Wednesday, April 01, 2015

5 Benefits of Ice Cream

The Benefits of Ice Cream

No need to fear taking this one menu . Since the ice cream is actually rich content useful . Call it as energy , protein , healthy fat that is still needed by the body .

Sure, 10 % is the fat content of ice cream , but it does not mean that all fats are bad . Fat contained in the ice cream is good fat that does not cause obesity .

The frozen food has a soft texture that melts on the tongue and leaves a sweet taste . The main ingredient is made from milk , cream , emulsifiers , stabilizers , flavorings and extracts , ice cream serving at least 110-130 calories and energy from 2.5 to 3 grams of protein for every 100 gram dose .

Because the content of lactoferrin and cytokines , eating ice cream is actually good for improving immune body , and combating influenza virus .

Ok , here is a summary of the Ice Cream Benefits of eating ice cream as quoted from tipshealthypeople .

Ice Cream Benefit 1
The content of calcium in ice cream can help maintain bone density , prevent osteoporosis , prevent cancer and prevent high blood pressure .

Ice Cream Benefit 2
The high nutrient and fat content of ice cream is not fattening . Energy content helps daily energy needs and accounts for only 15 % fat alone .

Eating ice cream with a sufficient amount will not make you fat or obese anyway .

Ice Cream Benefit 3
Generally when colds should not use cold - cold . But the ice cream does not cause colds or flu . Instead of ice cream will be able to improve the body's immune and healing the flu on the body .

Ice cream also melts faster when meeting with the body temperature , and not as cold as ice water . So it is safe to consume even the flu .

Ice Cream Benefits 4
There lactoferrin content that serves as antiviral agents against a variety of viruses such as cytomegalovirus , influenza and HIV .

Ice Cream Benefits 5
Ice cream is a healthy snack that can be served in a certain portion of that will help the diet and actually lose weight . The point is to eat a balanced , and so it needs enough nutrients and good fats help prevent heart disease .

No need to prohibit yourself deh ladies eating ice cream . Served in proper portions , then the ice cream will make your body healthy .

Anemia Symptoms Causes Risk Factors and Prevention

Anemia or anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying protein) in the red blood cells is below normal. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin which carries oxygen in the role of the lungs and deliver it to all parts of the body.

Symptoms of Anemia

As a result of anemia is red blood cells transport will be disrupted and the body tissue anemia patient will experience a shortage of oxygen to produce energy. So it is not surprising that symptoms of anemia indicated by feeling tired, pale, agitated, and sometimes crowded. And marked with pale colors in some parts of the body such as the tongue and eyelids.

A common cause of anemia among others; iron deficiency, intestinal bleeding, bleeding, genetic deficiency of vitamin B12, folic acid drawback, disorders of marrow bone.

Symptoms of anemia (Less Blood)
Here are some signs that indicate that you have anemia, as reported Boldsky.

1. Eyelid Pale
It is easy to detect anemia with seeing eyes. When you stretch the eyelid and pay attention to the bottom of the eye. You will notice that the inside of the eyelids pale.

2. Often Fatigue
If you feel tired all the time for a month or more, it could be that you have a number of red blood cells are low. Body's energy supply is very dependent on the oxidation and red blood cells The lower red blood cells, the level of oxidation in the body part is reduced.

3. Often Nausea
Those who suffer from anemia often have symptoms of morning sickness or nausea as soon as they get out of bed.

4. Headache
People who are anemic often complain of headaches constantly. Shortage of red blood makes the brain is deprived of oxygen. This often causes headaches.

5. Pale Fingertips
When you press the tip of the finger, the area will turn into red. But, if you have anemia, your fingertips will be white or pale.

6. Shortness of breath
Low blood count lowers oxygen levels in the body. This makes anemia often feel short of breath or frequent panting when doing everyday activities such as walking.

7. Irregular Heartbeat
Palpitations is the medical term for irregular heartbeat, too strong or have abnormal speed. When the body is deprived of oxygen, the heart rate increases. This causes the heart to beat irregularly and rapidly.

8. Pale Face
If you have anemia, your face will look pale. The skin will become yellowish white.

9. Hair loss
Hair loss can be a symptom of anemia. When the scalp is not getting enough food from the body, you will experience hair thinning rapidly.

10. Decreased Immune
When your body has very little energy, immunity or the body's ability to fight disease is also declining. You will easily fall sick or exhausted.

Pages: Anemia Symptoms | Anemia Cause & Risk Factors | Anemia Prevention

benefits of marriage to lower the risk of prostate cancer

Marriage was not only a form of a bond between two people who love each other. If constructed properly, marriage can bring good effects, especially for those who have a partner with prostate cancer.

In a recent study found that 40 percent of married men who develop prostate cancer less likely to die from the disease than those who are single. A happy marriage seems to have a strong protective effect against damage caused by cancer and tumor.

Beside make men bone stronger, marriage also have many other benefits, as quoted from Dailymail, it remains unclear why matrimony support prospects for survival. However, there is a theory that says that people who are divorced or widowed are more at risk of developing this disease, is caused by the damaging effects of stress their bodies.

This also may lead to men who are married are more likely to receive medical assistance at the start of symptoms because of the encouragement from their wives. The study, published in the latest issue of the Journal of Urology in Canada supports the findings of previous similar studies that also showed the health benefits of a stable marriage relationship.

In 2011, an international study involving 163,000 volunteers find unmarried men with prostate cancer and 30 percent more likely to die from their disease than their counterparts who were married. Married men also have a slow development in prostate cancer has been handled more quickly.

In the UK, nearly 32,000 cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed each year and 10,000 people die because of it. It would be equivalent to more than one person dies every hour.

The risk of this disease increases with age. Men over 50 years are more likely to tumor progression, especially if there is a strong genetic component to it.

To see whether the marital status has a significant impact on mortality, the experts at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona, studied nearly 116,000 people throughout 1988 and 2003 to see how many patients with prostate cancer during that period.

When they get a match between the results with data on marital status, they find married men are more likely to come see their doctor with lower levels of tumor and low progress. In terms of mortality, they found 40 percent of unmarried men are more likely to end up in deaths from this disease.

Five years after a diagnosis, the researchers found, 89 percent of married men were still alive, compared with only 80 percent of those who are not married. In a report on their findings the researchers said men who are not married have a higher risk of death from prostate cancer.

More specifically, it is compared to the married men of the same age, hobby, tumor stage and grade.

Cancer is not the only case where the wedding turned out to be very profitable. A 2010 study at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, United States, also found that a happy marriage can help to ward off the suffering of arthritis.

In patients whose happy marriage just have less reported about joint pain than those who are single or less happy marriage. This is due to their emotional stability that has an effect as a pain reliever.

However, early diagnosis is essential in order to improve the life prospects.

Married Make Men bones stronger!

Marriage can indeed change a person. But not many people know that the changes experienced by a person not only in terms of behavior and psychology, but also physically. After the previous marriage was associated with a reduced risk of cancer and heart disease, researchers now also find other health benefits of getting married.

Recent studies show that married men can make the bones become stronger. After comparing the bones of men who are married to men who are still single, researchers found that men who are married have stronger bones.

Men who have a stable marriage and was never known divorce to have stronger bones than men who are single. But the age factor also determines bone strength. This applies only if the man married after the age of 25 years. Men who marry before age 25 years had a more brittle bones, as reported by the Daily Mail (23/​​01).

Unfortunately, a study published in the journal Osteoporosis International have not found the same thing applies to women who are married and who are still single. At random, the study found that women who have a partner who supports them to have stronger bones than women who did not have the support from a partner.

This is the first study that links between marriage with bone strength. During this time unknown to the influence of social factors such as weddings on bone health. This makes marriage not only beneficial psychologically but also physically.

Previous research also showed that people who had never married, going through divorce, widowed, or separated have unhealthy bone and fragile. This result is obtained through data from the Midlife in the United States to observe participants aged 25 to 75 years in 1995-1998, and 2004-2005.

What do you think, do you agree with these results?

Watermelon as Natural "Viagra"

Six glasses of watermelon juice the same efficacy as a Viagra.

According to researchers from the University of Texas A & M, USA, concluded citrulline, secret content in watermelon efficacious blood vessels are relaxed. Thus improving blood flow, and automatic impact on the performance of 'junior'. The same effect if men taking Viagra.

Dr Bhimu Patel, head of research outlines, citrulline into the body turns into an amino acid called arginine. These amino acids can improve the antioxidant, and blood flow, which contribute to the ability of erection in men. The difference of Viagra, this content without side effects, as well as nourish the body.

However, this research there is still controversy. Penelope Perkins-Veazie by, researchers from the Department of Agriculture, if you want to get the amount of citrulline content to increase arginine levels in the body, you should consume six cups of watermelon juice, without the addition of water and sugar.

However, this condition can also cause new problems. Because the content of watermelon is a diuretic, for which consume 6 cups of juice, it will often urinate. Not to mention, the high sugar content in watermelon can cause cramps in the body. Therefore, this method is not recommended in people with diabetes.

But somehow, besides being sweet and refreshing watermelon as well as a storehouse of vitamins and rich in antioxidants. This water-rich fruit has vitamins A pretty good. Consumption of 100 grams of vitamin A sufficient to meet 11.1 per cent of the body's need for vitamin A.

In addition, according to The George Mateljan Foundation, vitamin C in watermelon are included in the category of perfect. The combination of the two vitamins are made of watermelon can be an excellent source of antioxidants.

Watermelon is also rich in vitamin B complex which is required for energy production. High water content also causes thirst-quenching watermelon as a fruit.

The red color on watermelon indicates high levels of lycopene, one of the components of carotenoids like beta-carotene.

Lycopene is also reported to be able to cope with stomach cancer caused by Helicobacter pylori infection. The presence of lycopene is very useful to inhibit oxidation caused by bacteria.

In addition, lycopene also can repair cells that have been damaged. As phytochemical, lycopene memlliki no toxic properties, so it is safe to eat without causing side effects.

In an experiment conducted All India Institute of Sciences, New Delhi on 30 infertile men aged 23-45 years who were given 20 mg of lycopene twice daily for 3 months, showed an increase in sperm count, sperm structure repair, and improvement of sperm motility.

5 exceptional benefits of watermelon fruit

watermelon (Citrullus lanatus or cucumber tribe Cucurbitaceae) is a vine plant that originated from semi-desert regions of southern Africa. This plant is still related with pumpkin (Cucurbitaceae), melon (Cucumis melo) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus). Watermelons are harvested fruit to be eaten fresh or made juice. Watermelon seeds are dried and roasted also edible contents (cotyledon) as watermelon seeds.

The leaves are grooved at the edges. The flowers are perfect, yellow, small (3cm diameter). Watermelon is andromonoecious monoclinic, which has two kinds of flowers on one plant: the male flowers, which only has the stamens (stamens), and pansy flowers / hermaphrodite, which has stamens and pistils (pistillum). Pansy flower can be recognized from their ovaries (ovarian) at the base of the flower in the form of an oval-shaped enlargement.

Benefits Watermelon Body

Benefits of Watermelon Fruit is very much, they are as follows:
  • Can accompany your diet program because watermelon is one of the fruits that do not contain fat and also have a limited combination of sugar and water content enough.
  • It is beneficial for patients with hypertension because it contains water and potassium is high enough to neutralize the pressure of blood in our body.
  • to intensify the work of the heart.
  • Can help our bodies stay healthy because it contains antioxidants (beta-carotene and vitamin C).
  • Can stimulate more rapid discharge of urine.
  • to reduce fever.
  • to prevent canker sores quickly.
The above are some of the benefits of watermelon for our health. For those of you who have some health problems as above, it would be nice if you start now eating watermelon is to minimize your disease.

Pages: benefits of watermelon | Other watermelon benefits | watermelon for pregnant

Monday, March 30, 2015

Chronic Kidney Disease News Health Treatment Tips

Chronic Kidney Disease News Health Treatment Tips
Chronic Kidney Disease News Health Treatment TipsChronic kidney disease (chronic kidney disease / CKD) is a condition when renal function begins to decline gradually. This condition is permanent. CKD status changed to renal failure when kidney function has declined to reach the stage or late stage.

CKD is a new disease that generally can be detected through urine and blood tests. Symptoms of a general nature makes people with this disease are usually not aware of the symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage.

Kidney disease news health could not be cured even if the patients are in the chronic stage. Unlike the other medical problems, the signs can still be treated and controlled. It will increase the life of your kidneys if you are monitoring and treating kidney disease in a constant way. To treat it, here are some ways you can do. 
  1. Make sure that you should keep your blood pressure down. It means that the blood pressure should be under 130 over 80. To keep your blood pressure levels in the normal level, you can see your doctor and prescribe one or even two medications.

  2. Adjust and watch your diet intensively. For chronic kidney diseases, you should keep your cholesterol down and eat enough protein. There is a protein intake limitation that your doctor will recommend you in order to avoid the kidney are being overworked. To get a clear treatment, it is better for you to talk to a dietitian in order to explore about the possible diet options you can apply since your body needs protein as the way to repair itself.

  3. Quit smoking is a must. In order to reduce the risk toward kidney disease, of course you have to quit smoking since cigarette will make it worsen and even increase our blood pressure. There are many health benefits you can get even though it will be difficult for you to quit.

  4. Avoid too much sodium intake. Sodium – rich foods and salt could increase your blood pressure which means that it will increase the kidney diseases risk factors. While you are reducing the amount of sodium through your diet, of course this is the way to get the natural treatment.

  5. Control the potassium amount in your diet. It is a healthy mineral you can find in different vegetables and fruits, but one thing you should remember is kidney disease will have a hard time in order to process and remove the excess amount through your blood.

  6. Ask your doctor whether or not you can go to kidney dialysis if it is necessary. This process will filters waste products out from your blood by using machine. To do the treatment, you will need to spend three to four hours.

  7. Control your blood sugar levels if you are diabetic. It will help your kidney disease by keeping it stable and monitor it always as the kidney disease solution.

Benefits of Sperm for Woman

Benefits of Sperm for Woman

Sperm benefits for health

Health Benefits of Sperm

If talking about sperm, surely the first comes to your mind is sex and babies. When in fact, there are many more benefits that owned the sperm, especially for women. From the results of research conducted by Johnson and Everitt, in his book entitled "Essential Reproduction", revealed that semen or sperm appeared to have a high nutrient content.

In fact, in a typical ejaculation, or the equivalent of one teaspoon of semen that already contains 150mg of protein, 11 mg of carbohydrates, 6 mg fat, 3 mg cholesterol, 7 percent U.S. RDA potassium, zinc and copper.

Curious what are the benefits of sperm, particularly for women's health? Check out his review below, as summarized from many sources.

Top 6 Health Benefits of Sperm for woman

Sperm Benefits as happy makers

Ever heard the term of "Make up sex"? this term is shown for a sexual relationship after a fight. Sometimes Make-up sex is often used as a weapon to defuse a fight, and reduce emotional partner, especially for women. A study in New York proves, that semen contains several hormones that affect mood is good for women.

Sperm as Skin Care

There are several groups of foreign cosmetic companies that make moisturizers of sperm, because it is considered as a powerful antioxidant, a sulfur content which can smooth the skin, and zinc which is useful as an acne remedy.

Sperm For old Procrastinator

The content of vitamin B12 can increase energy, sharpen sharpening choline, vitamin C which encourages the growth of the protein chains, and collagen which can help a person look younger and beautiful.

Sperm For bone and tooth formation

Calcium content in the sperm was good for the formation of bones, teeth, and maintain muscle and nerve function.

Sperm To Prevent Diabetes

Fructose and Uric Acid in sperm, it can serve as digesting the sugar in the body which is very useful as a diabetes prevention.

Sperm For Supporting the immune system

Magnesium in the sperm was able to maintain normal muscle and nerve function, so it can make heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system and keeps bones strong.

Benefits of sugar for healthy skin

Here comes the benefit of sugar for teenage skin beauty. Sugar has many benefits for the skin cool and our bodies. The benefits are effectively absorbed by our body, so sugar is considered as one of the most recommended treatments for skin problems, especially sensitive skin. What are ya skin beauty benefits of sugar for teens?

* Scrub
Let our skin is always bright and shining, use brown sugar or confectioners' sugar better than disposable salt scrubs are not necessarily cocokbuat sensitive skin. Kulitkita need to scrub for removing dust, sebum or skin oil and dead skin cells so easy turnover of new skin cells faster and make our skin stays fresh.

* Clean Skin Deeper
Sugar has a better technique for cleaning up the most in our face. When we mix sugar with oil or cream, sugar solution will clean the inside and smaller pores, even from dust and dirt. Sugar can cleanse the skin pores are clogged due to difficult to remove blackheads. Try diligent use sugar scrub least once a week in order to get maximum results.

* Moisturize Skin
Mask of sugar, it is rich in nutrients that can moisturize the skin properly. Although our skin is oily, sugar with smart can nourish the skin retain moisture in accordance with the amount needed. Way, take sugar to taste. Mix with oil (jojoba, almond, olive or pure coconut), then apply on the face as a mask.

* Anti-Aging
Sugar is the most powerful medium and the champion remove wrinkles or fine lines in the skin as a result of a healthy lifestyle baseball. In addition, the sugar can also make your skin glow and natural reddish. And skin color can be white level each time we use it.

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