Wednesday, December 04, 2013

staggering fact about prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the most frequent type of cancer that affects men. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death after lung cancer in men.

Here's a startling fact about prostate cancer as reported from

1.    One new case of prostate cancer occurs every 2.5 minutes and a man dies from prostate cancer every 17 minutes.
2.    Even male non -smokers can be potentially affected by this disease from complications of lung disease, colon, bladder, and kidney.
3.    Prostate cancer is a cancer that is relatively slow development so that sufferers still have a fairly long life expectancy.
4.    Elderly people are more likely to suffer from this disease. A research states that more than 70 % of prostate cancers suffered by men over 65 %.

In addition, prostate cancer can be cured when it is detected 100 % since the beginning. Therefore, men must pay attention to his health in order to avoid this disease.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Rosemary leaves benefits, Proven Aids Eye Health

Rosemary leaves Proven Aids Eye Health

Scientific studies have found that a compound in rosemary can improve eye health, may even protect the eyes against macular degeneration or blindness with aging and age.

Report in the Journal of Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science says that a team of scientists from Sanford - Burnham Medical Research Institute, led by Stuart A Lipton found that carnosic acid, rosemary component in protecting the eyes from degeneration and retinal toxicity.

Macular degeneration is the most common type of eye disease in the United States (U.S), which affects nearly 11 million Americans. Most people affected are over 50 years old.

According to the American Health Assistance Foundation, macular degeneration causes damage to the central area of ​​the retina, so that the blind spots and blurred or distorted vision becomes. One-third of people aged 76 years suffering from this condition.

The cause of macular degeneration is not known for sure. However, some believed to be a contributing factor due to active smoking habits at a young age, sun exposure, high blood pressure, and obesity. Genetics is believed to be the cause of the next.

Several previous studies suggest that the disease can be slowed by antioxidants that fight free radicals. Lipton and his colleagues found that retinal cells can be treated with carnosic acid found in rosemary that trigger the production of antioxidant enzymes in cells. In turn, this will reduce the free radicals that damage cells.

The results of tests on animals showed that mice treated with rosemary has a clearer vision.

Studies from Kansas State University found that rosemary into the most effective drug of six kinds of other spices containing compounds against heterocyclic amines ( HCAs ). HCAs are the carcinogenic compounds produced when you eat animal foods, such as beef, chicken or grilled fish.

Rosemary comes from the Mediterranean region, but now can be found everywhere. Small shrub with leaves resembling pine needles are widely available in the form of dried herbs, supplements or essential oils. Try eating your grilled meat with a sprig of rosemary.

Want to get pregnant fast? Perform this 7 step!

Many people who were trying to have a baby, but did not succeed jung kun. Sometimes trying to get pregnant is not as easy as imagined. There are many things that must be considered in addition to having sex with a partner.

If you are one of those who were trying to get pregnant, do not worry. Pay attention and do the following steps as a couple

1. Diet
Not just sex, couples should pay attention to the foods they eat. If they are still often eat junk food or unhealthy food, you should begin to switch to a healthy diet and contain a variety of nutrients from omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, vegetables, fish, and meat. But of course you must take turns so as not excessive and it causes health problems.

2. Sport
Keeping in shape is important to prepare for pregnancy. If you are sick would be more difficult for the body to get pregnant. Before pregnancy, women should be in a state of good fitness. A healthy body will also help you to get pregnant faster.

3. Fertility Cycle
Possibility to increase pregnant two days before ovulation. For it is very important for women to recognize ovulation cycles and their fertile periods. Because each woman has ovulation and the fertile period of their own, then knowing when the fertile period and ovulation will help them improve their chances of getting pregnant.

4. Sex Positions
Some argue that perform a variety of sexual positions can help get pregnant fast. In fact, tried many sex positions will only increase sexual pleasure and sex drive, but often fail to help you get pregnant fast.

5. Sperm
To get pregnant quickly takes healthy sperm. Should men began to avoid pants that are too tight, food, or heat may be a factor that reduced the quality and quantity of sperm. Before trying to have children, men should perform a test of the quality of their sperm so they know what to do to make them more healthy sperm and active.

6. Supine
Supine during sexual intercourse is believed to increase the chances of getting pregnant. When supine, easier sperm from reaching the egg. In addition, supine after sex also increases the chances of getting pregnant.

7. Vitamin
Some types of vitamins known to be important for improving the health and chances of getting pregnant, including vitamin A, B, C, D, E, copper, zinc, potassium, and riboflavin. Fill your body needs vitamins and minerals to make them easier to get pregnant.

Sunday, December 01, 2013

This decision makers of the brain

lateral habenula is a part of human brain to make a decision

Researchers from the University of British Columbia found a part of the brain that is very important to you. Part of the brain called the lateral habenula this helps you to decide a crucial decision.

Research reported from this using a mouse as a research material. Then the researchers manipulate the mouse brain to turn off part of the lateral habenula. After the rats were placed in a maze. The results of these rats can not decide which direction to its path to find a way out.

The study then led researchers to conclude that the same will be experienced by humans. If the system of lateral habenula ( LHB ) they are interrupted by an illness or a specific virus that attacks the brain, then the man can not decide anything right.

Therefore, keep your brain health. Eating healthy foods for the brain to keep the brain and remain productive can keep you from impaired brain function.

Consumption of B vitamins to lower the risk of stroke

Reported taking supplements of B vitamins can reduce the risk of stroke, according to researchers from Zhengzhou University in China.

However, unfortunately the consumption of vitamin B supplements do not appear to decrease the risk of death for people with stroke.

"Based on our study, the risk of stroke can be decreased to seven percent with vitamin B supplements," said lead researcher, Xu Yuming, as quoted by CBS News.

In the study, the experts compared the consumption of vitamin B supplements, placebo and low-dose B vitamins. A total of 54 913 respondents were asked to consume any of the three types of pills for six months.

As a result, approximately 2,471 respondents suffered a stroke during the study period. Researchers also concluded that B vitamins play a role in lowering the risk of stroke in most of the respondents.

Meanwhile, folic acid which is a type of vitamin B complex (B9), turned out to decrease the effects of vitamin B. Then the other B-complex vitamin (B12) is also not proven to reduce the risk of stroke.

" Consumption of vitamin B supplements that lower the risk of stroke may also be influenced by several factors. Such body's absorption, the amount of folic acid or B12 in the blood, and whether the person is suffering from kidney disease or high blood pressure," explained the researchers.

Therefore, before taking any type of supplement, it helps a person consult with a doctor.

The results of the study are reported in the journal reported Neurology.Mengonsumsi B vitamin supplements can reduce the risk of stroke, according to researchers from Zhengzhou University in China.

However, unfortunately the consumption of vitamin B supplements do not appear to decrease the risk of death for people with stroke.

" Based on our study, the risk of stroke can be decreased to seven percent with vitamin B supplements," said lead researcher, Xu Yuming, as quoted by CBS News.

In the study, the experts compared the consumption of vitamin B supplements, placebo and low-dose B vitamins. A total of 54 913 respondents were asked to consume any of the three types of pills for six months.

As a result, approximately 2,471 respondents suffered a stroke during the study period. Researchers also concluded that B vitamins play a role in lowering the risk of stroke in most of the respondents.

Meanwhile, folic acid which is a type of vitamin B complex (B9), turned out to decrease the effects of vitamin B. Then the other B-complex vitamin (B12) is also not proven to reduce the risk of stroke.

"Consumption of vitamin B supplements that lower the risk of stroke may also be influenced by several factors. Such body's absorption, the amount of folic acid or B12 in the blood, and whether the person is suffering from kidney disease or high blood pressure," explained the researchers.

Therefore, before taking any type of supplement, it helps a person consult with a doctor.

The results of the study are reported in the journal Neurology.

4 Easy Way To Shrink The Thighs

It most often makes women are concerned with their appearance body shape. One is the large size of the thighs. Today there are many types of exercises you can do to shrink the thighs, but not all of them can be useful and powerful.

If you are a woman struggling big thighs shrink thighs, do not worry. You do not need to go to the gym to get the ideal thigh size. Just do some simple ways following, as reported by Mag for Women.

1. Squat
Squat is one of the best exercise to shrink thighs. You just need to stand with your legs straight. Put your hands on the waist, then bend your knees. Remained in that position a few seconds, then return to its original position. You can also do it by jumping ( squat jump ), so just stand and squat several times. Repeat this every day!

2. Lunges
This exercise is easy and very effective. You just need to stand up straight with legs apart. then step forward with one leg forward and bend the knee to the other knee touches the floor. Repeat this procedure with the other foot alternately. Do this up to 15 to 18 times a day.

3. Run
Running is one sport that is easy and the best. runs not only make your body fit, but can also slimming the thighs. You can take a walk every morning, while getting fresh air that can make the mind clear again.

4. Jogging
Jogging can be done to shrink thighs. This one sport is not only fun if you do it while listening to music, but also very effective for shaping the thighs and nourish the body. Not only that, jogging can also help heal the digestive system.

That's some kind of exercise that can be done to shrink thighs. Pretty easy is not it? So you no longer need to complain about the size of large thighs, do enough exercise above!

5 Reasons why the noise worse for health

pic by © Bilkei
Noise has colored your life either from the sound of vehicles, aircraft, trains, and even music. But did you know that the noise turned out to be bad for health?

Here are 5 reasons why the noise voice is bad for your health as reported from

Disruptive to the learning
A study shows that children who are exposed to noise pollution will have difficulty in learning. This occurs because the noise will break their concentration.

When initiating sleep you need a quiet atmosphere and of course the noise pollution can threaten your peace. As a result, you also experience sleep disturbances that can be bad for your health.

You will get tinnitus
Tinnitus is noise in the ears that buzzing sound. This occurs because the noise is triggered by you listened to constantly.

Increases in blood pressure
A study also showed that noise pollution can also increase a person's blood pressure and lead to heart problems.

Decreased ability to remember
In addition to difficulty concentrating, children are too often hear the noise will also have difficulty in remembering.

The sound level that can be tolerated by humans is as much as 40 decibels. But avoid sounds that exceed that figure because it can cause health problems in your body.

10 Signs of Deficiency Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient for the body. If the body is deficient in these nutrients, can increase the risk of chronic anemia. You also try to identify whether or not a vitamin B12 deficiency that was launched by the sign of the following Mag for Women.

1. Bedwetting
There are some times when a person can not stand to hold pee and then finally a little incontinent. It turned out that the cause is due to the body's vitamin B12 deficiency.

2. Fatigue and lethargy
If you are too tired and lethargic unbearable and more severe than usual, try to consult a hospital. Who knows you are deficient in vitamin B12.

3. Weight loss
Drastic weight loss is one sign of the body's vitamin B12 deficiency. If weight is getting thinner, of other diseases more easily invade the body.

4. Shortness of breath
New climbing stairs for a while, already gasping breath ? It happens because the body is deficient in vitamin B12. Consult a physician for further treatment.

5. Easy bloody
Injuries that trigger bleeding or bruising is just fair. But if the body is easy once or susceptible to both, it could be your vitamin B12 deficiency.

6. Numb
Several cases of vitamin B12 deficiency is severe enough to interfere with blood circulation as well. Finally, fingers and feet numbness.

7. Easy to forget
Either forgetful, senile, or can be difficult given the problems caused by lack of vitamin B12. So do not underestimate if you suddenly have easily forgotten the syndrome.

8. Tremor
Tremors or shaking hands is one of the serious cases of vitamin B12 deficiency problem. Movement can not be controlled it could even interfere with mental health.

9. Hallucinations
The next phase of severe problems due to vitamin B12 deficiency is a hallucination. Further treatment can be carried out in consultation with a doctor.

10. Depression
If the body is deficient in vitamin B12, immediately correct the problem promptly. Because if not, in the long run you may develop acute depression.

That's some body signs of vitamin B12 deficiency. Consumption of foods such as dairy products or eggs to prevent such problems.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

healthy mouth with this 4 food

Saliva can eliminate the sour taste so that your teeth will not be easily perforated . Saliva also contains calcium and phosphate which increases defense enamel .

Besides saliva , there is some good food consumed to protect dental health . What is it? Here it is , as reported by Best Health .

1 . Chewing sugarlessEating sweets , especially chewing gum can increase saliva production which is good for hygiene and dental health . Saliva produced while chewing gum will control the pH in the mouth and keep the teeth are not easily perforated . But make sure you eat chewing gum that contains no sugar so as not to harm the teeth .

2 . Cheese is good for teeth and mouth because it contains a high pH . high pH which is owned by the cheese can neutralize the acidic pH can make a quick dental cavities . If you eat foods that are sweet , and no cheese around you , you should close the food by eating cheese .

3 . CranberryDuring this cranberry fruit known as a potent prevent bladder infections . Though the fruit is also good for oral health . Substances suspected role in cranberries can cope with a hole in the tooth and mouth disease .

4 . healthy snacksHealthy snacks will not ruin your teeth , it can strengthen teeth and make healthy mouth . Some healthy snacks can you eat is fresh fruit , raw vegetables , yogurt , pumpkin seeds , beans , and boiled eggs . According to a Canadian dentist Dr. Alastair Nicoll , these foods contain sugar that is not easily broken down into acids , so it is good for the teeth .

Those are some foods that should be consumed to maintain a healthy mouth and teeth . Also, make sure you also take care of and maintain oral hygiene so as not susceptible to the disease . Good luck !