Monday, July 15, 2013

Health Benefits of Chlorella

The Benefits of Chlorella for Body Detox

Chlorella comes from the Latin Chlor: green and Ella: small objects.
the benefits of Chlorella

Detox with Chlorella benefits

Chlorella classified as single-celled green algae live in fresh water. Chlorella is very small with a diameter of 3-8 micrometers. Chlorella is shaped like a ball.

With the help of sun chlorella is able to divide itself into four cells every 20-24 hours. This species is the king of Chlorella pyrenoidosa, because the content of CGF (Chlorella Growth Factor) which is the highest among its other species.

Chlorella green algae mainly of species Chlorella vulgaris have been cultivated and processed with high technology a source of food of high nutritional value. 

Chlorella has been processed for sale as a food supplement in the form of powder, tablets, or capsules. Chlorella contains chlorophyll reach 2-3% by weight. Chlorella also contains 55-60% protein content, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. 

Chlorophyll and nutrients that play a role in Chlorella is beneficial for health if consumed. Chlorella existing commercial products in combination with other types of algae, such as Spirulina (blue-green algae), Chlorella health benefits by increasing endurance, lowering high blood pressure, improve digestion, promote the growth of beneficial bacteria to the intestines, constipation overcome, prevent stomach ulcers, and prevent tumors.

7 Top Benefits of Fiber for Health

Dietary fiber is one of the nutrients that are considered essential these days. So far, the discussion of dietary fiber is often neglected in comparison with a discussion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. 

Health benefits of Fiber

7 Top Benefits of Fiber for Health

The reason is because the physical properties of the fiber, including portions of food that can not be digested (indigestible) and nutritional contribution is not taken into account (negligible nutrient value). However, the actual dietary fiber has important functions that are not replaced by other substances.

Soluble fiber in the form of a viscus may prolong gastric emptying time. Meanwhile, guar and pectin improved transit time in the gut. 

Conversely insoluble fiber will shorten the transit time time or in other words, the period between the entry and exit of food as leftovers that are not needed by the body to be shorter. Transit time is short cause contact between the substances irritating the mucosa and colorectal be brief, so that it can prevent the disease in parts of the colon and rectum.

Dietary fiber also affects the intestinal hormone release (digestion in the gut), calcium, iron, zinc and other organic substances, however, the fiber can also bind cholesterol and bile acids that affect cholesterol enterohepatic circulation (blood flow through the liver is not directly leading to heart).

In the colon, fiber is fermented by colonic bacteria and will produce short-chain fatty acids (short chain fatty acids). These fatty acids can inhibit fat mobilization and reduce gluconeogenesis and therefore contributes to the use of glucose, insulin secretion and glucose utilization by the liver cells.

Fiber also serves to prevent colon cancer. Dietary fiber consists of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin largely be destroyed by enzymes and bacteria in the digestive tract (GI tract). In the colon, dietary fiber will absorb water so the stool becomes larger volume and will stimulate the nerves in the rectum. This stimulation will cause a desire for defecation (issued feces). Feces containing fiber will be easier in eliminate (excluded).

In addition to absorbing water, dietary fiber also absorbs bile acids and fewer bile acids can stimulate the colorectal mucosa. Mechanisms such as fiber can prevent the occurrence of colorectal carcinoma (cancer of the colon colon-rectum). In addition, dietary fiber may also reduce the intake of calories. Low-calorie diet with high-fiber diet is beneficial to address the problem of obesity (obese).

In nutrition, fiber from vegetables and fruits called crude fiber (crude fuber). In addition to crude fiber, no fiber foods that are not only found in vegetables and fruits, but present in other foods, such as rice, potatoes, beans, and tubers. Existing fiber in food is commonly known as dietary fiber which is very good for maintaining a healthy body.

Fibers previously interpreted as part of the plant that can not be absorbed by the body. However, lately the term fiber developed a more precise definition. In nutrition, fiber is defined as all the structural materials of the plant cell roomates taken in our diet are resistant to digestive tract. In recent literature, The American Association of Cereal Chemist, stating fiber foods as part of edible plants or analogous carbohydrates that can not be hydrolyzed by digestive enzymes of human colon. 

Fiber called unavailable carbohydrates. Meanwhile, lignin or plant parts that can not be absorbed by the body called crude fiber or non-carbohydrate.

So that no one sense, the term is used to differentiate dietary fiber dietary fiber with coarse fiber (crude fiber). Crude fiber (crude fiber) used in proximate analysis of food, from food that can not be hydrolyzed by chemicals (sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide). 

Meanwhile, dietary fiber includes polysaccharides is everything and that can not be hydrolyzed by digestive enzymes work human gut. Dietary fiber or fiber in the diet is usually several times the crude fiber intake, including the unavailable carbohydrates.

Currently, the recommended fiber intake is higher, given the many health benefits for the body. The World Health Organization has issued adequate intake (AI) of dietary fiber which can be used as a reference for maintaining gastrointestinal health and the health of other organs. 

AI value of dietary fiber for adults, now set at 25-30 grams / day. Previously only the set at 16-28 g / day, equivalent to 1-4% crude intake british diets. In the American diet, the recommended dietary fiber gram/100 5-8 grams of crude fiber.

7 Top Fiber Health Benefits

Consider the function of fiber more as reported by the Huffington Post following.
1. extend the life of
A research has shown that a person's daily routine to meet the needs of fiber (14 grams per 1,000 calories consumed) have the opportunity to live 9 years longer than those without.

2. Maintain intestinal health
There is no relationship dietary fiber with the risk of colon cancer. Nonetheless eating fiber as needed indirectly able to maintain overall intestinal health.

3. Lowering Cholesterol
Soluble fiber plays an important role in lowering levels of bad cholesterol in the body that normally trigger cardiovascular disease.

4. Preventing diabetes
Diets high in fiber also slows the absorption of sugar in the blood levels. So someone who diligently meet the daily fiber needs a small risk of type 2 diabetes.

5. Avoid Digestion
Constipation? Sign you eat less fiber every day. If you experience it, you should increase your intake of fiber so digestion becomes more fluent.

6. Help Lose weight
Fibers have a tendency to make a full belly in the long term. So if you want to lose weight, do not be lazy to eat fibrous foods.
7. Prevent heart attacks
In a long term study, eat fibrous foods was also associated with being able to prevent heart disease. The study also proves that nutritious fiber prevents inflammation and lower blood pressure.

That is an important function of fiber for the body. Have you eat fibrous foods today?

Health Benefits of Rose

the benefits of Rose

the benefits of Rose

Rose flower with the scientific name of a plant of Rosaceae Rosanales Order is worthy of the nickname "Queen of Flowers" because almost everyone loves and knows roses. Flower color is pretty charming with a variety of colors liven up the park as a vibrant, plus a fragrant scent scented charm.

Roses are known to have a lot of varieties Rosaceae or rose family. Advances in technology are increasingly making this plant family variegated with colors ranging from red, purple, black and even mix several colors. Besides petals are also increasingly varied, from a single bud, to a double stacked.

In general, roses are grouped according to stature and the nature of its growth into 4 major groups. Namely: shrub roses grown as a hedge, a dwarf roses potted plants, roses and tree roses last liana vine growing.

Rose symbols

A lot of meaning behind a rose, the sorrow, sincerity, compassion and joy to the meaning of love. Because of this diversity, then get to know the colors for the beauty queen of flowers in order to avoid misunderstandings, namely:

Red: love, courage, respect
Yellow: joy, happiness, freedom
Pink / peach: thanks, gratitude, admiration, appreciation and sympathy.
White: reverence, purity of heart, secrecy, engagement.
Red & White: togetherness
Black: grief

Efficacy of a rose

the benefits of Roses
Varied Color of Roses
Behind the beauty of a rose color, it also contained properties as a natural remedy. When you get to go way way to Bangkok, you will encounter foods made from roses. Many restaurants in bangkok which presents a menu mainstay of the floral material.

This flower is safe to eat and have some efficacy. Its essential oil contains geraniol and limonene which serves as an antiseptic, a killer fungus candida albicans causes of vaginal discharge and increase endurance. Fragrant scent of roses are also often used as aromatherapy that is soothing also improve mood.

The leaves are dried petals to scent tea can also. It's easy, you mix a little dried flower petals with water rebuskan tea and then filter, you will enjoy the fresh aroma while sipping tea roses that can improve mood.

While the health Benefits of roses especially for women namely:

1. For roses, in which there are essential oils that contain geraniol, limonene, a substance citric, citronellol, linalol, nerol, eugenol, feniletilalkohol, farnesol, and nonilal-dehida efficacious as an antiseptic, a killer fungus candida albicans causes of vaginal discharge, increase endurance, can treat venomous insect bites, German measles (morbili), and acne.

2. Leaves and rose petals efficacious cool the body so it is useful to reduce fever and eliminate heat and toxins from the body. If you want a longer lasting efficacy can be packaged in the form of vinegar remedy.

The type, purpose, and Benefits Ad

Types of Advertising
Types and benefits of Advertising

Types of Advertising

Broadly speaking, advertising can be classified into seven main categories namely:

1. Consumer advertising2. Advertising advertising business to business or business inter3. Trade advertising4. Retail ad5. Financial advertising6. Direct advertising7. Job advertisements
1. Consumer advertising (Consumer Advertising)* Consumer goods (consumer goods) such as food, shampoo, soap and so on.* Durable goods (durable goods), such as residential buildings, cars, jewelry, and so on.
The most suitable media: newspapers, magazines, television, internet, radio and so on.
2. Inter Ad BusinessUsefulness of advertising is to promote business between the goods and services of non-consumers. That is, both advertisers and advertising goals are equally firm.Products advertised are items that have to be processed between or / be an element of production. Included here is the advertisement of raw materials, components, spare loc, and the accessories, plant facilities and machinery, as well as stationery and others.
Media: trade journals and engineering, literature and technical catalogs, trade shows, postal delivery services, as well as seminars and demonstrations of techniques.
3. Advertisement Trade (Trade Advertising)Trade advertising specifically directed to the distributor, wholesale great merchants, agents, exporters / importers, and traders large and small. Stuff that is advertised goods for resale.
Media: The trade fair, which was held trade association, which is addressed to the distributor.
4. Retail ads (Retail Advertising)The most striking example is the ads launched by supermarkets or department stores are large.Advertisement of toothpaste, dairy products, or snacks that we see in the supermarket that is not made by the manager of the supermarket, but by the company that makes the food / drink it.
5. Ads Finance (Financial Advertising)In general, financial advertising includes ads for banks, savings services, insurance, and investment and so on.
Media: financial and business newspaper, Internet
6. Direct advertising (Direct Advertising)Special feature on the use of media for direct advertising is both personal and products advertised include durable goods. Example is the vehicle product offerings, savings, investments, property, education and so on.
Media used in direct advertising, among others, were created specifically for the letter sent to prospective customers, sending brochures, and the like.
7. Advertising Jobs (Recruitment Advertising)The aim of this type of advertising to recruit prospective employees (such as employees of private companies, civil servants or other public bodies)
Media for advertising this vacancy is usually:
- Internet- National newspaper- Local newspaper- Free publications advertising vacancies- Radio and television

Advertising objectives

Creating awareness on a brand in the minds of consumers. Without a high brand awareness can be hard to get a high market share.1. Communicating information to consumers about the advantages2. A brand. The benefits associated with the benefits of a product compared to other products.3. Associating a brand with certain feelings and emotions. The goal is that there is an emotional connection between consumers and a brand.4. Making behavior. It means that consumer behavior can be established through an advertising campaign.5. Develop or alter the image or personality of a brand. Brand sometimes experiencing adversity in the eyes of consumers.6. Develop a positive perception of the expected future prospects could be potential buyers.7. Directs the consumer to buy the product.

top 3 benefits of Advertising

1. Expand advertising alternative for consumers.
2. Ads help producers engenders trust for consumers.
3. Advertisements make people know and always remember.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Top 5 Benefits of Wake up Early

There are many people who work at night and do not get used up early. Though a few early risers have their own benefits, especially for health. Here are some of the benefits of getting up early, as reported by Inspyr.

Top 5 Benefits of Wake up Early

Top 5 Benefits of Wake up Early

1. Make people more successful
A study conducted in 2008 in texas University found that students who often get up early have a higher value on their GPA compared to students who like to stay up late and rarely get up early.

2. People who wake up happier
Happy here does not mean feeling happy within 15 minutes after waking up, it makes you feel happier mood in general every day. Research shows that the elderly tend to be happier than younger children because they are more often up early. While young children and adults who often work and play late into the night, and rarely wake up in the morning having a worse mood every day.

3. Has a body that is healthy and fit
Get up early to make people more eager to exercise and breathe fresh air. Of course, this makes their bodies more fit and healthy. Most successful people have a habit of getting up early. Breath of fresh air and exercise in the morning can improve your mood and give you energy to move.

4. More productive
Get up early to make a person more productive. this is because the people who get up early, had time to prepare the work, while everyone else is still asleep. They have a good time and used silence to concentrate. A study conducted by a professor of biology at the University of Education in heidelberg found that people who get up early, have more energy.

5. Creating mentally healthy and positive
People who get up early, have a better mood and more optimistic mental. They are also easier to feel satisfied. Now the people who used to get up at night and sleep in the morning, although associated with intelligence and creativity, tend to have a negative mood such as feeling depressed and pessimistic.

Of course, not everyone can wake up the morning. It could be the work force of people wake up to the night and sleep in the morning. But if you want to get the benefits of the above, you should start getting used to getting up early, or at least took time to get up in the morning.

Health benefits of Aromatherapy

The Benefits of Aromatherapy for Health

Aromatherapy Health Benefits

Aromatherapy Health Benefits

Aromatherapy is not something new, nowadays there are many products that use the term aromatherapy fragrances to explain the advantages of the products they sell. 

As is generally known that aromatherapy is a method of relaxation without having traveled. You simply are inside the house or specific rooms with aromatherapy making your choice, you will soon feel the benefits.

Aromatherapy is a generic term for a type of alternative medicine that uses plant materials volatile liquid, known as essential oils, and other aromatic compounds from plants that aim to affect a person's mood or health, which is often combined with alternative medicine practices and beliefs psychotherapy .

Essential oils of different chemical composition from other herbal products because the distillation process only mild fitomolekul recover. Aromatherapy has a wide range of benefits to every type of scent.

There are various benefits that can be obtained from aromatherapy if you want to bring it in your bedroom. Some of which the main ones are:

Top 6 Benefits of Aromatherapy

1. Accelerate skin rejuvenation through essential oils are absorbed into the skin thereby increasing blood flow.
2. Prevent the onset of various diseases because it is antibacterial.
3. Neutralize tension and reduce stress.
4. Gives the comfort (relaxing) through aroma of essential oils are inhaled.
5. Normalize metabolism and increase vitality.
6. Helps regulate the body's balance and stimulate the process of therapy.

Aroma therapy has various types of scents. Each aroma in aromatherapy has many functions that are not only useful to scent a room or fragrances, but also has a tremendous variety of benefits and functions for your health. Here are some Jenia aroma and benefits.

Aromatherapy Basil: Overcoming abdominal pain, muscle spasms and muscle pains, respiratory problems, flu and fever, mental fatigue, headaches, difficulty concentrating and easily nervous.

Cedarwood Aromatherapy: For respiratory and urinary tract infections, toners for oily skin and clogged pores, dandruff and itching.

Aromatherapy chammomile Roman: Suitable for all skin problems such as acne, allergies, burns, eczema and skin inflammation.

Clove Aromatherapy: Reduces toothache, diarrhea, scabies, ringworm and ringworm.

Aromatherapy Cubeb: For disease anorexia, cellulite and loss of appetite.

Cypress Aromatherapy: Overcoming low blood pressure, circulatory system, hemorrhoids, cellulite and reduce excessive perspiration from the body.

Aromatherapy Ginger: It protects the body from chills, fever, nausea, digestive, anti-inflammatory, urinary tract infection, bladder, destroy all types of intestinal parasites and normalize blood pressure.

Geranium Aromatherapy: Efficacious tighten breasts, menopause, acne eczema, bleeding, birth marks and brighten the skin.

Grapefruit Aromatherapy: Overcoming stiff, chills, headache, flu and fever as well as get rid of toxins in the body.

Aromatherapy Lavender : Caring for lung infections, sinus, vaginal including fungi, sore throat, asthma, and other inflammatory cysts. Increase endurance, cell regeneration, open wounds, skin infections, and very comfortable for baby's skin.

Aromatherapy Lemon: Also good for oily skin, as well as a useful antioxidant, antiseptic, against viral and bacterial infections, prevent hypertension, liver and lymph glands are clogged, improve metabolism, support the immune system and slow weight gain.

Aromatherapy Jasmine: Generating a passion of love, both for the fertility of women, treating impotence, anti-depressants, muscle pains, menstrual pain and inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Aromatherapy Juniper: Special treatment of narrowing of the arteries and the problems associated with blockage of blood vessels such as stretching, hemorrhoids and cellulite.

Aromatherapy Orange: Good for oily skin, lymph nodes not smooth, irregular heartbeat and high blood pressure.

Peppermint Aromatherapy: Combating bacteria, viruses and parasites are lodged in the digestive tract. Launched a sinus blockage and lung, skin activates the production of oil, cure for ringworm itch / ringworm, herpes, scabies due to poisonous plants.

Aromatherapy Rosemary: One of the potent aroma accelerate blood circulation, lowers cholesterol, relaxes muscles, rheumatism, eliminate dandruff, hair loss, dull skin to help overcome the bottom level. Prevent dry skin, wrinkles that appeared reddish veins.

Sandalwood Aromatherapy: Cure urinary tract infections and genital, treat inflammation and burns, throat problems, help to overcome sleeplessness and create peace of mind.

Aromatherapy Tea tree: Serve as a good immune tonic treat lung disease, genitals, vagina, sinuses, mouth infections, fungal infections, chicken pox, shingles and protect the skin from radiation burns during cancer therapy.

Thyme Aromatherapy: Healing digestive disorders and fungus, destroying roundworms and tapeworms.

Aromatherapy Ylang-ylang/ Kenanga: Characteristically calm, relieve shortness of breath, serves as a hair tonic as well as generating a sense of love.

Now, choose a scent according to your needs and desires, usually smell can indicate a person's character, aroma room in the house so you explain how the character of its inhabitants. Aromatherapy both indoors working or your personal library.

The Benefits of trinolon - Triamcinolone

benefits of Triamcinolone

benefits of Triamcinolone

Triamcinolone chemicals contained in a type of trinolon drug commonly used to treat symptoms of adrenokortiral primary and secondary deficiency, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, and inflammation of the thyroid that does not fester.

Additionally triamcinolone also serves as an adjunct therapy for short-term use in psoriatic arthritis, RA, acute and subacute bursitis, acute gout. Maintenance therapy of SLE.  
Allergy and inflammation of the skin, inflammation of the nasal seasonal or annual, bronchial asthma. Allergic conjunctivitis of the eye such as neoplasms eds

If you are taking any of these medications, you should consider it is trinolon can disguise signs of infection, new infections may appear during therapy.  
The patients with active tuberculosis, herpes simplex in the eye, hypothyroidism, liver cirrhosis, hipoprotrombinemia who got aspirin, non-specific ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, ulcers, kidney disorders, hypertension, diabetes, myasthenia gravis should use this medication under the supervision of a doctor. Giving trinolon for long periods can be caused posterior subcapsular cataracts, glaucoma.

Systemic fungal infections disease, and patients who are very sensitive to the active ingredients and excipients these drugs at all is not allowed to take this drug.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Traditional Medication: Health Benefits of Handeuleum

the benefits of handeuleum

health benefits of handeuleum

Handeuleum (Leaves Wungu), (Graptophylum pictum Griff) is a medicinal plant which is very popular among ASEAN society especially Indonesia, handeuleum nutritious treat hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids) or hemorrhoid.

Purple leaf is also efficacious as anti-inflammatory, antiplaque teeth, and prevent pain when menopause. Hemorrhoids or Hemorrhoid is a disease characterized by the swelling or enlargement of veins in the lowest part of the shaft intestine, both on the inside and the outside of the anus.

The disease is characterized by the appearance of a bump as red blotches bluish or blackish. There are two types of hemorrhoids are commonly known, the hemorrhoids (internal hemorrhoids) and external hemorrhoids (external hemorrhoids). Hemorrhoids can be caused by not eating enough fiber. This resulted in difficult bowel movements (constipation)

Handeuleum Morphology :

Trunk: The trunk is purple, the stem cross-section triangular shaped blunt approach.
Trunk: Erect, small size and height of 3 meters only.
Leaves: leaves that have a structure located position vis-a-vis
Flowers: 1 Stackable in a series of dark red cluster.

Purple leaf plants contain chemical constituents among others. Non toxic alkaloids, flavonoids, glikosid, steroids, saponins, tannins, calcium oxalate, formic acid and fatty. With a variety of chemical content of leaves have purple as anti-inflammatory properties, laxative urine, accelerates ripening ulcers, mild laxative, skin softener feet, soften feaces, and deflates the hemorrhoids.

Handeuleum (Wungu leaves) (Griff pictum Graptophylum)
Plants is part of Acanthaceae familia. Can be found growing wild in lowland or as an ornamental ..
Other names: Leaves Wungu

Handeuleum contains: substance tannins, alkaloids, glycosides sitosterol

Health Benefit of Handeuleum

  • For the treatment of constipation: Boil 7 Handeuleum leaves with 2 cups of water until the water half. Drink once in the morning.
  •  For hemorrhoid treatment: 15 Handeuleum leaves, turmeric finger sons of my mother, a little palm sugar boiled with 4 cups of water until the water half. Filter. Drink 2x a day, each 1 cup.
  • For ulcer treatment: Some Handeuleum leaves washed and finely ground. Apply to a boil.
  • For the treatment of fever due to dirty belly: 7 Handeuleum leaf, 5 slices of ginger boiled in a glass of water. Filter. 1x drink a day.
  • For the treatment of gallstones: 7 Handeuleum leaves, some leaves veins boiled with 2 cups of water until the water half. This potion to drink 2x a day.
  • To smoothen menstruation: Handful Handeuleum flowers and dried leaves, boiled with 4 cups of water. Drink like we drink tea 3 times a day. Note: Should be taken before menstruation.
  • For treatment of bruises from the impact: Bark Handeuleum finely and place in the swelling.
  • Rheumatism treatment: A handful of leaves Handeuleum washed and crushed. Apply on the affected part.

SWOT Analysis Benefits for Business

The Benefits of SWOT Analysis for Business

What is a SWOT analysis?

Swot analysis is a form of analysis of the situation and the conditions that are descriptive (giving an overview). This analysis puts the situation and condition as input factors, which are then grouped according to their respective contributions.

History of SWOT Analysis

what is SWOT Analysis?

SWOT Analysis Benefits for Business

SWOT analysis is an analysis that was initiated by Albert Humphrey in the 1960s-1970s. This analysis is an acronym of the first letters of the Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunity and Threat.

SWOT analysis method can be considered as the most basic method of analysis, which is  useful to look at a topic or issue from a 4 different side.

Analysis results are typically landing / recommendation For maintaining the strength and the added advantage of existing opportunities, while reducing shortages and avoid threatness. If use correctly, a SWOT analysis will help us to see that the sides of the forgotten or not seen so far.

This analysis is descriptive and sometimes can be very subjective, because it could be two people who analyze an organization will look different side to the four parts. This is reasonable, because the SWOT analysis is an analysis that will provide output in the form of directives and not provide a miracle solution problems.

SWOT analysis is a method to describe and evaluate the condition of a problem, project or business concept based on internal

factors (inside) and external factors (outside) the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. This method is most commonly used in business evaluation methods to come up with strategies that will be done. SWOT analysis of the situation just is not as problem solvers.

SWOT analysis consists of four factors, namely:

1. Strengths
is the condition of the power contained in the organization, project or existing business concept. Strength is a factor analysis contained in the body of the organization, project or business concept itself.

2. Weakness
weakness is a condition contained in the organization, project or business concept. weakness analyzed a factor contained in the body of the organization, project or business concept itself.

3. Opportunities
chances of developing a condition that occurs in the future. A condition that occurs from the opportunities outside the organization, project or business concept itself. for example, competitors, government policy, environmental conditions.

4. Threats
a condition which threatened from outside. This threat can disrupt an organization, project or business concept itself.

Once the mapping is made hence made a SWOT analysis matrix table and specified as a SWOT information table. Then do the comparison between internal factors which include Strength and Weakness with external factors Opportunity and threat. After that we can do an alternative strategy to be implemented. The selected strategy is the most profitable strategy with risks and threats smallest.

In addition to the selection of alternative Swot analysis can also be used to make improvements and improvisations. to know the strengths (Strength and opportunity) and weaknesses (weakness and threat), then we are pursuing a strategy for self-improvement.

Perhaps one of the strategies to improve the strength and opportunity or do other strategies that reduce weakness and threat.

Benefits of SWOT Analysis

What benefits will be gained by the presence of a SWOT analysis? The following are some of them:
1. As a guide for companies to formulate policies related to strategic planning and implementation in the future. Given this analysis,  it is expected that the company will be able to choose the best policy and plan for business development in the future.

2. Being an evaluation form strategic policy and planning system of a company. SWOT analysis will help the company in an effort to think about the evaluation of policies deemed harmful and which are beneficial. Assign various latest designs as solutions to the problems found through the SWOT analysis evaluation.

3. Provide information about the condition of the company, then through the information that there will be a guide for employers and policy makers to undertake new policies as a solution to the existing analysis.

4. Challenging new ideas for the company management. The existence of various problems such as weakness, opportunities and a small force or threat of an outside party will push part of the management company to find a variety of fresh ideas and policies that would be a more effective solution to various problems.

That was what "Benefits of SWOT Analysis for Business" I hope you enjoy the article and have some knowledge.