Thursday, April 04, 2013

Biotin Health Benefits

Biotin Health Benefits

Biotin is a B vitamin that is soluble in water, or often referred to as vitamin H.

Biotin is a co-enzyme that helps metabolize fatty acids, leucine, and carbohydrates.

Biotin also plays a role in the metabolic process of gluconeogenesis or non-carbohydrate carbon substrates like glycogenic acid, which helps in the formation of glucose. It may also help in the citric acid cycle and aerobic respiration play a role in the transfer of carbon dioxide during biochemical processes.

Biotin Food Sources

Generally biotin produced by intestinal bacteria. In addition, a variety of foods also contain biotin, which are:

1. Nuts
2. cauliflower
3. yolk
4. mushrooms
5. banana
6. oatmeal
7. White meat (chicken and fish)
8. oyster
9. brown

Benefits of Biotin

Here are some of the positive effects of biotin on overall health:

1. Helps the synthesis of carbohydrates and fatty acids.

2. Improving energy metabolism.

3. Helps synthesis of amino acids and glucose.

4. Improving the function of the sweat glands, bone marrow, skin and nerve tissue and blood cells.

5. Hair and nail growth.

6. Biotin supplements can prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.

7. People with a genetic disorder is also commonly given biotin supplements.

8. People who suffer from type 2 diabetes are known to have low levels of biotin. In some cases, it has been shown that biotin helps reduce blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.

9. Various weight loss program using biotin supplements to increase metabolism.

10. Biotin supplements are very effective in improving nail health.

11. Biotin is known to be effective for treating a rare genetic disorder in children known as phenylketonuria (amino acids can not be broken down by the body).

that was 11 benefits of Biotin hope you enjoy it

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Benefits of Nap

Benefits of Nap

Sleep is a routine activity that is done by every human being to rest your mind and body so that when you wake up, the body's stamina will recover as usual. As we know, the night is a good time to do activities sleep. but there are some of us who do it in the daytime or more commonly known as a nap. So, what benefits from a nap activity?

Perhaps not many people know that nap we did give a lot of benefits for your health. For this reason, this article discusses the benefits of napping. It is expected that more readers have information that may be useful for the health of your body.

Here are tremendous nap benefits to your health:

1. Napping beneficial to increase your brain memory. A study conducted in 2008 found that napping in 45 minutes can improve your brain memory. 
2. Napping useful to increase the productivity of your work. Therefore, for those of you who are experiencing the power and mind tired after work to take a nap suggest that increases productivity of your work. 
3. Napping useful treating symptoms of insomnia or sleeplessness. A study conducted in 2011 confirmed that napping will make insomniacs become fitter. This is because the total break time longer.
4. This nap lowers stress levels you have. A study showed that stress hormones will dramatically decrease after you make your nap for an overnight sleep less soundly and peacefully.

5. Napping useful to prevent heart disease. If you do a short nap for 20-40 minutes every day will reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

A research conducted by the Greeks found that people who nap for at least 30 minutes for 3 times a week can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 37 percent.
based on the research, a healthy nap time is between the hours of 13-15 noon for no more than 45 minutes. Because if over time it will cause a severe headache when you wake up.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Sauna For Healthy Benefits

Sauna bathing is one thing you can do to maintain healthy. In modern society, a steam bath as it has become imperative and part of the lifestyle. For those, especially those living in big cities, many do as a complement of sauna bathing beauty care package.

Perhaps not many people know that the sauna is derived from Finnish or at least Finns have done that before people in other parts of the world. Sauna bathing is believed to have benefits such as curing diseases of the muscles, stimulate blood circulation, and also cleans the skin. Unlike the usual bath, sauna bath should be done in a room made of pine wood and built like a furnace.

Sauna bathing only takes 10-15 minutes to get maximum results. When the sauna bath, it is advisable to get a lot of drinking mineral water both before and after. Sauna bathing has many benefits but there are also risks if not done carefully. And the following is a benefit of sauna bathing.

3 Top Healthy Sauna Benefits

1. Sauna Benefits to Cleaning Toxins
Healthy benefits of saunaProcess steam bath will cause the body to sweat a lot which serves to provide a thorough cleansing effect on the skin and sweat glands.

The state of excessive sweating will increase capacity to detoxify the skin to open the pores and remove impurities from the body. Excrement stored in fatty tissue will then be melted under high temperatures. And eventually the dirt will be excreted through sweat or intestinal tract.

2. Sauna Benefits to Lose Weight
You are overweight or obese and looking to run a weight loss program can try to do a steam bath to realize that desire. Many people who have experienced the benefits of the sauna to lose weight. Why sauna to lose weight a person? Sauna bathing has a positive performance in the body's metabolic system by increasing the speed and intensity that will ultimately lead to weight loss.

3. Sauna Benefits For Physical and Mental Relaxation
No wonder so many people are experiencing stress or mental disorder then it is recommended to perform because there are sauna steam bath can also help relax the physical and mental condition. Likewise with people who experience sleep disturbances (insomnia) may try to cope by doing this sauna bath.

The Thing you need to know about sauna
Although somewhat sauna has several benefits, however, does not mean that the sauna can be done to anyone and any condition.

The people who should not be doing the sauna is the mother who is pregnant or who have disorders of the respiratory tract. If you're doing a steam bath and then felt dizzy, nausea or difficulty breathing, see a doctor immediately.

The other thing that is worth noting that the sauna can lead to death. Why did that happen? Experts from the U.S. are often likened to drinking wine sauna, steam bath intention would be beneficial if conducted properly or not excessive.

Sauna bathing would turn dangerous if done too long, over a specified time between 10-15 minutes because it will make the body lose a lot of fluids. These conditions will make the skin trouble sweating and heart So, not only because of the sauna has many benefits then do it over that would prove fatal. 

From now on, it is recommended for those who often shower sauna that is done by regularly and in accordance with the provisions of (no exaggeration).

Walking Healthy Benefits

even though seem trivial, but did you know that walking activity was very beneficial for the body, you want to know what are the benefits of walking for health? see the benefits of walking for health following

Here are some facts about walking:

1. Walk for 20 minutes each day will burn 7 pounds of fat per year.
2. Longer walk every day for 40 minutes is the best way to lose weight.
3. Walking faster than 20 to 25 minutes is the best condition for the heart and lungs.

Top 13 Healthy Benefits of Walking:

1. Improving the effectiveness of the heart and lungs
2. Burn fat in the body
3. Increase your metabolism so your body burns calories faster, even though midday break
4. Helps control appetite
5. increase energy
6. Helps heal stress
7. Slowing aging
8. Lowering cholesterol levels in the blood
9. Lowering high blood levels
10. Help control and prevent diabetes
11. Lower the risk of some cancers such as breast and prostate cancer
12. Assist in the rehabilitation of heart attack and stroke
13. Strengthen the leg muscles, thighs and Bone

Walking is much more favored in the appeal of running or jogging because walking reduces stress on the body including the thigh, knee and ankle. Remember to always warm up first and relaxation after a walk. Wear shoes that fit a little loose at the front for the anticipated widening of the foot when the foot is done so to avoid pain.

that is healthy walking benefits, hope this article do have benefits for you

Skipping Healthy Benefits

Although skipping or jumping rope is often positioned as mild exercise, but skipping has many benefits for health. If you do not have much time or no friends to exercise, then skipping could be the right choice for sweat. Besides sports are cheap and do not require a large place, skipping is also very effective in helping maintain health problems.

Here is a skipping benefits for health:

1. Effective calorie burner
Skipping healthy benefits
Skipping Exercise Healthy Benefits
Not just running, skipping, also was instrumental in burning calories with a large amount. By doing skipping for 30 minutes, calories can be trimmed as much as 450 calories.

2. Maintaining the health of the cardiovascular organs
Skipping known to include movements that are beneficial to the health of the cardiovascular organs. Each jump, claimed to make the heart stronger and healthier. By doing skipping will make a lot of pumping blood, providing oxygen, and ultimately will provide nutrients to the body tissues.

3. Against osteoporosis
Osteoporosis often strikes people in old age. By doing skipping while young as hobby, the risk of osteoporosis will be reduce. Skipping claimed to improve bone density and helps guards against osteoporosis. It is based on the report of the Osteoporosis Society revealed that regular exercise such as jumping can strengthen a person's bone structure, which is further associated with a small chance of developing osteoporosis attack.

4. More Focus
Not only nourish the body, skipping is also believed to help you to always focus on completing the task or problem at hand.

Those are some of the benefits of skipping. You can apply it at home every day. If you find it hard to do it in 30 minutes at a time, you can change it to twice a day with a duration of 15 minutes each practice. Hopefully useful.

Monday, April 01, 2013

Top 6 Healthy Benefits of Red Rice

The benefits of red/brown rice - red/brown rice is rice that has not been through the process of grinding or flaking skin completely, so the layer of skin that surrounds the grain still exists. This is the layer of skin that contains nutrients and fiber that are important for the body. 

Unlike red/brown rice, white rice has gone through the process of grinding or flaking skin and left only grain, so it does not have fiber and can even improve blood sugar levels. It's the reason that eating red/brown rice provide better health benefits when compared to white rice. Explanation of the benefits of red/brown rice can be described in the following session.
top 6 healthy benefits of red rice
1. Rich in fiber
red/brown rice, red/brown rice or black rice has a high fiber content. As with the white rice contains only simple carbohydrates, red/brown rice contains complex carbohydrates that are good for health.

2. Controlling blood sugar levels
red/brown rice has a low glycemic index. The glycemic index is a number that indicates the potential for increased blood sugar that comes from carbohydrates. With a low glycemic index, red/brown rice has a part in regulating blood sugar levels and insulin production. In addition, red/brown rice is a good source of energy that the body needs.

3. Making full faster
A study conducted in the British Journal of Nutrition found that eating complex carbohydrates, such as oatmeal, red/brown rice and potatoes, will make you full faster for hours and eat no more than 320 calories per day.

4. Contains antioxidants to counteract free radicals
red/brown rice is a good source of iron or manganese. Mangan, who was instrumental in producing energy for the body is an essential component of the enzyme and is an antioxidant that can protect the body from free radicals that are formed when the energy produced. 

In addition, red/brown rice is rich in zinc, a mineral that helps accelerate wound healing and maintain the body's immune system to function properly. Just as iron or manganese, zinc is also rich in antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals that can damage cells and tissues in the body.

5. Containing Vitamin B6
By eating just one serving of red/brown rice, can meet 23 percent of vitamin B6, the amount needed for the functioning of the organ. This vitamin is needed to help balance the formation of serotonin, red blood cells and helps the production of DNA cells.

6. Lowering bad cholesterol levels
red/brown rice is known to help lower bad cholesterol. By eating red/brown rice, it will help increase the level of good cholesterol. Therefore red rice can be a staple food and a good source of carbohydrates for health.

Those are some of the benefits of red/brown rice for a healthy body. Hopefully this article useful.

Meaning and Benefits of Fruits Color

Did you know that different colors of fruits indicate the efficacy and certain benefits for our bodies? what are efficacy and benefits of these fruits color?

Check out an article about the benefits of each color of fruit the following:

Red fruits
The red fruits protect against heart disease, prevent blood clots and improve blood circulation
Red fruit is rich source of antioxidants which protect against cancer diseases
Red fruits contain lycopene which  is antioxidant and gives the red fruits their red color

Green fruits
Green fruits boost the immune system, good for eyes and skin   

Yellow and orange fruits
Yellow and orange fruits contain high amount of carotene which used by the body to make vitamin A
Yellow and orange fruits is good source of vitamin C and vital for eyes and skin

White fruits
White fruits are good for lowering cholesterol , regulate blood pressure and preventing cancer
Sea Cucumber Healthy Benefits

Sea Cucumber Healthy Benefits

Efficacy sea cucumber is already known since almost 500 years ago. Society at that time made sea cucumber as drug delivery and wound. And among about a thousand species sea cucumber, not everything can be consumed and used as medicine. Approximately only 40 species that could be exploited. 

Sea cucumber one species that has remarkable medicinal properties and can be used for human consumption is Stichopus hermanii (trepang or sea cucumber gold).

sea cucumber has an active substance called gamapedia. This substance has a molecular weight which is very small so it is easily absorbed by the body, either through the skin or gastrointestinal tract. If sea cucumber absorbed through the digestive tract, the absorption results will soon be circulated with the blood flow throughout the body so that it can be absorbed by the cells and organ tissues.

In the cells of an organ or tissue, gamapedia to regenerate the cells or tissues that were damaged so that it can recover and function normally. Efficacy is then pushed all parties to conduct further research. And the results are remarkable. Various studies conducted by various universities in the world shows that gold sea cucumber a multifunctional drug as well as an antiseptic.

sea cucumber has a very high protein content, which is almost 82% and is also rich in essential acids. Both of these essential substances work encourages the liver cells that secrete antibiotics. Therefore sea cucumber also called immunomodulators. Sea cucumber regeneration ability exceptional womb caused cell growth factors and collagen contained therein.

Cell growth factors play a role in restoring the damaged cells or tissue while working to regenerate collagen. The content of collagen in the sea cucumber very high indeed. So it is not surprising that sea cucumber cell regeneration ability is super fast. With this potential sea cucumber finally able to overcome the degenerative disease (decreased organ function due to damage cells or tissue) and cure various diseases.

Various diseases can be cured with sea cucumber intermediaries such as diabetes mellitus (diabetes), prostate, hair loss, liver function degeneration, narrowing of blood vessels, cholesterol, lower blood, high blood pressure, skin diseases (eczema and hives), various allergies the respiratory tract (asthma, sinusitis, influenza), osteoporosis, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, gout, chirosis hepatic, renal failure, cancer and tumors, coronary heart disease, and stroke.
Benefits of Beach

Benefits of Beach

This time we will explore the benefits of the beach, the beach has many benefits to human life, than that the beach is one place that can relieve fatigue and a place to make the mind becomes more relaxed. So what other benefits of beach?

1. Tidal agricultural areas.

Beaches can also be used as a farm, one of which is to tide farming. Besides the fishermen, coastal communities can also work as a farmer.

2. Salt Pond area.

This is what we use every day, making a more savory dishes, salt. The salt comes from this area, ie the area of ​​salt ponds

3. Industrial development area with beach style.

Wave power plant built coastal region

4. Natural Attractions

Beach is one of the favorite objects nature

5. The area of oil palm and banana

Beaches are also known to contain nutrients of land suitable for cultivation of coconut, coconut many can flourish beach.