Wednesday, January 01, 2014

beauty; fat transfer method benefits

Various methods were developed to satisfy the desire of beauty improve appearance. Among these are non - invasive method, with minimal wound healing time is faster. Latest actions of this method in planting them fat by using stem cells to overcome aging.

"Non-invasive methods is likely to be a trend in 2014. Various techniques in non- invasive method is injecting botox, filler administration, or growing fat,"said plastic surgeon, Irene Sakura Rini, at Compass Health, Saturday ( 28/12 / 2013).

With a non - invasive procedure, patients can see the effects of the technique does more quickly. Moreover, non - invasive procedure requiring less funds than usual technologies.

"Even though cheaper, consumers do not look at the price but how much the procedure beneficial. If it is cheaper and useful of course be choose., But if the cheap price with questionable quality, better not,"said Irene.

To ensure the quality of the procedure and its benefits for the patient, Irene advised to consult first with competent experts. Experts will explain how large would benefit or harm the procedure and give the best advice.

fat transfer
Irene exemplifies fat planting method is relatively new in Indonesia. In practice, the growing use of fat stem cells derived from the patient's fat tissue processing. Processed fats belong to the patients themselves with liposuction procedures.

The benefits of the procedure is to limit the effects of aging on the body. Stem cells are not only used for beauty, but also the whole body is getting older patient age appropriate.

"Because they are new make sure physicians who perform the required competence, for example, plastic surgery for cosmetic procedures. Do not be fooled cheap prices and images are said to be the result of the method of stem cells,"said Irene.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Snoring While Sleeping Triggers Disorders Heart

Sleep until snoring for most people is not regarded as a problem. Even snoring is associated with deep sleep. In fact, snoring is accompanied by cessation of breathing for a moment could lead to serious health problems such as stroke or heart disease.

photos @shutterstock
Stop breathing during sleep or obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is caused due to the closing of the airway by the network at the top of the nose and throat. Troubling, stopped breathing can occur many times during sleep.

"Stop breathing will make the body lacks oxygen. Since no oxygen normally we would wake up suddenly. Tension blood was immediately rose. These conditions in the long term lead to interference with the heart,"said Dr. Bambang Budi Siswanto, Sp JP in a show titled Sleep Disorders Increase Your Risk of Chronic Disease in Jakarta (27/3/13). The event was held in commemoration of World Sleep Day.

The decrease in blood oxygen levels during sleep sharply it could lead to heart rhythm disturbances and hypertension or elevated blood pressure that is difficult lowered with medication.

"Many patients with hypertension are continually added to lower the dose of the medicine tensinya. Doctors sometimes forget to check whether the patient was experiencing OSA or snoring while sleeping,"said a doctor from the Hospital Cardiovascular Harapan Kita, Jakarta, this.

Chronic hypertension can also cause thickening of the heart muscle and blood coagulation."The risk of stroke is very high,"he added.

According to Dr. Rismawati Tedjasukmana, Sp S, sleep researchers, sleep apnea can strike anyone, ranging from infants to the elderly."In infants are usually caused by abnormal growth of the jaw. While enlarged tonsils in children of school age will also cause snoring,"he said on the same occasion.

In adults, certain conditions can invite sleep apnea, such as obesity."The Role of the largest in the sleep apnea is weight loss., But on the other hand, people who sleep apnea also gained weight more easily,"said Risma.

Sleep disturbance will disrupt the balance of hormones, such as hormones that regulate hunger and satiety. Impaired insulin will also trigger the disease.

"If we are snoring meaning plong not breathing. Therefore should be treated so as not to be complications of the disease,"said Bambang.

Losing weight, quitting smoking, or sleep on his side can do to reduce snoring. In more severe cases, an effective way to overcome sleep apnea is the use of specific tools to provide air pressure to your airway.

Hair Tests Reveal Risk of Heart Attack

Hair tests can be used to analyze whether a person is taking certain chemical substances. However, the function of the hair test was expanded to determine the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, especially in the elderly. High stress hormones in the body can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

According to the researchers, the test has a distinctive hair than other tests. Unlike a blood test that gives information stress hormone levels at a time, the hair test can show information over the last few months.

Studies show that elderly people with higher levels of stress hormones are higher in a long time have a greater tendency to have heart disease.

Study author, Dr. Laura Menenschijin of Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands, said the stress hormone which increases a risk factor of cardiovascular disease. These factors as influential as high blood pressure or abdominal fat.

"Because the hair test can provide information on how the stress hormone levels change over time, then this test is a better tool for evaluating the risk of heart disease," he said.

The study, published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism analyze hair samples along the 1.2 inch. Samples were obtained from 283 persons aged 65 to 85 years. The researchers then determined the levels of stress hormones during the last three months.

They found that people with high levels of stress hormones are more likely to have a history of coronary heart disease, stroke, peripheral artery disease, and diabetes.

"The data show a clear relationship between stress hormones and cardiovascular disease," said study chairman, Dr. Elisabeth van Rossum, of the Erasmus Medical Center.

He added that the need for additional studies to determine the rules of the stress hormone measurements as an indicator of cardiovascular disease. However, studies have not been able to demonstrate a causal relationship.
Obese Children gain High Stress Hormone

Obese Children gain High Stress Hormone

Levels of the stress hormone cortisol in obese children is higher than peers who are not obese.

Researchers from the Erasmus MC - Sophia Children's Hospital in the Netherlands reveal the findings published in the journal Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

Even so, the current research does not explain whether obese children are more prone to stress than children of normal weight peers. This finding is also not clear whether obese children cope with stress in different ways.

The researchers measured cortisol levels in 20 obese children using their hair samples ( 15 women and five men). The same was done on 20 children with normal weight. They are between 8-12 years of age. These children do not suffer from a chronic disease, but three kids obese metabolic syndrome.

Obese children have cortisol concentrations average 25 milligrams pictogram of any head of hair. While normal children, the concentration of each pictogram kortisolnya 17 milligrams of head hair. Cortisol concentrations in the hair samples indicate exposure to cortisol during the month.

" We did not expect to find obese children, at the age of eight, has experienced increased levels of cortisol. By analyzing the head hair of children, we confirm that high cortisol levels persist over time, " said the researcher, Erica van den Akker.

According to the researchers, further research is needed to get the reasons behind the link between stress hormones and these obese children.

Indeed, not all stress is bad. According to the Mayo Clinic, acute stress can also increase alertness and increased cognitive ability. But chronic stress associated with health problems such as weight gain, heart disease, digestive disorders, depression to anxiety.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Measure Levels of Calcium Prevent Heart Attack and Stroke

Blood pressure and cholesterol levels are generally used as an indicator to measure the risk of heart attack and stroke. But according to a new study, measured the levels of calcium in the arteries may be a better indicator.

The study said, the traditional way of measuring the blood pressure and cholesterol can give erroneous results that often patients get unnecessary prescriptions, for example, cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. This means that many people with heart attack and stroke risk low but still taking medications they do not really need.

In contrast, the study said, the savings in the artery calcium detected in CT scans can provide more accurate results. According to the researchers, people with little or no savings calcium in the arteries, heart attack and stroke risk is very small.

Because of the small risk, the researchers argue, these people just need a change of lifestyle advice, but do not need to take medication on a regular basis.

The calcium present in the arteries can lead to calcified plaque. This can result in hardening of the arteries which became one of the triggers of heart attacks.

The findings of a recent study published in the European Heart Journal was believed that calcium scanning adds to the evidence in the blood vessels as a way to predict the risk of heart attack.

The study involved nearly 7,000 participants who had been through the measurement of the risk of a heart attack in the traditional manner with cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and lifestyle. They also underwent artery calcium scanning. Then, they were followed for seven years.

Researchers study Roger Blumenthal, professor of medicine and director of the Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center said 15 percent of people who otherwise have little risk of heart attack and turns the traditional measurement to get a high score for the content of calcium in the blood vessels. And the result, after followed for seven years, they are high risk.

" On the other hand, 35 percent of participants who expressed a high risk and should be taking drugs such as aspirin and statins do not have calcium in their arteries. They are very small risk result after seven years, " he said.

Friday, December 27, 2013

10 Things Slow Burn Calories Capabilities

Basically the human body has its own mechanism to burn intake calories. Each cell in the body has a role to convert food into energy to keep the body's system continues to run well.

The faster your metabolism, the more calories burned. Unfortunately, there are also things that slow down the body's metabolism. This is what makes the calories we eat are not completely converted into energy thereby increasing body fat. So that your metabolism does not slow, then avoid the following 10 Things Slow Burn Calories Capabilities.

1. Irregular eating
A study in 2012 showed that rats fed with an irregular schedule gained weight faster than rats fed on a regular schedule. The researchers suspect, eat at the same time each day will make the body burn more calories in between meals.

2. Eating food contaminated with pesticides
Organochlorine chemicals present in pesticides, can disrupt the body's metabolism so eating food contaminated with pesticides will make us more difficult to lose weight. So make sure the vegetables and fruits are eaten pesticide-free, or at least not always clean the food with the correct procedure before being eaten.

3. lack of sleep
Studies show that people who sleep less have a slower metabolism than those who get enough sleep. The study also found that lack of sleep makes you burn calories as much as when the body is not getting enough sleep.

4. Iron deficiency
Iron helps carry oxygen to the muscles. If the levels of iron in the body is too low, then the muscles will not receive enough oxygen and the metabolism slows down. Therefore, the consumption of iron-rich meal such as beans and dark green vegetables can speed up metabolism.

5. Eating too little
When skip meals, the body becomes starved and automatically slow the rate of metabolism.

6. Sitting too long
Silent in the same position as it sits even just for 20 minutes was able to block the metabolism.

7. jet lag
Time controls the body's biological cells to perform metabolism. When the rhythm is impaired due to different travel time zones that make jet lag, then the function of the cell body was not running properly, including metabolic functions.

8. Not enough calcium
Calcium has a role to regulate fat metabolism. So a diet high in calcium will help burn more fat.

9. dehydration
All cells in the body systems depend on water, including metabolism. If the body is dehydrated, the body to metabolize two percent slower than when hydrated.

10. Skipping breakfast
When we skip breakfast, we tend to overeat at lunch. Yet when skip meals, your metabolism slows down and is not able to burn excessive calories intake at lunch.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

diagnosis of cervical cancer

diagnosis of cervical cancer

The general method of diagnosis of cervical cancer

1.Blade cytologic examination of the cervix ( cervical smear )

Is the primary method for the detection of cervical cancer precursor lesions and early -stage cervical cancer . But have to be careful with the position of the captured material and careful microscopic examination , the false negative rate of 5% ~ could l0 % , therefore , should be combined with clinical conditions and conduct periodic checks as a method for screening .

tes Serviks or normal squamous epithelium vaginal rich in glycogen , which can be given a brown color after iodine liquid , while the columnar epithelium of the cervix , cervical erosion , and abnormal squamous epithelium ( including squamous metaplasia , dysplasia , carcinoma in situ and invasive carcinoma area ) no glycogen , then colorless . In clinical cervical exposed by vaginal speculum , after wiping mucus surface , applying a solution of iodine , into the cervix and fornix , if found any abnormal areas of iodine - negative , can do a biopsy and pathologic examination for this area .

3.Biopsi cervix and cervical canal
Cervical Pap smear in more than Class Ⅲ ~ Ⅳ , but if negative cervical biopsy , at the intersection of column squamous cervical at point 6 , 9 , 12 and 3 : take a biopsy or four points on the test colorless iodine areas and sites suspected cancer , took some tissue and excisional biopsy or curettage small application endocervical scrapings were sent for pathological examination .

Colposcopy can not directly diagnose carcinoid tumors , but it can help choose the location of the biopsy to perform a biopsy of the cervix . According to statistics , with the help of colposcopy biopsy , diagnostic accuracy for early cervical cancer can be achieved around 98 % . However , colposcopy is not a substitute for a Pap smear and biopsy , also can not find lesions in the canal cancer serviks.Ahli Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou reminder : cervical cancer diagnosis can help people for the detection of cervical cancer in a timely manner , to avoid delays in cancer treatment cervix .

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Determine Children's IQ and EQ since the Womb

A person can not be said to be intelligent only by the value of intelligent quotient ( IQ ) owned. Levels of emotion that determines how he addressing sekelilin conditions, also be an important component of intelligence. This attitude is reflected in the value of emotional quotient ( EQ ​​) owned.

EQ is a high value indicates a person has a good social attitude. That is, he will be the appropriate norms and rules that apply. The opposite occurs in those with low EQ, which indicates antisocial attitudes and self-serving. A person with such an attitude tends to be minimal benefit to the people around him.

The combined value of both IQ and EQ that will produce quality individuals. The individual is expected to maximize the potential for self- advancement and its environment. Certainly not a short trip compile such high quality individuals.

The trip started in mothers planning pregnancy right after getting married. This is manifested in the mother 's commitment to always consume enough nutrients every day, including micronutrients. " Maternal micronutrient consumption not only determine the cognitive, but also behave children. Behavior is then determine whether or not a child of good quality in public life, " said an expert in obstetrics and gynecology, Dr. Dr. Noroyono Wibowo, SpOG ( K ).

Micronutrients, said Noroyono, plays a major role in the preparation of the nervous system is necessary even in small quantities. During pregnancy, the central nervous system is the most early and late formed. For 9 months the mother should ensure adequate consumption of micronutrients include iron, zinc, folate, vitamins, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and copper.

Sufficient micronutrients will result in nerve cells are formed and connected perfectly. In contrast, micronutrient deficiency causes nerve cells are not arranged perfectly. In fact, the quality of the nerve cells is what determines the value of IQ and EQ children.

Noroyono exemplifies the impact of iron deficiency not only causes anemia. Iron deficit resulting in poor connections between nerve cells ( myelinated ). Connective sheath myelinated nerve cell is composed of fat and protein.

Good sheath accelerates the delivery of information between nerve cells to the brain and processed into a response. While the sheath is bad, there are many holes making it difficult for information to the brain. In fact it is not impossible that the information leaked and lost in the middle of the road. As a result there is no response given body.

Sheath bad will result in a slow -minded individuals, not responsive, and difficulty concentrating. " And the response is what determines the quality of children's IQ and EQ. Children with autism do not have myelinated good, because it was not surprising that the response is minimal, " said Noroyono.

Poor micronutrient adequacy facilitate a child affected by psychiatric disorders (psychological disorder ) such as depression, schizophrenia, suicide until an early age.

Unfortunately micronutrient adequacy is still low among pregnant women in Indonesia. Currently, Noroyono said, there are an estimated 2.4 million pregnant women are iron deficient and 60 percent of maternal zinc deficiency. In fact, other than as a constituent of the myelin sheath, iron also arrange energy chain that determines the child stamina throughout his life. While zinc ensure proper functioning of the DNA chain and minimize mutations.

" Micronutrient Deficiencies in fact more severe impact than a low weight, or imperfect organs. Both can be fixed, unlike the nervous system that determines its quality in the future, " said Noroyono.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

reduce 1.4 kilograms weight per week with honey

Honey is not only remind the immune system functioning. Consumption of warm water with lemon and honey it can help women reduce body weight. Routine consumption of these drinks for a week can reduce weight as much as 3 pounds, or the equivalent of 1.4 kilograms.

The community knew him as a diet of honey or honey diet. A British author, Mike McInnes, describes the diet of honey in his book entitled The Honey Diet.

McInnes explained, honey diet starts with drinking warm water fed lemon juice and honey as much as 1-2 tablespoons. Honey in the diet will replace the need sugar in their daily activities. In addition, honey also requires a reduction in dietary intake of simple carbohydrates and replace them with complex carbohydrates. simple carbohydrates found in potatoes, wheat, or rice.

Honey diet also requires the consumption of vegetables as much as possible. Consumption of fruit also should not be too much, because the sugar content in the fruit is replaced honey.

Despite this dissenting opinion expressed nutritionists, Rania Batayneh, MPH, who is also the author of The One One One Diet. " People can call it whatever diet. However for me it is a fad diet, " he said. This is because honey diets require extreme low carbohydrate intake, which was replaced with honey.

In fact, as much as a tablespoon of honey contains 17 grams of carbohydrates. Strict diet with a pattern like that should not be continued. This is because such a diet will only add to the fat content, after all this time is done.

When dieting, usually reduced weight is a combination of muscle and fat. However, when the body weight back up, it is entirely due to fat. Even so, it is not due to the consumption of honey. Honey is full of antioxidants that help boost the immune system.

Rania said, honey should not be viewed as a substitute for sugar foods. With such a perspective, the diet will continue as usual. However, the daily consumption of sugar replaced honey, which is better for health.