Saturday, December 07, 2013

"Baby Yoga" Optimize Your Baby's Development

Yoga can be done not only by adults but also by children, even babies. According to coach Tina Maladi child yoga, yoga can help more optimal infant development.

Tina said, in general yoga has many benefits for both physical and mental. The benefits can be felt as well as for the baby and mother are with him.

" After all yoga baby needs help the baby 's mother or companion, so the class is called mom and baby yoga, " said the founder of the Jakarta Kids Yoga class when found in Namaste Festival in Jakarta, Saturday ( 12/30/2013 ).

Baby yoga, he added, could be done since the baby started at the age of three months to four months. According to him, it was done for security reasons, because the baby is at least three or four months old already have physically strong enough to perform yoga movements.

Baby yoga movement, said Tina, yoga is not the same as in adults. Although in principle, breathing exercises, range of motion, asanas, savanas remains in baby yoga.

" But more to the guidance method of communication, so I teach my baby to be able to recognize the people around him, more conscious with her ​​, " he said.

Tina explained, by doing yoga, infant motor skills honed so that its development is expected to be optimal. Though he could not guarantee the difference because every baby is definitely unique.

Not only provide benefits to the baby, mom and baby yoga is also useful for the mother or baby companion while doing yoga. " There was even a special yoga exercises for pregnant women to nourish both mother and fetus, " he said.

Meanwhile, Tina explains baby yoga also has an age limit for infants. If the baby is able to walk, he said, it should follow the toddler yoga classes, yoga for toddlers.

" If it can walk, doing yoga while her mother feared the baby would not shut up and walk around disturbing other participants. Having said that, the method of teaching yoga for babies who can walk another, namely toddler yoga, " he said.

In teaching toddler yoga, Tina more use of support tools such as colorful feathers, imitation fruit, and others. It was in order to make the atmosphere more pleasant, especially for toddlers who are generally easily bored.

" Teaching children to be creative yoga teaching methods create a fun, yet still provide benefits, " he concluded.

Other kids yoga instructor Michael Gonzalez Wallace said, yoga can stimulate motor responses so good for children's development. Yoga, he said, can also distract children from gadgets hardly be separated from the lives of children today.

When using the gadget, said Wallace, children tend to be passive so that less developed motor skills. " By doing yoga, balance of mind, body, and soul can be repaired so that the performance expectations of the brain could be a lot better, " said Wallace.

5 Habits that Make Slim

Have a desirable body shape is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. It takes intention and effort to get it. Then, after the effort it takes to get it was to maintain it.

Although not easy, the ideal body shape can actually be obtained and maintained by living habits of a small but significant following :

1. Actively moving
Research shows that many people move to burn 350 more calories per day than those who mostly silent. This amount is equivalent to running for 60 minutes, or about 6.4 miles. Many moves do not need to exercise, but activities like call while standing, get up every hour, often run counter to colleagues, to pick up the stairs instead of the elevator. Many move also will keep you from disease such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, or heart disease.

2. Eating without distractions
Multitasking eating is one of the main enemies have the ideal body shape. Because when not focus on food that will not receive a signal "fullness" of the stomach. This is what makes the desire to eat remained there despite the fact that the body is getting enough calories. Therefore, make it a habit to eat without doing any activity, such as watching TV or working.

3. Plan is eaten
The habit of counting calorie intake of foods that will be eaten directly will have an impact on body weight. The reason, by calculating, we will be more observant estimate equilibrium between caloric intake and expenditure. That's why people who are used to calculate the calories tend to be slimmer. For example, you plan to eat popcorn while watching a movie. Popcorn contains about 300 calories. So make sure you did not eat food with high calories, so you are more " flexible " while eating popcorn.

4. Eating so hungry, stop before satiety
When you want to eat, make sure if you are really hungry or just bored and want to taste the taste of food. If really hungry, then eat but try to stop when hunger is gone and before satiety. The stomach is too full of food difficult to digest and increase the risk of acid reflux. And if you just get tired, do not concentrate on the food, but other activities that can drive your bored.

5. Eat foods are preferred
Diet method that limits the types of food that should be eaten may have limitations. It is precisely because this method makes people dissatisfied with foods and other foods tend to want a more satisfying. As a result, he intake over caloric needs. Then you should still eat foods that you like, but processed in a healthy and edible portions are not excessive.

Vegetable and Fruit 5 a Day Helps Fix Love Life

Most nutrition experts argue, a good diet is to eat smaller portions but with a frequency more often, like five times a day. They claim, in that way, slim body is more easily obtained, as well as healthier.

It turns out that eating five times a day is not only good for health. According to a new study, it's also a way to provide the quality of your love life better, particularly to eat vegetables and fruits. Because the method of eating as it helps improve the appearance so it looks more attractive.

The researchers said the study findings reinforce the suggestion to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables in the daily diet. They said additional one to two servings of vegetables and fruit a day is alone in being able to make changes.

In a study published in the Royal Society Journal Biology Letters, the researchers from York St Andrew and Cambridge University conducted experiments on a number of respondents, both men and women, by taking a picture of them. Researchers then create multiple versions of the photos and then pointed to the other respondents. Respondents were asked to rate how attractive photograph his version.

Version of the photo showing the shiny face is the result if a person regularly eat vegetables and fruits in large numbers. The study showed that respondents rated version of the photo interesting.

While other photo version is made with a similar color, but the face is made beyond recognition as a human being. However, it is still assessing the respondent 's version of the photo interesting.

The researchers concluded, shiny skin makes a person more attractive in the eyes of others. Someone who has a lustrous skin also generally considered more healthy.

Carmen Lefevre researchers from York University, said the findings show in general people prefer to others who look healthy. That's what makes healthy people more attractive.

Previous studies found that people who eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially those containing carotenoids, have healthier skin and lustrous than those who do not. In fact, in small quantities, the consumption has been able to make changes.

"Supplement to eat one or two servings a day are able to provide a change in four weeks," he concluded.

Body height Can Be Identified Through Voice

Recent studies have discovered, without the need to see immediate, the voice can determine a person's height.

Researchers enrolled male and female respondents to listen to the voices of men and women who are reading with varying height. The respondents were asked to make a sequence of speakers from the highest to the most short- speakers.

As a result, men and women who listen to the sound reaches up to 62 percent accuracy rate in identifying high speaker. The accuracy rate is higher than the test conducted by the researchers themselves without involving the respondent.

The results of this study were presented at the meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in San Francisco. According to the researchers, these findings could also be useful to assist in solving crimes. However, the data and conclusions of this study are still viewed as preliminary findings that need to be published in the medical journal review of the peer - group.

Psychologist who is also author of the study from Washington University in St. Louis, John Morton, said the ability to identify the height of this sound can be associated with the type of sound called subglottal resonance. Resonant sound is produced from the bottom of the airways in the lungs.

" The best way to imagine the subglottal resonance is by blowing glass bottle, filled with fluid that is not full and complete. Increasingly little liquid in the bottle, the sound produced is smaller, " said Morton.

Subglottal resonance frequencies differ depending on a person's height. The lower resonance, then the higher a person's body.

" In humans, the resonance of the sound part of the group, which is similar to the orchestral music that appears when playing a glass bottle. 's Not easy listening sound resonance, " said Morton.

Friday, December 06, 2013

Exercise pattern per Section Shoulder Muscles

Shoulder muscles is one important part of the whole exercise in the upper body. The man had many reasons to form the shoulder muscles begin to increase self-confidence to balance the body. Preferably, the shoulder muscles in order to identify the maximum workout.

Before the shoulder muscles, it helps identify the composition of the shoulder muscles in order to maximize the shoulder muscle exercises. The structure and function of the shoulder bone is composed of three bones are the clavicle (collarbone ), the scapula ( shoulder blade ), and humerus ( upper arm bone ) and the related muscles such as ligaments, and tendons. Articulation of the three bones forming the shoulder joint, which is known as the major joints of the shoulder is the glenohumeral joint.

In human anatomy of the shoulder joint between the humerus bone are attached to the spine of the scapula. While in the shoulder joint, there are two types of cartilage called white cartilage or articular cartilage and labrum. White cartilage is a smooth shiny surface that covers the ends of the three bones that articulate at the shoulder joint and helps to form the bones can move each other. Cartilage is very susceptible to arthritis.

While both the cartilage in the shoulder joint is the labrum, in contrast to articular cartilage. Labrum is more fibrous and more rigid, circular shape surrounding the ball and socket joint in the shoulder, but found also in the hip joint. The labrum serves to increase joint congruency and stability.

Shoulders should be sufficiently active to various actions by the arm, but also must remain stable to allow actions such as lifting, push, and pull. Collaboration between the active and stable is needed to help the performance of your shoulders.

One way to improve the performance of your shoulder routine is to always train and shape of your shoulder muscles properly.

Part of the shoulder muscles
There are three main parts to the shoulder muscles that you can train that anterior deltoid ( front shoulder ), Middle deltoid ( shoulder middle ) and posterior deltoid ( back of shoulder ). In addition there is also Rotator Cuff ( rotator cuff ) are contained in the group of muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder function.

By providing intensive training each muscle group that allows you to improve the performance of your shoulders.

Besides forming shoulder muscles are also believed by some men as a ' tool ' to support the appearance and increase self-confidence. Not a few bodybuilding athletes crave the ideal shoulder muscles as the ' capital ' of existing bodybuilding contest.

So, what are the proper exercises for each part of the shoulder muscles ? Actually there are many types of exercises for the shoulder muscles. Here are some types of exercise in accordance with section shoulder muscles and exercises that can affect the entire shoulder muscle movement in all at once.

1. The anterior deltoid ( front shoulder )
* Select and hold a dumbbell that weighs been adjusted.
* Stand up straight and hands in front of your thighs with your palms facing the thighs ( the starting position ).
* Then lift the dumbbell to the front with elbow slightly bent until the dumbbells at shoulder level ( in order to better focus on the target muscle front shoulder position palms facing each other ).
* Lower slowly to the starting position.
* Repeat 3 sets x 12 reps.
* Exhale as you lift the dumbbell and inhale as you lower the dumbbells.

2. Middle deltoid ( shoulder center)
* Select and hold a dumbbell in both hands.
* Stand upright with your hands beside your body ( starting position ).
* Hold your torso in a stationary position ( do not shake ).
* Lift the dumbbell to the side with the elbow slightly bent and hands slightly tilted.
* Lower to the starting position.
* Perform 3 sets x 12 reps.
* Exhale as you lift the dumbbell and inhale as you lower the dumbbells.

3. Posterior deltoid ( back of shoulder )
* Sitting on the engine load and adjust the rear deltoids.
* Chest pad that attaches to the body and perpendicular available.
* Hold the handle firmly.
* Elbows slightly bent ( starting position ).
* Pull aside.
* Return to the starting position.
* Repeat 3 sets x 12 reps.
* Exhale as you pull the tool.

4. All parts of the shoulder muscles
* Sit on the shoulder press machine and adjust your load.
* Straight body position.
* Hold the handle of the tool.
* Elbow hands facing down and palms facing outward ( starting position ).
* Then push up and feel the contraction of the muscles around the shoulder.
* Lower slowly to the starting position.
* Perform 3 sets x 12 reps.
* Exhale while pushing and inhale when lowering the load.

Back Muscle Exercises to Cure Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a disorder that causes an abnormal curvature of the spine. The reason there are several factors, the first is genetic or hereditary factors, the second is an accident, and the third was injured during exercise.

Another cause of scoliosis is unequal leg lengths so that when he was doing one exercise, then the burden will rest on one particular side.

Cure Scoliosis with back muscle exercise

Cure Scoliosis with back muscle exercise
Cure Scoliosis with back muscle exercise @shutterstock
If a person has been convicted of having scoliosis is the thing to do is to conduct a detailed examination of the condition of health of the person concerned in order to know what activities can be done to reduce or even cure scoliosis.

Swim into one sport that can be done to relieve the pain of scoliosis. It must be remembered that people with scoliosis have a body that is out of balance, most powerful and the other weak.

There are several exercises that could be an option for patients with scoliosis. However, you should do regular checkups and consult a doctor if the following exercise is safe for you.

1. back up
The trick, lie face down and raised both arms and legs together.

2. Cobra stretch
It could also try the cobra exercise by lying face down, both hands and lift the weight of the body.

3. Alternate superman
That is by lying face down, arms straight above your head and legs alternately swung like swimming. With this you can train your back muscles without the need to swim.

The entire series of exercises can be done 20-30 minutes. Warm up first so that the muscles become flexible.

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Word Choices Can Change Brain Function

Words can change the brain. Positive words and negative words carry a different impact on the functioning of your brain.

In his book, Words Can Change Your Brain, Andrew Newberg and Mark Robert Waldman wrote" a word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress."

Brain Function Can Be Change by Word Choices

Furthermore, the underlying writer writing with the study explained, the positive words like "love" and "peace" can alter gene expression, strengthen areas in the frontal lobe, the brain and improve cognitive function. Encourage positive word motivation centers of the brain to take action.

Instead, the language containing the feud may disrupt certain genes that play key roles in the production of neurochemicals. In fact, these neurochemicals protect us from stress.

Negative words can also increase the activity in the amygdala, the fear center in the brain. Negative words can release stress hormones and neurotransmitters decades, which in turn interfere with brain function.

"The words of anger sends a warning message to the brain, gradually breaks down the logic centers in the frontal lobe," writes Newberg and Waldman.

According to Newberg and Waldman, use the right words also helps one to be more accepting and facing the realities of life.

By maintaining positive words and optimistic in the brain, the activity can be stimulated in the frontal lobe. Areas in the brain include language centers that are directly related to the area of ​​the motor cortex that drives a person to act.

Research conducted Newberg and Waldman show the longer a person focuses the mind with positive words, the more the other parts of the brain are stimulated. For example, the function of the parietal lobe begins to change, and then change the perception of self and others who interact with you.

Positive view of yourself will make you inclined to think positively about other people who interact with you. Meanwhile, a negative self-perception would lead one to be suspicious and doubtful. Over time, the structure of the thalamus in the brain will also change in response to the words, thoughts and feelings. Changes in the thalamus can also affect the way a person in accepting and facing the reality of life.

4 Health problems that can be prevented by sleeping

The bed is one activity that is essential for human life. Besides being able to restore your energy and spirit, was also offered a miracle cure other health problems that you are.

Here are 4 health problem that can be cured by sleeping as reported from

1. Appetite control
When you lack sleep, you will tend to have a higher appetite than those who have enough time to rest. A study also showed that women who slept between 8-9 hours a day to have a low body fat. In addition to the other benefits of sleep is always suppress the hormone that makes you feel hungry.

2. Reduce the risk of diabetes
In a study it was found that they were less rested, their insulin sensitivity will be decreased by 16 % and their fat cells to insulin was also decreased by 30 %. So that it can increase the risk of diabetes.

3. Fixing sexual arousal
Both men and women will decrease sexual arousal when they are sleep deprived. Moreover, lack of sleep when the male hormone testosterone levels will decrease.

4. Reduce the risk of stroke
Sleep may be a thing that looks simple. But did you know that people who sleep less than 6 hours per day, would be at risk of stroke by 4-fold.

It turns out that there are so many benefits that you can get just by sleeping. Therefore, no matter how busy you are, do not forget to take the time to rest.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

9 health disorders that can be detected from the foot

9 health disorders that can be detected from the foot
©2012 Shutterstock/originalpunkt
Although located at the bottom of the foot, but can be an indicator of your health.

Here are 9 health disorder that can be detected from the foot as reported from

1. Leg wound that does not heal
This is commonly referred to as diabetic food wounds in the legs which do not heal normally leads to diabetes. Therefore, if you experience it, it is better to consult a doctor.

2. Yellow toenails
Take a look at your toenails ! If the color is yellow, your chances of having multiple fungal infection in the foot.

3. Toes shaped like a spoon
This could be a simple way to check if you are anemic or not. Toes are shaped like a spoon can be a indicator that your hemoglobin level is quite low.

4. Toes grow larger
If you notice that one of your toes grow bigger then most likely it is a sign your body of excess acid and then accumulate up in the foot

5. Cold feet
Often feel cold feet when the air is not so cold ? This could be a sign there is a problem with your thyroid gland.

6. Painful heel
If you are experiencing tremendous pain in your heel, then this may be an indicator of disease Plantar Fasciitis which means an inflammation of the tissues in your body

7. Feather foot fall
It could be something exciting for women because your legs will look smooth. However, if this happens suddenly, it could be a sign of poor blood circulation

8. Cramps are painful
Do not take lightly if you often experience painful cramps. It is a sign of your lack of calcium, potassium, or magnesium.

9. Legs feel numb
Often experience numbness in the feet indicate that there is a problem with your peripheral nervous system.

It turned legs may show some symptoms of the disease that plagued you. Therefore do not take for granted when your legs suddenly felt sick.