Sunday, January 12, 2014

Garlic Prevent Lung Cancer

Prevent Lung Cancer with Garlic

Benefits of garlic did not just add a delicious aroma of cooking . Garlic also reduces the risk of lung cancer .
Studies conducted in China found , the usual adult eating raw garlic twice a week , the risk of lung cancer 44 percent lower . Even when factors included in the lifestyle of smoking , lung cancer risk fell 30 percent .
Research conducted by a team of Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention . The researchers compared the health of 1,424 lung cancer patients with 4,500 healthy adults .
Researchers asked lifestyle and eating habits of the respondents . Including how often consume garlic and whether the respondent smoked . The results of this study published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research .
Previous research also stated , garlic can protect the lung against a variety of conditions . One of these conditions such as colon cancer tumors .
It is unclear whether cooked garlic has the same effect . However , previous research stating anticancer chemical compounds in garlic , allicin , garlic cloves can unravel when cut off .
Allicin also serves to reduce inflammation and act as a so mngurangi antioxidant free radical damage to body cells . Another benefit of garlic is fending drug resistant bacteria and malaria .

Tomato Diet Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer

Recent studies have shown that consumption of tomatoes can increase the level of hormones that play an important role in the metabolism of sugar and fat in the body. A diet rich in tomato intake cuts risk of breast cancer in women who are potentially affected by cancer.

The study, published in the journal Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism showed that women who were randomly assigned to eat tomatoes and tomato products of food ( containing 25 milligrams of lycopene per day ), increased levels of hormones that regulate metabolism or adiponectin.

"The benefits of eating lots of tomatoes and tomato -based products, even in the short term, is a testament to our findings," said researcher Adana Llanos, assistant professor of epidemiology at Rutgers University.

He continued, " Eating fruits and vegetables, which are rich in essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals such as lycopene, showed significant benefit. "

This study also shows an increase in adiponectin levels may help prevent breast cancer. It is associated with obesity were identified as risk factors for breast cancer.

"Based on these data, we believe that regular consumption of fruit and vegetable servings recommended appropriate can be a form of breast cancer prevention in people who are potentially affected by cancer," said Llanos.

The study involved 70 postmenopausal women at high risk of developing breast cancer. They have a body mass index ( BMI ) of 25 to 42, which indicates overweight and obesity. Respondents also had a history of breast cancer in her family.

In the first two weeks, these women did not eat tomatoes or soy, and other products based on both of these vegetables. After that, they started eating tomatoes for 10 weeks. Two weeks later they again do not eat tomatoes or soy and its products. Then, after they eat 40 grams of soy protein for 10 weeks.

After 10 weeks on a diet of tomatoes, researchers found that adiponectin levels increased by nine percent. The increase in this hormone higher in women who have a lower body mass index. Other evidence suggests, adipocentin levels tended to decrease after the female respondents eating soy products for 10 weeks.

" It is not known clearly about the decrease in adiponectin after soy intervention in this study. Further research is needed to clarify this matter, " wrote the researchers.

The researchers also noted that although this study focused on the benefits of lycopene in tomatoes, it is possible that other phytochemicals in tomatoes also have many benefits. To prove it, there needs to be further research on the benefits of the tomato.
maximize the benefits of coffee

maximize the benefits of coffee

Coffee lovers must be happy to hear this news. Therefore, there are many good reasons why you should enjoy your favorite drink is. Provided, you can ensure the benefits of coffee for health is not in vain because of the habit of eating the wrong coffee.

Here are some benefits of coffee :

1. rich in antioxidants
Coffee is loaded with antioxidants, including flavonoids and chlorogenic acid, which helps protect your body from free radical damage. Coffee also contains magnesium, potassium, niacin, and choline, and is a good source of vitamin B2 or riboflavin.

2. improve mood
Women who regularly drink caffeinated coffee, 20 percent likely to develop depression less frequently than those who drank little or not at all, according to Harvard researchers. This may be due to " feeling good " because the chemicals dopamine and serotonin are released by caffeine in the brain.

3. Lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes
Recent studies show that drinking 3-4 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by 25 percent. It is believed to be due to chlorogenic acid and trigonelline in coffee that gives a delicious aroma as well as help improve insulin sensitivity.

Then how to maximize the benefits of coffee ?

know the limits
Experts recommend consumption of 300-400 mg of caffeine per day for healthy adults. " It was about three or five cups of espresso instant coffee, " said dietitian Kate Gudorf, who is also a spokesman for the association of Australian dietitians. " If more than that, perhaps even be able to eliminate the benefit. Too so you irritability, anxiety, headaches, and sleep disturbances, which can have negative consequences for your health. "

Note the additional
Adding the " flavorings " such as sugar, whipped cream, and syrup flavors ( like caramel or hazelnut ) will not reduce the health benefits of coffee, said Gudorf, but can increase the size of your waist. " You are still going to consume antioxidants, but with added sugar and saturated fat, " he said. " For example, full-fat latte with one teaspoon of sugar three times a day could contain as much saturated fat burger. "

Select instant coffee if high cholesterol
Coffee contains cafestol and kahweol, oils that increase levels of bad cholesterol. The method of making coffee using a paper or metal filter will eliminate the oil refined. The Heart Foundation recommends that people with cholesterol problems better to drink coffee that has been filtered than unfiltered coffee. So, drink instant coffee, or coffee made with espresso machine.

Try dark roast if sensitive stomach
Dark roasted coffee, or coffee is roasted to a very high temperature, will eliminate unwanted coffee flavor, such as acidic. However, the unique flavor of coffee can be reduced. That's why, dark roast coffee quality is often said to be under the light roast coffee. However, dark roast coffee may be more "friendly " to the stomach because it contains substances that help to reduce the acid taste, say researchers from Austria and Germany. This type of coffee also contains less caffeine. If it feels a little heartburn, select the caffe latte AKA coffee milk, because milk can help relieve heartburn.

10 Habits That Can Damage the Brain

1. No Breakfast
Those who do not eat breakfast have lower blood sugar levels, which consequently supply of nutrients to the brain becomes less.

2. Overeat
Too much to eat, let alone a high fat content, can result in hardening of the brain blood vessels due to accumulation of fat in the blood vessel wall. As a result, the ability of the brain to decrease.

3. smoke
Substances in the inhaled cigarette will quickly lead to brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer's disease.

4. Consuming too much sugar
Consumption of too much sugar will cause disruption of the absorption of proteins and nutrients, causing nutritional imbalances that would interfere with brain development

5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in the human body. Inhaling polluted air lowers the oxygen supply to the brain so it can reduce the efficiency of the brain.

6. Sleep Deprivation
The brain needs sleep as a time to rest and restore capabilities. Lack of sleep for a long time will accelerate the deterioration of brain cells.

7. Closing the head while sleeping
The habit of sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that can cause brain damage effects.

8. Using mind when sick
Working too hard or forced to use our mind when we are sick can cause a reduction in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.

9. Less stimulates the mind
Thinking is the best way to train our brain. The lack of stimulation to the brain can cause our brains wrinkle.

10. rarely communicate
Communication is necessary as a means of spurring ability of the brain. Communicate intellectually can trigger brain efficiency. The scarcity of intellectual ability to communicate will cause the brain to be poorly trained.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

10 Sport's Help Prevent Cancer

Cancer is one of the diseases is still a scourge of. This is because the cancer can progress rapidly and result in death. However, cancer can be prevented, and experts believe the best way to prevent cancer is regular exercise.

Not only keep your body active and healthy, exercise can also keep dangerous diseases. According to experts, there are several specific types of exercise that effectively dispels cancer, including the following.

1. Walk
One of the best exercises to prevent cancer is walking. This is because running can keep the heart and mind of stress. Then walk at least 30 minutes every day.

2. jogging
Jogging or running for 45 minutes is the best way to keep the risk of cancer. Jogging will make the heart beat faster. Generated a lot of sweat after jogging can also help eliminate toxins from the body.

3. swim
Swimming is a sport that can be done by all ages. Routine swim for one or two hours and was turned into a lifestyle more healthy.

4. bicycle
Cycling fresh in the morning is good for the lungs. These activities will clean the lungs and keep him away from cancer.

5. Taichi
Taichi is a type of Chinese martial arts that improve health through the incorporation of a slow movement with correct breathing techniques. This sport is good form to prevent cancer.

6. climb
Climb helps relieve stress and also deadly disease. Routinely perform this exercise keeps the body in the best form and was reluctant to approach the disease. Climbing is one sport that lowers the risk of cancer.

7. roller skates
Skate is a cardiovascular workout and can train the muscles in the entire body. Sports are popular among kids this can actually be done by all ages.

8. dance
One form of exercise is good for preventing cancer is dancing. Dance to your favorite music every day for 30 minutes to stay healthy and energized.

9. yoga
This is a form of meditation is good for the mind, soul, and body. The practice of yoga is also capable of removing toxins from the body and reduce the risk of cancer.

10. tennis
Tennis is the best exercise to make your body active. This exercise makes you run and burn extra calories, and eliminate toxins through sweat.
Mouth Cancer More Deadly than Cervical Cancer

Mouth Cancer More Deadly than Cervical Cancer

Mouth cancer is a serious problem in the field of Mouth health. In the United States, according to data reported by the National Cancer Institute, there are about 41 thousand cases of the disease each year and causes nearly 8,000 people died.

Mouth cancer is cancer that occurs in all parts of the mouth. Mouth cancer can occur on the lips, gums, tongue, mouth wall, and the palate or floor of the mouth. Normal Mouth mucosa can be described in six words: "moist", "soft", "pink", "elastic", "smooth", "sustainable". If the mucosa of the mouth can not be described through 6 of the word, means that there are abnormalities. For those who are middle aged and above, irregularities in the Mouth mucosa must be considered.

Leukoplakia, precancerous changes

Many diseases found in the Mouth mucosa appeared white patches. White patches in the Mouth cavity is called leuoplakia should be kept. In medicine, the term " Mouth leukoplakia " coud lead to diseases that develop into cancer !

Patients often feel rough lining of the mouth and downsizing. Danger of leukoplakia of the mouth is affected parts are not sick, not amused, there are no scabs, making it difficult to detect. Leukoplakia is a disease that can develop into cancer. If not treated immediately, it could turn into cancer. Opportunities changing into cancer between 10-30 percent.

Mouth cancer is more deadly
Professor of Mouth pathology at Tufts University United States, Michael Cajen, comparing the prevalence of Mouth cancer with cervical cancer. He said of the 11,000 cases of cervical cancer, approximately 6,000 of which can be detected through pap smears.

" There is one person died from Mouth cancer every hour, which accounts for at least 2 times that number of cases of cervical cancer, because the Pap smear can reduce cervical cancer rates by 90 percent, " he said.

Smoking and alcohol consumption are the major cause of this disease, but there are 25 percent of people with Mouth cancer is not caused by two things. At least there are caused by Human Papilloma Virus ( HPV ). The virus that causes most cervical cancer, which during Mouth sex can cause mouth cancer.

Important known early

Currently, prevention, inspection, and early treatment is very useful to reduce the death rate caused by Mouth cancer. If the patient is found ulcers in the mouth that would not go, accompanied by pain, neck lymph node swelling and other symptoms of Mouth cancer, Mouth cancer should be vigilant against.

Mouth cancer at an early stage if received early treatment, can produce good results. Experts of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Peng Xiao Chi said, advanced technology for treating cancer in the world today is a minimally invasive technique.

According to statistics obtained from Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, the success rate of this minimally invasive method in patients with early-stage cancer can reach 90 percent. While the success rate in patients with advanced cancer as high as 60 percent.

When Mouth cancer has reached the final stage, the goal of treatment is to prolong the patient's life chances, reduce pain. If patients are elderly, her condition was not too good, to be more careful in choosing the method of treatment. Surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy can aggravate the condition of the patient.

Medium cryosurgery or freezing methods, therapeutic embolization, planting seed particles, immunotherapy and other minimally invasive methods, will only lead to injuries such as " keyhole ", pain and side effects caused by the small. Recovery was rapid and effective.

Peng said the best cancer treatment in consultation with a medical team of experts, as well as the use of cryosurgery methods, interventions, seed particles, traditional Chinese medicine, immunotherapy and other methods, combined in accordance with the patient's condition, combining one or several methods for treatment. This comprehensive treatment approach can maximize cure rates.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Cancer Detection from Breath

The disease is often difficult to detect cancer early. Patients usually come to see the doctor is already in a state of severe or advanced stage that it is difficult to cure.

But now there is a new hope in detecting early cancer. Scientists in Israel successfully invent a screening method claimed capable of detecting breathing four most common types of cancer affects the lung, breast, stomach and prostate.

Is Professor Abraham Kuten of the Technion Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel, who developed respiratory cancer detection through this. These findings were published in the latest issue of the British Journal of Cancer.

Kuten and his team is optimistic, one day will present a kind of portable electronic sensors that can help doctors detect symptoms of cancer through breath.

In his research, experts from Israel involves volunteer consisting of 177 healthy people and cancer patients with different types. The results showed that the sensor "electronic nose " created Kuten capable of detecting chemical substances produced by tumor cells that appear in breathing.

"This study shows that" electronic nose" can distinguish between healthy and breath breath that indicated dangerous, and can also distinguish types of cancers participants of breath," said Kuten.

"If we can confirm these findings in a large-scale studies, this new technology could become a simple tool for early diagnosis of cancer picture. 's Also going to be an easy way to assess and monitor the effectiveness of cancer treatment and detect the effectiveness of cancer treatment and detection of cancer recurrence," Kuten said.
5 Foods to Avoid Before Sleep

5 Foods to Avoid Before Sleep

Just before going to bed sometimes we feel hungry, and that was reasonable. This is what pushed us into the kitchen or open the fridge for a belly wedge.

Watch out! Not all foods which we consume healthy bedtime. Some of these are in addition to weight increase also can disrupt our sleep soundly. Here are the foods you should avoid to be consumed before going to bed:

1. Caffeine
You know that caffeine can keep you awake, but what you might not realize? Coffee and soda are not the only cause. Some OTC medicines ( Over the Counter ) or drugs that can be purchased without a prescription also contains caffeine, most tea also contains caffeine.

If you are sensitive to caffeine, start choosing decaf and check every label drugs to be taken eight hours before your bedtime.

2. Alcohol
A glass of wine may sound like will help you relax and fall asleep, but studies have actually found that alcohol causes you often wake up at night, Redmond said.

3. water
Water is great for losing weight and maintaining health, but also have side effects that can wake you up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. and not

only disrupt your sleep cycle to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, but also cut your REM sleep. Try to avoid drinking water 60-90 minutes before bedtime.

4. Food ferment
Tyramine, an amino acid found in fermented foods can stimulate the brain and keep you awake at night. Aged cheese, smoked fish and smoked meats are some of them. So if you keep eating cheese snack before bedtime, choose fresh like mozzarella.

5. Tomato-based products
Anything that contains a lot of acid can cause heartburn and discomfort at night, including tomato -based foods and spicy dishes.

To prevent this, Redmond recommends to avoid the types of food three hours before bedtime.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Coconut oil or butter, Which is Healthier?

Using materials that are safe and healthy for your diet is very important. Make a different choice could have great significance

When you want to replace the materials must be known nutritional content. Is it a better material or not.

As is the current trend is to replace the use of butter with coconut oil, for allegedly healthier. What about the reality ?

Is coconut oil is healthier than butter ? As reported by Eating Well, here is the explanation of differences in nutrition in coconut oil and butter.

Nutritional Values ​​( per tablespoon )

Coconut oil : 117 calories, 14 grams total fat, 12 grams of saturated fat

Unsalted butter : 102 calories, 12 grams total fat, 7 grams saturated fat

Based on these figures, it seems feasible butter is still an option, especially for those who want to avoid high-fat foods. The number of calories and fat in butter is lower than oil, fat percentage of saturated fats also lower by 58 % to 86 %.

It's just excess oil it contains lauric acid lemat very powerful to kill pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Not only was the content of coconut oil fatty acid chain types are very good medium to fend off diabetes and accelerate the metabolism making it suitable for those who want to keep the weight off.

So even though a lot of fat, coconut oil has more value for health.