Saturday, January 11, 2014

Mouth Cancer More Deadly than Cervical Cancer

Mouth Cancer More Deadly than Cervical Cancer

Mouth cancer is a serious problem in the field of Mouth health. In the United States, according to data reported by the National Cancer Institute, there are about 41 thousand cases of the disease each year and causes nearly 8,000 people died.

Mouth cancer is cancer that occurs in all parts of the mouth. Mouth cancer can occur on the lips, gums, tongue, mouth wall, and the palate or floor of the mouth. Normal Mouth mucosa can be described in six words: "moist", "soft", "pink", "elastic", "smooth", "sustainable". If the mucosa of the mouth can not be described through 6 of the word, means that there are abnormalities. For those who are middle aged and above, irregularities in the Mouth mucosa must be considered.

Leukoplakia, precancerous changes

Many diseases found in the Mouth mucosa appeared white patches. White patches in the Mouth cavity is called leuoplakia should be kept. In medicine, the term " Mouth leukoplakia " coud lead to diseases that develop into cancer !

Patients often feel rough lining of the mouth and downsizing. Danger of leukoplakia of the mouth is affected parts are not sick, not amused, there are no scabs, making it difficult to detect. Leukoplakia is a disease that can develop into cancer. If not treated immediately, it could turn into cancer. Opportunities changing into cancer between 10-30 percent.

Mouth cancer is more deadly
Professor of Mouth pathology at Tufts University United States, Michael Cajen, comparing the prevalence of Mouth cancer with cervical cancer. He said of the 11,000 cases of cervical cancer, approximately 6,000 of which can be detected through pap smears.

" There is one person died from Mouth cancer every hour, which accounts for at least 2 times that number of cases of cervical cancer, because the Pap smear can reduce cervical cancer rates by 90 percent, " he said.

Smoking and alcohol consumption are the major cause of this disease, but there are 25 percent of people with Mouth cancer is not caused by two things. At least there are caused by Human Papilloma Virus ( HPV ). The virus that causes most cervical cancer, which during Mouth sex can cause mouth cancer.

Important known early

Currently, prevention, inspection, and early treatment is very useful to reduce the death rate caused by Mouth cancer. If the patient is found ulcers in the mouth that would not go, accompanied by pain, neck lymph node swelling and other symptoms of Mouth cancer, Mouth cancer should be vigilant against.

Mouth cancer at an early stage if received early treatment, can produce good results. Experts of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Peng Xiao Chi said, advanced technology for treating cancer in the world today is a minimally invasive technique.

According to statistics obtained from Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, the success rate of this minimally invasive method in patients with early-stage cancer can reach 90 percent. While the success rate in patients with advanced cancer as high as 60 percent.

When Mouth cancer has reached the final stage, the goal of treatment is to prolong the patient's life chances, reduce pain. If patients are elderly, her condition was not too good, to be more careful in choosing the method of treatment. Surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy can aggravate the condition of the patient.

Medium cryosurgery or freezing methods, therapeutic embolization, planting seed particles, immunotherapy and other minimally invasive methods, will only lead to injuries such as " keyhole ", pain and side effects caused by the small. Recovery was rapid and effective.

Peng said the best cancer treatment in consultation with a medical team of experts, as well as the use of cryosurgery methods, interventions, seed particles, traditional Chinese medicine, immunotherapy and other methods, combined in accordance with the patient's condition, combining one or several methods for treatment. This comprehensive treatment approach can maximize cure rates.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Cancer Detection from Breath

The disease is often difficult to detect cancer early. Patients usually come to see the doctor is already in a state of severe or advanced stage that it is difficult to cure.

But now there is a new hope in detecting early cancer. Scientists in Israel successfully invent a screening method claimed capable of detecting breathing four most common types of cancer affects the lung, breast, stomach and prostate.

Is Professor Abraham Kuten of the Technion Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel, who developed respiratory cancer detection through this. These findings were published in the latest issue of the British Journal of Cancer.

Kuten and his team is optimistic, one day will present a kind of portable electronic sensors that can help doctors detect symptoms of cancer through breath.

In his research, experts from Israel involves volunteer consisting of 177 healthy people and cancer patients with different types. The results showed that the sensor "electronic nose " created Kuten capable of detecting chemical substances produced by tumor cells that appear in breathing.

"This study shows that" electronic nose" can distinguish between healthy and breath breath that indicated dangerous, and can also distinguish types of cancers participants of breath," said Kuten.

"If we can confirm these findings in a large-scale studies, this new technology could become a simple tool for early diagnosis of cancer picture. 's Also going to be an easy way to assess and monitor the effectiveness of cancer treatment and detect the effectiveness of cancer treatment and detection of cancer recurrence," Kuten said.
5 Foods to Avoid Before Sleep

5 Foods to Avoid Before Sleep

Just before going to bed sometimes we feel hungry, and that was reasonable. This is what pushed us into the kitchen or open the fridge for a belly wedge.

Watch out! Not all foods which we consume healthy bedtime. Some of these are in addition to weight increase also can disrupt our sleep soundly. Here are the foods you should avoid to be consumed before going to bed:

1. Caffeine
You know that caffeine can keep you awake, but what you might not realize? Coffee and soda are not the only cause. Some OTC medicines ( Over the Counter ) or drugs that can be purchased without a prescription also contains caffeine, most tea also contains caffeine.

If you are sensitive to caffeine, start choosing decaf and check every label drugs to be taken eight hours before your bedtime.

2. Alcohol
A glass of wine may sound like will help you relax and fall asleep, but studies have actually found that alcohol causes you often wake up at night, Redmond said.

3. water
Water is great for losing weight and maintaining health, but also have side effects that can wake you up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. and not

only disrupt your sleep cycle to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, but also cut your REM sleep. Try to avoid drinking water 60-90 minutes before bedtime.

4. Food ferment
Tyramine, an amino acid found in fermented foods can stimulate the brain and keep you awake at night. Aged cheese, smoked fish and smoked meats are some of them. So if you keep eating cheese snack before bedtime, choose fresh like mozzarella.

5. Tomato-based products
Anything that contains a lot of acid can cause heartburn and discomfort at night, including tomato -based foods and spicy dishes.

To prevent this, Redmond recommends to avoid the types of food three hours before bedtime.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Coconut oil or butter, Which is Healthier?

Using materials that are safe and healthy for your diet is very important. Make a different choice could have great significance

When you want to replace the materials must be known nutritional content. Is it a better material or not.

As is the current trend is to replace the use of butter with coconut oil, for allegedly healthier. What about the reality ?

Is coconut oil is healthier than butter ? As reported by Eating Well, here is the explanation of differences in nutrition in coconut oil and butter.

Nutritional Values ​​( per tablespoon )

Coconut oil : 117 calories, 14 grams total fat, 12 grams of saturated fat

Unsalted butter : 102 calories, 12 grams total fat, 7 grams saturated fat

Based on these figures, it seems feasible butter is still an option, especially for those who want to avoid high-fat foods. The number of calories and fat in butter is lower than oil, fat percentage of saturated fats also lower by 58 % to 86 %.

It's just excess oil it contains lauric acid lemat very powerful to kill pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Not only was the content of coconut oil fatty acid chain types are very good medium to fend off diabetes and accelerate the metabolism making it suitable for those who want to keep the weight off.

So even though a lot of fat, coconut oil has more value for health.

This is 7 Vegetables That Can Overcome Flu

When the weather changes from summer to rainy season, decreased immune system so that the majority of people are more susceptible to illness, including the flu. This disease is often considered to be mild, but if you have the flu, of course, would interfere with the activity. But actually there are some vegetables that can help you cure the flu.

Adding vegetables into the diet can make you avoid the flu. Leafy vegetables contain high mineral and protein. Because green vegetables not only provide the nutrients needed to fight the flu, but also improve overall immunity. Thus vegetables also helps protect from other disorders.

Here are some leafy vegetables should be included in your diet, as reported by Boldsky on Thursday (09/01/2014).

1. lettuce
Lettuce is one type of leafy vegetable that is able to treat the flu quickly and naturally. A bowl of fresh crisp mixed lettuce with sprouts are a good combination for you and can prevent colds and boost your immunity.

2. broccoli
Broccoli is one of the green vegetables are rich in vitamin C which is a good source of vitamin A, potassium, and folate. Broccoli may not be liked by many people because it sometimes has a slightly bitter taste, but it has all the properties that will heal in a short time.

3. kale
Swamp Cabbage is a vegetable which is very good because it contains vitamins A, C and K. This leafy vegetable has a good amount of calcium that can help you beat the infection.

4. cabbage
Probably not many people who like to eat cabbage. However, this vegetable is good in dealing with colds. Rich in vitamin C, cabbage or cabbage is best eaten in the morning after you wake up.

5. spinach
Packed with vitamins A and C, spinach is also rich in folate, thus becoming one of the best leafy vegetables to cure the flu. If you are suffering from a heavy cold, make sure you add the spinach in your daily diet to heal.

6. collards Green
Mustard greens are very similar to kale. Eating one serving of green cabbage will be able to reduce and cure your cold.

7. dandelion leaves
This leafy vegetable is useful to overcome the cold. However, these vegetables are often considered weeds, so many people who do not eat it. Though dandelion greens have a variety of health benefits, among others, helps boost immunity.

Fiber Rich Foods Helps Overcome Asthma

The study, published in the scientific journal Nature Medicine reveals, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help overcome asthma.

The researchers gave the food to the number of rats. As a result, fiber-rich foods can minimize inflammation or pneumonia.

The addition of fiber to change the nutrients absorbed from the intestines, then change the immune system.

The researchers say the more often people eat processed food products, may be the cause of the increase in cases of asthma.

Airways of asthmatics are more sensitive, more prone to irritation and inflammation. When this happens, the smaller airways and makes them difficult to breathe.

The researchers say further studies are still needed in order to study can be applied to humans.

Experts involved in the study, Benjamin Marsland, say, its application to humans clearly wide open.

" It is still too early, but if it can later be applied to humans, the impact can be quite extensive, " he said.

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Ready Your Body CrossFit Exercise?

Everyone can do CrossFit, but every man also at risk of injury when doing so. Because of these risks, it is not everyone safe this high -intensity exercise. Well, when I want to do a CrossFit workout, how do you know your body is ready to do it ?

According to Michael Triangto sports specialists, including the CrossFit high intensity exercise. That is, CrossFit forcing the body to perspire, and much faster impact on the organs and muscles, compared to low intensity exercise. However, determining the intensity of exercise that is suitable for a person's very subjective nature.

" The intensity of exercise is suitable for me that every day is different than the exercise intensity exercise suitable for people who rarely exercise, " he said when contacted by Reuters Health, Tuesday ( 07/01/2013 ).

To determine objectively, he added, we need a definite size. One measurement is fairly accurate heart rate during exercise. According to Michael, the heart rate is a parameter that could be a person's fitness.

Count maximum heart rate during exercise is 220 minus age in years of beats per minute. "for example, a person age twenty, mean heart rate during exercise should not exceed 220 minus 20, which is 200 beats per minute, " said a doctor who practiced in Slim + Health Clinic is Sport Therapy.

However, to be healthier, Michael advised to keep the heart rate is still below the maximum rate, or 60-70 percent of the maximum rate. So with the above calculation, the figure ranges from 120-160 beats per minute.

" The range need to be considered, because if it is less then the sport would not be too beneficial to health, while if it is more, will be at risk, such as injury or heart attack, " he said.

Meanwhile, sports specialist Andi Kurniawan said, before exercise should be done first fitness test. " Especially for the people who are just starting the sport, " said a doctor who practiced in Indonesia 's Sport Medicine Centre.

Andi explained, the fitness test is comprised of amazing flexibility test, strength, endurance, and so on. In addition to these tests will also note the risk factors that are individualized, medical history, and existing health problems.

How to know exercise is beyond the limit and must be stopped ? Andi explained, in addition to heart rate, muscle fatigue could be a marker. If the muscles begin to fatigue during a movement or lifting weights while doing CrossFit, you should immediately stop exercising.

Walking keep you away from the Breast Cancer

To reduce the risk of breast cancer, we do not need to do extreme exercise. Even with walk we are able to

In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, scientists found that women who regularly exercise brisk walking at the end of the age 30 and 40 years have an increased risk of breast cancer is lower than their counterparts who are lazy to move.

The study included 74,000 postmenopausal women aged 50-79 years. They are the respondents in the Women's Health Initiative study in 2002. The results of the study concluded, among others, the benefits of hormone replacement therapy to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

The results of research on the benefits of walking strengthens the studies mentioned regular exercise effectively reduces the risk of breast cancer. In addition, it is never too late to start.

Respondents were simply exercising 1.5-2 hours of brisk walking every week and started when they were aged 35 and 50 years also benefited decrease cancer risk by 18 percent. But, of course, the benefits will be more meaningful when the sport started as early as possible.

Besides walking, other sports that are fun such as swimming and cycling, if done regularly, it will reduce the risk of cancer is greater. Not to forget, there are more heart healthy bonuses while keeping ideal weight remains.
maintain breast health significantly. Never too late to feel the benefits.

Advantages and disadvantages of detoks

After freeing himself eating a variety of foods and beverages, the idea to do a " clean-up" the body through a detox sounds good. Abstain from eating anything but fruit and vegetable juices, apparently healthy.

Some stores that provide food and beverage products claim to detox detox diet is not just the toxins removed, but the skin will be more shiny, healthy digestion, and improving mental health.

But we should not believe in myths or claims that can not have a scientific basis. Should Arm yourself with the right information.

- What is poison ?
Every day we get chemicals from food ( dyes, or preservatives ), water ( chlorine ), or air ( carbon monoxide ). " Toxins can accumulate in the body and cause inflammation and weaken the immune system, " says Susan Blum, director of the Blum Center for Health.

That is why, according to him, we are so easily affected by chronic illnesses such as headaches, arthritis, or asthma. Actually, the body has a liver organ or kidney to filter and remove waste and toxins. But some people believe modern lifestyles lead to higher exposure to chemicals so that the organ could not clean it.

- The theory behind detox
Doing a detox diet is quite simple, we replace all meals and snacks with fruit juice and vegetables (preferably organic ) for 3-7 days.

The idea departs from the understanding that when our bodies are relieved of his duties digest solid foods, they become more efficient to remove toxins.

The experts agree that fruit and vegetable juices contain many nutrients. But do not pembersihkan 3-7 days magically able to increase the body's natural ability to eliminate toxins.

" Actually, we can remove toxins at any time if we eat properly because it will help the body to function optimally, " said Joel Fuhrman, author of Eat to Live.

- Lose weight ?
Of course the weight will fall if we do the detox. But mostly just " water weight ". When we eat solid food, especially carbohydrates, the body needs to store water in order to digest properly. When we remove the water and food, of course the weight will drop.

The problem is, when we went back to eating solid food, the water will come back again. In some people, for detox actually increase the desire to snack so that when they break free detox finished eating anything.

- Side effects
Detox diet in a short time basically harmless. Maybe you just feel dizzy and a little limp. Experts do not recommend detox on people who are in therapy treatment. For example, high blood pressure or diabetes patients. Detox is also not recommended for children and pregnant or lactating mothers.

" For good health, we not only need to reduce exposure to chemicals, but also supplies the body with necessary nutrients, " said Blum.

That's why, he said with a juice detox is just one part in a healthy diet that consists of reducing processed foods, good quality protein, and include fruits and vegetables in the daily diet.