Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Benefits of Having Small Breasts

Women always expect to have an ideal body and proportionate, particularly in certain section of body, for example, on the chest or breast.

Having small breasts should not be regarded as a deficiency, but should be grateful for an advantages. A recent research shows that women with small breast size have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those with larger breast size.

This is the conclusion of scientists from Harvard University USA and University of Toronto Canada. They conducted a survey of 92.106 female respondents. Research shows that women who have breast cup size D or larger at age 20, are at three times higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than women with small breasts.

Professor Joel Ray, one of the researchers, said that the risk of diabetes correlated with breast development during puberty.

“Puberty is a period characterized by increased insulin resistance - a condition in which the body does not absorb glucose properly which causes high blood sugar levels, thus triggering the development of type 2 diabetes, “he explained.

In healthy adolescents, increased insulin resistance will disappear after puberty ended. But it makes the teenagers who have a more prominent breast size is expressed at greater risk of developing diabetes later in life.
This is the conclusion of scientists from Harvard University USA and University of Toronto Canada. They conducted a survey of 92.106 female respondents. Research shows that women who have breast cup size D or larger at age 20, are at three times higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than women with small breasts.
Playing violent game benefits

Playing violent game benefits

benefits of playing games that contain violent

Anyone may know what are the benefits of playing game, Usually the advantages of playing the game was only found pleasure, and certain games will belong to educate players, different from the game that is filled with elements of violence in it. But apparently the news indisputable, because there is a study that reveals the efficacy of playing a game with elements of violence in it.

A study by the University of Keele in the UK resulted in a conclusion that is quite odd, playing video games with violent elements make gamers more resistant to pain. Eventually, there is a relationship between playing video games and the body's reaction to pain;

the results were released on 7 September on their official website. The study was conducted on 40 people who play video games with elements of violence, or killing other characters in a virtual world, can be more resistant to pain. The indicator used is the duration put their hands in ice water.

In conclusion, it turned violent video games make them hold hands 65 percent longer be in the ice water. Before the test, a similar method is used, but not before playing a game title that contains no violence.

Researchers concluded from these results that the increased tolerance to pain caused by the body's natural mechanism to combat stress while playing. The mechanism encourages the brain to reduce sensitivity to pain.

The link between violent games and durability of pain is also inspired from similar studies lead to the conclusion that swearing makes ones also more resistant to pain. The study was conducted by a team from the Keele University.

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

9 Benefits of Making Love during Pregnancy

Sex during pregnancy is safe and does not threaten the safety of your unborn child, as long as this activity is done with no excessive. About the benefits, if you already know? Here is an explanation by

Here are 9 Benefits of Making Love during Pregnancy :

1. Orgasm more easily
Because blood flows more smoothly towards your reproductive organs, then the orgasm becomes easier your accomplishments. In fact, some women claim that they have an orgasm feels really great during pregnancy, while.

2. burning calories

With a love for 30 minutes you burn 50 calories in your body. So, sex can be the help that fear of becoming overweight during pregnancy.

3. prevent preeclampsia
This fun activity can be shown to reduce blood pressure so that you avoid preeclampsia.

4. Reducing pain
Orgasm triggers the body to produce hormones oxytocin which later serves as pine tolerance when you undergo the process of care delivery.

5. Improving the quality of sleep
The body becomes relaxed after orgasm until you sleep too much quality and the fetus was also benefiting from it. With the quality of sleep, you will see more fresh and lackluster during pregnancy.

6. Strengthen the immune system
A study finds that love can raise the levels of IgA, which is an antibody that helps fight the flu and other ailments.

7. Accelerate the process of recovery after childbirth
Orgasm happens during pregnancy can help prepare pelvic floor to give birth later to be able to accelerate post-natal recovery.

advantage or benefits of immunization

Has your child been immunized ? if not quickly take him to the neighborhood health center or health center for immunizations yes. Because if your child immunized he will get good benefits for health conditions in the future.

Page mention that an immunized child will get 5 advantages or benefits compared with children who are not immunized.

Children who obtain immunization would have to have a strong body because antibodies after the recording has been getting them immunized. Body that is immune to the disease will reduce the risk of death.

The use of immunization is harmless and effective in warding off disease in toodler. Although he will feel a little sick after immunization, but the pain is only a short time because at that time the body trying to adjust to the injected body immune.

Immunization can protect others. If the child is suffering from an illness, and he has done immunization, he can recover from the pain he suffered, so that the disease does not spread to others

Immunization saves time and money. If your child has been sick after get immunization can overcome the bacteria or virus that infects the body, resulting in treatment for her illness does not have to require a lot of time and do not need much money for treatment.

Immunization protects future generations. Smallpox were rampant throughout the world, for example, at the time of smallpox caused many deaths in people who suffer from it. Once found immunization for smallpox, the disease can be prevented and reduced the number of deaths from smallpox.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Benefits of medicinal plants or herb

Benefits of medicinal plants or herb

The use of medicinal plants for alternative medicine may not be something that is familiar today. There have been many people who do it. This phenomenon started a few years ago. At the time it seemed modern medicine has begun to lose its popularity. This happens due to the effectiveness of modern medicine is not as advertised and a lot of side effects that people should feel after taking these drugs.

To obtain high drug effectiveness and avoid many of the side effects of these drugs, many people then thought that there must be drugs that meet these standards. Eventually they began to turn to alternative remedies made ​​from herbs that usefulness is not lost, even much better, than modern medicine.

Actually, there are other benefits that you can get from medicines made ​​from these herbs. According, these benefits include

- The price is quite affordable
can not be denied that many people can not afford modern medicine because the price is very expensive. Therefore, they then move on medicinal plants whose prices tend to be much more affordable by their economic circumstances

- Widely available in the market
Several species of medicinal plants are very easy to find in traditional markets and supermarkets in the area where you live. It is certainly different from that of modern medicine sometimes stock is depleted or you should not buy drugs without a prescription.

Benefits of being Business Woman

A woman is often faced with a difficult choice : to pursue a career or family ? This option will be more difficult when a woman is married and has a child. There is an obligation to organize households, husbands and children, but there is also a desire to have a self-contained with its own revenue.

Why should it be confused ? Received financial coffers should not always working in the office, you can develop the business to become entrepreneurs. Opening catering services, opened a small restaurant, a woman sewing clothes, making brooch or women accessories and many more business opportunities are waiting for your touch. Then you will get the following benefits :

1. Easier Organize Time For Family

Unlike the office hours that have set the standard hours of work every day ( hard to refuse overtime if you have to ), you who have become entrepreneurs is more flexible in terms of time. It will benefit you and your family, gathered more time, especially if you venture into one with the house. You also easier to keep an eye on the kids every day.

2. Opening Employment Opportunities

If a business or have already started your business grows, you will attract some people to help your business. This is very nice because you can share the revenue and fortune for others. Not only in terms of material, you have to help others develop their talents and creativity.

3. Having Your Own Income

Although the obligation to provide revenue is the duty of the husband, does not mean you can not help add to the savings of future together. By opening your own business, you certainly are not going to get a little profit and the opportunity to earn infinite profits. Unlike the income of a specified office each month.

4. Hobbies channeled

The majority of women who plunge into the entrepreneurial world started from a hobby. Hobbies cooking, hobbies making accessories, hobby caring for plants and so forth. There's nothing he likes better than to explore a hobby while earning revenue from the hobbyist. You will get the satisfaction of being channeled and growing hobby.

5. Insights and Relationships Increase

Being entrepreneurial means you will meet more people, you will gain a lot of experience and lessons learned from the people you meet. Not only that, you also will develop insight, good insights related to business / business or insight about the economic and social development that are useful for the sake of the family.

No need to be afraid to open a business / business, a woman must be able to do so. Are you already a woman entrepreneur ? Please for your experience in the comment column

Plastic Surgery Benefits

Plastic Surgery

The current practice of plastic surgery still one of the things that were debated. There are still many people who do not agree with these practices because they assume that by doing plastic surgery, a person is not grateful for the gift of the Almighty.

However, you must know that the purpose of plastic surgery not only to increase or reduce the body to become more beautiful. Many of the people who use the method of plastic surgery to repair their bodies damaged by accidents or other things.

Well, here are some of the benefits to be obtained for those who perform plastic surgery as summarised from Check out Yes, Ladies!

Physical Benefits of Plastic Surgery

For those who experience a change of physical form due to accidents or birth defects, doing plastic surgery will bring a positive impact.

For example, the women who perform masektomi due to breast cancer he suffered will surely feel happy because plastic surgery is going to "give" the breasts to them once again.

Psychological benefits of Plastic Surgery

For those who have a sense of their body parts as a result of inadequate that they think are ugly, plastic surgery became the only way that can make them have confidence again.

By performing plastic surgery and repair body parts they consider less well, they will be far from a minder when socializing with the public.Well, Ladies! Many plastic surgery's benefits for those who really need it?

Saturday, February 01, 2014

benefits of preschool for children

What is a advantages of preschool so that to many parents wanted their children in preschool once they entered the age of 2.5 years? Lately, send a child to a preschool phenomenon has become a trendsetter that seems if children who have aged 2.5 years did not join one of the trendsetters, then the child is said to be left behind.

Shove off from such phenomena, it turns out preschool is indeed delivers a pretty meaningful for you and your child. According to, preschool is good you should assign more than one teacher to handle a class. Through this formality, your child will also learn to be formal.

So it is with a parent, you can gain a slight advantage, you can learn to follow rules set by the school, what time does pick up eg. In addition, you also can meet other parents to share stories or solve problems with your child.

Pre-school programs that either includes a variety of fun activities, including singing, dancing, arts and crafts, storytelling, plays, as well as the project or the game both inside and outside the classroom that aims to hone the ability of a child that is different from the one with the other. Your child can also learn basic education that includes counting and letters.

In addition, most teachers pre-school had graduated from education to early childhood so that they know what they can expect from your child as well as being able to help them grow. In addition, your child can play with peers with them.

Beach Wedding Benefits

Have you heard about beach wedding?. Exactly as the name suggests, a beach wedding is the wedding reception is done on the beach. If you're considering this, information regarding the advantages or benefits of beach wedding here will probably make the reader increasingly want to have a wedding on the beach.

The first advantage, you will feel your wedding is on vacation. Who doesn't love a vacation to the beach? The warm weather, waves, and the sea breeze will be a faithful friend to your wedding party.

The Setting of the beach will also add to the romance of your wedding and couples. Your dress is waving before the wind accompanied by backing fringe of the sea will make your spouse getting dazzled by your appearance.

Not only that You feel good, your guests will feel on vacation, not into the wedding procession. They will be free to take pictures. No matter where Your guests want a spot they'll take pictures because the beach is the place to be a wedding location.

In addition, the selection of beaches as a wedding location will make people who are not too close to You will be reluctant to come. Then? As reported by the, you will have a lot of time with Your close friends. Typically, in a conventional wedding party, you'll have less time to interact with the guests. But your desire is certainly also want to share a happy day with your friends.

The Beach also tends to reduce stress, whether your stress, spouse, guests, or even a family that help the continuation of your wedding.