Research: No Knowingly This Sleep Position Can Improve Sex Desire
The Benefits of Prone Sleep Position This Sleep Position Can Improve Sex DesireEverybody would have have a favorite sleeping position that suits their convenience. But if you and your partner want to legitimately increase desire to make love, it's worth trying this sleeping position at night-the night before.
The Benefits of Prone Sleep Position
Reported Limelife, Sunday (27/10/2013), with the prone sleep position is the best position that can increase a person's likelihood to experience an erotic dream and ultimately help improve one's desire for sex. So that couples who are saturated or decreased sex drive could do to improve relations.
Researchers from Shue Yan University, Hong Kong, Calvin Kai - Ching Yu, conducted a survey on 670 respondents in which two- thirds of whom are women. All respondents are asked about what they experienced dreams and sleeping positions what they use at night.
Results showed that respondents who slept with the prone position were more likely to report the emergence of sex drive. It is possible that when the prone sleeping sex organs you will be dealing directly with the bed. You will also be more difficult to breathe, just like when making love.
The researchers believe the condition is associated with the fact that when you sleep on your stomach, then you will get a little more air, so it will be more difficult to breathe. If you and your partner want to add another variation, try adding a pile of pillows below the groin.
"I believe that during sleep the brain is not completely detached from the outside world, so that the conditions caused by the position during sleep can affect what the body feels," said Kai-Ching Yu.