Monday, March 10, 2014

This miracle of vitamin D in breast cancer

As reported from, vitamin D may help women with breast cancer to survive.

Anticancer Research published by the Research explains that women suffering from breast cancer but has a high content of vitamin D in the blood stream will have a higher life expectancy than those who do not.

" Vitamin D is entered in the bloodstream of patients with breast cancer will repair normal cells damaged by the effects of cancer cells. Vitamin D is also able to fight the cancer cells in the body so as to extend the life expectancy of cancer patients, " said The study's authors, Dr. Heather Hofflich, a professor of medicine at the University of California San Diego.

Vitamin D can be produced naturally in the body by processing the sunlight on the body. But besides these ways, vitamin D can also be obtained from foods that contain vitamin D such as milk, cereals, fish, and fish oil.

Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids responsible for enhancing intestinal absorption of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate and zinc. In humans, the most important compounds in this group are vitamin D3 (also known as cholecalciferol) and vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol). Cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol can be ingested from the diet and from supplements. The body can also synthesize vitamin D (specifically cholecalciferol) in the skin, from cholesterol, when sun exposure is adequate (hence its nickname, the "sunshine vitamin").

Although vitamin D is commonly called a vitamin, it is not actually an essential dietary vitamin in the strict sense, as it can be synthesized in adequate amounts by most mammals exposed to sunlight. A substance is only classified as an essential vitamin when it cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities by an organism, and must be obtained from its diet. In common with other compounds commonly called vitamins, vitamin D was nevertheless discovered in an effort to find the dietary substance lacking in a disease, namely rickets, the childhood form of osteomalacia.[4] Additionally, like other compounds called vitamins, in the developed world, vitamin D is added to staple foods, such as milk, to avoid disease due to deficiency. *wiki*

Blood tests can be predictive of death

Everyone who lives doomed to death. But how if death could be predicted? Researchers from Finland and Estonia revealed that they are developing a technique to predict death within the next five years. This technique is done only by a blood test.

Researchers tried to observe 17,000 blood samples. They observed biological indicators in the blood that indicate the presence of abnormalities in the blood cells. That way, the researchers could predict a person's risk of dying in the next five years. The study, published in PLoS Medicine this is a technique that is less expensive, as reported by Mashable ( 06 / 03 ).

Four biological markers used include albumin, alpha - 1 - acid glycoprotein, citrate, and lipoprotein particles indicates abnormalities in the body. This molecule can exist in the blood of all men, but are considered by the researchers is the number of markers in the blood.

" Interestingly, these biomarkers can indicate a person's risk of death due to many diseases such as heart disease or cancer, " said lead researcher Johannes Kettunen from the University of Helsinki.

In addition to performing blood tests, researchers also consider other factors such as age, weight, smoking habits and alcohol consumption, as well as cholesterol levels and other. Further research will also examine the association between markers of one another.

In the future researchers also plan to create an application that can identify existing disease in apparently healthy people. This is certainly very good to make people more aware of their health status and likely to prevent it.

3 Easy way to stop sugar addiction

We have had a lot of people are aware that eating too much sugar is not good for health. Sugar not only can make you fat faster, but also can cause a feeling of addiction, because the sugar stimulates the same parts of the brain as cocaine effects.

This makes a lot of people can not easily let go of their addiction to sugar, despite knowing the negative effects of these sweeteners. So, how easy to eliminate dependence on sugar ? You can do a few easy steps, as reported by the Daily Health Post.

1. Reduce consumption of sugar
The first thing to do is to directly reduce the consumption of sugar. You should avoid the consumption most of sugar in various forms both drinks and food. In addition, in a few weeks do not eat sweet fruits and foods that contain refined carbohydrates. Cut consumption of sugar for a while will help eliminate addiction in the sweetener.

2. Consumption of protein
Sugar consumption is usually done when snacking. To avoid this, you should eat more foods that weight will prevent you from snacking. Add the consumption of protein to keep you fuller for longer. In addition, meet the needs of the body fluids with mineral water. Sometimes dehydration also increases the likelihood of snacking and sugar while increasing consumption.

3. Active lifestyle
To clean up a pile of sugar in the body and prevents the sugar addiction, your body needs to function optimally and fit. One of them is to be more diligent in exercising and applying an active lifestyle. Exercising will help you release endorphins.

When you eat sugar, your body releases endorphins. With so exercise will give you the same effect by eating sugar. Body gets what it wants, without you having to eat sugar at all.

Those are some easy ways you can do if you want to avoid or overcome sugar addiction sugar addiction. The above steps should be done gradually and regularly for sugar addiction can not be eliminated just like that. Good luck !

4 great phase that occurs in the body during sleep

Most people think of sleep as a time of rest. Not a few also thought that the time was just a waste of time because they are not active and productive while sleep. In fact the body is a complicated process when a person is asleep.

When sleeping, the body also do a lot of work. When you are asleep, the body actually did a great process so that you stay healthy when you woke the next morning. Actually, what are the ' miracle ' that made ​​your body while sleeping ?

Researchers divide sleep into three phases. Each phase takes about 90 minutes. This means you have five rotation phases if sleep for 7.5 to eight hours. Here are some of the complicated processes that occur in your body during sleep.

1. 1st phase
The first phase is the phase between sleep and consciousness began to fall asleep. It is easy to awaken in the first phase, and if you wake up in this phase, you will feel not sleep at all. In this phase, the body starts working to make the muscles calm and relaxed. Your eyes move slowly in this phase, which is referred to as ' slow eye movement '. In the meantime, you can also experience a shock when he suddenly woke up in this phase.

2. phase two
An assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Philip Gehrman second phase named as ' the middle of the bed '. That is, you are not too easy to wake up, but also not really falling asleep when this phase. The body spends almost half the night in this phase. As you move from phase one to phase two, the body will begin to lose awareness of their surroundings.

Based on the National Sleep Foundation, in phase two the body temperature will decrease. Once the heart rate and blood pressure will decrease. The body begins to adjust and brain waves begin to slow down. When present, the heart and vascular system will repair itself and rest. It also explains how getting enough sleep is very important for heart and cardiovascular health.

3. phase three
This is the phase when sleep more soundly. In this phase, brain waves are very slow and down. Breath slowed along with decreased blood pressure. After that, the blood flow in the muscles or tissues in need of repair. To that end, this phase is very important for your health and the health of the recovery, because the body is repairing itself. If a person has a disease such as sleep walking, sleep, delirium, and other such abnormalities would appear at this stage. The third phase is also the time when one is most difficult to be woken up. This is because in this phase a person very deep sleep. Researchers reveal that this phase took 20 percent of the overall quota of sleep.

4. REM sleep
REM sleep ( Rapid Eye Movement ) phase of sleep is unique. This is because the state of the brain during REM sleep is similar to the waking brain. REM called because it is at this stage, the eyes move quickly, just like when we woke up. So also with breathing, heart rate, and more. When REM sleep, the muscles of the body paralyzed and you usually do not move. REM sleep usually occurs in the first half of the night and have a quota of 20 percent of total sleep time.

Those are some things that happen when you are asleep. Unlike many estimates, it remains active body to repair damaged muscle and tissue when sleeping. The body was adjusting to the environment automatically. With the above information, you know how wonderful the workings of our body when to sleep as well as the importance of sleep for health.

Monday, March 03, 2014

Researchers create a membrane to prevent heart attacks

Researchers re-create new innovations in the medical field. This time they make an external membrane that lines the heart using 3-D printers. This membrane serves to digitally control the heart rate and is claimed to prevent the occurrence of heart attacks.

The thin membrane is very elastic and can be stretched is designed to correspond with the movement of the heart. In addition, the membrane is also equipped with electrodes that are used to monitor heart function. The membrane is known to be able to function properly when tested in rabbits.

Researchers from the University of Illinois and Washington University announced the results of their innovations in the journal Nature. They hope that this innovation could someday help humans maintain their heart health and prevent heart attacks, as reported by the Daily Mail (03/02).

Even so, the cardiac membrane can not immediately be used in humans. Researchers estimate that they require 10-15 years before the membrane is available for humans. However, they believe that this revolutionary tool will be a long-term solution to prevent a heart attack suddenly.

The researcher also explained that the tool can adapt well to the heart in different ways. Sensors in the device will capture the heart of the movement and sends a signal to the nervous system. This method makes the tool can help keep the heart beating during a heart attack.

"When this tool feel a heart attack or arrhythmia, the device will immediately provide necessary treatment to keep the heart beating and prevent heart attacks," said Igor Efimox.

Electrical stimulation of this tool will keep the heart beating, the blood continues to be pumped and made ​​to flow throughout the body, so that it will prevent people to die suddenly from a heart attack.

Saturday, March 01, 2014

Top 7 Natural way to Heal Fever

Did you know, there are approximately 200 viruses that can attack the body if you are being sick with a fever. However, actually you can handle yourself and ward off the hundreds of viruses. How to do that?  find out here

Top 7 Natural way to Heal Fever

Take a Rest
When the body feels uncomfortable, you should not come to work permits and resting at home. Because too much activity sometimes can actually make the fever worse.

vitamin C
If fever symptoms begin to appear, immediate consumption of vitamin C. In this way, the body's immune system will increase and you can avoid the attack of fever.

Vicks VapoRub
Some products Vicks VapoRub is very helpful to recover the body of a fever. For instance inhaler or vaporizer that can warm the body when the fever attack.

Warm water bath
Warm bath is the next natural way to treat fever. In addition to comfortable and keep your body relaxed, the steam from the warm water will launch breathing during fever.

Honey lemon tea
The most appropriate beverage enjoyed when your fever is honey lemon tea. The combination of these three were able to make them fast fever because all rich in antioxidants high.

Cough syrup
Is fever accompanied by a cough ? There is no harm in drinking cough syrup. All the symptoms of cough with phlegm, dry, or sneezing usually go missing with the drug.

Drink Water
When sick with a fever, it is important for you to stay hydrated. So do not forget to meet the needs of body fluids by drinking water as much as possible.

Those are some natural ways to treat fever. We wish you a speedy recovery !

Friday, February 28, 2014

5 symptoms to watch out for the ladies

Ranging from breast cancer to vaginal infections, there are some conditions that threaten the health of women. This health condition is indicated by a variety of symptoms that could be detected from the beginning that quickly diagnosed.

For that, you should never ignore when there is something wrong with your body. Beware of some of the following symptoms that could indicate a problem in women.

1. Lumps or unusual changes in the breast
lumps, changes in the color and texture of the breast that look strange are some changes in the breast that could be a symptom of cancer. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer suffered by women and cancer is not always caused by hereditary factors. Despite the presence of a lump in the breast does not always mean cancer, but you should always be vigilant and check all forms of oddities and changes in the breast. Early diagnosis will allow the patient to cure cancer.

2. Frequent urination
Do you frequent urination accompanied by a burning sensation ? Be careful, it could be one of the symptoms of urinary tract infection. Urinary tract infection and irritation are usually characterized by multiple symptoms such as frequent urination, burning, and discomfort in the private area. If these symptoms are left and was immediately overcome the infection can be more severe and serious.

3. Pain during sexual intercourse
Feeling pain during intercourse is actually a natural thing, but only up to a certain stage. If you experience pain stabbing each curry sexual intercourse, it could be a sign of disease. Some of the diseases that have such symptoms include ovarian cysts, infection, and inflammation of the pelvis. Please consult your doctor if you experience these symptoms.

4. Continuous bloating
Sense of bloating during menstruation is normal. But if the sense of bloating and discomfort it continue for weeks, you should immediately consult a doctor. Usually symptoms of abdominal bloating accompanied by frequent urination, weight gain or weight loss is an indicator of serious health problems such as ovarian cancer.

5. Abnormal vaginal discharge
discharge from the vagina is actually a natural thing for a woman. Although every woman has a tendency of each in terms of the number of vaginal fluid that comes out of his own area, but a woman should always be aware of changes in color and odor. If the color of vaginal discharge yellowish and greenish and smelly, immediately consult a doctor.

Those are some symptoms of the disease should always look out for the ladies. The above symptoms can lead to serious diseases such as cancer, infections, and others. Early diagnosis could save her life.

Weight Loss With the Benefits of Warm Water

One of India's Ayurveda health tips gives you a fun way to lose weight. That is the way to consume warm water when you wake up in the morning.

As reported, drinking warm water before breakfast will make you consume fewer calories. Drinking warm water is also able to curb appetite, maintain the body to keep hydrated, and also make your digestion becomes more clear.

This is because warm water has the same temperature as your body so warm water can increase your metabolism faster. Good metabolism will stimulate weight loss. Besides the warm water will also help the body to burn calories pile on it.

But this will work effectively if you only consume warm water without any additional substances or other sweeteners. If you are bored with the bland taste, you can add the lime juice, ginger pieces, mint leaves, cucumber slices or even into it. Good luck !

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Strengthens Bone With Benefits of Olive Oil

Olive oil is often used to make delicious and healthy food. Olive oil is known as one of the best types of natural oils which have many health benefits. Among the benefits is the ability to control cholesterol level. However, a recent study found that olive oil has other benefits, which strengthens bones.

The study was conducted over two years revealed that people who consume olive oil have protein osteocalcin levels higher than those who do not consume oil.

Osteocalcin is a protein secreted by the cells that form bone. The higher levels of this protein, the higher the strength of human bone, as reported by the Daily Mail (28/01).

A theory also reveals that osteocalcin not only shows the strength of the bone but also can prevent immune disease resistance. Immune resistance is often associated with brittle bones.

These results are supported by another study conducted by researchers at the University of Athens. They found that eating a lot of olive oil and a bit of red meat associated with strong bones and to the women, especially when they are adults. Researchers believe that this could also be due to the antioxidants in olive oil.

One way to increase the consumption of olive oil is the Mediterranean diet. Additionally, you can add olive oil to salads or other dishes to be more healthy.