Thursday, June 20, 2013

Benefits of Red Cell Blood

Definition and Function of Red Blood Cells - In the human body, have been no circulatory system, where blood contained in its components, such as white blood cells, red blood cells and blood plasma. Well, this time we will describe a little explanation of the red blood cell and its function.

What Is Red Blood Cells?

benefits of red blood cell

Red blood cells also called erythrocytes. Erythrocyte itself comes from the Greek, which means red and kytos erythros which means sheath cells. Red blood cells are the cell type most blood. Shaped like a disc / bikonkaf and has no core. 

 A diameter of approximately 7.7 units (0.007 mm), can not move. Number approximately 5 million in 1 mm3 (41/2 million). Reddish yellow color, because it contains a substance called hemoglobin, the red color will increase if it contains a lot of oxygen. Section consists of hemoglobin in erythrocytes, a biomolecule that can bind oxygen. 

Hemoglobin will take oxygen from the lungs and gills, and oxygen is released when erythrocytes pass through capillaries. Red blood cells red color comes from the element of hemoglobin is iron maker. In humans, red blood cells are made disumsum spine, then forming bikonkaf pieces. In the red blood cells are not the nucleus. Red blood cells will be active for 120 days before being destroyed.

Benefits and Function of Red blood cell

1. Functioning red blood cells circulate throughout the body O2. Red blood cells will bind oxygen from the lungs to be distributed to all body tissues and bind carbon dioxide from the body tissue to be removed through the lungs. 

Binding of oxygen and carbon dioxide is carried by hemoglobin that has bound with oxygen is called oxyhemoglobin (Hb + 4 Hb oxygen-oxygen) so the oxygen is transported throughout the body of the oxyhemoglobin that later after arriving in the network will be released: Hb + Hb oxygen-oxygen, and so on. 

Hb was going to bound with carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide called hemoglobin (Hb + Hb carbon dioxide-carbon dioxide) in which the carbon dioxide will be released in the lungs.

2. Function in blood grouping.

3. Erythrocytes also play a role in the immune system. When red blood cells undergo lysis by pathogens or bacteria, the hemoglobin in the red blood cells will release free radicals that will destroy the pathogen cell wall and membrane, and killed him.

4. Also releases erythrocyte S-nitrosothiol compounds while deoxygenated hemoglobin, which also serves to dilate the blood vessels and blood flow in order to expedite the blood to the area of ​​the body is starved of oxygen.

That's a little explanation of the meaning and function of red blood cells.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Benefits of O2

the benefits of oxygen for human life

Benefits of O2
(O2) is the key to all of life. We can live a few days without food and water, but can not live for 4 minutes without oxygen. Even our brain cells will die within 15 seconds when in the absence of oxygen. Each cell in the human body needs oxygen, to divide, to grow and to keep the cells alive.

Benefits of Oxygen:
     Improve memory and intelligence.
     Medium of cancer, asthma and other diseases.
     Increase metabolism.
     Reduces toxins in the blood.
     Stabilize blood pressure.
     Strengthen the heart and immune system.
     Prevent stress and nervousness.
     Beautify the skin and prevent premature aging.

Many diseases in this modern era are caused by lack of oxygen. This is a serious problem world. With oxygen the body will be able to regenerate cells, helps increase the absorption of vitamins and nutrients, increased system
immune and neutralize toxic substances in the bloodstream.

On the average, each tree in its life cycle could be sufficient oxygen (O2) to the needs of 18 (eighteen) and absorb the carbon dioxide (CO2) from cars that run about 41 834 km. Large tree absorbs approximately 120-240 pounds of tiny particles tau pollutant gases. Only plants that produce oxygen in the earth (Jalal 2007).

According Bernatzky (1978) high tree with a trunk diameter of 25 m and 15 m, will have an area 160 rod cover and leaf surface area of 1600 , will produce as much as 1712 grams of oxygen. For 1 acre of green land with a total area of ​​5 acres of leaf surface would require 900 kg of CO2 to conduct photosynthesis for 12 hours, and at the same time will produce 600 kg of O2.

Benefits of Echinoderms

Benefits of Echinoderms for Human.

The sea urchin is food for humans, who consumed either raw or lightly cooked. Urchin roe is a popular food in Korean cuisine, and this is called "uni" in Japanese sushi cuisine. It is also a traditional food in Chile, where he was known as "erizo," and are greatly appreciated in Spain. In addition to domestic consumption, Chile and a number of other countries export the sea urchin to Japan in order to meet demand across the country.

Sea cucumbers are considered a delicacy in the Far Eastern countries such as Malaysia, China, Japan, and Indonesia. It is highly valued for its medicinal properties are supposed to be. In Japanese cuisine, konowata made from sea cucumber entrails are extracted.

Trade of sea cucumbers, among sailors Macassans and Aboriginal Arnhem Land, to supply the South China market is the first recorded example of trade between residents of the Australian continent and their Asian neighbors.

Ecologically, echinoderms play a key role in the food web. In the case of sea cucumbers, this is usually as scavengers, feeding on debris in the benthic layer, and feed on plankton and other organic matter found in the sea.

Variety of fish, most commonly pearl fish, have evolved a symbiotic relationship (commensalism) with sea cucumbers in which the pearl fish will live in sea cucumber's cloaca, use it for protection from predation, a source of food (the nutrients passing in and out of the anus from the water), and to develop into their adult stage of life. In the case of the sea, where they are in the food web also impact the world economy, because they eat oysters, clams, and other organisms that humans use.

Scientifically, sea urchin occupies a special place in biology as long as the use of a standard subject for study in the field of embryology.

Medical field, several varieties of sea cucumber (known as gamat in Malaysia) is said to have excellent healing properties. There are pharmaceutical companies being built based on this gamat product. Extracts are prepared and made into oil, cream, or cosmetics. Some products are intended to be taken internally. Claims have been made that cucumber helps wounds heal faster and reduce scarring.

Aesthetic, diverse forms of echinoderms, and sometimes makes them brilliant coloring, often a source of joy for people who observe them.
benefits of ether compounds

benefits of ether compounds

1. General ether compounds formula

Ether or alkoxy alkanes is a class of compounds having two alkyl groups attached to an oxygen atom. Thus ethers having the general formula: R-O-R and R1adalah R1dimana alkyl group, may not be the same



R = R1 (ether homogeneous)


R-R1 (ether compound)

2. Ether Naming

There are two ways of naming ether compounds, namely:

1) According to IUPAC, ether alkananya is named with the prefix "alkoxy" with the following conditions:

- The shortest carbon chains that bind-O-functional groups designated as alkoksinya functional groups.

- The longer the carbon chain named after the compound alkananya

2) According to the rules of the trivial, the naming ether as follows: the name of the second
flanking alkyl-O-group then given akiran ether.
Formula Ether Structure IUPAC name Trivial name

CH3-CH2-O-CH2-CH3 ethoxy ethane Diethyl ether / ethyl ethyl ether

CH3-CH2-O-CH2-CH3 propane Methoxy Methyl propyl ether

CH3-CH2-O-CH2-CH2-CH3 propane ethoxy ethyl propyl ether

3. Properties of Ether

In contrast to compounds alcohols, ethers have the following properties:

1) low boiling point so volatile

2) It is difficult soluble in water, because of the low polarity

3) As a good solvent organic compounds are not soluble in water

4) Flammable

5) In general are toxic

6) As anesthetic (anesthetize)

7) Ether difficult to react, except with a strong acid halide (HI and H Br)

4. Benefits of Ether

Ether compounds commonly used in everyday life i.e:

1) Diethyl ether (ethoxy ethane) are commonly used as a solvent for organic compounds.

Addition of diethyl ether is widely used as an astringent arestesi (drug) in the hospital.

2) MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether), the ether compound used to increase the octane number of gasoline replaced the TEL / TML, in order to obtain an environmentally friendly gasoline. Because it does not produce dust lead (Pb 2 +) when used as TEL / TML

Remove Scar and get smooth skin face with benefits of Microdermabrasion

The Benefits of Microdermabrasion

benefits of Microdermabrasion

Removing scar with Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is the act of the top layer of skin abrasion using fine crystal or powder organic. Diabrasi skin layer is the stratum corneum (horny layer), epidermis is dry and dead skin cells, by using Crystal Cast ®. 

This treatment procedure will stimulate the production of new cells in the lowest layer (basal layer) of the dermis.

Microdermabrasion treatment procedure is easy, very affordable and safe for all skin types, giving the results of a fresh face and youthful look. Results obtained relatively permanent, can be stopped and not addictive.

Microdermabrasion Benefits:

Shrink enlarged pores so that the skin will become smoother.
Reduce the levels of excess oil on the skin.
Eliminating acne scars, prevent the formation of acne again.
Eliminate cellulite (countour stretch marks).
Reduce or even eliminate wrinkles, smooth skin wrinkles, brown spots, whitish streaks on the skin, prevent premature aging by stimulating
Collagen tissue regeneration.
Remove dead skin cells, cleanse and refine skin texture.

You will continue to see changes take place gradually during the treatment done. Microdermabrasion is performed approximately every 7-10 days. And after 4-6 treatment sessions, will begin to look significant results. Your skin will look smoother, cleaner, brighter and more even skin tone. Maximum results will be felt if you follow this program on a regular basis.
With Microdermabrasion, stimulated the growth of new skin layer to the process repeated until a level of elasticity of natural collagen and elastin in the skin, which in turn can improve the appearance of your skin.

Anyone who is recommended and not recommended to undergo microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is recommended for those of you who have:
Smooth wrinkles
Aging lines on the skin
Uneven skin texture
Sunburned skin
Acne problems and have many former acne scar

When, where and how microdermabrasion done?
Microdermabrasion treatments can be done between 10-24 times the work session, depending on the weight and the severity of the skin disorder. The time it takes about 20-25 minutes for a work session, depending on the treatment area. To obtain maximum results, after 10 treatments above, it is advisable to re-follow maintenance treatments every 3-4 months.

How long is the recovery time?
After undergoing microdermabrasion, the skin will look pink for one or two days. Besides skin feels warmer, sensitive to touch, a little amused, and mild shock sensations that do not interfere.
It is advisable to avoid excessive exposure to direct sun for a week. Use toner, moisturizer, sunscreen creams.

Avoid products that contain Alpha-Hydroxy Acid, Glycolic Acid, and exfoliation scrubs for 72 hours before and after a session of microdermabrasion treatments.
Avoid use of make-up face like liquid foundation or powder foundation compact for 24 hours after a session of microdermabrasion treatments. The eye make-up and lipstick could be used immediately after treatment.

Microdermabrasion is a treatment procedure exfoliation process, but this treatment is painless and does not require a long recovery time as well as plastic surgery or flaking / peeling chemicals.
Microdermabrasion requires recovery time is relatively short, about 1-5 hours, compared with chemical peeling which takes 3-7 days, or peeling with a laser which will take approximately 4-6 weeks.

Get Healthy and Beauty With Collagen Benefits

The Benefits of Collagen for Health and Beauty

Collagen Health Benefits

Collagen Health and beauty Benefits

Every woman would have the craving beautiful skin. To get beautiful skin can try beauty products that contain collagen. Beauty products have been widely attended by collagen content contained in these beauty products. Beauty products containing collagen found in compact powder, facial wash, shampoo to body lotion.

What Is Collagen?

Collagen is a protein found himself in the connective tissue in the bodies of mammals, including humans. However, collagen is generally generate form animal protein. Collagen content of the skin itself can withstand moisture and rewarding keep your skin moist and soft. In addition, collagen is also regenerate skin cells so face doesn't become dull, and keep it elastic and healthy.

Collagen is a major component in the dermis builder, one of the lowest layer of the skin. Protein is essential to keep skin firm and supple and is often equated with the mattress. When it was new, the mattress was firm and elastic. Over time, the mattress began to collapse.

This happens for several reasons. First, with increasing age, the collagen in the skin begins to break down and stiff. When our skin is healthy, collagen strands glide easily with one another so that the skin returns to normal after you stretch the face for a smile or a frown. However, when the collagen starts to melt, the skin loses elasticity and does not return to normal.

Collagen Health Benefits

Collagen is not only good for adult women consumed. Collagen is also good for men and even teenagers. As has been said, the function of collagen is not just only about beauty but also good for health. Benefits are not overstated because collagen is very good benefits for the health of your body. Here is the amazing benefits of collagen that can make your body more healthy:

Benefits of Collagen for Hair and Nails
For hair and nails, beneficial collagen to strengthen the hair roots and stimulate growth again. As for nails, also can strengthen nails so it is not easily broken. If your nails are white spots, can also disappear after regular use of collagen.

Benefits of Collagen for Skin
Perhaps many who already know the function of collagen to the skin. Because many benefits that using collagen to keep the skin youthful. Collagen to make skin elastic and healthy. Collagen can also be used to remove the scar on your skin. If you have trouble spots and wrinkles can also be overcome by the use of regular collagen.

Benefits of Collagen for Joints
Turns collagen can also be beneficial for your joints. If you have joint pain problem, try to consume collagen regular basis. This is because collagen is able to provide flexibility in the tendon body. In addition, collagen can be useful building material of cartilage in your joints.

Benefits of Collagen for Bone
Collagen has a function as important as calcium for your bones. This is because the collagen serves as the glue that joints fused bones. If you regularly consume collagen to strengthen bones and prevent it from becoming brittle.

With a good diet and taking regular collagen, bone health can be maintained well into old age. Osteoporosis is an enemy to the bone can also be prevented by taking regular collagen. Besides collagen can make your bones become stay limber and pain in the bones can be lost.

Benefits of Collagen for Brain
Nutrients to our brain cells supplied by Gila supported by a network of collagen. Cranial nerves in the brain can not receive nutrients if thinned collagen network. So as to maintain this network, required additional collagen intake. In addition to eating collagen, then the brain can work better.

Benefits of Collagen for Eye
To work properly, the muscles of the eye must be flexible. As you age, the collagen in the cornea will be reduced and this will result in a stiffer cornea. It is not good for the health of your eyes. Well then, to overcome the lack of collagen in the eye, it is advisable to consume collagen that vision in the eye to recover.

Well that is a function of collagen to your body. See the benefits that are good for your health, it does not hurt to regularly consume collagen. Collagen function is not exaggerated. Indeed remarkable benefits for the health of your body. Well maybe after read this article, you may consider to consume collagen on regular.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Metabolic benefits

Metabolic benefits

Metabolic benefits You must be familiar with the term metabolism. Many times this word was mentioned when it comes to the growth of a living creature. So, exactly what is meant by metabolism? Metabolism is a process. Processes occurring in the living body.

Metabolism is actually not a foreign term. In that sense, it's a lot to be heard by the general public. Though maybe some of them do not know exactly the definition of metabolism, the term became clear that the word is not foreign to their ears.

In science, the term metabolism is familiar among those who are researching about the diverse lives of living beings, or the designation generally is Biology. Biology experts, both researchers and those whose job is to convey this knowledge to the students, to those who know very well about these metabolic explanation.

Because this term is really the most basic terms in the field of science. So, very odd if no one among them who could explain about understanding metabolism. Knowledge of the metabolism participate delivered along with how these creatures can live. So? Metabolism is not a very common material for controlled?!.

Talk about metabolism, the same generous nature to discuss the process, the process in general. That life will not go without a reason. In life itself there are a lot of processes. A process that makes life more vibrant. It makes things running properly is a process. Journey towards something, and that certainly, aiming for good things.

Lives of living beings, particularly humans did not escape from a life in the process. Even himself is also part of a process. Not only that, on the inside of the human body is also going on a process. That's a simple process that should be interpreted as metabolism.

A process that has a pretty important value in human life.Understanding MetabolismThere is some understanding of metabolism. All lead to a "destination". That is the process. That metabolism is a series of chemical reactions that are happening in living bodies. This reaction occurs as the "capital" of species to sustain life.

There is also another meaning of metabolism. Metabolism is an activity that occurs in every living thing. In addition, there is also concluded that if the metabolism is a chemical reaction that occurs in the human body cells. This includes understanding the last two previous understanding of metabolism.Thus, it can be concluded is not about what is meant by metabolism? That approximately metabolism is a chemical process that plays an important role for the growth of cells that become part of a living creature.

When this process does not happen as it should, the cells can not grow properly.Because, allowing a series of metabolic processes of organisms that exist in the bodies of living things evolve. Metabolism also contribute to maintaining the structural integrity of the cells and responds to the environment that is around the growth of cells.

If the cell in question is owned by the human body, the metabolic process depends on the intake of food in the body. A variety of these foods produce a chemical process that will be used as "fertilizer" for the growth of cells in the body.

Therefore, the metabolic processes in the human body depends on the food consumed. The better, good content contained in food, the body will be more healthy because metabolic processes are well preserved. The cells can be grown with perfect body and good for the health impact and ultimately life.

The chemical reaction that occurs in the process of metabolism, will change the substances that enter into a form other substances. Another substance that would later play a role in the growth of existing cells. Like for example, a nutrition meeting with other nutrients and form a new compound. Compounds that would later become needed by the body. Something like that.

Category Metabolism In the process, metabolism can be divided into two categories. Ie, catabolism and anabolism. Both categories must have had some differences. In this case, catabolism act to break down organic materials. The simple explanation, catabolism is the process of outlining the nature of the complex molecule, a component of a much more modest. An example is the process that occurs in respiration.

In contrast to catabolism, anabolism is an intricate process of forming molecules or complexes of molecules that come with a more modest nature. For example, a process that occurs in photosynthesis. Simple molecules in this case sunlight is converted into a complex molecule through the process.

By category anabolism, there are several molecules that have a role to build the components of cells that are useful. Mainly related to the human body. Components such as proteins and nucleic acids. The second component of the course has a considerable role to health.

In general, what is produced in the process of anabolism is categorized starting compound for the catabolism category. The cause is the site of most cells of the metabolism.The process of entry and exit of chemicals in the cell has a significant sense. Meaning is related to energy and material balance in the body that must be maintained. Then, what is produced by metabolic processes, almost always a substance that initiates the next stage of the reaction.

Metabolic ProcessesQuestions like these can be immediately comes to mind. How exactly a metabolic process work? When there is a chemical reaction caused by the metabolic process, the results of the reaction will be in the so-called metabolic pathways. At this point, the chemical elements is transformed into chemical elements.

In this process, an enzyme which is equally important role. Step by step changes experienced by the chemical elements in the body are also sorted by the enzyme. Enzyme into an energy, allowing the reaction produced by the chemical elements to the process. Enzymes also allow for a regulation of the metabolic pathway when responding to a change in the cell.

In other words, metabolism is the process that determines whether the substance is useful for growth or not. Nourishing or poisonous. So, sure enough if this process has a very big role for the survival of living beings. If the metabolic process is interrupted, then the overall smoothness of the other processes in the body will also be disrupted.Simply put, the enzyme responsible for the metabolism process of launching its own.

Chemical reactions become faster react so as to produce ATP compounds and other compounds. The compound will "contribute" the energy in metabolic processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, protein synthesis, chemosynthesis, and fat.As the process of metabolism modifiers Toxins. Toxins are substances that are clearly not needed by the body.

The entry of these substances into the body is not always done on purpose, instead it largely unintentionally, aka poisoning. And did you know that it can change the metabolism of toxic substances into compounds that are completely non-toxic? Not just turn it into a non-toxic, toxins can issue the metabolism in the body.

Scientifically, the process of release of toxins in the body is called detoxification. The role of other metabolic processes is certainly more important to make this process predicated. Keep your metabolism stable is to implement a healthy lifestyle in a way.

It can be concluded that the metabolic process is a process that helps the body to treat a variety of substances that enter the body. The final results of the processing will play a role in shaping the identity of the body's health. If the metabolism running smoothly, your body will feel much healthier and fitter. If not, feel it yourself!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Benefits of Detoxification

Health Benefits of Detoxification

Health Benefits of Detoxification

The term detox is not unusual. Detox is the process of removing toxins in the body through urine, breathing, feces, and sweat by using four main organs, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and skin.

Detox is believed to optimize the expenditure process toxins from the body. In a detox program, you are encouraged to consume only fruits and vegetables for a certain period. Usually, the fruits and vegetables in a raw state or made ​​juice without sugar and the program duration may vary.

Before you decide to try this diet way, look into further benefits of detox.

Process of removing toxins from the body. This process is very positive because it helps the body to perform naturally self-cleaning process. Would appear certain signs as a result of cleaning toxins (toxins) in large numbers.

Once the body has detoxification, the body will feel more creative, passionate, productive, relaxed and comfortable.

Is detoxification happens to everyone?
Not all people experience detoxification

What factors determine?
Each person has a different metabolism, so that appears in the detoxification process every oang also different. This difference is highly dependent on the body and POISON NUMBER Sensitivity (degree of sensitivity) to change the body.

Signs of detoxification:
    Headache (these symptoms often appear pad drug addicts, coffee, tea or cigarettes)
    Nausea, bloating, constipation or frequent bowel movements (like diarrhea but not for long)
    Colds, flu, fever, mild
    Pain in the muscles and joints
    Skin irritation such as itchy, red rash
    Emotional distress (anxiety, irritable, agitated). This phenomenon is caused by decreased blood sugar, which is the body's natural way of saving energy during Lent. It is only temporary
    Chills. Body temperature will decrease because of the energy that was used to warm the body will be more widely used to speed up the detoxification process
    Sei water discoloration becomes more concentrated. Indicates the body begins to secrete toxin.

Detoxification benefits:

    Prevent disease
    Resting the organs
    Clean the inside of the body
    Clear up acne
    Slowing the aging process
    Increase the flexibility of the body
    Improve fertility (fertility)

How to eliminate the signs of detoxification?
Drink lots of water, at least 3 liters per day during the program / detoxification. During the detoxification process takes place, it should not take any medicine. Drug spending will hamper the process of toxin in the body. The ability of the drug is only dampen symptoms but do not eliminate the cause.

Tips to overcome the detoxification reactions:
    Do not engage in activities that drain energy
    Do not sunbathe in the sun
    Drink lots of water. Do not eat solid food.
    Immediately lie down or sleep in a cool

Benefits of water:
    Suppress appetite.
    Launched renal function
    Eliminate constipation (constipation)
    As a catalyst for the process of metabolizing fat into energy. If the lack of drinking water = BB does not go down because of impaired lipid metabolism.

    When you feel hungry, not necessarily a lack of food, lack of drinking water possible. Drink up, your hunger will disappear. Kidneys trash and toxins in our body. Especially during weight loss, the body has more fat is burned waste is to be disposed of. More and drink plenty of water, the kidneys work more lightweight and faster you lose weight.

    If you drink plenty of water, it will facilitate digestion and defecation.

Health Benefits of Detox
  • No need to bother counting, weighing, or measuring calories.
  • Encourage the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Can reduce the risk of developing chronic health problems such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
  • Can help with the management of digestive problems including indigestion, bloating, and constipation.
  • Encourage a healthy lifestyle approach to weight loss.

BENEFITS OF DIET: 5 Positive Effects If You Have a Healthy Diet

The Benefits of Healthy Diet

Diet is not just a set amount of food you eat, but also the pattern of food to choose healthy foods. The following are some of the positive effects that you can get through a healthy diet.

Top 5 Benefits of Healthy Diet

Top 5 Benefits of Healthy Diet

Live longer
A healthy diet means you will have the ideal body weight is not only disproportionate, but also can make you enjoy a longer life.

More energy
By adjusting the diet, you will unconsciously feel more energized. This means, you will be more active spirit, work more comfortable, and feels fun sport.

Better memory
One of the things you can get from nutritious food is a memory or a better memory. You will also focus more on work or perform daily activities.

Ideal weight
Who does not want an ideal weight? Not skinny, but your body looks proportionate. Have a sense of satisfaction with their own body shape will surely make you more confident.

Less risk of disease
By arranging a healthy diet, your body also reduces the risk of developing various diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, or some types of cancer.