Saturday, January 04, 2014

Religious People Have More "thickness" Brains?

Religious or spiritual is almost always associated with the heart . But recently a study revealed religion is also associated with the thickness of the brain . They were religious were found to have brain tissue much " thicker " than those who do not .

The researchers said that thick brain can help fight depression . " Trust and the mood reflected in the brain and new imaging techniques can reveal this, " said study researcher Myrna Weissman, professor of psychiatry and epidemiology at Columbia University .

According to him, the brain is a remarkable organ, not just control, but is also controlled by the mood . The study, published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry revealed a relationship between the thickness of the brain and spirituality, but people who have thicker brain is not necessarily cause them to become religious .

Previously, the researchers found that religious people have a lower risk of depression Yag than those who do not . They also revealed that people who suffer from depression experience a thinning of the cerebral cortex . That might be the reason why people with thicker brains are better protected from depression .

In the new study, the researchers asked 103 adults, aged 18-54 years about how important religiosity and spirituality for them, and how often they come to a place of worship during the last five years . Then, researchers conducted brain scans on the participants to determine the thickness of their cerebral cortex .

Participants who were included in the study consisted of children to the elderly who are already in the phase of the initial level of depression . Some of them also have a history of depression in a family that considered vulnerable have the disorder .

The researchers found that people who consider spirituality important to have a thicker cerebral cortex . The relationship was strongest in those who have a high risk of depression .

" After that, we need to see stability. Then we took a lot of pictures of the brain to see the size korteksnya that may change with spirituality, " said Weissman is also the head of the department of clinical genetic epidemiology at the New York State Psychiatric Institute.

Depression Therapy Choices

Psychotherapy or mental therapy is an option on how to overcome depression. For those of you who are considering undergoing psychotherapy, but do not have the slightest idea of ​​the mental therapy, and how to begin, here are some of the most popular psychotherapy is often a reference to overcome depression.

Psychodynamic therapy
This therapy relies on the willingness to speak openly. Patients are guided to discuss thoughts and feelings. Patients are free to express whatever is on his mind without interruption. The goal, presenting a pattern of behavior that would unconsciously look for running this therapy. By doing so, experts will accompany it easier to identify the source of the problem and change it for the sake of mental health patients better.

Besides suitable for people with depression, this therapy also can overcome anxiety, any symptoms associated with panic, also for people who are always curious or interested in exploring his own mind.

Usually, this goes mental therapy with flexible terms, generally up to two years. This type of therapy is usually done once or twice a week and unstructured. Patients can freely initiate therapy by talking openly about whatever you want diungkapnya.

Cognitive behavioral therapy
This kind of mental therapy usually short and goal-oriented. The basis of this therapy is that a person's behavior can be changed permanently by changing negative thoughts into more positive.

For this therapy, the patient and therapist should work together to identify patient behavior you want to change. Then they will determine a plan of action and how to do it.

This therapy is only used to treat depression, as well the right to issue an eating disorder, mood disorders and phobias. Duration of therapy is generally one to three times a week, lasting four to seven months.

In contrast to the type of previous therapy, this therapy is more structured. Relationship therapist and patient as a business associate. Patients and therapists need to be compact to identify and change patterns of thought and behavior that is problematic. Typically the therapist will give you homework as recording what the patient is thinking, including feelings and behavior.

Dialectical behavior therapy
This therapy is usually recommended for individuals who have suicidal tendencies. In addition to overcome depression, the therapy is effective for treating people with personality disorders such as mood instability limited ( easily changed ), extreme reactions such as panic, fear of abandonment, feelings of continuous empty. Usually all of these problems arise from violent trauma, eating disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder.

Dialectical behavior therapy is designed to help individuals with the disorder in understanding the mind and behavior and the extreme outside of the general habit. They then learn to imitate and develop interpersonal skills to find a scalable way to behave and react to things.

Adjust the duration of this therapy needs of patients, while the period is generally less than a year. Each week will focus on a patient's therapy to resolve the problem, also studying and developing interpersonal skills. In addition to individual therapy, patients will also undergo group therapy. There is homework that brought the patient to the therapeutic goals can monitor and evaluate the behavior every time.

Interpersonal Therapy
This therapy focuses on the patient's relationship with others, and how depression affects a patient's ability to engage and communicate with your partner, friends, family, and others. That is why this therapy focuses on people who are depressed.

Usually the treatment period lasted up to 20 weeks. After passing through phases of trials to identify problems, subsequent therapies focus on improving the patient's interpersonal skills. This type of therapy requires a patient to perform a specific task or task -oriented therapy.

Revealed, how many times men think about sex a day

Men ? "Yes fad. In fact, sometimes, nasty." It is summed up by Dr. Terri Fisher, a professor from Ohio State University 's Mansfield, about mind men against women in a study published by the "Journal of Sex Research."

Really? The study, led by Dr. Terri Fisher, involves a number of freshmen and sophomores consisting of 163 women and 120 men. The scientists are part of the research track mindset of respondents by means of a digital counter or "tally counters", which contains a series of photos of various human activities, namely eating, sleeping and sex.

Male libido, you could say like an active volcano, may erupt anytime. After observing the mindset of women and men, the study in Ohio revealed the results of a study on the behavior of human thinking about sex, especially men, in everyday life.

According to the release of the results of the study, a total of 59 respondents were asked to keep track of photos of people eating, 61 respondents were asked to keep track of photos of people sleeping. Then, all respondents were asked to track a variety of sexy photos and other sex-related.

As a result, respondents men think about food 18 times per day and sleepy 11 times while the female respondents to think about food 14 times per day and 8.5 times sleepy. In the case of male respondents known to think about sex 19 times per day, while the female respondents only 10 times per day !

In conclusion, the one day a man can imagine sex every seven minutes. And when accumulated, for about 16 hours in a waking state, men think about sex as much as 800 times, wow!

Eat, sleep and sex, in the science of psychology is claimed as the three basic human needs. Therefore, a study published by the Journal of Sex Research is only studying the behavior of human thinking is based on three things.

"We found a significant difference in the mindset of men and women. Not just sex alone, it turns out the way and the way of thinking men and women equally, totally different. And this finding is significant and can be trusted.'' Said Fisher, as quoted from page CBN News.

stress trigger risky sex in women

stress could triggered risky sex
stress trigger risky sex in women
When subjected to stress, women usually turn to chocolate, fine food, or tell a friend. But if the choice fell on sex, then women should be more vigilant, because according to a study published in the Journal of Sex Research, women tend to have a higher sexual desire while sad and anxious, so they are more likely to undertake risky sex.

The findings come from a report given by 929 women and 1,054 men. It is not surprising that women experience a decrease in arousal when they feel sad, anxious, or stressed. But those who get intake a libido enhancer, they tend to perform risky sex.

These women are more interested in having sex with any partner they met recently. In fact, according to the study, this group is more prone to having "one night stand" with strangers.

Though it would trigger them to feel worse. Because, after risky sex, they tend to regret that increase the risk of depression.

But that does not mean when you're having a good mood regardless of the possibility of a woman having sex risky. However, the study emphasizes, the possibility of increase in size when a woman is under stress.

The researchers assert that every woman to be aware of the risk of casual sex and feelings of regret after doing so. "Think again before sex risky," they pleaded.

Unsafe sex is known to be a means of spread of sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV. In addition, this activity also increases the incidence of unplanned pregnancy.

Friday, January 03, 2014

Sex an Early Age Trigger Cervical Cancer

Sex an Early Age Trigger Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is one type of the highest prevalence in the world. GLOBOCAN data from the WHO estimates that, in the world every minute there is a new case of cervical cancer deaths every two minutes.

Despite the high prevalence, but according to obstetricians Fitriyadi Kusuma, cervical cancer can actually be prevented by avoiding risk factors are not having sex at a young age, or under 17 years old.

"Avoid sex at a young age too, do not have multiple sexual partners, and not smoking are the things that need to be done to keep the risk of cervical cancer, " said a doctor from the Division of Gynecology and Oncology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.

Fitriyadi explained, having sex at a young age become a risk factor because the reproductive organs are not fully developed. That's what makes it susceptible to lesions or sores during intercourse.

When there is a lesion, he added, human papilloma virus (HPV), the cause of cervical cancer, more easily enter and infect the genital tissues that will develop into cancer later in life. In addition, HPV itself is easier character develops in young tissue.

"HPV is more like a slick and smooth tissue that is commonly held by young reproductive organs. Exactly why teenagers are having sex more vulnerable to infection with HPV," he said.

However, it does not mean that women do not have sex at a young age are not at risk of cancer services. Fitriyadi asserted, all women at risk of cervical cancer. So awareness for early detection also needs to be improved.

"Early detection is very important. Moreover, early detection method was already getting easier and cheaper, for example by visual inspection with asesat acid ( IVA )," he said. According Fitriyadi, IVA method has been able to effectively detect cervical cancer up to 70-80 percent.

Unfortunately, the public 's attention on cervical cancer remains low, including awareness of the screening.

obesity Causes Man hard to get a child

Obesity is the thing you need to avoid if you want to conceive soon. The reason, a study found, overweight and obesity can reduce the quantity of sperm. The researchers emphasized that weight problems can affect male fertility.

Murray Koffler Urologic of urological Wellness Centre and Head of Urology at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Keith Jarvi, say, the heavier man, the more likely they are a little sperm. " Unfortunately, not many men are aware of it, " he said.

Is Michael Eisenberg of Stanford University School of Medicine in California, whose team conducted an analysis of 468 couples in Texas and Michigan who were in the program of pregnancy. The researchers conducted several measurements of sperm in the semen of the husband. In addition, they also measured the body mass index ( BMI ) of participants.

As a result, the more obese a man, the less they spend sperm volume during ejaculation. " Every aspect of semen quality is very important. Moment of ejaculation, some compounds also issued to provide safe conditions for sperm. If the number of sperm released a little, this will certainly be an issue, " said Eisenberg.

Total sperm count sperm is released in each cc of cement. Jarvi said, the more volume of cement is issued, an average of 2-5 milliliters usually have more sperm. Meanwhile, if the cement is issued under 1.5 milliliters increased risk of infertility.

" But if the volume is too much is also not good, " he said.

In this study, men with a normal BMI sperm with an average volume of 3.3 milliliter of ejaculate. While in men with high BMI or obesity category average of 2.8 milliliters issued.

However, a study published in the journal Human Reproduction that does not state there is no difference between motility, vitality, and physical appearance of sperm among people with normal BMI with obesity.

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Routine Walking to Prevent Back Pain

Often have back pain? Not that we have to reduce the activity and prefer sitting around. The research team from Israel actually encourages us to be more actively engaged, among others, on foot.

Researchers from Tel Aviv University in Israel said, walking is just as effective in dealing with back pain as well as muscle stretching exercise.

For the study, the researchers enrolled 52 patients suffering from chronic low back pain. The participants were divided into two groups and asked to perform two types of exercise regime.

The first group did strength training program or load, and the rest do the walking program. Prior to this study all participants had not actively exercising regularly.

Participants from both groups practicing two to three times per week. Pedestrian group initially practiced 20 minutes on the treadmill and then increased to 40 minutes. At the end of the study, namely the sixth week, all participants showed significant reduction in back pain.

Exercise routine that they do also improve walking speed and endurance muscles of the abdomen.

According to Nick Shamie, an orthopedic surgeon and spokesman for the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, although walking is not targeting specific muscles as well as weight training, but the muscles still formed. That is why all the participants get almost the same results.

According Shamie, walking are examples of aerobic exercise are safe but still beneficial for blood circulation and increase endorphins."Walking is good exercise, but often underestimated," She said.

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

beauty; fat transfer method benefits

Various methods were developed to satisfy the desire of beauty improve appearance. Among these are non - invasive method, with minimal wound healing time is faster. Latest actions of this method in planting them fat by using stem cells to overcome aging.

"Non-invasive methods is likely to be a trend in 2014. Various techniques in non- invasive method is injecting botox, filler administration, or growing fat,"said plastic surgeon, Irene Sakura Rini, at Compass Health, Saturday ( 28/12 / 2013).

With a non - invasive procedure, patients can see the effects of the technique does more quickly. Moreover, non - invasive procedure requiring less funds than usual technologies.

"Even though cheaper, consumers do not look at the price but how much the procedure beneficial. If it is cheaper and useful of course be choose., But if the cheap price with questionable quality, better not,"said Irene.

To ensure the quality of the procedure and its benefits for the patient, Irene advised to consult first with competent experts. Experts will explain how large would benefit or harm the procedure and give the best advice.

fat transfer
Irene exemplifies fat planting method is relatively new in Indonesia. In practice, the growing use of fat stem cells derived from the patient's fat tissue processing. Processed fats belong to the patients themselves with liposuction procedures.

The benefits of the procedure is to limit the effects of aging on the body. Stem cells are not only used for beauty, but also the whole body is getting older patient age appropriate.

"Because they are new make sure physicians who perform the required competence, for example, plastic surgery for cosmetic procedures. Do not be fooled cheap prices and images are said to be the result of the method of stem cells,"said Irene.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Snoring While Sleeping Triggers Disorders Heart

Sleep until snoring for most people is not regarded as a problem. Even snoring is associated with deep sleep. In fact, snoring is accompanied by cessation of breathing for a moment could lead to serious health problems such as stroke or heart disease.

photos @shutterstock
Stop breathing during sleep or obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is caused due to the closing of the airway by the network at the top of the nose and throat. Troubling, stopped breathing can occur many times during sleep.

"Stop breathing will make the body lacks oxygen. Since no oxygen normally we would wake up suddenly. Tension blood was immediately rose. These conditions in the long term lead to interference with the heart,"said Dr. Bambang Budi Siswanto, Sp JP in a show titled Sleep Disorders Increase Your Risk of Chronic Disease in Jakarta (27/3/13). The event was held in commemoration of World Sleep Day.

The decrease in blood oxygen levels during sleep sharply it could lead to heart rhythm disturbances and hypertension or elevated blood pressure that is difficult lowered with medication.

"Many patients with hypertension are continually added to lower the dose of the medicine tensinya. Doctors sometimes forget to check whether the patient was experiencing OSA or snoring while sleeping,"said a doctor from the Hospital Cardiovascular Harapan Kita, Jakarta, this.

Chronic hypertension can also cause thickening of the heart muscle and blood coagulation."The risk of stroke is very high,"he added.

According to Dr. Rismawati Tedjasukmana, Sp S, sleep researchers, sleep apnea can strike anyone, ranging from infants to the elderly."In infants are usually caused by abnormal growth of the jaw. While enlarged tonsils in children of school age will also cause snoring,"he said on the same occasion.

In adults, certain conditions can invite sleep apnea, such as obesity."The Role of the largest in the sleep apnea is weight loss., But on the other hand, people who sleep apnea also gained weight more easily,"said Risma.

Sleep disturbance will disrupt the balance of hormones, such as hormones that regulate hunger and satiety. Impaired insulin will also trigger the disease.

"If we are snoring meaning plong not breathing. Therefore should be treated so as not to be complications of the disease,"said Bambang.

Losing weight, quitting smoking, or sleep on his side can do to reduce snoring. In more severe cases, an effective way to overcome sleep apnea is the use of specific tools to provide air pressure to your airway.