Monday, July 09, 2018

1001 Aloe Vera Benefits for Health, Beauty, Skin and Lips

Aloe vera has long been known by the public has many extraordinary benefits for both health and for beauty, face, hair, and lips. Often we find beauty products that use aloe vera as a base or mixed ingredients. Of course there is no longer need to fare again the efficacy of the aloe vera itself.

Are you one of those people who used to use aloe vera products? Of course you know how the form of aloe vera itself is not it? Aloe vera or aloe vera is a plant belonging to the xanthorrhoeaceae family and includes the genus aloe. This plant is easy to find in the arid region of Africa. The shape of the plant is like a cactus, but the contents of the leaves itself is very slimy.

Aloe vera is known to have many benefits because what is in the aloe vera is very useful. Content in Aloe vera, among others; proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B1, and C.

Instead of using aloe vera directly, of course you more often use aloe vera in the form of beauty products which of course has gone through a chemical process. Well than you should wear already in the form of packaging which of course will reduce the efficacy and benefits of aloe vera itself, you better use the benefits of aloe vera directly or in the traditional way. What are the benefits of aloe vera. For more details just go directly below.

30 Benefits of Aloe Vera for Health, Beauty, Skin and Lips

Benefits of Aloevera for health

1. Aloe vera to accelerate wound healing
Aloe vera or aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory substances that are useful for healing wounds outside. And also the anti-bacterial content in it is effective against infections caused by bacteria, thus speeding the recovery of wounds.

2. Aloe vera to overcome irritation
Sometimes without any reason the skin is irritated or inflamed like eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea. To overcome the irritation and inflammation it would not hurt if you try to treat using aloe vera.

3. Aloe vera to boost immunity
Aloe vera will help the absorption of vitamins and minerals that are useful for the body to the maximum so that the immune system will increase. You can consume aloe vera in the form of a drink that is juice or aloe vera supplements.

4. Aloe vera to eradicate dental plaque
Aloe vera used as a mouthwash to reduce and eradicate dental plaque has a similar effect to chlorhexidine or antimicrobial antiseptic drugs.

5. Aloe vera to keep body acid levels
By drinking aloe juice regularly, its alkaline properties will help maintain acid levels in the body or balance the acidity of the body.

6. Aloe vera to help the detoxification process
The body sometimes takes time to remove all the toxins in the body or better known as the detoxification process. By diligently consume aloe vera, detoxification process in the body will be faster because it is assisted by the benefits of aloe vera itself.

7. Aloevera to reduce weight
As discussed in point 6, that aloevera will greatly assist the detoxification process, then directly juha will make the metabolism process in the body increases so there will be no fat deposits in the body and digestion will be maintained health.

8. Aloevera to maintain cardiovascular health
Aloevera will help improve the ability of red blood cell diffusion and oxygen transport so that cardiovascular health problems such as heart can be minimized.

9. Aloevera as a source of amino acids
Aloevera juice drinks contain 7 amino acids from 8 amino acids that can not be produced by the body independently. Therefore, aloevera can meet the needs of your amino acids.

10. Aloevera as a source of vitamins and minerals
As explained in the opening section, a lot of aloe vera content is useful for our body. Therefore, by consuming aloe vera, then the needs of our vitamins and minerals will be met.

Benefits of aloe vera for the face

11. Aloe vera to eradicate acne
12. Aloe vera to remove acne scars
13. Aloe vera to brighten facial skin
14. Aloe vera to remove blackheads
15. Aloe vera to shrink the pores of the face
16. Aloe vera to smooth the face
The six benefits of aloe vera for the face of the above is very tempting. Why is it tempting? Because you can get a clean face, smooth, and bright without having to spend a lot of money to buy beauty products.

It's easy:

Split the aloe vera into 2 parts
Take the center of aloe vera
Paste or wipe through the face
Let stand for 30 minutes
Rinse thoroughly

Benefits of aloe vera for body skin

17. Aloe vera as a natural sunscreen
18. Aloe vera to treat sunburn on the skin
19. Aloe vera to moisturize the skin
20. Aloe vera to brighten the skin
21. Aloe vera to remove scars on the skin
In addition to using a face mask, you can also apply aloe vera on all of your skin to get the five benefits above.

Benefits of aloe vera for hair

22. Aloe vera to black hair
23. Aloe vera to make hair shiny
24. Aloe vera to prevent hair loss
25. Aloe vera to strengthen the hair roots
26. Aloe vera to remove dandruff

Use aloe vera mask on your hair to have healthy and shiny hair
Use 2 days before shampooing
Benefits of aloe vera for lips
27. Aloe vera to refine lips
28. Aloe vera to make natural red lips
29. Aloe vera to moisten lips
30. Aloe vera for the skin of chapped lips
Get blushing red lips by applying aloe vera daily to your lips.

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1001 Aloe Vera Benefits for Health, Beauty, Skin and Lips
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