Sunday, October 27, 2013

Research: No Knowingly This Sleep Position Can Improve Sex Desire

Everybody would have have a favorite sleeping position that suits their convenience. But if you and your partner want to legitimately increase desire to make love, it's worth trying this sleeping position at night-the night before.

The Benefits of Prone Sleep Position

Reported Limelife, Sunday (27/10/2013), with the prone sleep position is the best position that can increase a person's likelihood to experience an erotic dream and ultimately help improve one's desire for sex. So that couples who are saturated or decreased sex drive could do to improve relations.

Researchers from Shue Yan University, Hong Kong, Calvin Kai - Ching Yu, conducted a survey on 670 respondents in which two- thirds of whom are women. All respondents are asked about what they experienced dreams and sleeping positions what they use at night.

Results showed that respondents who slept with the prone position were more likely to report the emergence of sex drive. It is possible that when the prone sleeping sex organs you will be dealing directly with the bed. You will also be more difficult to breathe, just like when making love.

The researchers believe the condition is associated with the fact that when you sleep on your stomach, then you will get a little more air, so it will be more difficult to breathe. If you and your partner want to add another variation, try adding a pile of pillows below the groin.

"I believe that during sleep the brain is not completely detached from the outside world, so that the conditions caused by the position during sleep can affect what the body feels," said Kai-Ching Yu.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Healthy Benefits of Bitter Food

Although it feels unpleasant on the tongue, but bitter foods are known to help prevent asthma attacks. Recent studies show that bitter foods can help breathing more smoothly.

Bitter taste will stimulate the taste receptors on the tongue. This will eventually affect the cells in the respiratory cavity muscle that helps calm breathing air and make it easier.

Some bitter vegetables like kale are also known to be able to open airways that have been contracted and tense when a person feels an asthma attack. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts hope the discovery could pave the way for the treatment of asthma patients better in the future.

"I'm interested because someday researchers could use this food to reverse the situation for the better asthma patients without side effects," said lead researcher Dr. Ronghua Zhuge.

Bitter taste receptor normally serves to signal to the body if they find dangerous or poisonous food. Researchers feel that this receptor cells on the tongue only. But lately they found that these cells exist throughout the body.

No bitter taste receptors on the muscle cells could be useful to relax the esophageal contractions and the muscles become more relaxed when in contact with food are bitter.

When an asthma attack occurs, the channel between the cell membranes in the respiratory tract open so that calcium can enter the cell and cause contraction. This is what causes a person having trouble breathing. This study found that bitter foods could close the calcium channels so that the cell back calm and not contracting.

Lymphocytes in the Immune System

The Benefits of Lymphocytes in the Immune System

benefits of Lymphocytes

benefits of Lymphocytes in the Human Immune System

Lymphocytes are types of white blood cells that are part of the immune system. Recognize the role of lymphocytes involves harmful particles, or antigens, and implement processes to deal with them.

There are different types of lymphocytes, known as T cells, B cells and natural killer cells, the role of each cell varies. T cells and natural killer cells to destroy harmful cells and some T cells activate other immune cells. B cells produce antibodies, and both B and T cells creates memory cells that remember the threat.

Lymphocytes are produced in the bone marrow before traveling to areas of the lymphatic system such as the spleen, thymus and lymph nodes. Appearance as well as the role of lymphocytes may vary. A T cell or B cell is an example of what is called agranular cells, in which the gel that fills the cell cytoplasm or a clear and spherical nuclei. Natural killer cells are large granular lymphocytes, with visible granules contained in the cytoplasm and nucleus lobe.

B cells and T cells have receptors on their surface that recognize a specific antigen. This antigen can be anything that threatens the body, such as viruses, bacteria, allergies or toxic molecules. Role of lymphocyte natural killer cell type specific and they are not able to recognize different types of antigens, including some infected cells and tumor cells.

T lymphocytes can be subdivided into helper cells and killer T cells. T helper cells have what is probably the most important role of lymphocytes in the immune system. They activate the immune cells of the body, including the killer T cells and B cells The main role of killer T cells is to destroy cells that have been infected by the virus. They also can attack cancer cells and cells that have been infected by the bacteria.

B lymphocytes become activated when they bind to their specific antigen. Then they are divided into two types of cells, known as memory cells and plasma cells. One important role of lymphocytes is the production of antibodies, and plasma cells that are responsible for this. They can quickly produce and release antibodies into the thousands of blood circulation, ready to stick to the antigen.

Some antigens, such as viruses, can be neutralized when the antibodies attached to them. A coating antigen antibodies can also be made ​​more attractive to cells called phagocytes, which then can devour and destroy. Other types of cells are produced by B lymphocytes, memory cells, since antigen so that the body can respond more quickly if they invade again.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Scallion Health Benefits

Scallion Health Benefits

The benefits of scallion

scallion is a green vegetable that is often used in a variety of dishes. scallion are also known to have a distinctive aroma and unique flavor. Especially when eaten with spring rolls. Well, it's definitely addictive! Here are the health benefits of onions, as reported Boldsky.

Top 5 Health Benefits of scallion

1. Boost the immune system
This is one of the health benefits of green onion. scallion also contain allicin, the sulfur compounds responsible for boosting the immune system.

2. scallion as antibiotics
scallions also has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that protect the body from infection.

3. scallion cure anemia
scallion are also very rich in iron. People with low blood count or anemia should often eat green onion to ensure adequate intake of iron. Chives ferroportin protein that carries iron stored in the cell to the outside of the cell. Increased iron levels in the body to help increase the amount of blood.

4. Good for the heart
scallion consumed to maintain good heart health because it contains polysulfide which protect the heart from disease. These vegetables also contain manganese, a mineral that maintains good cholesterol ( HDL ) in the body.

5. Against gastrointestinal infections
In addition to fighting colds and coughs, chives are also effective in treating gastro-intestinal infections.

These are some of the health benefits of green onion. So, include green vegetables in your daily diet.

Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Pomegranate fruit is just like legend fruit. Mentioned in many tales, Pomegranate fruit, it is also full of benefits. In addition to offering the freshness of flavor, pomegranate also offers a lot of benefits.


Pomegranate health benefits

In many tales, pomegranate fruit called a ' long life '. Scientific studies prove, pomegranate is full of antioxidants that effectively prevent premature aging. Pomegranate juice is on a scale of 2,860 the amount of free radicals that are absorbed per 100 grams.

Pomegranate has also been shown to be beneficial to cope with osteoarthritis because it contains phytonutrients and polyphenols.

Here are another benefit of pomegranate based on many studies :

Protect the liver and kidneys
Recent research suggests that pomegranate extract to prevent kidney damage and protect the kidney from harmful toxins. In addition, pomegranate also protects your heart and help to regenerate damaged heart.

Boost the immune system
Pomegranates and pomegranate juice boost immunity. Pomegranates are loaded with vitamin C known

Pomegranates are rich in polyphenols high doses has been shown to reduce the biochemical processes associated with allergies.

Prevent heart disease
New research published in scientific journals show that pomegranate increases the body's ability to synthesize cholesterol and destroy free radicals in the vascular system.

prevent cancer
Study at a university showed that pomegranate juice and pomegranate extract can cause cancer cell death. Pomegranates can also prevent breast cancer progression and decrease both types of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

protect DNA
Phytonutrients and antioxidants in pomegranates interact with the body 's genetic material to protect it.

Normalize blood pressure
Initial study, published in the journal found that pomegranate extract can help prevent blood pressure increases associated with eating high-fat foods.

Regulate metabolic syndrome
Research published in the journal show that pomegranate helps regulate blood sugar, improve insulin sensitivity, able to fight inflammation, and increased range of other factors involved in the metabolic syndrome that is often associated with obesity and diabetes triggers. Because of this effect, pomegranate can help with weight loss.

Protect from infection
New research published found that pomegranate fruit extract increase the effectiveness of medication used against gram-negative plant which is known resistant to the drug.

Protect against Alzheimer's disease
This fruit can prevent or slow the progression of age-related diseases generally. In one study, mice bred to develop the disease and were given pomegranate extract showed a reduction in plaque accumulation associated amyloidal this disease.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Top 10 Fruit for Healthy Eyes

In addition to vegetables, many fruits are increasingly waking maintain eye health. Yuk, peep what fruit that acts to maintain eye health.

1. watermelon
Not only refreshing, watermelon is also rich in nutrients and low in fat. Watermelon contains a lot of vitamins, especially vitamin A is to maintain eye health.

2. cantaloupe melon
One study quoted from Freshfoodcentral said that, sweet and fresh fruit contains vitamin A as much as 68 % in 100 grams of fruit flesh.

3. kiwi
The content of lutein in kiwifruit can maintain eye health and also prevent cataract.

4. strawberries
Seductive red ripe fruit contains a variety of vitamins, one study conducted by the Eye Institute in New Zealand, the content of vitamin C in strawberries served to strengthen connective tissue and maintain healthy blood vessels in the eye.

5. orange
Known as a producer of vitamin C, fiber, folate, calcium, and potassium, oranges are believed to play a role as well as maintaining eye health.

6. tomatoes
Not just a cooking ingredient, tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin A.

7. papaya
Papaya contains many nutrients, one of which vitamin A is abundant.

8. mango
One type of seasonal fruit is also rich in vitamin A in the fruit section.

9. apple
In addition to good diet, the content of vitamin A in apples helps in maintaining eye health, so keep a clear eye.

10. starfruit
Besides having a lot of water content, this one has a fruit content of vitamin A and C yan enough.

Health Benefits of Mango Leaves

In addition to its delicious taste, apparently eaten a mango leaf also has medicinal properties that are useful to overcome various diseases.

Mango tree or scientific name Mangifera indica L is thought to originate from the Indian subcontinent and then spread to many countries, especially tropical areas. If your mango tree does not bear fruit because of the uncertain seasons do not cut down because the leaves can be used for cheap drugs.

Based on scientific research in the young mango leaves are antimicrobial and antioxidant substances that can prevent cancer. Active compounds in the leaves of mango called anthocyanidins. You can use mango leaves as a remedy in the form of tea that can be mixed with sugar or honey.
Following the treatment with mango leaves:

Mango leaf herb for Gout:
Enter young mango leaves in a glass of hot water add up to one cup. wait until the color changes to brown, then add a little white sugar. then drink the infusion of young mango leaves in the morning and evening.

Mango leaf herb for Diabetes
Soak a few mango leaves in a glass of water overnight. After the morning drink the water until they run out.

Mango leaf herb for varicose veins
Drink 1 cup every day with 2 tablespoons of mango leaf tea can strengthen fragile blood vessels and curing varicose veins on your legs.

Papaya Leaf Health Benefits

papaya leaf benefits to health. Papaya plant is a plant that has many benefits. There are at least 7 different health benefits of papaya leaves for us is very important to us.

Top 7 Benefits of Papaya Leaves for Health

1. Help facilitate breastfeeding.
The trick is to take 3 pieces of young leaves, then squeeze the leaves and place it over the fire until wilted, then stick papaya leaf around breast, but do not put it in the nipple area.

2. Benefits of Papaya Leaves to cure digestion
Papaya leaves contain a chemical called karpain. Substances that can kill microorganisms is an enemy to us as often interfere with digestion.

3. Papaya leaves can cure dengue fever
You never would have thought that the bitter papaya was very beneficial to our health, which could treat dengue, dengue fever can be relieved with papaya leaves.

How to create a remedy for dengue fever :
Take some leaves of papaya, then squeeze the water about 1/2 liter. Having crushed papaya leaves, then strain the juice, and drink 3 times a day, namely : Morning, afternoon, and before bed. DBD Hopefully you get better soon.

4. Benefits of Papaya Leaf For Acne Medication.
This time also serves as a papaya leaf cure acne. Usually pretty girls and mothers : P who always crave appearance, so that the face of acne it will be insecure and not confident. Papaya leaves can be a solution to your acne.

How to make a papaya mask
Take 2-3 papaya leaves around 30g old. Later in the sun to wither then puree. Add a half teaspoon of water and create masks, more young papaya latex on apply on the acne. Do it regularly.

5. Papaya leaf to treat menstrual pain
Papaya leaves can also be a solution for treating pain while menstruating. How: Take one young leaves, add tamarind and salt. Then mix with a glass air/250 cc and Rebus. Take water, then add 2 tablespoons honey stir. And drink when cool.

6. Papaya leaf cure cancer
It is still uncertain, but from several studies indicate that the benefits of papaya leaves can also be developed as anti- cancer. Actually, not only alone but stem papaya leaves can also be used. Because both have milky latex ( milky sap ).

7. Papaya leaves is also beneficial to add appetite.

KIWI Fruit Benefits for Pregnant Women

During pregnancy was a time in the lives of women who need special care, especially for the mother's health and the health of the fetus. This treatment starts from hygiene and consuming a variety of foods that contain extra nutrients. In order to maintain adequate nutrition of pregnant women keep the fruits and vegetables are an important food for her.

KIWI Fruit Benefits for Pregnant Women

Kiwi Fruit supports maternal diet

You are asked to speak about what is a good fruit for pregnant women consumed, the kiwi fruit is the choice. The main benefits of kiwi fruit is low-calorie diet. One kiwi fruit contains 50 calories and could be the best choice to run the maternal diet program.

Kiwi fruit benefits for pregnant women is very amazing, because this fruit contains several vitamins, including B vitamin, iron, zinc and minerals. All of these substances are needed for pregnant women as nutrients for the baby.

Sufficient Kiwi Essential Vitamins During Pregnancy

Vitamin C is one of the important vitamin to take during pregnancy. Absorption of calcium and iron will be better with a higher level with the use of vitamin C contained in kiwi fruit.

Vitamin C is required for direct use and maintain other bodily processes. If you ask for vitamin C in pill form to your doctor, you can easily switch to a kiwi fruit. Besides the best thing about this is the fruit contains vitamin C 2X the amount of the amount of vitamin C in citrus fruits.

Kiwi fruit Overcoming Constipation While Pregnant

Substances Carbohydrates are another important component obtained by a pregnant woman after eating kiwi fruit on a regular basis. Carbohydrates are needed to process the food in the digestive system.

It is very important, if the digestive system is impaired and not addressed, the mother may suffer from constipation during their pregnancy. Kiwi fruit will help prevent and relieve constipation and prevent more severe conditions.

Interesting is not it? So during the period of pregnancy, keep the kiwi fruit into your diet menu, order vitamins and nutritional needs can be fulfilled for you that you are pregnant and fetal bladder.