Sunday, March 10, 2013

10 Benefits Origami For Children

Origami is deceptively simple, and maybe for some people think origami boring and less fascinating, but did you know that Origami has many benefits for your child?, What are the benefits of origami for your child? The following summarizes 10 Benefits of Origami for Children There is a thesis for a PhD examining the benefits of origami to someone. 

There are ten benefits of origami recorded, namely:
10 Benefits of Origami for Children :
Origami For Children, origami paper, paper airplanes
Origami For Children
1. formation of a more perfect motor skills in both hands increased
2. intellectual capacity upgrades
3. stimulate child creative
4. performance balanced between the left and right brain
5. increase the power of imagination
6. improve focus attention (arguably increasing the concentration)
7. Increase memory capacity (memory) for your child
8. practice patience kids
9. provides emotional and aesthetic experiences for children, and of course
10. Make the children appreciate the pleasure, satisfaction, and pride in their work.

Thus is the 10 Benefits of Origami for Children.

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Ingredients and Benefits of Spinach For Body

Ingredients and Benefits of Spinach For Body

Spinach is a vegetable that is identical to the cartoon character Popeye. In the cartoon, Popeye would be strong after eating spinach. In fact spinach does have a variety of content that is essential for building muscle. Spinach is also rich in iron which is good for oxygen in the blood. Various Benefits of Spinach abortion In addition to the oxygen in the blood and muscles, spinach is also good for bone strength. This is because the spinach is rich in calcium, which is crucial bone growth. Because it is very good spinach consumed by children. Serve fresh spinach menu for your child to be more adequate calcium needs. Lastly, spinach also contains vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber, and antioxidants which are efficacious to reduce inflammation. Efficacy spinach can reduce the inflammation makes the joints move more easily. Eating spinach is also good like arthritis and asthma sufferers often. Enjoy a bowl of spinach also definitely refreshing after a workout or after work. According to a source, one serving of spinach (248 grams) has 533 percent of the recommended daily amount for vitamin A. And also contains 133 percent of the recommended amount of vitamin C, 28 percent for calcium, and 43 percent for iron. So do not hesitate eat spinach as a healthy vegetable menu at home.

Friday, March 08, 2013

102 Efficacy and Benefits of Yoghurt

Before discussing the properties of the functions and benefits yohurt or yogurt for health we should know what is yogurt?. Yogurt is one of the dairy products that are processed through fermentation with the addition of a good culture of organisms, one of which is lactic acid bacteria have hundreds of drug efficacy. 

This 102 Efficacy and Benefits of Yoghurt / Yogurt for Health:

1. As a good source of probiotic bacteria for the gut
2. Weight control
3. Slimming body, those who are overweight
4. Strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis
5. Cleanse the digestive tract
6. Launching defecation (BAB)
7. Stimulate the activity of the digestive tract
8. Helping height growth for children and adolescents
9. Prevent, treat leucorrhoea visit kreasimasakan. blogspot. com
10. Healthy vagina, vaginal pH stabilizes
11. Sources of supply of calcium during period / menstruation
12. Sources of magnesium are good for the body
13. Alternative sources of milk for people with lactose intolerance (milk unsuitable)
14. Refreshing body
15. Optimizing metabolism
16. Preventing diseases due to climate change
17. Good for heart health
18. Good for the health of the liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines
19. Healthy Skin
20. Helps absorption of nutrients to the brain
21. Trust launch period / menstruation
22. Helps relieve pain during menstruation / menstrual
23. Believed to help normalize irregular menstruation
24. Good for pregnant women, the source of calcium and magnesium during pregnancy
25. Strengthen bones fetus in the womb
26. Good for nursing mothers, improving the quality and quantity of breast milk
27. Calcium 100% organic yogurt that can be absorbed by the body perfectly
28. Believed to improve sleep quality
29. Helps nourish the body throughout the day, especially during hot weather
30. Good for people who are in the process of healing
31. Believed to relieve stress
32. Can be used as a mask to smooth facial
33. Believed to brighten skin
34. Nutritional content than whole milk
35. Help lower bad cholesterol
36. Believed to help lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients
37. Maintaining healthy nails
38. Good for people with broken bones
39. Believed to prolong life
40. As an antioxidant free-radical scavengers
41. Believed to cleanse the body of toxic metabolic waste sludge
42. Prevent gastrointestinal cancer and colon cancer
43. Believed to prevent bone cancer, prostate cancer
44. Believed to prevent breast cancer, cervical cancer
45. Believed to prevent various types of tumors
46. Healthy gastric mucosal wall
47. Source of various enzymes that are good for human health
48. As a young drink
49. Healthy Hair
50. Increase endurance when the weather is very hot
51. Helps relieve / suppress inflammation
52. Prevent / alleviate heartburn
53. Maintaining reproductive health
54. Accelerate recovery when tired because strenuous activity
55. Maintaining oral health
56. Nourish the organs of the body's hormonal
57. Helps to increase muscle mass for athletes
58. Believed to increase fertility of male and female reproductive
59. Believed to reduce bad breath
60. Reduce vaginal odor
61. Helps maintain healthy joints
62. Increases elasticity of blood vessels
63. Can be used as a flavoring salad menu
64. Suitable for vegetarians consumed
65. As a mixture of a healthful cuisine
66. It is believed to help suppress some types of viral infections
67. If you diligently consume yogurt since his youth, believed to prevent premature senility
68. The best source of calcium for women entering menopause
69. Body healthy postmenopausal women
70. Believed to suppress hair loss
71. Maintaining the health of the nervous system
72. Believed to be able to keep your memory brain cells
73. Believed to suppress allergic
74. Maintaining healthy lungs
75. Maintaining brain health
76. Maintaining healthy red blood cells
77. Believed to relieve insomnia (trouble sleeping)
78. It is believed to relieve vertigo
79. Neither drink for people with asthma
80. Effective against Candida albicans yeast infections
81. Relieves diarrhea
82. Soften hard faeces
83. Pressing attack bacteria E.  coli
84. Helps relieve working liver during the detoxification process
85. Believed to suppress acne
86. Both smokers consumed an active / passive
87. Both consumed people undergoing drug rehabilitation
88. Both are consumed alcohol rehab
89. Good for the people who live in areas of high air pollution
90. Both consumed the person undergoing therapy backbone
91. Both are consumed by post-operative healing
92. Plain yogurt (no sugar) is good for diabetics
93. It is believed to help relieve arthritis
94. Improving the quality of sperm cells
95. Improving the quality of the hair roots
96. Believed to be good for people with autism
97. Believed to be good for the development of children's brain cells
98. As a milk substitute for kids who do not like milk
99. In lieu of milk for adults who do not like milk
100. Supposedly able to improve erectile dysfunction
101. Good for anemia (lack of blood)
102. It is said to boost sexual desire

Healthy Skin and Heart With Garlic Benefits

Having healthy skin is certainly a dream of every woman. However, the price offered beauty products to get the desired results are often too high. There are easy and inexpensive way to provide the same benefits of garlic.

Garlic can be used to treat acne, as it contains anti-bacterial and anti-viral treatment can reduce inflammation of the skin.

How to use it is also quite easy, simply by crushing garlic cloves to a paste. Apply garlic paste on the acne. It is believed to help relieve and treat sore red rash caused by acne.

Garlic also contains organosulfur component substance called allicin. This substance has the ability to mengahaluskan and soften skin texture, and can help eliminate stretch-marks. Try to mix a little garlic paste on your face mask, and feel the benefits.

For what spending money to anti-aging products that are expensive, if you can use garlic. The components contained in garlic can help eliminate wrinkles. Try to mix a few drops of garlic to cream your face, use it every single week.

Use collision garlic as facial scrub, it is efficacious to remove stubborn blackheads. Apply on the face with a bit of a massage in a circular motion. However good the benefits of garlic, excessive consumption can also harm healthy skin.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

The Benefits of Flaxseed

Stay Away From Cancer and Heart Attack by Consuming Flex Seed

Flaxseed or linseed usually use on recipe for slimmer stomach, why? Because the benefits of flax seed is very much. This tiny food was rich in fiber, omega-3 that can restore suppleness to save us from cancer.

High fiber content makes flax seeds are processed into oil which is then used as "sweeteners" added to the salad. In one teaspoon of flaxseed oil or approximately 15ml, will make our colon to work optimally. Simply pour linseed oil into a glass of water and drink twice a day. Meanwhile, to improve immunity, we need to consume 30-35 grams of flaxseed every day.

To keep flaxseed or flaxseed oil remains in good condition and keep it in the refrigerator. And if the oil has issued strong odors, it means flax seed is not well taken body.

The use of flaxseed oil is not able to fry. Because warmer temperatures will actually remove the properties that are on it. That is why, many will rely on healthy salad recipes flax seed oil to replace the olive oil. So if we are getting bored with olive oil for a salad, try for variety with flaxseed oil or linseed oil. High in fiber and antioxidants that will help your body to process food more optimally without making belly.

Flaxseed oil can also overcome the problem of psoriasis. Antioxidant content therein can also actively prevent the development of skin cancer and soften dry skin back due to aging, such that there are areas around the eyes and mouth.

Flaxseed Oil Content

Flax seed is a blue flowering plant that grows in meadows in Western Canada, which is very rich in oil. Linseed oil is a natural oil that is highly recommended source of nutrients needed by the body and is considered the most oil rich in omega-3.

Flax seed oil or linseed oil contains omega-6 and omega-9, B vitamins, potassium, lecithin, magnesium, fiber, protein, and zinc and also provides approximately 50% omega-3, more than the content of omega-3 found in fish oil . Most people tend to be less fond of fish oil because it has a slightly fishy smell.

Benefits Of Oil Flaxseed

Healthy Heart

Omega 3 fatty acids in flaxseed oil is useful for lowering cholesterol and triglycerides, and also prevent clots in the blood vessels that can causes stroke, thrombosis or heart attack.

Flax seeds contain essential fatty acids that can reduce blood cholesterol. It also makes the heart healthy and prevent the buildup of plaque in the arteries, which in turn can lead to heart attack and stroke.

Fatty acids present in flaxseed, also reduces inflammation that can lead to high blood pressure and poor blood circulation. Therefore, flaxseed can significantly reduce the workload of your heart.

Healthy Skin

Flax oil is widely used in high-end cosmetic products such as skin lotions, soaps, and lip balm. That's because this oil can penetrate the deep layers of the skin and encourage cell growth robust to your skin smooth and soft. There is a research that has found that there is a positive result in dry skin when using a supplement of flaxseed oil.

In addition, hemp seeds are also good for cleaning skin disorders such as psoriasis, eczema, and dry skin. Flaxseed oil has antioxidant properties able to prevent the development of skin cancer and dry skin caused by aging can be re-tender, for example in the area around the eyes and mouth.

Weight Controller

Flaxseed can help induce weight loss because these foods are natural appetite suppressant and makes you feel full longer. Adding just four tablespoons of flaxseed to your diet, can reduce the desire to eat a diet significantly. You will also feel more energy and can do sports and other activities to lose weight.

Eye Health

Dry eye is common in adult women. If women who experience dry eyes consume flaxseed is rich in omega-3's in their food, then just have a risk of 17% less affected by dry eye syndrome.


Flaxseeds provide soluble fiber in large quantities that keep your digestive tract healthy and clean. Therefore, you can easily eliminate digestive disorders like constipation and bloating.

Preventing Cancer

Flaxseeds contain many sterols and antioxidants that can help reduce the risk of colon cancer, breast, and prostate cancer. A study showed that flaxseed oil contains lignans 100x more than other grains. And people who have a high value on their diet lignans, will tend to not get colon cancer and breast cancer.


Flax seeds also help if you are at risk of diabetes. That's because this oil can control your sugar levels. Healthy fats in flaxseed helps in rapid absorption of glucose from the blood stream and converted into energy. Therefore, the desire to eat sweet foods you would be reduced and energy levels will increase.

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Secret Content and Benefits Of Blueberry

Blueberry including plants from the Berry family who came from North America.
Then the plant is spread in countries with cold climates, such as Australia and countries in South America. This plant belongs to the genus Vaccinium, section Cyanococcus. Having leaves that change color throughout the year and the interest is similar to the bells of red, green or white.

Blue blueberries that we know today are blueberries from Europe, or Vaccinium myrtillus. This fruit can be found easily in supermarkets are usually sold in the form of fruit. It also can be found in the form of butter, materials sweets, chocolates, cakes, bread, cake, Nectura and others.

Blueberries have higher antioxidant levels, exceeding the content of other fruits and other vegetables. Because they have very high levels of oxidants, blueberries are usually consumed by people who are undergoing treatment herbal medicine, for example, to cure cancer or heart disease

Here is the nutritional content of blueberries, which are:

Dietary fiber
Vitamin A
Vitamin B1 (hiamine)
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
Vitamin B3 (niacin)
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B9 (folate)
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin K

The following are the benefits of blueberries:
Prevent the growth of colon cancer cells and cervical cancer
Preventing urinary tract infections
Preventing Alzheimer's disease
Prevent premature aging or skin wrinkles
Prevent hypertension
Preventing anemia
Overcoming indigestion
Overcoming the disease cough
Addressing inflammation
Increase blood flow
Improve memory and concentration
Increasing the power of vision
Maintaining eye health
Reducing the pain of childbirth
Make the skin feel softer
Giving the effect of tranquility

Monday, March 04, 2013

Benefits of Green Beans

Benefits of Green Beans

Almost all kinds of nuts contain protein and fiber and low in fat. So also for the health benefits of green beans that have many of the most common types of green beans is called "string beans" because of its fiber content. Snap beans and French beans also another name. French Beans slender and elongated. Their scientific name is Phaseolus vulgaris.
The green beans are fairly low in calories (31kkal per 100g). And also does not contain saturated fat, but it contains many vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are useful for the body. Fibers contained in it is also very good for digestion and prevents bad cholesterol.

Benefits of Green Beans for Healthgreen beansYou need to know turns green peas also contain phosphorus and potassium are pretty much so good for bones especially for children who are in its infancy. So for mothers give your baby green beans on a regular basis to support its growth.
Besides it tastes delicious and contains many different types of vitamins and minerals, green beans can also treat various types of statement, such as high blood pressure, tuberculosis, stabilize stomach acid, reduce fever and beneficial for the field of beauty as it removes pimples and black spots.

Benefits of Green Beans For Pregnant WomenOther benefits of green beans are very good for pregnant women, we know keperti pregnant women in desperate need of folic acid contained in nuts tipa hijau.Kandungan useful folic acid to prevent birth defects and can improve the intelligence of a baby. More please read the benefits of green beans for pregnant women.
You need to know if the efficacy and benefits of food called latin vigna radiata is not lost though cooked / boiled until it breaks. That daretan health benefits of green beans, hopefully this article can increase your interest to consume these foods.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Spinach for health benefits

Spinach for health benefits
Spinach for health benefits
spinach leaves contained sufficient iron to meet the needs of iron in our body, the following benefits of spinach leaves when we consume daily

Benefits of Spinach to Diet

One cup of spinach has nearly 20% of the RDA of dietary fiber, which helps digestion, prevents constipation, maintains low blood sugar, and curbs overeating.

Benefits of Spinach for cancer

Flavonoids - a phytonutrient with anti-cancer properties abundant in spinach - have been shown to slow down cell division in human stomach and skin cancer cells. Furthermore, spinach has shown significant protection against the occurrence of aggressive prostate cancer.

Benefits of Spinach as an Anti-Inflammatory

Neoxanthin and violaxanthin are two anti-inflammatory epoxyxanthophylls which plays an important role in the regulation of inflammation and are present in unusual amounts in spinach.

Benefits of Spinach as Antioxidants

Vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, manganese, zinc and selenium present in spinach all serve as powerful antioxidants that fight osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.

Spinach Benefits for Blood Pressure

By inhibiting angiotensin I-converting enzyme, peptides within spinach have been shown to effectively lower blood pressure.

Benefits of Spinach as for Sight

Both antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin are very much in spinach and protect the eyes from cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

Benefits of Spinach as for Immunity

One cup of spinach contains over 337% of the RDA of vitamin A, which not only protects and strengthens "entry points" into the human body, such as mucous membranes, respiratory tract, urinary tract and bowel, but is also a key component of lymphocytes (white blood cells or ) that fight infection.

Benefits of Spinach as for Leather

High amounts of vitamin A in spinach also promotes healthy skin by allowing for proper moisture retention in the epidermis, thus fighting psoriasis, keratinization, acne and even wrinkles.

Benefits of Spinach as to Bones

One cup of boiled spinach provides over 1000% of the RDA of vitamin K that can prevent excess activation of osteoclasts (cells that break down bone), as well as promote the synthesis of osteocalcin, a protein that is critical to maintaining the strength and density of our bones.

Benefits of Spinach as to process hardened into limestone

Vitamin K is an essential component of the process called carboxylation, which produces the matrix Gla protein that directly prevents calcium from forming in tissue. Eating one cup of spinach contributes to this process against atherosclerosis, heart disease and stroke.

Benefits of Spinach as for the Brain and Nervous Function

The amount of vitamin K in spinach contributes greatly to a healthy nervous system and brain function by providing essential part for the synthesis of sphingolipids, essential fats that form the myelin sheath around our nerves.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

stay young with this 8 miracle food

Benefits of healthy Food

Age may getting old, but the appearance is always fresh and fascinating is best way, isn't it? Well, the secret of eternal youth is laying on top of your dinner plate. What are antiaging foods you need to consume to stay young? read the benefits article below

Aging is going to arrive. But, we can 'outsmart' by implementing healthy food and beverages to be consumed daily. Here are 8 delicious foods to keep people from dr. Phaidon L. Toruan:

8 food to forever young

1. Steam fish garlic sauce.
2. Two egg whites and one egg yolk (boiled or poached - put eggs in boiling water, remove from heat when it is white).
3. Ice blended plain yogurt or kefir, with a mix of strawberries and bananas.
4. Handful of toasted almonds once every day.
5. A glass of warm or cold green tea in between meals.
6. Baby carrots are eaten raw or flushing hot water briefly, Consumed before the main meal, or for a snack.
7. Some types of lettuce as a salad dressing vinaigrette, before eating.
8. Fresh fruit, 3 times a day