Friday, May 10, 2013

Cucumber ; 12 Health Benefits

The Benefits of Cucumber for Skin Care and Much More

Most of us probably often eat cucumber or cucumber. Fruit in Latin named Cucumis sativus, in some place cucumber frequently encountered in every dish, especially fresh vegetables, salad, or pickled. Cucumbers have a high water content so that the cooling function.

Cucumber pieces are also often used to help moisturize the face and is believed to reduce high blood pressure. However, to find out more about the nutritional and health benefits contained in the cucumber, let's explore what health areas obtained from the consumption of fruit including pumpkin family.

Top 12 Health Benefits Of Cucumber

benefits of cucumber

benefits of cucumber

1. Skin care
Cucumber has diuretic properties, cooling effect, and cleaners that are beneficial to the skin. High water content; vitamins A, B, and C, as well as minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, manganese, and silica; make cucumber become an important part of skin care. Face masks containing cucumber extract used for skin tightening. Ascorbic acid and caffeic acid are present in cucumber can reduce the level of water retention, which in turn reduces the swelling around the eyes.

2. Digestive function
Digestive problems, such as ulcers, gastritis acidity, and even ulcers, can be cured by eating fresh cucumber juice every day. The fiber content of food in cucumbers can expel toxins from the digestive system so it help digestive process. In fact, eating cucumbers every day is considered very effective as a cure constipation.

3. Joint health
Contained silica in cucumbers can promote the health of your joints by strengthening the connective tissue.

4. Protein digestion
Erepsin Cucumber contains enzymes that help in digestion of proteins.

5. Blood pressure
Potassium, magnesium, and fiber present in cucumber can help you keep your blood pressure remains normal.

6. Kill the tapeworm
Cucumber seeds is considered as a natural remedy to expel tapeworms in the intestinal tract. In fact, cucumber seeds are also known to be useful as anti-inflammatory and effective in the treatment of swelling of the mucous membranes (nose) and throat.

7. Nail care
Cucumbers are rich in silica, can prevent rupture and destruction of the nails on the toes and fingers.

8. Overcome gout and rheumatism
Cucumber juice is enriched in vitamin A, B1, B6, C, and D and folate, magnesium, and calcium when mixed with carrot juice can help patients who experience joint pain by lowering uric acid.

9. Treat toothache and gum
Mouth disease on the teeth and gums, especially pyorrhea, can be treated effectively with cucumber juice. Consumption of raw cucumber also can increase saliva and serves to neutralize the acids and bases in the oral cavity.

10. Diabetes
Cucumber juice is known to help the health of patients with diabetes. The content of manganese minerals useful in the synthesis of natural insulin in the body.

11. Renal Care
Cucumbers showed benefits in helping to relieve bladder and kidney problems. Water contained in the cucumber helps expedite the process of kidney function with urination. In fact, cucumber is the best natural diuretic.

12. healthy hair
Cucumber contains silica. Cucumber juice mixed with carrot, spinach, and lettuce will help hair enrichment. Silica is found in connective tissue in the body. This compound helps hair growth so that if diligent eating foods containing silica, you will have good hair and healthy bones.

So, After read the benefits of cucumber above, have you eat cucumber this day? ;).

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Water Birth Benefits for mother and baby

Benefits of water birth for mother and baby

Benefits of water birth

Benefits of water birth For Mother & Baby

The process of giving birth in water or water birth is not as popular as conventional birth, this is because Water birth requires trained medical personnel, the hospital must have a special maternity pool (birth pool). The sterility of the water need to be considered so as not to cause an infection in the mother and baby were born.

Water Birth Benefits for mothers:

Health experts in the field acknowledge that the gynecologists gave birth in the water has advantages over other delivery method. Mom will feel more relaxed because all the muscles associated with childbirth becomes elastic. This method will also facilitate the process of straining. So the pain during labor was not feeling. In the process of opening of the birth canal water will run faster.

Water Birth Benefits For babies:

Reduce the risk of injury to the baby's head.
Although it has not done in-depth research, but health experts believe that being born with this method allows the baby to be a higher IQ than babies born with other methods.
Baby's blood circulation gets better, so that the body will be quickly flushed after the baby was born.


There are 2 methods of water birth

Pure water birth. Mother came into the labor pool after an opening 6 to childbirth occurs.
Emulsion water birth. Mom just be in the pool until the end of the contraction period. Birthing process is still being done in bed.

Risk of Water Birth

  • Water birth has a possibility of swallowing pool water by baby. This condition causes the process requires the help of a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology, as well as child specialists who will check immediately at birth. So if there is an interruption can be directly detected and addressed.
  • Hypothermia or body temperature too low could be experienced if the birth mother last longer than time estimate.
  • Infants at risk of temperature shock if the water temperature is not the same as the temperature of the mother in childbirth is 37 degrees Celsius.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Noni - fruit with a million benefits

The Benefits of Noni - fruit with a million benefits

Have you tried Morinda citrifolia or well known as Noni? Noni does not like fruit in general are good consumed. The taste and aroma is bad, however you should know, this fruit has exceptional properties, even since the days of our ancestors, this fruit is known as the 'healer fruit'.
noni health benefits

noni health benefits

Benefits of noni are very much, especially for health. In Indonesia Noni is often used as a natural herb for curing diseases. The fruit is oval shaped and green is full of little spots all over the skin brown. Arguably no one sting like the scent, but do not worry, this fruit is not harmful.

One of the benefits of the noni fruit is that it can lower blood pressure. That is the reason why this fruit can be used for healing people with high blood pressure.

The content of noni

Nutrients: whole noni fruit is nutritionally complete food. Nutrients the body needs, like proteins, viamin, and essential minerals, are available in sufficient quantities in fruit and noni leaf. Selenium, a mineral found in noni is a great antioxidant. Various types of compounds contained in Noni: xeronine, plant sterois, alizarin, lycine, sosium, caprylic acid, arginine, proxeronine, between multiple quinines, trace elemens, phenylalanine, magnesium, etc..
  • Terpenoids. This substance helps in the process of organic synthesis and recovery of body cells.
  • Anti-bacterial substance. Active substances contained in Noni juice that can kill bacteria that cause infections, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Protens morganii, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, and Escherichia coli. Anti-bacterial substance that can also control bacterial pathogens (lethal) such as Salmonella Montivideo, S. scotmuelleri, S. typhi, and Shigella dusenteriae, S. flexnerii, S. pradysenteriae, and Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Scolopetin. Scolopetin compound as a very effective anti-inflammatory elements and anti-allergic.
  • Anti-cancer substances. Anti-cancer substances contained in Noni most effective against abnormal cells.
  • Xeronine and proxeronine. One of the important alkaloids terdapt in the Noni fruit is xeronine. Noni fruit contains very little xeronine, but many contain precursor (precursor) xeronine alias proxeronine in bulk. Proxeronine is a type of nucleic acid like other colloids. Xeronine absorbed by the body's cells to activate proteins that are not active, set the structure and shape of the active cell.

Noni Fruit Benefits:

  1. Can increase endurance, because it contains natural antioxidants.
  2. Helps prevent cancer cells and tumors.
  3. Can be used for abdominal pain, cough and fever, as well as a pain reliever.
  4. Noni contains anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergy.
  5. Helps regulate the function of cells in the body and regenerate cells damaged tissue.
That's some benefits of the noni fruit that we can get. Behind there is a less attractive form myriads of benefits for our bodies.

Monday, May 06, 2013

Orgasm; Top 9 Benefits of

Besides making love, orgasm also brings many health benefits for the body you know! What is it? Check out his review as reported by the Huffington Post following.

Top 9 Benefits of Orgasm

Orgasm Benefits

Top 9 Benefits of Orgasm

Improve blood circulation
According to Dr. Jennifer Berman from UCLA, orgasms increase circulation, especially to pump blood to the intimate. Vital area so you will be more healthy thanks to an orgasm.

Form of exercise
Although orgasm cannot be directly referred to as a substitute for exercise, but an orgasm is a form of exercise that is good for cardiovascular health. Because heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate can be increased so that the whole is able to make the body more fit.

Improve mood
Are you feeling sad? Making love with your partner and reach orgasm. Because orgasm causes the body to produce the hormone endorphin, dopamine, and oxytocin which is improve mood.

Sleep more soundly
Fatigue and stress make sleep not sleep soundly. The easy way overcome it is to orgasm. Because according to the survey, 30 percent of the 1,800 women admitted utilize orgasm if you want to sleep more soundly.

Good for the brain
Besides also makes maintaining a healthy heart, orgasms also make healthy brain. How can that be? Because when orgasm, more oxygen is pumped to the brain so that the performance of these organs is improve.

Natural remedy
Experienced some pain, such as migraine or menstrual pain, and can be overcome with an orgasm without taking medication. This could happen because orgasm blood circulation helps the body that triggers the clotting when your migraine or menstrual pain.

Relieve stress
Hormone was clearly helping you relieve stress after reaching orgasm. But sexual activity that makes you focus on one thing only too influential in reducing the stress that you experience.

Body shining
Hormone DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is produced by the body after you orgasm indirectly make your skin healthy and radiant.

Emotional health
Lastly, orgasm also provides health benefits for you. That is, you will be more confident about yourself so you also become more prudent when making decisions.

That the various health benefits of orgasm. Even so, not only obsessed with achieving orgasm when making love. Because sex it self can also provide many health benefits for the body.

Insulin - a Hormone Its Role In Weight Loss

The Benefits Of Insulin - a Hormone Its Role In Weight Loss

insulin and weight loss

insulin and weight loss

Some of you may still have trouble losing weight, even if you are exercising and trying to regulate food intake. This can be caused by a wrong way to practice or unbalanced nutrition. In addition to the above two factors, the presence of insulin resistance also affect the failure you lose weight.

Insulin Function
Insulin is a hormone whose job is to keep blood sugar or glucose in the blood. Every cell in the body requires a continuous supply of glucose to be processed into energy. Cells can not directly absorb glucose from food. When you eat carbohydrates, your body will turn it into glucose. The glucose then be carried through the bloodstream to the cells in the body. However, because the glucose molecules can not penetrate the cell wall takes insulin to help keep glucose remains in the cell. Inside the cell, glucose is converted into fat and stored in fat cells.

What is Insulin Resistance?
As explained above that insulin helps the glucose uptake in the cells. So, every time you eat foods high in simple carbohydrates, your insulin will work more extra. If this happens too often, then the levels of insulin in your body will continue to increase. As a result, the response of cells to insulin will decrease, so that when the cells are not getting glucose supplies the energy then you will tend to decline. That is why, people with insulin resistance often experience fatigue, decreased energy and muscle weakness.

Insulin resistance and weight reduction
High levels of insulin the body an indication that glucose is not used properly by the body. In the end, more glucose is converted into fat and stored in the body's cells. Furthermore, insulin prevents fat in his rupture of the cells, which then triggered your weight gain. More worryingly, it also can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. That's why you need to do to lose weight is to reduce fat deposits in the body.

How to Control Insulin Resistance
Insulin resistance is associated with your carbohydrate intake, especially by limiting the intake of simple carbohydrates, such as sweet foods, which can increase insulin secretion. To lose weight and prevent you from insulin resistance, you should begin to implement healthy diet by reducing consumption of simple carbohydrates and replacing them with complex carbohydrates such as vegetables, fruits, grains and seeds, and so on.

Regular exercise at least 30 minutes / day is also effective for maintaining blood sugar levels and lose weight. The essence of an effective diet program to lose weight is to set the optimal diet and regular practice.

Sex for Better Health

The Benefits of Sex For Better Health

Sex Benefits

top 7 healthy benefits of sex

You would agree if sexual activity offers many surprises and health benefits for our bodies. Joy Davidson, PhD, a psychologist at the same time from New York sex therapist supports this statement by saying that sex was a surprise to the many people in the world.

Still, in some cases are still encountered people who did not get a shock during sex. Some couples still feel embarrassed or even not in the mood during sex so it does not get the quality of life and health of sex. If this is the case then you should begin to improve communication with your partner to achieve surprise for top 7 healthy benefits of sex that you can get by having sex on a regular basis following.

7 Wonders of Sex for Health

  •     Relieve Stress
If you are in good shape because of job stress, financial condition, or other problems, you should think about to have sex with my beloved partner. The team of researchers from Scotland studied 24 women and 22 men who kept records of their sexual activity.    

The researchers then put the participants in the stress by asking them to speak in public and give oral arithmetic test. During the test the participants' blood pressure was measured to determine the blood pressure response to stress. As a result, participants who had sex on a regular basis have a better response than those who rarely have sex.
  •     Increase Endurance Body
Good sexual life is closely related to good physical health as well. Having sex two to three times a week is often associated with elevated levels of antibodies in the body (immunoglobulin). This antibody is known as an antidote to the body of the influenza virus attack.

The team of researchers from Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre took blood samples from couples who often had sex at least twice a week. Of the sample found that levels of immunoglobulin pair is greater than couples who do not have sex for a week.
  •     Assist Lose Weight
"Sex is a method of exercise," says Patti Britton, PhD, a sexologist from Los Angeles. Based on data from the University of Arizona, if a person weighing 68 kg had sex for five minutes, meaning it will burn about 24 calories. If the sex lasted 45 minutes means he managed to burn 216 calories. That is the reason why sexual activity is highly recommended for those who want to lose weight.
  •     Boost of Confidence
Increase self-confidence is one of the millions of reasons people have sex, as stated by a team of researchers from the University of Texas, published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior.
Sex is to feel better about yourself, as well as the appreciation of one individual to another (partner), which can improve self-esteem individuals concerned while hanging out in a social community.
  •     Increase Hormone Production 'Love'
Sex ends with an orgasm will increase production of the hormone oxytocin, a hormone that is often referred to as the love hormone. Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and the University of North Carolina examine 59 pre-menopausal women before and after sex.
Researchers found that the body of the female oxytocin levels are much improved from before they had sex. Oxytocin is also often associated with a high sense of generous and would like to have.
  •     Lower Risk of Prostate Cancer
A study published in the British Journal of Urology International stated that men who ejaculated more than 2 times a week can lower the risk of prostate cancer than men who never ejaculate at all during the week.
  •     Improve Sleep Quality
You are a man and are having trouble sleeping? You should not consume drugs in advance, let alone cope with sex! The Australian men said, they will more easily fall asleep after sex. 

Scientists believe men have a brain switch 'On' and 'Off' in the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain used for thinking. Brain will be in a position 'on' time to have sex, but will immediately switch to 'Off' after reaching orgasm. At least 1 out of 3 Australian men say they use sex as the main way for them to quickly fall asleep at night.

Interested to try it?

Shampoo; Clean Hair and Solve Fogged Windshield

The Benefits of Shampoo - Clean Hair and Solve Fogged Windshield

Who does not know the shampoo? shampoo is a hair and scalp liquid cleanser. The main function of shampoo is to clean the hair and scalp, hair impurities including natural secretions of the skin, accumulation of dirt from the environment and the rest of the hair care products are used by consumers. After cleaning, it can give perfect satisfaction to the user / consumer. 

shampoo benefits

shampoo benefits for fogged windshield

Using shampoo will result in Soft, shiny, and easy to set up hair. Formulations of shampoo can also be a mixture that is emphasized for several special abilities such as to minimize the pain of the eye, controls dandruff or provide an attractive fragrance to smell the fragrance that is acceptable.

Do you know if the shampoo not only can be used as a hair and scalp cleanser? shampoo also useful in addressing auto glass frosted? windshield is fogged is because the air inside the cabin temperature higher than the temperature outside the car. Dew on the windshield will increase, especially if your car is damaged air-conditioning, so it was forced to shut down the glass. circumstances frosted glass make sure your views are not so comfortable, and can be dangerous. now how to cope with the dew on the windshield?

Another benefits of Shampoo

An easy way to overcome the windshield fogged, using regular shampoo you use to wash, dewy glass problems can be overcome. Shampoos contain chemicals that can block the deposition of water vapor, so dew temperature due to the heat in the cabin can not stick to the glass surface.

You do this by applying a liquid shampoo to taste throughout the inside of the glass, the water do not mix. Spread evenly and thin, if you use to much it will disrupt vision. By applying the shampoo, the problem windshield fogged you face will be solved.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

6 best foods to relieve pain

The benefit of 6 Best Food to Relieve Pain

Pain Relieve food

Pain Relieve food

Gym is exciting activity, however for some people this activity could lead to the next day pain, In medical term, muscle pain after exercise commonly referred as Delayed Onset Muscle soreness (Doms).

Usually this happens due to perform high intensity exercise such as lifting weights or sprint, so the muscle tissue suffered minor injuries due to the exercise. Well, when the injury recovery, muscle tissue will heal yourself so that you will experience Doms. This process usually occurs one day after exercise.

Under certain conditions, Doms can interfere with daily activities. In fact, sometimes enough to make you lazy to practice again. Therefore, the appropriate steps necessary to reduce the pain caused by Doms. One of them is to eat 6 meals following:

Benefits of 6 Food to Relieve Pain

1. Wheat cereal
    Breakfast cereals wheat before exercise is very good, but you are also advised to consume cereal grain back after exercising. The content of carbohydrates can help eliminate fatigue by restoring glycogen supplies are reduced or depleted during exercise. It is very important to restore the energy supply after exercise to avoid drowsiness.

2.  Fruit Cherries
    The miracle fruit has many anti-inflammatory substances that can relieve muscle pain fruit is also rich in anthocyanin antioxidants that are beneficial to help healing. Some athletes actually often eat cherry tarts before exercise to avoid excessive pain. In addition, the consumption of fresh cherries also in the form of juice drinks.

3.  Beans
    All types of nuts have a high content of vitamin E that have excess dala restore muscle strength, against muscle pain, and treat injured muscle tissue. Eating foods rich in vitamin E such as nuts will help restore muscle strength and maintain the condition of the body when the next exercise.

3.  Give fruit
    Raspberry contains polyphenol antioxidants that can protect cells from injury. In addition to reducing muscle soreness, berries can also protect other cell injuries that can result in cancer. In general, the darker the berry color indicates the amount of antioxidants, such as the blackberry and blueberry.

5. Fish
    Fish generally have the main content of protein and essential fatty acids. These fatty acids can help reduce inflammation and fight muscle pain. If not so fond of fish, you can try taking fish oil supplements as an alternative.

6.  Eggs
    Eggs, including egg yolks, rich in protein and vitamin D were able to fight muscle pain and help muscle growth. Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common conditions. Calorie content of egg yolk are good calories because it produces vitamin D and protein. But you should limit egg yolk consumption to maintain the body's cholesterol levels and diligent drinking low-fat milk fortified vitamin D.

Balanced with rest adequate so that the recovery process can run optimally. Good luck!

Prayer for psychological and health benefits

The Benefits of Prayer for more Calm & Peace Life

Prayer for psychological and health benefits
Prayer for psychological and health benefits
None of us could realized anything WHEN God is not willing. For me personally, I am certain of it. One example, in a condition, you may have to do things that (according to you) is the best, But apparently, you do not get a sweet fruit, even to approach it is still quite far away.

Simply put, these examples as well as an overview that I wrote above. Not everything went smoothly, because the way we will find small pebbles that sometimes make our feet hurt, or even tripped and fell.

Your word is your prayers. Not one of these expressions can be a trigger or a picture of what next to be passed. Because indirectly what was said, sometimes will make you have confidence not much different from what had been said. So, go hand in hand and balanced, that is prayer. For anyone, I believe that prayer is a most effectual way to solve everything in the instructions or ask. Because under any circumstances, only we surrender to Him and Him only we ask. below is 5 benefits of prayer;

5 benefits of prayer for psychological and health:

1. Increase the hardness of the hearts
someone who diligently pray it will definitely be strong in the face of disaster. In this case because he realizes that only God that he rested himself. Therefore, indirectly formed will have the power within him a feeling not easily discouraged. Even under conditions of falling, or a big failure.

2. Reduce stress
Pray also has the benefit of reducing the intensity of the stress caused by a variety of problems that occur in life. And in fact, people who are lazy will pray more susceptible to stress. Because he is not God as a resting-place, which actually is the Creator himself, the heavens, the earth, and along with its contents.

3. Lowering emotion
Someone who has a frequency pray more able to control emotions. Because everything he responds calmly and do not think negative thinking (prejudge either).

4. Increase endurance
Praying is believed to protect the body from diseases caused by psychological disorders.

5. Improving the ability of self-development
A diligent prayer will have the strength and the ability to develop themselves for more leverage. In this case because it will automatically arise a belief that God will give you a hint in the form of skills or talents that should be developed. He was also not limited to just understand the circumstances of a key to success, but also as an expression of gratitude to God who has given it.