Monday, April 15, 2013

The Benefits of Kiwi Fruit

Kiwi History

Historically, kiwi ancestors came from China. The fruit is migrated to New Zealand thanks to Isabel Frasier, a missionary teacher of Wanganui 'College Girls', New Zealand, who visited China in 1904. Isabel was very impressed when the fresh fruit flavors hairy, named 'Mihou Tao' (monkey monkey peach or peach).

Then he brought home a bag of peach pit monkey. By a botanist, Alexander Allison, the fruit grown in the experimental garden Tauranga. Unexpected turns the fruit flourish and thrive very well. Fruit from China was later given the name 'melonette' in 1958 and changed again to 'Chinese gooseberry' in 1960. Eventually the fruit was named KIWI.

The same name as the name of a New Zealand native birds into the country's national symbol, the bird can not terbang.Jenis fruit is then developed in New Zealand until New Zealand is famous as the largest kiwi producer in the world. Until now there are about 10 species of kiwi fruit is grown almost all over the world including in the United States, France, Italy, Spain, Chile, Australia, South Africa and Russia.

Based on research conducted by Dr. Paul Lachance, Director of 'The Nutraceuticals Insitute' which also professor at Rutgers University, USA, as published in the' Journal of the American College of Nutrition ', showed that of the 27 types of fruits commonly consumed by humans, it turns out has a kiwi nutrient density (nutrient density) highest. 

Measure of nutrient density is commonly used by the dietitian to measure the nutritional value of certain foods, compared to other foods in the same portion. The higher the nutrient density of a food, the better the quality of the material.

Top 10 Benefits of Kiwi:

1. Nutrition for pregnancy preparing
A research conducted by Zespri reveals benefits of kiwi as a good source of folic acid. Folic acid is needed for women who are pregnant or are preparing for pregnancy, which is to prevent birth defects of the brain or spine condition (Neural Tube Defect / NTD), which  Sometimes mothers who do not pay attention to a lot of folic acid intake in the early days of her pregnancy. They do not realize the first weeks of pregnancy occurring.

Based on research conducted by Lynley Drummond of International Health Science from Zespri New Zealand, kiwi fruit full of nutrition. Kiwi can help overcome iron deficiency that could affect the disruption of productivity, growth and cognitive function, the risk of pregnancy and the immune system, According to expert, consuming kiwi fruit along with cereals that have been fortified with extra iron, proven to increase the body's absorption of iron.

2. Preventing Heart Disease and hypertension
According to Dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono, a Physician Nutrition Specialist in the Department of Clinical Radiotherapy Cipto Mangunkusumo, Gold kiwifruit species contain more vitamin E than any other fruit. One Kiwi Containing up to 1.49 milligrams per 100 grams. While Green kiwi species, contains vitamin E slightly lower, namely 1.46 milligrams per 100 grams. Fiastuti expressed human body cell damage occurs due to the oxidation process by pollution, cigarette smoke, and metabolism. As a result of the oxidation of which were aging, heart disease, and cancer.

It is strengthened by the results of research Hermetet Anne Alger of Cornell University, United States, women who consumed vitamin E 600 IU daily for long-term 10 percent lower risk of developing lung disease and lung cancer than those who did not consume vitamin E.

Mineral content of potassium in the kiwi acts as lowering high blood pressure. While the mineral magnesium in the kiwi could prevent heart attacks and heart health. Kiwi can also help reduce the risk of blood clots that can lead to cardiovascular disease. Controlling cholesterol and blood sugar levels and prevent hypertension. Consumed 1 kiwi fruit a day will add acid plasma ascorbic that are believed to help reduce 33% lower risk of blood vessel disease.

3. Treating Symptoms Impotency
Base on data from a drug company, 58% of men with diabetes in the United States, experience erectile problems. Other data says men with diabetes will experience erectile problems 10-15 years earlier than men without diabetes. To prevent diabetes is one way to control sugar levels. In addition to maintaining a healthy lifestyle such as not smoking, not drinking alcohol, consuming kiwi proved very effective for preventing erectile dysfunction (impotence) is.

Kiwi is a source of amino acids arginine and glutamate. Arginine is an amino acid that is a vasodilator (blood pressure lowering) and helps increase blood flow. As a vasodilator, arginine is also used to treat symptoms of mild impotence. Kiwi also contains essential minerals, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, and phosphorus. Mineral content of potassium in the kiwi could reach 5.4 mg / calories. This potassium reflex serves to maintain the function of the nervous system and maintain muscle function.

4. Maintain body stamina
Kiwi fruit for health benefits is a mineral resource that is necessary to maintain stamina. Kiwi contains electrolytes (minerals) are very important to change the body's electrolyte loss due to sweating during hard work, exercise, or hot weather, Potassium content in kiwi 5.4 mg / calories, higher than bananas (4.2 mg / calories), and slightly lower than the papaya (6.6 mg / calories) and apricot (6.2 mg / calories).

Besides kiwi also contains vitamin C which is very large. Kiwi contains 100 mg of vitamin C in 100 grams of weight. While oranges kiwi only contains as much as 54 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams. Some research shows the benefits of kiwi fruit for health because it contains 17 times more vitamin C than apples, 2 times more than oranges, as well as more than lemon. Additionally Kiwi is rich in antioxidants.

The content of polyphenols, carotenoids and other enzymes to form antioxidants that counteract free radicals that enter the body. The result is a healthier body and can avoid many diseases. Vitamin C helps maintain the condition of the body against flu and colds (boosts the immune system); reducing stress levels and help the healing process.

5. Maintain eyes health
Kiwi contains Lutein and Beta Carotene. Benefits of lutein and beta carotene (vitamin A) are to maintain eye health. By eating a kiwi, then the vision will be able to function well maintained, especially to prevent blindness due to old age. Lutein her more easily absorbed than vegetable.

6. Keep Skin beauty beneficial to our health,
The content of which is owned by a kiwi turns out immense usefulness for skin beauty. Kiwi can be used as a mask that will make your skin more elastic and fresh. Eating kiwi can make your skin glow; reduce wrinkles on the face, and dark circles that can interfere with performance. Antioxidant content also makes the skin look firmer and younger. Kiwi seeds produce omega-3 oil used for cosmetics.

The content of vitamin E in kiwi 2-fold more than the avocado. In addition, kiwi fruit also contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, folic acid, niacin, vitamin A, and pantothenic acid in significant numbers.

Vitamin C and vitamin E have been known role as a natural antioxidant that plays an important role in counteracting free radical attack, causing aging cells and triggers the onset of various diseases. Free radicals are atoms or molecules that have one or more unpaired electrons that are free to bind to various cells and tissues, as well as lead to cancer, heart disease, and premature aging.

According to Dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono, people are deficient in vitamin C are usually more susceptible to infection and when the pain, the wound healing process longer. It's just that vitamin C cannot be stored in large quantities because it is easily soluble in water, so we could not eat a lot of vitamins, such as for example a week to spare.

Mark Moyad, MD from the University of Michigan, United States, conducting research on vitamin C say, levels of vitamin C in the body to determine the overall health status. In other words, a person could be considered unhealthy if lack of vitamin C. Unfortunately, vitamin C cannot be made so that the body should be met from outside. In addition, levels of vitamin C in the network is also very fast because it is easy to decrease oxidized.

7. Effective for diet program.
Kiwi contains very little calories, so the fruit is often consumed by those who are on a diet, because the energy content per 100 grams of fruit kiwi only 61 kcal, or less than 40 percent of the amount of energy contained in a banana. Kiwi fruit energy content is lower than oranges, orange, and grape, but slightly higher than the lemon, strawberries, cantaloupe, and papaya
Compared with green kiwi, kiwi yellow (gold) has a decent amount of vitamin C was awarded the gold medal. The content of vitamin C in it reached 105.4 mg per 100 grams.

The content of vitamin E in the kiwi has compounded the antioxidant action of vitamin C in the fight against stress and pollution. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant power of vitamin C supplement that dissolves in water. According to Dr. Fiastuti, vitamin E is for our body to protect fat cells from oxidative damage. Fat is broken it will be stuck on the walls of blood vessels. Gradually related to fat deposition will clog the blood vessels, so that there was an attack or a stroke that occurs when a blockage in heart vessels, heart attack occurs.

The results also prove Lynley Drummond, kiwi fruit provides the most nutrients with the least amount of calories when compared with oranges, bananas and apples, so the kiwi is one option for people who are dieting.

8. Improve the ability of brain
kiwi contained amino acids arginine and glutamate. Arginine is vasodilators or lowering blood pressure and helps improve blood flow. Amino acids can also increase a child's thinking skills that are generally affected by the type of food they consume every day. Keep in mind, the food consumed will be influential in increasing the ability of the brain. In addition to fish that have high enough amino acids to intelligence, kiwi fruit is also recommended as a food that has similar benefits to fish.

9. Preventing Alzheimer's disease (immunity) in a recent study in Seminars in Preventive and Alternative Medicine that analyzed 100 studies in the last 10 years reveals a series of benefits of vitamin C that has not known. Among others, have revealed that in addition to improving immune system, vitamin C is also useful for preventing Alzheimer's disease, which causes us to become senile. Folic acid is found in kiwi also very efficacious for reducing the risk of Alzheimer's by 50%.

10. Overcoming constipation
Kiwi fruit contains actinidin, natural enzymes that can cope with constipation. Green kiwi superior in terms of the amount of fiber. The fiber content in kiwi green up to 3 grams per 100 grams, while the yellow kiwi 1.4 grams per 100 grams. Apples and oranges each containing 2.4 grams of fiber per 100 grams.

According to Dr. Fiastuti, this fiber is necessary for the health of our digestive tract. Lack of fiber in the last 10 years makes the increasing cases of bowel cancer. In addition, fiber is also necessary to bind fat. Fiber helps keep the fat levels in the blood we are always normal.

Health centers in Belgium, Spain and the Netherlands have always suggested kiwi as a "drug" that works to overcome constipation. 2-4 fiber content of any fruit kiwi able to expedite the process of defecation us, especially for people aged 60 years and over who are experiencing problems with their digestive system.

Playing Games ; top 10 benefits

The following are some benefits of playing games that you should know. Want to know the benefits of any kind that see 10 Benefits Play Games below.

Top 10 Benefits Playing Games

playing games benefits
1. Physical Activity
There are lots of video games in the market that the operation requires some kind of physical activity. Whether it's dancing or playing guitar. This is where the ingenuity required parents to have the kind of games for their children, which can force them (the children) to move rather than have to sit on the couch all day.

2. Fitness and Nutrition
Many game that combines elements of fitness, nutrition and healthy living as the primary goal game. Even some games that present the main goal of their game on physical fitness which aims to encourage the players to lose weight to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

3. Eye and hand coordination
Playing video games can actually improve your child's dexterity, which is very useful to perform daily activities. Actually, many types of exercise that can be done to improve the coordination between hand and eye, but it is less attractive children's desire to try it.

4. Social Skills
Lack of social skills and ability to interact with others on a regular basis can damage a child's development and even cause depression. Children who are shy and lack confidence when socializing with their friends may find it easier to open up when playing video games. By playing online games, children can interact with many people, even people they do not know.

5. Increased Learning Ability
Complexity games give your child the opportunity to improve cognitive skills such as solving problems and making decisions. Video games have grown to the point where users have to take control and think for themselves. Even a lot of games that encourage children to be patient and kreativ in solving a puzzle before they can progress to the next stage.

6. Sportsmanship and Fair
Sportsmanship and fair (fair play) are common values ​​developed in the sport and organization. Games are not directly offer your child these values, especially when competing with each other.

7. Reduce Stress
Stress is not only experienced by the parents but also the children. Some parents sometimes put the actual expectations and demands of their children do not like, for example related to hobbies and learning. Playing games can be a way out for your child escape from the pressures to reduce stress levels.

8. Teamwork
Cooperation and the need to build a strong team work influence when children play video games. Some online games for example, which requires a team effort to achieve victory.

9. Overcoming Pain
Playing video games can be a means to cope with physical or emotional pain, for example, in people who are suffering from a disease which can only perform activities in the bedroom.

10. Make People Happy
One of the biggest effects of playing games is to make people happy. However, it is important to limit the time playing games, because there is possibility that this tool makes you become addicted. Allow your children to play games as often as possible, but do not forget to remind them to stop. Also make sure your child is still doing the activity in the social environment.

Of all the 10 positive benefits of playing games in the mentioned above, it all depends on how we react to it. Playing the game for too long and even day spend time playing games, of course this is not good for health and will hurt yourself.

Benefits of sweet potato leaves

Dengue fever is a deadly disease that has been consuming the soul, the cause is due to aidis mosquito, the dengue fever one of the factors that cause the sufferer is not helped our lack of knowledge about dengue fever, and first aid to the sufferer.

benefits of sweet potato leaves
Nowadays many types of specialized medicine for dengue fever, but it does not hurt for us to try other types of dengue drugs that are still natural, or herbal, one of which is by using sweet potato leaves, sweet potato leaves Benefit was able to treat and prevent dengue fever, as for the steps to process sweet potato leaves as a remedy for dengue fever are as follows:
  • Prepare a bunch of sweet potato leaves are still fresh, about the size of the bond vegetables
  •  Rinse sweet potato leaves we prepared the
  • Boil the sweet potato leaves
  • Filter and take the water
  • Drinking, water is for the prevention of drinking water should be boiled leaves of the sweet potato, instead of drinking water daily
Efficacy of sweet potato leaves are good for health and is able to treat a deadly disease course we can practice every day, because keeping it is better than cure.
hopefully this article about Benefits of sweet potato leaves can be useful for readers

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Breastfeeding benefits for mother health

Breastfeeding has many benefits for both mother and baby, but many mothers who do not breastfeed their babies because of being misunderstood and thought that it would be detrimental to breastfeeding mothers.
This statement was confirmed by the American Academy of Pediatrics in the United States explained that the research evidence reinforces the conclusion the health benefits of breastfeeding for nursing mothers. here are the benefits derived for their health nursing mothers.

Benefits of Breastfeeding for mother health

1. A little more blood loss and Rahim Faster Return to Normal Size
The health benefits begin immediately after delivery. Fewer maternal blood loss after childbirth if breastfeeding immediately. With breastfeeding, as well uterus shrinks back to its normal size more quickly.

2. Reducing Depression after Childbirth
Psychological condition of the mother will also receive a boost through breastfeeding. A 2003 study from Australia showed an increase in depression after delivery in women who do not breastfeed their babies and mothers wean their babies early.

3. Reduce Weight Gain after Childbirth
A study of more than 14,000 women who gave birth to breastfeed exclusively for at least six months found that mothers with little weight gain compared to mothers who did not breastfeed.

4. Reduce Risk of Esophageal Diabetes
Among women with diabetes, studies have also found a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes by 4-12 percent per year in women who breastfeed their babies.

5. Reduce Arthritis Risk
Women who breastfeed for at least 12 months during his lifetime risk would be reduced or stricken with rheumatoid arthritis arthritis by 20 percent. And mothers who breastfeed for at least 24 months reduced the risk by 50%. Similarly, long-term results of a large study conducted Nurses Health.

6. Reduce Risk of Hypertension and Heart Disease
Other studies have shown that breastfeeding beneficial for women heart. Studies involving 139,000 women found a decrease hypertension by 11 percent, decrease blood fat as much as 19 percent, and a reduction in the overall risk of heart disease by 10 percent.

7. Lowering Breast Cancer Risk
Women who breastfeed their babies for more than one year decreased risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer by 28 percent. American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies be breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months, and then continue to be breastfed plus other foods until the age of 1 year.
However the American Academy of Pediatrics also confirmed there are cases in which mothers should not breastfeed their babies. That is when the baby has a metabolic disorder galactosemia, a rare metabolic disorder that affects the ability to properly metabolize the sugar galactose. 

Mothers who have certain diseases such as active herpes infection, HIV, or taking certain medications are also prohibited from breastfeeding. thanks you for reading this Benefits of Breastfeeding article.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Benefits of Lemongrass

lemongrass or Citronella scent is usually use for food and as a flavor. The question, whether it's just the benefit of the lemongrass?

lemongrass or the Latin language called Andropogon nardus this turned out to save a lot of benefits for human health.

In some studies, the leaf turns Lemongrass contains anti-microbial and anti-bacterial which is very useful especially to treat infections of the stomach, intestines, bladder, and heal wounds. Not only that, Seehi also widely used for the relief of spasms, anti-rheumatic, and is a diuretic.

In addition, the content of analgesics in lemongrass also can play a role to help relieve the pain of headaches, muscle aches and joint pain. Later, Lemongrass also widely believed to cure various diseases such as skin infections, typhoid, food poisoning, and also relieve body odor.

In Lemongrass, there are many geranil containing compounds such as butyrate, lomonen, eugenol, metileugenol, geranial that are beneficial to health. For more details, Citronella scent related functions are very nutritious for health, the following is an elaboration.

8 top Benefits of Lemongrass

    lemongrass health benefits
  •     Lemongrass prevent cancer
    There is research that explains that every 100 grams of lemongrass contains antioxidants that we know beneficial for preventing cancer. Then, a study conducted by a team of Gurion University in Israel have found that there are compounds in the lemongrass can kill cancer cells without damaging healthy cells.
  •    Lemongrass Treat indigestion
    Lemongrass is very useful to overcome indigestion, stomach pain, colds, reduces intestinal gas, and diarrhea.
  •     Lowers blood pressure
    Lemongrass is also widely used to reduce blood pressure and stimulate blood circulation. By consuming beverages containing lemongrass every day it will be very helpful in reducing hypertension.
  •     Lemongrass as Detoxification
    Lemongrass is also excellent for detoxifying the body by increasing the amount of urination. It is very useful to make the entire digestive organs such as the liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and also clean and healthy because of various toxins will be eliminated.
  •     Benefits of the nervous system
    Containing lemongrass essential oil can also be beneficial to strengthen and improve the functioning of the nervous system. That is because the lemongrass oil will give effect warms, relaxes muscles, and relieve cramps.
  •     Lemongrass Functioning as an analgesic
    Lemongrass can also relieve all types of inflammation and irritability associated with your suffering aches and pains such as joint pain, muscle pain, toothache, and others.
  •     Beautify skin
    The use of lemongrass leaves also have occurred in the field of cosmetics that are used to beautify the skin. The effect of the use of cosmetics containing lemongrass leaves are able to eliminate acne and also serves as a refresher.
  •     Women's health
    Lemongrass is also commonly used by women to relieve pain when the onset of menstruation and relieve nausea.

With so many benefits of lemongrass, is expected in the future with the growth of public knowledge related to alternative medicine, could expand the use of lemongrass which is not only used as a spice in cooking, but also as an herbal health.

The use of the lemongrass to overcome various health problems above has many advantages, besides the readily available and inexpensive, also did not provide any side effects when its use is appropriate.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Antibiotic for health benefits

The word derives Antibiotic (Word anti, 'against', bios, "life"), are substances produced by living organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and spores capable of inhibiting the growth of other microorganisms

Currently word can be used for antibiotic any natural or artificial substance capable of inhibiting the growth of microorganisms.

Antibiotic history:

benefits of antibiotic
The most remote of antibiotics were the ancient Chinese over 2,500 years ago. It was known at the time that the application of soybean rust on bringing boils therapeutic benefits.

The application of wine, myrrh and minerals applied by the Greeks on the wounds of war.

La Quina (Cinchona) obtained from the bark of the cinchona, was the first effective antimicrobial parasite that was used for the treatment of febrile syndromes, and that cured malaria crises of the wife of the Count of Chinchon Viceroy of Peru in 1.638 .

Ehrlich discovered salvarsan in 1913 (dioxidiamino arsenobenzol) for the treatment of syphilis.

In 1897 Ernest Duchesne, experimenting with a fungus Penicillium glaucum. Duchesne had not even earned a doctorate degree when published.

Benefits of antibiotics

The infectious diseases were the leading cause of death even before the 50's such as tuberculosis, pneumonia are much less severe today.

Also used in the treatment and prevention of protozoal or fungal infections, particularly malaria (one of the main causes of death in developing countries).

They have also made a breakthrough in the field of surgery, allowing the realization of complex and protracted operations without excessive risk of infection.

Classification of antibiotics

Antibiotics can be divided into bactericidal and bacteriostatic

Bacteriostatic: inhibited bacterial growth eventually die or be attacked by the host defense mechanisms (tetracyclines and sulfonamides)

Bactericides: Antibiotics that damage the cell membrane produce a release of cellular metabolites abroad, and therefore his death. (Penicillins, cephalosporins)

Antibiotics according to their origin

Fungal: penicillins, cephalosporins.

Bacterial: polymyxins, Tyrothricin, colistin.

Actinomyces: streptomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin, tobramycin, tetracycline, erythromycin.

Synthetic or Semi-synthetic: carbenicillin, methicillin, ticarcillin, imipenem, doxycycline. Minocycline, Clarithromycin, Azithromycin

Classification according to its spectrum

The spectrum is the population of an antibiotic-sensitive bacteria

Broad spectrum: Gram (+) and gram (-) anaerobic. Eg tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, meropenem

Narrow spectrum: Vancomycin for Gram (+) amikacin on Gram (-)

Spectrum Chemical ampliadomodificación to increase its spectrum. Ex: Amoxicillin

Mechanisms of bacterial resistance

Enzymes that destroy the active drug. Eg: lactamase

Change their permeability drug (porins). Eg pseudomonas beta-lactam

Structurally alter the target. Eg PBP mutation of pneumococcus

Develop a different metabolic pathway that bypasses the reaction inhibited by the drug. Eg increased production of PABA for sulfa

Increase in the expulsion of the drug. Eg E. coli to tetracyclines

Types of antibiotics

Empirical: the seed is not known, it is assumed. In cases of serious infections. It should cover the 90% chance of germs causing the infection.

Target: There is a bacterial isolation. With or without antibiogram

Action according to their concentration and administration.

Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of the bacteria is the concentration of the antimicrobial at which inhibit bacterial growth achieved

Minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) is the concentration which is obtained by lysis of the bacteria

Concentration dependent: Whether concentrations subsequently fall below the MIC, because one fails to produce significant bacterial regrowth, a phenomenon known as post-antibiotic effect

Time dependent: The use of fractional doses adjusted to the average life of each antibacterial

Route of Administration

Intravenous: The best option for the management of severe infections which need high serum levels of antimicrobial

It has the disadvantage that you need to use the patient's admission to hospital, the existence of a venous access, the presence of a nurse for administration, high cost of parenteral presentations.

Intra muscular: antibiotic use as single daily dose of ceftriaxone, ertapenem and aminoglycosides in the outpatient management of systemic infections.

remains the need for administration and staff of the high costs of parenteral presentation.

Oral: The best route of administration of antimicrobials in the outpatient clinic, certain antibiotics such as quinolones and azithromycin may be administered every 24 hours, and also have a high percentage of bioavailability.

Disadvantages of this type of administration of the gastrointestinal side effects, the number of daily doses and in many antibiotics low percentage of their bioavailability.

Dosage depends on the age and weight of the patient. severity and type of infectious process to treat.

However, even with so many benefits of antibiotic you should concern that use antibiotic with not proper would give antibiotic side effect to your body.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Benefits of Warming Up Before Exercise

Before the exercise, the instructor always warm up first, perhaps many of us do not know why warming up should be done? what is the function and benefits of warming up before strenuous physical activity such as sports? And many other questions that may not have been answered to date. What is certain is very important to warm up before exercise.

Rather than regret later for not warming up, then do the heating even if only briefly.

Functions / Benefits Warming up Before Sports

Benefits of warming up
Sports involving movement of muscles, joints and bones in a large enough intensity. By warming the blood sport that is rich in nutrients and oxygen flow to the muscles that are ready to be driven harder work.

While the usefulness or benefits of exercise itself is to strengthen the muscles, bones, heart, lungs and the circulation of blood. Type / Shape Warming The Fast and short warming up can be done without the help of any tools and without charge, with light jogging, aerobics, jog in place, and others.

Simply get your body sweating, hot and felt quite warming to less than 5 to 15 minutes can be followed by stretching of muscles or stretching for a few minutes so that the muscles more flexible to use later.

Effect, Impact, and Effect Not Doing Warming up before Sports

Without warming up enough before the dominant sports activity the muscles, joints and bones can lead to injury to muscle and joint injuries. Of course, the injury would be very disturbing for your activity and may be so painful that need further medical care. Injuries can be shaped muscle sprains, whiplash, sprains, muscle cramps, muscle pain, and etc. Streching the Good and right after warming up to make a little sweat, then followed by stretching or strenching.

Correct and good Stretching

After warming up to make a little sweat, then followed by stretching or strenching. Both warming up and stretching should be done in a lightweight and low capacity not too excessive. If done over expression can lead to joint injuries. Do not let the club do not feel tired or exhausted weight. If it is done properly, the body will be ready to participate in sports. Then work out with joyous feelings freely and forget about all the problems that exist.

Both heating and stretching should be done in a lightweight and low capacity not too excessive. If done overexpression can lead to joint injuries. Do not let the club do not feel tired or exhausted weight. If it is done properly, the body will be ready to participate in sports. Then work out with joyous feelings freely and forget about all the problems that exist.

Addendum: Know yourself and choose the appropriate exercise to avoid fatal accidents during exercise. If you include the physically weak and rarely exercise should avoid sports that require heavy labor heart like football, futsal, basketball, tennis, badminton, and so forth. Examples of sports activities that are light and healthy and can be done almost everyone is a 30-minute brisk walk a few times a week. Keep your bones and joints healthy by balancing exercise, diet coupled with high milk calcium intake.

3 Benefits of Asparagus for Weight Lose

Asparagus is often used as a mixture of soup or served with grilled salmon and steak. Besides adding taste more delicious food, asparagus is also good for health because it is rich in vitamins K, A and C. Not only that, the typical flavorful vegetables can also help you lose weight. How can that be? These three reasons, as described in Fit Sugar.

3 Benefits of Asparagus for Weight Lose

Health Benefit of Asparagus
Lose Weight With Asparagus Benefits
1. Suppress Appetite
Asparagus contains soluble fiber inulin. In some studies, inulin proven to suppress appetite. One study found that six grams of inulin can make the stomach feel full like 260 calories when eating food.

2. Blood Sugar Helps Set
Green vegetables are rich in vitamin B are different as B1, B2, B3 and B6 which works to increase the metabolism of glucose to regulate blood sugar. According to some studies, maintaining stable blood sugar levels can help you avoid complications due to high blood sugar. Such as diabetes, hypertension and heart problems.

3. Digestion launched
Asparagus is high in fiber is beneficial to stimulate the growth of probiotics in the body that can launch and maintain the digestive system. So as to eliminate the flatulence caused by constipation. Asparagus can act act as a natural diuretic that is useful to facilitate the urinary tract and kidneys improve performance.

That was three Benefits Of Asparagus For Weight Lose.

Friday, April 05, 2013

Blood Donor Benefits For Health

Blood Donor Benefits For Health - A person donating blood, generally intended for humanity. But not many know that the benefits of blood donation was not only to save the life of someone else.

Blood Donor Health Benefits
In fact, blood donors also bring health benefits to the donor himself, also gave him mental peace. Remember, giving is a source of happiness and peace of mind.

Ideally for women is 4 months blood donation. As for the men, 3 months. But it all depends on your health condition. Want to know what are the health benefits of donating blood? check below:

5 Benefits of Blood Donor

Balancing the levels of iron
According to one study, people who have high levels of iron overload because of their food consumption. So, to balance it needs occasional blood donor. Assessment of iron in the blood is not good for heart health. For women of childbearing age, they balance the levels of iron in their bodies when menstruating. But for the men and women who have not menstrual, blood donation is ok.

Health checks.
Typically, prior to blood donor health tests will be done to you first. Do you suffer from certain diseases that can be transmitted through blood, or not. Well, now that you know more of your health condition.

Reduce your risk of cancer.
With low or reduced levels of iron in your body, then your risk of cancer is also reduced. Among them are cancers of the colon, lung, liver, throat.

Away from high blood pressure.
When you donate blood, the blood volume balance. It's good to keep you from high blood pressure.

reduce cholesterol
Blood cells contain cholesterol, either evil or good cholesterol. With you donate blood, it automatically decreases the amount of cholesterol.