Monday, January 20, 2014

Coffee eliminate Stretch Mark in 20 minutes

Coffee eliminate Stretch Mark in 20 minutes

Wrinkle lines or stretch marks usually appear when you increase and decrease weight quickly especially during pregnancy is quite disturbing appearance. One that can be used to cope with stretch marks is the coffee powder. Coffee can get rid of stretch marks and help you improve the appearance of just a few weeks.

Follow the steps below to eliminate Stretch Mark.

1. Mix coffee powder with warm water. Or you can use coffee grounds that have been used to brew coffee.

2. Mix coffee powder with aloe vera mucus. Aloevera contains vitamins C and E, and other nutrients that can moisturize your skin and diminish stretch marks.

3. Put the coffee powder and mix the aloe vera in the stretch marks. Previously, you had to clean the skin that has stretch marks. Use your fingers to gently rub. Allow about 20 minutes.

4. After that wipe clean with a cloth or damp cloth gently so that the skin is not rough.

5. Apply a moisturizing lotion once or twice daily for treatment using coffee grounds.

6. Repeat use of coffee grounds every day. Within 2 weeks you will see the stretch marks begin to fade.

Tips to Avoid Cervical Cancer

Primary prevention can be done with as much as possible to prevent contact with HPV. To that end, health workers, people driving change, and all women should better understand the causes, risk factors, transmission, and symptoms. HPV vaccination is also highly recommended when girls aged nine to 12 years. At the age of antibodies formed. Vaccination can still be given until the age of 55 years. "This vaccine can last up to 20 years," said Fitriyadi.

Secondary prevention is done by undergoing screening, the early detection and treatment of precancerous. One way is by early detection of visual inspection with acetic acid ( VIA). With the VIA will be observed abnormalities in the cervical epithelium ( cells that line the cervix ). These tests include detection method is cheap and simple. However, the results can be accounted for in order to detect early cervical cancer. " Every women at risk of cervical cancer screening so she must do IVA despite vaccination, " said Fitriyadi.

While doing an IVA, health professionals will apply a three percent acetic acid to the cervix. In a moment will be observed the results. If signs are white in the cervix, cervical cancer patients positive meaning. " Accuracy by IVA capable of about 80 to 90 percent, " he said. In addition to the IVA, pap - smear is also widely used for early detection. The way different from the IVA. Health workers trained to take samples of cervical cells, and then clicking analysis.

Meanwhile, tertiary prevention is done with care to patients who had positive cancer, rehabilitation, and palliative care. Patients with positive cervical cancer, cryotherapy should get immediate treatment. Once visible cancer cells, the cells should be shot with cryotherapy method. " The most effective method is done right in Indonesia, " She says, adding other treatment can be done for colonoscopy, biopsy, and conization.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Have Brittle Tooth not easy Got Cancer?

Tooth brittle is a disease that needs to be avoided. However, contrary to the bad tooth decay, a new study indicates positive it has rotten teeth. According to the study, brittle teeth associated with a lower risk of experiencing cancer of the mouth and throat.

The researchers believe it is because the lactic acid produced by bacteria in more cavities. Lactic acid is said to be capable of preventing the growth of cancer cells.

According to them, the owner has the risk of tooth brittle 32 percent less likely to develop cancer of the mouth and throat than those who do not have a brittle on the teeth.

"This is an unexpected findings because tooth brittle is known as a symptom of poor oral health," said study leader Dr. Mine Tezal from the University of Buffalo.

The study involved 399 people with head and neck cancer. The study also compared them with 221 other participants who did not have cancer.

The researchers found that most participants have their rotten teeth are the least likely to get cancer risk.

Tezal explained, tooth brittle is the result of lactic acid produced by bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria are almost the same as the already known in yogurt linked to a decrease in inflammatory diseases, allergy, and several other types of cancer.

Tezal said, the next step is to create a way to prevent cancer of the mouth and throat without having a rotten tooth.

However, dental experts such as Dr. Joel Epstein who was not involved in the research, said the study is not perfect because it only involves a small group and just see existing tooth brittle.
Benefits of "Black Food"

Benefits of "Black Food"

During these time, greens, yellow, red, or purple vegetable is often recommended to obtain optimal health. But you should also not forget the fruit, vegetable, or black sesame seeds. In fact, there are a myriad of benefits derived from the black.

The black color in these foods derived from anthocyanins, plant pigments that may help to lower the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. According to professor of food chemistry at Cornell University New York, Cy Lee, black foods contain more antioxidants than light-colored foods because they have more pigment.

Here is a list of foods that you can black input into the day-to- day diet.

1. black rice
Brown rice is good for health, but black rice could be better. This is because the black rice contains more vitamin E, which strengthens the immune system and protect cells from free radical damage. According to a study from Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, antioxidants anthocyanins in black rice more than blueberries.

2. black lentils
Lentil belonging to the nuts with a small round shape. Lentils contain lots of iron and soluble fiber. According to a study at the University of Illinois revealed that the soluble fiber in lentils not only can lower cholesterol levels, but also improve immune function.

3. black berry
The researchers from the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Boston, found that the polyphenols found in dark berries may reduce cognitive decline in older people by ridding cells that impair brain function. In addition, black berries are also rich in fiber.

4. black beans
A study from Cornell University revealed this nut has a high content of bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids are potent nutrients from plants that can fight cancer cells.

5. black soybean
Black soybeans may help reduce the risk of thrombosis or blood clots that have been fatal, better than yellow or green soybeans. While all the soy -containing alpha - linolenic acid is the type of omega- 3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of heart disease.

6. black tea
According to a study from Rutgers University in New Jersey, theaflavins of black tea contains antioxidants that help repair muscles from soreness after exercise. In addition, black tea may also reduce the risk of heart attack.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Prevent Breast Cancer Recurrence with Coffee

Although it has been treated and declared cured, but cancer cells can grow back. To prevent recurrence, the patient would need to live a healthy lifestyle, such as regular exercise, avoiding trigger foods cancer, and reduce stress.

A recent study says that regular coffee drinking can prevent breast cancer recurrence. The researchers say, these benefits can be obtained by diligent drinking two cups of coffee every day.

Researchers from Lund University in Sweden believe that coffee may increase the effects of the drug. They analyzed 600 breast cancer patients in southern Sweden for more than five years. Approximately 300 of the participants taking tamoxifen, a drug commonly prescribed after breast cancer surgery.

Tamoxifen is an anti - estrogen drug that is widely used to treat breast cancer. Breast cancer cells generally rely on female hormone estrogen to grow.

Maria Simonsson, researchers from Lund University say, patients taking the drug with two or more cups of coffee each day, less likely to report cancer recurrence. The results were compared with those who did not drink coffee, but taking the drugs.

"What about coffee interacts with the drug are still unknown. Yet there is a theory that says that coffee can activate tamoxifen and make it more effective, " said Simonsson.

The researchers previously linking coffee consumption with a reduced risk of certain types of breast cancer. Caffeine has also been shown that the effect can inhibit cancer cell growth.

Helena Jernstrvm, professor of experimental oncology at Lund University added, he and his team wanted to know more about how lifestyle can affect the treatment of breast cancer.

Nevertheless, this study is not the first study to show an association of coffee with cancer treatment. Researchers from Harvard Medical School has found that women who drank three or more cups of coffee per day had a 20 percent lower risk of developing skin cancer than those who drank less than one cup per month.

Drink lots of sweetened Increase Risk of Cervical Cancer

Excessive consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is proven to damage the brain. Most recently, researchers claim that sugar-sweetened beverages consumed in excess can increase the risk of uterine cancer in women.

Researchers say those who drink soda with a maximum of 78 percent greater risk for the deadly disease, than those who do not drink much soda.

These findings confirmed the researchers observed 25,000 women aged between 50-60 years who developed endometrial cancer or uterine cancer for 14 years. Each participant provided data detailing what they ate and drank, and half of them admitted often consume soft drinks.

Approximately 600 participants at last reported uterine cancer. Even so a team of researchers from the University of Minnesota is not to ascertain if women who consume lots of sugar-sweetened beverages certainly have some unhealthy habits.

It's just that investigators believe the sugar content in soft drinks is the key that makes a woman experiencing weight gain. Though fat cells that many women have obesity that trigger the production of estrogen, a hormone thought to cause cancer of the uterus. As reported by the Daily Mail, Sunday.

Moreover obese women tend to have more insulin in the body. This hormone is also often associated with the risk of uterine cancer.

"It's been a lot of research that documents the artificial sweetened drinks contribute to the obesity epidemic. Because too much sugar is proven to improve a person's caloric intake, including raising the risk of health problems such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer, " said researcher Dr. Maki Inoue - Choi.

To maintain health, drinking sugar-sweetened beverages are not prohibited, but in reasonable quantities aka not most. For everything that excessive effect is not good. In addition to moving the alias habit also exercise regularly.

Breast Cancer Can Appear Without Lumps

Breast cancer is always identical with the lump that grows around these sensitive organs. However, not all breast cancers in the form of lumps, no bumps at all because cancer can also raged.

"There is a breast cancer that no lumps at all. There were 20 types Breast cancer, the majority of that cancer with a bump., But no such thing as inflammatory breast cancer, " said Dr.. Alfiah Amiruddin, MD, MS, consultant breast surgeon of RS Mitra Kemayoran, in the event Corporate Gathering & Health Lecture : ' Recent Trend Breast Surgery ' at Hotel Royal Kuningan, Jakarta.

Unlike other types of breast cancer, Dr. Alfiah explained that this type of cancer does not show any bumps at all. Symptoms usually indicated inflammation (inflammation) such as insect bites.

"There's no bump at all but instead the most malignant, " added the doctor. In this type of cancer, cancer cells do not form lumps in the breast, cancer cells actually reverse blocking lymph vessels that normally keep the lymph fluid moving in the breast, as reported by WebMD.

When the normal flow of lymph fluid is blocked, can make the breast looks red and swollen and feels warm, as if it is infected and inflamed. Swelling can also cause a lot of small dimples in the skin.

Because without any symptoms such as a lump, this type of cancer is often diagnosed late and usually have spread to the other organs.

"For that reason, important to do screening for women aged over age 40, especially if a family history, mother, aunt or grandmother who had breast cancer, it was moved up one step, " said Dr. Alfiah.

According to Dr. Alfiah, for women over 40 years should have a screening mammogram every year or. Thus, it will be known if there is calcification in the breast, which was able to indicate the presence of cancer.

" Do not wait until there is a lump, " said the doctor

Over Time Sitting, Risk Men's Colon Cancer

Not only one time research says life lazing would damage one's health. A number of diseases are associated with this habit, like diabetes and heart attacks. Most recently, over time sit appear colon cancer risk, particularly in men.

Details, a team of researchers from the Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University states that prolonged sitting increases the risk of a man to have an adenoma or benign tumors in the colon, which became the early symptoms of colon cancer. As reported by the Huffingtonpost, Wednesday.

" With the discovery of an increased risk of recurrence of adenomas in the large intestine, especially in men with the highest sedentary time, we believe efforts to reduce sitting time is added to the list of public health recommendations to improve health and prevent the disease in the community, " said researcher Christine L. Molmenti Sardo, Ph.D., MPH, from the Department of Epidemiology, Columbia University.

Research presented at the meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research is based on observations of the 1,730 people who took part in two trials held the University of Arizona.

All participants claimed to have undergone colonoscopy or removal procedures adenomas of the colon, at least once within a period of six months before the start of the study. Although the researchers found no association between sedentary activity with a recurrence of adenomas in the large intestine when looking at existing data on male and female participants simultaneously, researchers actually found a link that you want when observing the data only male participants.

The man who spends as much time as 11.38 hours or more just to perform sedentary activities ( such as reading a book or watching television ) have a risk of up to 45 percent higher to have more adenomas than men who only spent 6.9 hours doing sedentary activities.

Not only that, high sedentary activity coupled with low -intensity physical exercise is associated with a risk of emergence of adenomas researchers back up to 41 percent. Even the condition of man 's participation in sedentary activity and physical activity are equally low is still much better than the men who are ' active ' lazing all day.

Another study released in 2011 also presented each year there are more than 170,000 cases of cancer that occurred only because the sufferer sitting habits.

Friday, January 17, 2014

7 Cancer Symptoms are rarely Men Relize

Cancer symptoms are difficult to identify on their own because usually these signs can also be associated with other health problems. More difficult if the symptoms of male cancers. Because compared to women, men are known to be lazy to the doctor for a consultation, let alone cancer screening.

Though important for men and women with cancer to determine the specific changes in the body that may indicate cancer. 8 refer to the cancer symptoms are often ignored men as quoted from Emaxhealth, Friday following.

1. Changes in the breast
Not many men who develop breast cancer but that does not mean that men are at risk of experiencing it. Even the National Cancer Institute, the U.S. estimates that in 2013 there will be more than 2,200 men with cancer that generally affects women.

Changes in the breast that may indicate breast cancer in men include wrinkles or hollows in the breast, nipple get into, lumps in the breast, nipple or breast skin reddening and peeling nipples.

2. The size and weight of the testes changed
Is your testicles feel heavy or sudden changes size ? It could be cancer. Testicular cancer usually affects men aged 20-39 years of age but if you are more than that and you are still having symptoms in question, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.

3. Sudden weight loss
If it were not for the diet program but you experience sudden weight loss, say 10 percent of your body weight in just a period of 3-6 months, then the condition for concern.

4. Changes in lymph nodes
Because there are more than 500 of the lymph nodes in the body, you probably do not need to check one by one. But you need to check regularly whether the lymph nodes in the armpits, neck and genitals swell or grow beyond normal size. If so, it could be a symptom of cancer or an infection.

5. Fever is not known why
If one day you feel suddenly stricken with fever and the fever did not go away, it's time to check what is happening to your body. Fever itself is actually one of the ways the body to fight infection, especially if the fever can not know its origins because it indicates that it could be cancer.

6. The contents of the oral cavity changes
Open your mouth wide and say ' ahh ' in front of the mirror. If you see a white stain on the tongue or sores in the mouth that does not go away, it could be a sign of cancer.

Moreover, if these symptoms appear after you smoke or chew tobacco much because you run the risk of oral cancer. For that various changes in the mouth should be examined by a dentist or your personal doctor.