The intake of nutrients consumed by pregnant women is one of the things that need to get special attention. This is reasonable because the nutrient intake is needed by the fetus to grow and develop.
Therefore, consuming nutritious foods is something that must be done by pregnant women. Apart from the food consumed by pregnant women, nutritional intake can also be obtained from prenatal vitamins that are consumed.
Prenatal vitamins are absolutely necessary because it is difficult to get all the nutrients that Mother and fetus need in the future, even if the best diet approaches perfectly and the companions eat a variety of nutrient-dense foods such as meat, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts. Pregnant good milk is also needed to perfect the diet.
Vitamins affect fertility to quickly get pregnant and to maintain a healthy pregnancy and smooth delivery with a normal healthy baby without any deficiency. The majority of women benefit from taking prenatal vitamins and mineral supplements, and should be done before pregnancy. Think of it as an insurance policy to make sure friends get certain essential nutrients in the right amount during pregnancy.
Prenatal vitamin intake is especially important for women with certain diets and dietary restrictions, health problems, or complications of pregnancy. Including women who:
Vegetarian or vegan
Not resistant to lactose or have other food intolerances
Smoking or other substance abuse
Have certain blood disorders
Has a certain chronic disease
Has undergone gastric bypass surgery
The pregnant twins 2 or more
The content of pregnant vitamin supplements that are not obtained from food
If a friend includes a fanatic for nutrition, it may have done a good enough to get what is needed. But two important nutrients, folic acid and iron, are always included in prenatal vitamins because most pregnant women do not get enough folic acid and iron from the diet alone.
Even if you have eaten a balanced diet, folic acid vitamin supplements for pregnancy planning are highly recommended. Because the body has a better ability to absorb the synthetic version of folic acid than is naturally derived from food.
Most expectant mothers do not get enough iron minerals in the diet to meet the increased body requirements during pregnancy, which can lead to iron deficiency anemia. Avoiding iron deficiency anemia may reduce the risk of preterm delivery, low birth weight, and infant mortality.
Simply intake of vitamin B1 can reduce the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly in the fetus as much as 50-70%. Folic acid can also reduce the risk of other defects, such as cleft lip, cleft palate, and certain heart defects. Taking folic acid can even lower the risk of preeclampsia.
Pregnant vitamin supplements alone are not enough
Most prenatal vitamins are not sufficient for the following substances which are indispensable when pregnant and during pregnancy.
Vitamins of pregnant women may contain calcium, but that will not be enough. Pregnant women need lots of calcium to help the growth of strong bones and teeth, and nerve and muscle health (including the heart). Most prenatal vitamins contain between 100 s / d 200 milligrams (mg) of calcium (and some do not contain calcium). That's because calcium is a large mineral, while the pill is big enough. So prenatal supplement manufacturers may not compress it again because it will be difficult to consume.
Essential Fatty Acids
Vitamins for pregnant women do not contain essential fatty acids, such as omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, which are essential for the development of the baby's brain, nerves, and tissues. Fish are the main source of DHA and EPA, but you should be careful not to eat too much fish high in mercury before or during pregnancy. Since omega-3s are very important for your baby, you should consult your doctor or midwife if you need these supplements.
Therefore, consuming nutritious foods is something that must be done by pregnant women. Apart from the food consumed by pregnant women, nutritional intake can also be obtained from prenatal vitamins that are consumed.
Prenatal vitamins are absolutely necessary because it is difficult to get all the nutrients that Mother and fetus need in the future, even if the best diet approaches perfectly and the companions eat a variety of nutrient-dense foods such as meat, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts. Pregnant good milk is also needed to perfect the diet.
Vitamins affect fertility to quickly get pregnant and to maintain a healthy pregnancy and smooth delivery with a normal healthy baby without any deficiency. The majority of women benefit from taking prenatal vitamins and mineral supplements, and should be done before pregnancy. Think of it as an insurance policy to make sure friends get certain essential nutrients in the right amount during pregnancy.
Prenatal vitamin intake is especially important for women with certain diets and dietary restrictions, health problems, or complications of pregnancy. Including women who:
Vegetarian or vegan
Not resistant to lactose or have other food intolerances
Smoking or other substance abuse
Have certain blood disorders
Has a certain chronic disease
Has undergone gastric bypass surgery
The pregnant twins 2 or more
The content of pregnant vitamin supplements that are not obtained from food
If a friend includes a fanatic for nutrition, it may have done a good enough to get what is needed. But two important nutrients, folic acid and iron, are always included in prenatal vitamins because most pregnant women do not get enough folic acid and iron from the diet alone.
Even if you have eaten a balanced diet, folic acid vitamin supplements for pregnancy planning are highly recommended. Because the body has a better ability to absorb the synthetic version of folic acid than is naturally derived from food.
Most expectant mothers do not get enough iron minerals in the diet to meet the increased body requirements during pregnancy, which can lead to iron deficiency anemia. Avoiding iron deficiency anemia may reduce the risk of preterm delivery, low birth weight, and infant mortality.
Simply intake of vitamin B1 can reduce the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly in the fetus as much as 50-70%. Folic acid can also reduce the risk of other defects, such as cleft lip, cleft palate, and certain heart defects. Taking folic acid can even lower the risk of preeclampsia.
Pregnant vitamin supplements alone are not enough
Most prenatal vitamins are not sufficient for the following substances which are indispensable when pregnant and during pregnancy.
Vitamins of pregnant women may contain calcium, but that will not be enough. Pregnant women need lots of calcium to help the growth of strong bones and teeth, and nerve and muscle health (including the heart). Most prenatal vitamins contain between 100 s / d 200 milligrams (mg) of calcium (and some do not contain calcium). That's because calcium is a large mineral, while the pill is big enough. So prenatal supplement manufacturers may not compress it again because it will be difficult to consume.
Essential Fatty Acids
Vitamins for pregnant women do not contain essential fatty acids, such as omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, which are essential for the development of the baby's brain, nerves, and tissues. Fish are the main source of DHA and EPA, but you should be careful not to eat too much fish high in mercury before or during pregnancy. Since omega-3s are very important for your baby, you should consult your doctor or midwife if you need these supplements.
Vitamin D For Prenatal
Vitamin D is also one that is sometimes not contained in vitamins for the health of pregnant women. The body needs fat-soluble vitamin D to help build baby's bones and teeth. Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining calcium and phosphorus levels. Less vitamin D during pregnancy can lead to deficiency of this vitamin in infants at birth, which can increase the risk of rickets (which can lead to fractures and deformity), abnormal bone growth, and delayed physical development in children. Vitamin D deficiency also increases the risk of preeclampsia and requires cesarean section.
In addition to Calcium, Essential Fatty Acids and Vitamin D, there are also other important vitamins, namely vitamin A. This vitamin is actually found in many foods, but often not enough just from eating alone. While vitamin A deficiency can lead to visual impairment (such as farsightedness, xeroftalmia, conjunctival xerosis, corneal xerosis, keratomalacia, xerophthalmia scars, and even permanent blindness), decreases immune function, making it susceptible to upper respiratory tract infections, measles and diarrhea. If vitamin A deficiency occurs in pregnant women, then the risk of blindness in the baby will increase. For that consult with your doctor about vitamin A supplement for pregnant women.
Best Natural Prenatal Vitamins