in intake. In the end the amount of incoming energy equal to the exit.

3. Slow metabolism caused weight gain.
Some blame a slow metabolism as the cause of the failure of the diet. Yet according to some research, slow metabolism requires several kilojoules of energy deposits in the body. Thus, a slow metabolism tend to increase the energy expenditure of the body.

This is what happens when the weight increase due to fatty deposits. At that time, the body requires more muscle to support the load. The conclusion is that more muscles are formed, the higher the metabolic rate despite having a rest.

4. Sports as hard as possible.
To burn fat a person should exercise at a low to moderate intensity. " Low to moderate intensity burn more fat by percentage. While high intensity in units of kilojoules burn fat more. Intensity low to help increase weight loss and fat burning, although it takes longer, " said Tim.

5. Smoking and body weight.
A myth says, do not smoke resulted in an increase in weight. In fact, heavy smokers more susceptible to weight gain than light smokers. According to Tim, the image of skinny smokers because owners often exhibit such behavior. Though smoking facilitate weight gain, compared to non-smokers.

Sunday, January 05, 2014

8 Ways Leaving Smoking

leave smoking 8 ways
8 Ways Leaving Smoking
So you intend to quit smoking but do not know why? "Because smoking harms health," is not enough reason. To get great motivation, you need reasons that are personal and powerful. For example, just because you want to protect the family from the dangers of secondhand smoke. Or the threat of lung cancer is frightening for you. Or perhaps you want to look younger. To be sure, choose a good reason to make it easier to say goodbye to cigarettes.

1. Get support
Tell family and friends that you intend to get out of the shackles of cigarette smoke. Support of them will raise your spirits. If you do not need to temporarily join with friends once a smoker.

2. Set stress
One of the reasons people smoke are nicotine to help them relax. When you quit smoking, then you need another breakout to deal with stress. Try massage, listening to music, or explore a hobby, it could be positive escape. Avoid stressful situations first few weeks after you quit smoking.

3. Avoid coffee
Some activities may encourage you to smoke. Alcohol and coffee are the most powerful triggers for smoking. If you normally smoke after eating, now try other activities, such as brushing teeth or chewing.

4. Sport
Let's move. Sports activities can reduce and eliminate dependence on nicotine addiction symptoms, such as feeling weak and dizzy. Even mild exercise, such as walking or mowing the lawn garden, is enough to help you know.

5. Consumption of vegetables and fruits
Let's not go on a diet when you want to quit smoking. If you fear the agency will expand, focus on low-calorie foods such as fruits and vegetables. Research conducted at Duke University found that these foods will make cigarettes taste bad.

6. Choose a gift
Do not be stingy reward yourself. You can raise money "ration" cigarettes to buy goods which had long coveted as a reward for your success do not smoke.

7. Pharmacological therapy
Sometimes, a failed attempt to quit smoking not because of a lack of effort, but the brain stimulation that has been contaminated with nicotine is more powerful and influence a person to continue smoking. To fix this, do non-pharmacological treatment with drugs to stop nicotine addiction gejaka (craving) on ​​nicotine. Ask your doctor to prescribe.

8. Do for health
You know, so we quit smoking, many health benefits that can be achieved. 20 minutes after quitting smoking, blood pressure will go down. One day later the oxygen and carbon monoxide levels in the blood return to normal and reduced the risk of heart attack. In the long term, the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer, also declined.

Mental disorders can Revealed from Eye Movement

The eyes are the windows to the soul proverb seems not just nonsense. British scientists have developed the technology through a mental health diagnosis test eye movements.

British scientists developed a test that can diagnose the latest camera one's mental health. Through eye movement, can be known how the range of one's mental health.

This technological revolution based theory which states that the old way is not normal when viewing an object associated with the state of one's soul. The research team believes this test can distinguish patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depression. Researchers used a special camera that follows the movement of the eyes, when viewing an image on a computer screen.

A person with schizophrenia does not explore the whole picture, like a person with normal mental health. Schizophrenic vision tends to be concentrated at one point and did not see the other point. In patients who suffer from bipolar disorder or major depression, which appears more subtle differences.

Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depression have similar symptoms. All three are difficult to distinguish using traditional methods that exist.

"This finding is a step change in the world of psychiatry. Technologies can overcome the failure diagnosis in patients who underwent brain scans or DNA. Eye movement tests give accurate results of 95 percent within 30 minutes. These results can not be achieved any other technique requires several years to diagnosis of disease, " said Madhu Nair, who collaborated with Philip Benson of Aberdeen University and Chair of Mental Health, Professor David St Clair.

Various further testing is needed before the technology is widely used. But Nair said, patients should be able to access this technology through the health services in the next few years.

This innovation was well received Professor Nick Craddock of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. He said, this technology can improve and enhance the accuracy of laboratory test results. Progress is certainly better to diagnose severe mental disorders.

" The relationship between abnormal eye movements and severe mental illness requires more research. Disorders there is not only an effect of physical health, the brain, but also the mind, " said Craddock.

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Depression Symptoms which Often Needless Realize

There are times when life enters the hard times that have an impact on a person's thoughts and feelings. However life must go on, people need to rise up and end the grief he felt. If not, maybe someone already showing early signs of depression. As expressed by a study from the Netherlands and the United States recently.

The researchers say, someone said a long time to recover from the negative emotions when experiencing a bad mood 10 times in five days. And when that happens, a person who may have experienced it can be said to have symptoms of depression.

Chris Schneck, director of medicine at the University of Colorado Depression Center said, rising from negative emotions more severe in people who are depressed. This is because the sleep disorder also affects mood, energy, motivation, and cognition them. The things that are prolonging the time of their resurrection.

So, how do you know if you experience signs of depression? According to David Hellerstein, director of the Mood Disorder Research Program at Columbia University, people who are in the state of depression usually have trouble sleeping, difficulty completing tasks, avoiding social interaction, fatigue, and physical symptoms such as headaches and back pain.

Meanwhile, according to a new study from the University of Michigan, the negative emotions associated with depression are not always sadness. The researchers reported that negative emotions such as anger can also be high, treatment of abuse, and risk taking.

However, depression is a condition that can be cured. Antidepressant drugs is usually an option when experiencing it. But depression can actually be overcome by exercise.

A study from the University of Toronto revealed that although only performed for half an hour per day, the sport has been able to help reduce the symptoms of depression. In addition, reducing caffeine and alcohol are also known to have the benefit of overcoming depression.

" Not only that, depression can also be overcome by revealing the secret to the friends and family members, " said Hellerstein.

He suggested to target the impact of these changes in a few weeks, not months. If there is no improvement, then you should ask the person needs professional help from a doctor.

Religious People Have More "thickness" Brains?

Religious or spiritual is almost always associated with the heart . But recently a study revealed religion is also associated with the thickness of the brain . They were religious were found to have brain tissue much " thicker " than those who do not .

The researchers said that thick brain can help fight depression . " Trust and the mood reflected in the brain and new imaging techniques can reveal this, " said study researcher Myrna Weissman, professor of psychiatry and epidemiology at Columbia University .

According to him, the brain is a remarkable organ, not just control, but is also controlled by the mood . The study, published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry revealed a relationship between the thickness of the brain and spirituality, but people who have thicker brain is not necessarily cause them to become religious .

Previously, the researchers found that religious people have a lower risk of depression Yag than those who do not . They also revealed that people who suffer from depression experience a thinning of the cerebral cortex . That might be the reason why people with thicker brains are better protected from depression .

In the new study, the researchers asked 103 adults, aged 18-54 years about how important religiosity and spirituality for them, and how often they come to a place of worship during the last five years . Then, researchers conducted brain scans on the participants to determine the thickness of their cerebral cortex .

Participants who were included in the study consisted of children to the elderly who are already in the phase of the initial level of depression . Some of them also have a history of depression in a family that considered vulnerable have the disorder .

The researchers found that people who consider spirituality important to have a thicker cerebral cortex . The relationship was strongest in those who have a high risk of depression .

" After that, we need to see stability. Then we took a lot of pictures of the brain to see the size korteksnya that may change with spirituality, " said Weissman is also the head of the department of clinical genetic epidemiology at the New York State Psychiatric Institute.

Depression Therapy Choices

Psychotherapy or mental therapy is an option on how to overcome depression. For those of you who are considering undergoing psychotherapy, but do not have the slightest idea of ​​the mental therapy, and how to begin, here are some of the most popular psychotherapy is often a reference to overcome depression.

Psychodynamic therapy
This therapy relies on the willingness to speak openly. Patients are guided to discuss thoughts and feelings. Patients are free to express whatever is on his mind without interruption. The goal, presenting a pattern of behavior that would unconsciously look for running this therapy. By doing so, experts will accompany it easier to identify the source of the problem and change it for the sake of mental health patients better.

Besides suitable for people with depression, this therapy also can overcome anxiety, any symptoms associated with panic, also for people who are always curious or interested in exploring his own mind.

Usually, this goes mental therapy with flexible terms, generally up to two years. This type of therapy is usually done once or twice a week and unstructured. Patients can freely initiate therapy by talking openly about whatever you want diungkapnya.

Cognitive behavioral therapy
This kind of mental therapy usually short and goal-oriented. The basis of this therapy is that a person's behavior can be changed permanently by changing negative thoughts into more positive.

For this therapy, the patient and therapist should work together to identify patient behavior you want to change. Then they will determine a plan of action and how to do it.

This therapy is only used to treat depression, as well the right to issue an eating disorder, mood disorders and phobias. Duration of therapy is generally one to three times a week, lasting four to seven months.

In contrast to the type of previous therapy, this therapy is more structured. Relationship therapist and patient as a business associate. Patients and therapists need to be compact to identify and change patterns of thought and behavior that is problematic. Typically the therapist will give you homework as recording what the patient is thinking, including feelings and behavior.

Dialectical behavior therapy
This therapy is usually recommended for individuals who have suicidal tendencies. In addition to overcome depression, the therapy is effective for treating people with personality disorders such as mood instability limited ( easily changed ), extreme reactions such as panic, fear of abandonment, feelings of continuous empty. Usually all of these problems arise from violent trauma, eating disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder.

Dialectical behavior therapy is designed to help individuals with the disorder in understanding the mind and behavior and the extreme outside of the general habit. They then learn to imitate and develop interpersonal skills to find a scalable way to behave and react to things.

Adjust the duration of this therapy needs of patients, while the period is generally less than a year. Each week will focus on a patient's therapy to resolve the problem, also studying and developing interpersonal skills. In addition to individual therapy, patients will also undergo group therapy. There is homework that brought the patient to the therapeutic goals can monitor and evaluate the behavior every time.

Interpersonal Therapy
This therapy focuses on the patient's relationship with others, and how depression affects a patient's ability to engage and communicate with your partner, friends, family, and others. That is why this therapy focuses on people who are depressed.

Usually the treatment period lasted up to 20 weeks. After passing through phases of trials to identify problems, subsequent therapies focus on improving the patient's interpersonal skills. This type of therapy requires a patient to perform a specific task or task -oriented therapy.