Monday, July 01, 2013

Fermented Foods Health Benefits

Get to know the health benefits of fermented foods?

The Benefits of fermented foods

The Benefits of fermented foods

Hear the word bacteria, usually we will worry about the health and condition of our body. But it was not all bacteria are bad, because there are also good bacteria that can make our bodies healthier.

Good bacteria are probiotics (including yeast) that can be found in fermented foods. The task of probiotics in general is to protect our body from bad bacteria. Want to know the other benefits of probiotics? See the full list, as well as various types of fermented foods are healthy, as quoted from She Knows (03/07) below.

Good bacteria vs. bad bacteria

Our digestive system requires both good and bad bacteria in order to stay balanced. Although the researchers are still collecting evidence through research, but many of the people who believe that probiotics or good bacteria are able to give millions of benefits, such as:

    Boost the immune system.
    Reduce fat.
    Reducing high blood pressure.
    Relieves diarrhea caused by certain infections.
    Relieve nausea.
    Giving calcium intake for the lactose intolerance.

Fermented foods Benefits

In order to maintain the level of good bacteria in the body, we should also be diligent eating fermented foods. Here's a list of fermented foods are healthy if consumed on a regular basis.
  • Miso, usually cooked as a soup made from fermented soy beans. The Japanese like to enjoy this miso soup for their breakfast.
  • Yogurt, everyone must have known and loved these fermented foods. Choose low-fat and low-sugar, or you can make your own, in order to maximize the benefits womb.   
  • Kombucha, if this one is a typical East Asian fermented tea that is believed to have millions of health benefits.
  • Kefir, like yogurt because it is a fermented milk. But more like a thick and creamy that is no less healthy with yogurt.
Probiotics are similar to the actual supplements that help keep our body fit. So, if you want to maintain the immune system, let's be diligent enjoy the fermented foods!

Fanpage Facebook benefits for Business Support

The Benefits of Facebook Fan Page for Business

Many people use Social media Facebook for business, even before Facebook created his own fanpage features. The seller makes its own Facebook account in the name of his business brand.

Since the features of Facebook fanpage created, then many sellers prefer to make a fanpage business brand instead of creating an account. Facebook users were only staying to like fanpage, without the need to make friends with a business brand account.

Social media consultant Stephanie Frasco said, at least there are 7 benefits if the seller uses fanpage on Facebook for business.

Top 7 Benefits of Facebook Fanpage

  1. An unlimited number of fans. By creating a business brand fanpage, sellers can obtain the number of fans as much as possible, without restriction. Another case if the seller made a Facebook account for business. A maximum of only one account can be friends with 5,000 people.
  2.  Separating business content and personal content. Many sellers who do not want to be bothered making business fanpage, so the mixing of information products in its personal Facebook account. Fanpage create content for the seller split between business and personal life content.
  3. Indexed search engine. Facebook fanpage already indexed or listed in search engines. Therefore, a business that has a fanpage brand will be more easily found in search engines by the buyer.
  4. Anyone able to tag. By making a fanpage, all Facebook users can download the brand tag-owned business seller. It can not be done if the seller using your Facebook account. Only people who are friends with that account can download the brand tag-selling business.
  5. Professional impression. Seller has a fanpage that will create a professional impression, rather than sellers who use the account to do business. Many Facebook users are lazy friends with a business brand account. Therefore, the seller is better made than the account for business fanpage.
  6. Appearing in newsfeed owned buyer. All posts are done through fanpage seller will appear in the newsfeed. Buyer only needs to jamming like a fanpage and for all, he will get up-date any seller posting made through his fanpage. This is called a newsfeed marketing, marketing is selling products through owned newsfeed buyer.
  7. Check-in feature. Facebook users can download the brand tag that has a fanpage business, when they want to check in at specific locations. It can not be done if the seller uses Facebook to brand his business account.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Ultrasonografi Health Benefits

The Benefits of Ultrasonografi for Health

For common people, ultrasonografi (USG)  is useful for monitoring the development of children each month. But there are other benefits of ultrasound is that?

What Is Ultrasonografi ?

what is Ultrasonografi

The Benefits of Ultrasonografi

USG or ultrasonography is a diagnostic imaging technique that uses ultrasonic sound waves with a frequency that is higher than the ability of human hearing. This technique is used to image internal organs and muscles, as well as the size of the structure. In general usefulness of ultrasound is to help establish the diagnosis in a variety of abnormalities of body organs

Ultrasound examination uses sound waves with a frequency of 1-10 MHz. Frequency selection determines the image resolution and penetration into the patient's body. High frequency sound waves are generated from the crystals contained in a device called a transducer / probe.  

Changes in shape due to mechanical force on the crystal will cause the voltage where the phenomenon is called Piezo electric effect. Crystal form will also change when affected by electric fields. Crystals will expand and contract according to the pattern of the electric field that is generated through high frequency sound waves.

Ultrasonografi Benefits in trimester I

Ensure pregnancy and fetal position. In most cases, an ectopic pregnancy or a pregnancy outside the womb. Ultrasound helps obstetricians to detect and handle cases of ectopic pregnancy. Gestational age can be seen in the first trimester with minimal errors (4 days). 

With such events through the time of labor and premature birth can be avoided. Also in some cases ultrasound can detect alpha thalassemia. In the normal fetus, the size is bigger than the stomach. In the fetus with alpha thalassemia allegations, the same size of the head and abdomen. Cases of neural tube defects with signs of fetal skull bones have not, big eyes, and small head, already apparent in the trimester I.

Ultrasonografi Benefits trimester II

If doctors suspect there are pregnant with twins, an ultrasound will be done to ensure these allegations. A variety of congenital abnormalities can be screened through the 2nd trimester ultrasound abnormalities such as head, spine, heart, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, and Down syndrome. 

Early diagnosis followed by interventions to repair the possibility of interference or even save the lives of babies. The sex of the baby can also be identified in this phase. The doctor will perform a series of measurements, such as distance of the head to the tail, diaeter head, femur length, and abdominal circumference bone.

Ultrasonografi Benefits trimester III

Evaluate fetal growth determine the condition of the placenta which supplies the essential nutrients a baby at the same time oxygen-rich blood, and to know the position of the fetus before birth.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Confident benefits for daily life

Confident benefits for daily life

Benefits Confident Attitude

Confidence is a matter relating to the world of psychology that is within each of us. Have high confidence that is needed to be able to achieve a success as well as a sense of optimism and businesses who do not know unyielding. To achieve the required troubleshooting tips growing confidence in ourselves.

There is some sense of confidence in itself. Here is a confident sense of the term Dictionary Thantaway in Guidance and Counseling (2005:87) that is the definition of PD (confidence) is a mental or psychological condition of a person who gives a strong belief in himself to do or perform any act. Anita (2004) defines the meaning of the confidence which means that a person believes in the ability to complete a job and also a problem.

Confident benefits

When we talk about the benefits of self-confidence for people who lives in the world of business and is financially benefit could mean that he is a brave man in all areas of life, dare to take decisions, big bold capital issued, and also willing to issue in public opinion, and other daring acts. It's just going to science must be balanced and also experience a lot. Origin not only courageous. Because the real key is self-confidence is our belief in the ability of ourselves. And it is also a part of healthy living tips.

The positive influence of self-confidence is good and which is owned by someone high will affect the following points:
Someone Soul Emotion.
When a person has had and has a sense of self confidence (confidence) is good, then the question would be better in controlling the feelings when you are in emotional problems or stress tententu both at work, home life, and may be better to control themselves in the act and quieter and can determine the right time to perform an action in solving the problems of life.

Trying spirit.
Other positive effect of self-confidence in relation to this is the spirit of trying the person concerned will not be easy discouraged to achieve goals in life even though it is not easy. And people with a high level of confidence will tend to bend over backwards to keep his business he yielded good results.

Some troubleshooting tips how to improve self-confidence can be done by:
Choose an activity that you think we still lack confidence. With this we will learn more about the cause of insecurity we are. With this we will be expected to slowly overcome a sense of inferiority or not PD on us. And explore every way to be able to grow the confidence.

Set targets success of an activity. Target is something we want to accomplish. When we have a targat to be achieved then this will foster the spirit within us to keep trying and trying to reach the target of success.

Do not Be Afraid To Challenge. Because we are doing a challenge is the first step in a way to convince yourself to oneself. If we just do what only we can, then we can not see ourselves the ability of the real. By doing challenges, our eyes will be open, and will even be in a conclusion that apparently we can do anything as long as we think it might not be even impossible. So by doing things like this confidence will rise.

Constraints and problems on this confidence is inferior (not confident). And these are some of the causes of inferiority can because of environmental factors, the fruits of parental upbringing filled with restrictions, lack of parental affection, do not get a good example of the parents, the trauma of failure and adverse events in the past will also become factors causing this insecurity in a person.

Real confidence is an attitude that is positive for our lives and ourselves in terms of mentality. Confident will lead one to a sense of optimism in life. Confident and optimistic is the initial capital that determines success, in the face of any problem to be faced.

benefits of cow bone marrow for child brain intelligence

Bone marrow is the soft and super savory, often used as an ingredient to make the broth on the food. Some are finally enjoying the softness of the bone marrow directly in the cow. Indeed, the food is delicious and gives the sensation of another meal than others.

The Benefits of Marrow Bone for Health

marrow bone health benefits

Turns marrow has good benefits to anyone consume, both children and adults. If you have children in infancy and difficult to eat, give them a cow marrow can improve brain function so that they become more active and smarter. Beef marrow is also believed to increase appetite for children are difficult to eat.

Maintaining excellent beef marrow bones and teeth. For children and adults, marrow cows can boost immunity, so we did not get sick. Wow, delicious, nutritious anyway.

Eating beef marrow is also good for you to accelerate the healing of injured bones. Beef marrow contains nutrients such as iron of 480 mg, 8 mg calcium 4.7 mg protein and phosphorus 3.1 mg. With the content of the many benefits we can get from eating beef bone marrow. Including those who want to strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.

If you want to eat more delicious with beef marrow, can make a soup or skewers so that more tempting. Especially for the children who are growing.

Google Map Benefits for Daily Life

The Benefits of Google Map for Everyday Activity

Google map is an internet software which contains a map of the area or location. The map shows the picture as is frequently encountered in conventional map created print. Either in book form or also in the form of painting.

Google map is an extension of the benefits of google sites. Previously, the site is only known as a search engine or internet search engine in the world alone. however, as the development of the technological breakthrough that makes google different from other search engines.

This is a strategy made by managers sistus google, in order to attract the interest of Internet users. So, they not only visit the google site while looking for a site that contains content that they want. However, there are other facilities provided by the google site for those who want to find a location. You do this through the software.

In the software, will be presented a map display area created digitally. So, for those who want to know the map of an area, simply go to the site the google map and pressing the button or typing in an address. Thus, the location you want will soon be found without long wait times.

What Is a Google Map?

Google Maps is a service from Google to show the roads that exist in the entire world. Shaped like a common map you see. But Google's service is only showing the streets alone, and there is no name of a mountain, a river, or the boundaries of the area commonly found in the general map. However, existing maps in the Maps service is very complete.

How to View Google Map

benefits of google map

Google map Benefits

How to view the Maps service is very simple and you do not need to install software such as Google Earth. Importantly, you must be connected to the internet. To be able to see the Maps service, you have to slide to the official website at

Upon entry to the official website, you can simply search for the desired road map by typing the path or area being searched on Google Maps. Keep in mind that in typing the name of the street or the area you are looking, you have to actually type in detail so that the results of the map that appears in accordance with the street name or area desired.

The reason is, a lot of roads that have the same name in different areas. For example, Ahmad Yani street. Could all cities in Indonesia to use this name for the road that is in their town. So, write down the name of the street and the area they want to know the maps.

One more facilities or services provided to you is very useful is the print facility map. After finding the road map will be known, you can print the map onto a paper. Of course to be able to print the map in Google Maps, you need a printer.

This map printing facility can be determined amount of area you want to print. For example, you can print the entire map of Jakarta with street names that are less obvious. But if you want to print a map with street names are clear, you can print a more specific area.

One of Google's more interesting is that you can use it for free and did not charge at all. So please go to Google Maps and get all the information about the map of an area.

Benefits of Google Map

Any additional facilities other than as a search engine on this map service, would be very helpful to users. It is especially in the process of finding a location that is still foreign. Because of the presence of this software will give you some of the benefits include:

1. Speed ​​up the search of a location within a short time. Because the digital technology search system will take place quickly. With this service, one can find a place that he meant it. Very easy, even for places categorized as remote areas are still accessible.

2. Help someone who is traveling to find a quick way to be at the location of its target. This is another of the advantages of this service.

There are so many who want to travel paraorang not clearly understand the direction of the road that will be delivered to the intended destination. Many of those who are lost because they do not know the way. Ask anyone who met on the road was not a solution that is easy to do.

Therefore, these services help people with this type. Before traveling, they are sufficient to access the site, type in address or place name that will be addressed. And within seconds, the service will let you know where the location of the destination as well as the placement of the other places around the point.

Thus, this service will indicate which path should be taken in order to get to the destination. So it certainly will not get lost again. And ask the people who met in the street only when the urgent course. Surely it would be more optimized again.

3. Simplify storage system map. Because, with digital technology we do not need to make a special space to store a map. Therefore, the software is the data stored in digital form.

For people who are always struggling with digital world, of digital map service is very helpful. Someone does not have to bother bringing a complete map and certainly not small to determine intended place. with these services, simply by accessing the site provider, then the service is already digital maps can be available and assist the work of the seeker.

4. Can be accessed from anywhere. With the technology of the Internet, we can make the access maps from various places that have internet facility. this is another convenience that is in the service.

Timeless for its fig connected in internet services, they still may to access this service. Also timeless, still can access it at any time.

5. Knowing new places we might not have known before. This is very helpful when we're heading to that place. before traveling we've got enough stock on the direction to be taken to arrive at the venue.

Sometimes it difficult for someone to go to a place that he knew or had never visited before. Maybe the previous era, someone asked the people who know or have ever visited the venue to make maps or routes to get to the venue.

Like the route that is in the service. There is a path or route that will deliver the seeker to the intended place.

6. Renewal of data faster than using a conventional map. Renewal is in this service must be done very quickly, much faster than the existing conventional maps.

If the required fieldwork conventional map directly to the field where the change of name of the place or the conditions where it is the presence of these digital services, it should not be done.

Well, probably many of you who often have lost or stray. This happens because of ignorance on the road to be traversed to reach the destination. Especially if you live in a crowded city street memorize difficult, because so many.

However, with Google maps you will no longer need to fear getting lost, even if we wanted to go away to a place we had never attended. Yes, you can see which way these must be passed in order to get to the destination in an easy way, by using the Google Map.

Indeed this service from day to day enjoyed by many people. Therefore more and more users. Google Map service users are increasingly able to find it useful in their work and lives.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Benefits of Fat for Body

The Benefits of Fat for Body

Fat benefits for health

Fat benefits for health

We usually would feel uncomfortable if our body is fatty. Therefore, we will soon find a way to get rid of Spry fat-especially in the abdomen-in any way offered. Either by drinking tea diet, acupuncture, or exercising. 

Have a lean body mass (muscles) will help your metabolism high, keep bones strong, prevent injuries, and repel diseases, including osteoporosis, diabetes, arthritis, back pain, and high blood pressure. Even more importantly, a slender body obviously more delicious.

But you need to know, keep body fat levels remained within the normal is also required. Body fat is basically needed for bodily functions can run normally and healthy. There are several other reasons why we must continue to maintain a healthy body fat levels.

Top 7 Fat Benefits for Body

1. Protection. Fat is important to protect our bodies, to help regulate body temperature, and protect us from the weather is very hot and cold.

2. Body functions. Body fat is important for the functioning of the body with healthy and normal.

3. Absorption of the vitamin. Fat serves as a carrier of vitamin A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble. Lean body, you can vitamin deficiency that can cause disease.

4. "Shock absorbers" private. Fat is the body's natural cushioning mechanism. Fat surrounds and protects vital organs, and keeping the joints. Even athletes also require body fat to protect them from potential injury suffered while playing.

5. Cell structure, beauty, and age. Fat is part of the structure of our cells, which is important for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. Although we are diligent in our body fitness and toned, healthy body fat but will also keep us still look feminine, not like Madonna that makes her look like a man.

6. Fertility. Body fat helps to ensure the production of hormones, including sex hormones. Women, who have very low body fat, tend to have low estrogen levels also. This could result in the cessation of menstruation.

7. Energy and endurance. By having body fat in healthy levels, we can avoid illness and chronic fatigue. In addition, a low body fat will reduce or decrease the energy.

There are several different ways to measure body fat content, and the method may be more accurate than other methods. But everyone needs a different fat content than others, so it would be better if we know that healthy levels of fat in a certain percentage range. If you have stopped menstruating, or if you are susceptible to flu or fatigue, you should see a doctor to find out if your body fat levels are at healthy levels.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Benefits of Yoga Asanas for Health

Health Benefits of Asanas Yoga

Asana Yoga Benefits for Health

What is Asana on Yoga? Asana yoga is movement associated with body position. The combination of flexibility motion, circular motion and balance helps you to distinguish them from other types of yoga. Asanas in Yoga posture prioritize, focus on breathing and concentration on the mind.

there are dozens or even hundreds of asanas in yoga, the asanas but basically divided into 5 groups, What are the types and benefits of asana in yoga? Please listen to the benefits that we can reap by doing the following 5 types of asana.

Types and Asana Benefits for health

1. Standing asanas: standing poses such as mountain pose tadasana or give vitality, energy, spirit. If coupled with a raised hand movement, heart rate will be increased and pep. Therefore, this kind poses a very good done in the morning, when we needed pep. Instead of drinking coffee or tea, do it standing yoga poses to pep. Healthier and do not drain the water in the body.

2. Sit Asana : sit like Paschimottanasana Pose (body folded forward), vajrasana, or sukasana easy and everyone can do makes us who do become calmer. Calm, so said the West.

3. Twisted Asana : Play or called twisting is great for cleaning (cleansing and detox) in organs such as the digestive organs polluted every day we continue to include food and drinks that are not necessarily healthy, but instead weighed the body. 

If you are suffer from constipation for instance, try to do the poses twisting torso or torso so that the digestive organs are stimulated and eventually compelled to remove waste materials and toxins in the body. Coupled with a healthy diet and adequate water intake, the body undoubtedly will expel twist pose constipation. 

4. Pose jump: In doing yoga, sometimes performed leaps, like when we had to move from downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana) towards half standing forward bend (ardha uttanasana). Here, skill and agility (agility) we sharpened.

5. Pose upside / inversion: Doing the pose that would make the heart are on the head spur faster heartbeat and for many people, relatively challenging asanas such as risk of falls, upside down, dizzy, dizzy and so on makes it feel 'scary' and should avoided by all means. 

Though feeling dizzy, afraid that if it lived as good as possible and is done in moderation will make our mental strength is better than ever and that would make us to be more courageous in facing the challenges in life. Trying something new will be easier, especially for those who like the comfort zone (who do not like the comfort zone?).

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Benefits of Manganese in daily life

Benefits of Manganese in daily life

Manganese History

First identified by Scheele, Bergman and other experts as an element and isolated by Gahn in 1774, with the reduction of manganese dioxide with carbon.

Manganese Source

Benefits of Manganese in daily life

Benefits of Manganese in daily life

Manganese minerals are widely spread in many forms; oxides, silicates, carbonates are the most common compounds. The discovery of a large number of manganese compounds in the bottom of the ocean is the source of the manganese content of 24%, along with other elements with less content.

Most of the manganese compounds currently found in Russia, Brazil, Australia, Africa sSelatan, Gabon, and India. Irolusi and rhodokhrosit mineral manganese is most often found. Metals, manganese is obtained by reduction of manganese oxide with sodium, magnesium, aluminum, or by electrolysis.

Manganese Properties

Manganese grayish white, with a hard but brittle nature. Manganese is very reactive chemically, and decomposes cold water slowly. Manganese is used to form many important alloys. In steel, manganese improves the quality forging both in terms of strength, hardness, and hardenability.

With aluminum and bismuth, especially with small amounts of copper, forming a ferromagnetic alloy.

Manganese metal is ferromagnetic after a given treatment. The pure metal exists as a form allotropik with four types. One of them, alpha type, unusually stable at high temperatures, whereas the type of gamma manganese, which turned out to be an alpha at high temperatures, said flexible, easy to cut and forged.

Usefulness of Manganese

Manganese dioxide (as pirolusit) is used as depolariser and dry cell batteries and to remove the green color in the glass caused by iron impurities. Manganese violet color itself gives the glass. Dioxide is useful for the manufacture of oxygen and chlorine, and in drying black paints. 

Compounds permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent and is used in quantitative analysis and in medicine. Manganese is also widely spread in the body. Manganese is an essential element for the use of vitamin B1.

Benefits and function of Manganese

Manganese market prospect is very dependent on the world steel industry. Currently 90 percent of the production of manganese is consumed by the steel industry and for this purpose usually used a mixture of iron manganese, which feromangan. 

Feromangan produced by reduction of a mixture of iron and manganese oxides with carbon. The most important manganese ore is pirolisit, MnO2 Manganese is one of the mining products with outstanding usability. 

Commodities are included in the group of twelve mineral in the earth's crust into raw materials which are not replaceable in the world steel industry. Ferro Manganese and Manganese are two forms of silico manganese steel industry which is widely used.

Manganese is also used for the production of dry batteries, ceramics, glass and chemicals.
Manganese is essential to iron and steel production. Manganese is a key component of low-cost stainless steel formulations and certain widely used. Manganese is used in steel alloys to increase the favorable characteristics such as strength, hardness and durability. Manganese is used to make the glass and making glass achromatic color purple.

Manganese dioxide is also used as a catalyst. Additionally Manganese is used in the electronics industry, where manganese dioxide, either natural or synthetic, which is used to produce manganese compounds which have a high electrical resistance; among other applications, is used as a component in every television set.

Manganese is a mineral that is used by some to help prevent bone loss and reduce the annoying symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl is used as an additive in unleaded gasoline to boost octane and reduce engine knocking. The manganese in the unusual organometallic compound is in the oxidation state 1.

Manganese (IV) oxide (manganese dioxide, MnO 2) is used as a reagent in organic chemistry for the oxidation of benzylic alcohols (ie adjacent to an aromatic ring). Manganese dioxide has been used since antiquity to neutralize oxidative greenish tinge in glass caused by trace amounts of iron contamination. MnO 2 is also used in the manufacture of oxygen and chlorine, and in drying black paints.

In some preparations it is a brown pigment that can be used to make paint and is a constituent of natural umber. Manganese (IV) oxide is used in the original type of dry cell battery as an electron acceptor from zinc, and is the blackish material found when opening carbon-zinc type flashlight cells. Manganese dioxide is reduced to manganese oxide-hydroxide MnO (OH) during discharging, preventing the formation of hydrogen at the anode battery.

Manganese is also important in photosynthetic oxygen evolution in chloroplasts in plants.

Manganese Handling

Exposed to manganese dust, vapor and compounds should not exceed 5 ppm even for a very short period because of the level of toxicity of the element.