Sunday, March 15, 2015

Benefits of lubricant

Lubricant benefits in sexual intercourse

Have you ever heard the term 'lubricant' in sexual intercourse? Some couples need a lubricant even have their favorite personal lubricant during intercourse. Lubricants can indeed make your relationship more comfortable and fun, but you need to know a few things about what is lubricants.

1. The type of lubricant
Now there are some places that produce specialty lubricants sex with various types of materials. Astroglide which is a water-based lubricants, suitable for condoms. Easy to clean and easy when having sex. There also are made from a softer silicone.

2. History of lubricants
Before the lubricant manufacturer intimate relationships emerge, the ancient use of natural materials to lubricate during sex, such as olive oil even butter.

3. Better with lubricant
Research shows that the lubricant can give you the better feeling and sensation during sex. Even though you say you do not really need it, but you'll be glad when you have tried the lubricant usefulness.

4. Lubricant is for him and you
Although emerging market lubricant intimate relationship with a variant of men and women, but basically both are the same. So if you want to be more efficient, you do not need to buy both. Pretty one.

5. Is Also Lubricants Sex Toy
Because the goal is not only to make love, but it can give pleasure to you, then this intimate relationship lubricant in the category of sex toys.

Actually there are a lot of interesting things that you need to know about sex. So do not just learn the position alone, note also the things that can help you deliver a pleasant sensation for couples, one of them with this lubricant. Enjoy your hot moment.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Benefits of Pineapple Juice

Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.). Pineapple besides can eat directly, it could be preserved by boiling and mix sugar to be made a jam or syrup.

Pineapple Content and Efficacy

Besides beneficial as food, pineapple also effective as a traditional medicine. In addition, the content of vitamins such as vitamin C and minerals are very good for health. 
Efficacy of pineapple : 
  • reducing excessive gastric acid secretion, 
  • helps digest food in the stomach, 
  • anti-inflammatory, laxative urine (diuretic), 
  • clean the dead skin tissue (skin debridement), 
  • interfere with the growth of cancer cells, 
  • inhibits platelet clumping (platelet aggregation), and 
  • have fibrinolytic activity. 
  • Young fruit tastes sour, 
  • nutritious spur digestive enzymes, 
  • anthelmintic, 
  • diuretic, 
  • laxative menstruation (emenagog), 
  • abortivum, 
  • sputum (mucolytics).

Benefits of Pineapple Juice

Fresh pineapple juice contains manganese, tight, and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, and B6. Such as orange juice, pineapple juice is also rich in vitamin C and bromelain. The fruit is also low in cholesterol and fat.

Young children consume pineapple juice to promote bone growth. As for the elderly, consuming a glass of pineapple juice every day is very beneficial for bone strengthening. In fact, consuming one glass of fresh pineapple juice every day already meets about 73 percent of manganese body needs.

Medical Benefits of Pineapple

Excerpted from the book entitled "Rawsome! Maximizing Health, Energy, and Culinary Delight With the Raw Foods Diet ", pineapple is used to treat a variety of diseases such as bronchitis, arthritis, high blood pressure / hypertension, dyspepsia, diphtheria, constipation, blood clotting, digestion, edema, sinusitis, excessive menstrual , mumps, sore throat, and so on.

Vitamin C and bromelain contained by pineapple also contribute to treat coughs and colds. Fresh pineapple juice is free of cholesterol and other micronutrients have to prevent diseases such as stroke, heart disease, and various cancers.

Other Benefits of Pineapple

Benefits Pineapple Fruit for Health

Treat Gout
Experts and specialists have recommended to consume fruits that contain the enzyme bromelain and potassium to overcome gout. The womb is a diuretic that can help to overcome the problem of uric acid. Certainly not consume too ripe pineapple, because it can cause uric acid levels rise.

Nourish Hair
Cystine compounds can help nourish and delay the aging of the hair. Cystine compounds in pineapple can help in the process of formation of skin and hair. With the cystine compound is also able to slow the aging process. More info read in a natural way to overcome hair loss

Relieves Sore Throat
Vitamin C is contained very good to deal with and relieve inflammation of the throat. While this is indeed a lot of ways to relieve sore throat. But not in the way and natural ingredients such as pineapple with this. Try pineapple fruit consumption in the form of processed as juice.

Improve Immune
Pineapple contains amino acids that can help boost immunity. Amino acids are already well-known powerful to overcome fatigue or others. For the diligent eating pineapple fruit every day will be able to help the body more healthy and fit.

Lowering Blood Pressure
Pineapple contains rich in potassium, which is very beneficial for people with high blood pressure. The fiber content in it is very helpful to prevent fat absorption in the digestive tract. It is suitable to be consumed every day to be able to help lower high blood pressure.

Lose Weight
Pineapple is very suitable for the menu diet to lose weight. The content contained in the pineapple enzyme is able to absorb the fat in the digestive tract so that will be removed along with the feces. The enzyme called Proteiolitik. In addition, vitamin C can also help in the fat burning process in order not to accumulate in the body.

Overcome Dandruff
Pineapple can also serve as a treatment for hair. One is dealing with dandruff disturbing. The fix is ​​very easy, just need to add the juice of pineapple that has been coupled with langusng lime can be applied on the scalp is dandruff.

Improve Sperm Quality
Pineapple is very suitable for men who have not given offspring. Pineapple can help improve the quality of the sperm. To that end, regular consumption of pineapple can overcome the problems of heredity.

Pineapple Also Beneficial to Overcome This Disease

1. Treat Worms
Peel 1 pineapple young, then rinse thoroughly. Next, rinse with boiled water, then grate. Squeeze and strain the scars, and Drinks at wormy children.

2. Stomach feels full
When disturbed digestion, the stomach will feel full even if only filled a little food. How to cope with drinking pineapple juice 3 times a day each 3/4 cup (approximately 150 cc). Perform this treatment 1/2 hour before eating.

3. sprains, bruises due to hit
If a Child or other family members have sprain, bruises or bruises, treat with pineapple. The trick, peeled 1 ripe pineapple, cut into pieces, then juiced. Drinking water is collected at the same time.

4. Burns, itching and sores
Besides palatable pineapple fruit can also be used to treat some skin diseases such as skin burning, itching of the skin and ulcers. The trick, pineapple leaf wash thoroughly, then mash until smooth. Apply on the affected part.

5. Treat Sore throat
Sore throat interfere with your activities? Peel 2 pieces of ripe pineapple, then rinse thoroughly. Cut into pieces, then juiced or grated. Next, squeeze using a piece of clean cloth. Drinking juice collected, day 3 times, each time enough 1/3.

6. Drug beriberi
The benefits of pineapple the other is treating the disease beriberi. The trick, peeled 2 ripe pineapple, then rinse thoroughly. Furthermore, juice or grated, then squeeze. Drinking water at the same feelings. Should be taken in the morning or during the day after meals.

7. Inflammation of the skin (dermatitis)
Provide 1/2 ripe pineapple fruit. Peel the skin, and scar. Results used to polish the skin is scaly and peeling, either on the scalp or other parts of the body. Do it once a day, at night before bed. The next morning freshly washed clean. Do it every day.

8. Treating Constipation
3 Peel the pineapple fruit unripe, then rinse thoroughly. Furthermore, juice or grated, then squeeze. Drinking water juice after a meal, 2 times a day, each quite 1/2 cup. Perform routine until constipation is gone.

9. Eliminate Dandruff
Provide 1/4 ripe pineapple fruit. Peel the skin, and scar, and filtered. Add the juice of one lemon and stir until blended. Use this mixture to rub the scalp is dandruff. Do it at night before bed. The next morning shampooed hair. Do it 2-3 times a week.

10. Lose weight
1 Peel the pineapple fruit that are not too ripe, then rinse thoroughly. Cut into pieces, then juiced or grated. Next, squeeze using a piece of clean cloth and water juice drink immediately at once. Apply 2 times a day.

  • Pregnant women are forbidden to drink young pineapple fruit juice.
  • Pineapple fruit in the gastrointestinal tract fermented into alcohol that can cause a recurrence of rheumatic gout.
  • People with diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is recommended to limit the consumption of pineapple as ripe fruit sugar content is high enough.
Besides can be consumed directly, it turns out pineapple also has many benefits as a traditional medicine.
Pages: 123

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Benefits of Alcohol in everyday life

Benefits of alcohol in everyday life quite a lot, used for medicine, beauty of the face and other needs. This means that alcohol does not always give a negative effect, especially for human health. Alcohol if taken continuously it can cause sedation, unconsciousness, and drunk because it has toxic properties.

In many country government has constituted special rules governing the production, distribution, and consumption of alcohol to the general public. However, who would have thought if alcohol it also has benefits, especially for health. It is also shared by health experts and doctors who already know the benefits of alcohol. The following are given some of the benefits of alcohol in everyday life, especially health benefits

1. Alcohol Help Reduce Blood Pressure
Consumed alcohol in proper doses could be highly effective to help reduce high blood pressure. In this case the alcohol will work cleaning the fat deposits in the arteries and reducing blood clotting occurs. This means that the risk of heart disease and heart attacks can be reduced. 

Tremendous benefit for sure especially after knowing heart disease to be one of the deadly diseases that should be avoided. Remember to not consume alcohol to excess, although there are benefits to the body. If you consume alcohol in excess dose effect could even invite a number of negative impacts and disrupt drug reactions consumed.

2. Alcohol Minimize the Risk of Stroke
Further Benefits of alcohol which can minimize the risk of stroke. However, these benefits can be obtained during the consumption of alcohol is still in reasonable limits. The type of ischemic stroke to be one of the most common type of stroke attack. This type of stroke that one known to be caused due to blockage of blood vessels to the brain organs. 

While other types of strokes are hemorrhagic stroke caused by a blood seeping or leaking in and out of the blood vessels in the brain. Certainly for the risk of stroke can be prevented and minimized, efforts can be made to be tested and one of them by taking alcohol. Very interesting not investigated the efficacy of alcohol in everyday life.

3. Alcohol Helps Improve Sleep Quality
Benefits of alcohol in everyday life hereafter that can help improve the quality of sleep a night. Surely these benefits can help who often have difficulty sleeping disorders or insomnia. It is not because of drowsiness given alcohol on the human body. To obtain these benefits can be tried consume alcohol according to the dose recommended by the doctor. Known safe dose and recommended to help improve the quality of sleep no more than one glass.

4. Alcohol can help Maintain Cardiovascular Health
The School of Public Health at Harvard University found that controlled amounts of alcohol can raise levels of HDL (high density lipoprotein) or 'good' cholesterol and higher HDL levels associated with greater protection against heart disease. 

Moderate alcohol consumption has also been associated with beneficial changes ranging from better insulin sensitivity for improvement in the factors that affect blood clotting. This process is very important to prevent the formation of small blood clots that can block arteries in the heart, neck, and brain, a major cause of many heart attacks and strokes.

5. Alcohol Improve Body Warmth
Of course these benefits will you get automatically when consuming alcohol, your body will feel warm. Alcohol has long been used in various European countries with a high-intensity winter to keep himself warm.

6. Alcohol Can Increase Libido
Associated with libido, it turns out alcohol can reduce the likelihood of erectile dysfunction by 25-30%.

7. Reduce Kidney stones
The study, conducted by researchers from the University of East Anglia, found that alcohol consumption within normal limits can reduce the occurrence of kidney stones.

That's some of the benefits of alcohol in everyday life. Of the benefits of alcohol can be obtained if used in accordance with the limits and recommended servings. As if consumed in excess will only lead to a number of disorders and negative effects. One of them cause dehydration.

A heavy drinker tends to become dehydrated due to frequent urination feeling. It is certainly caused due to excessive consumption of alcohol, where the alcohol has diuretic properties which can encourage the release of water from the body more quickly. If alcohol is drunk constantly impact diuretic perceived body can be more dangerous.

Another benefits of alcohol :

In general, alcohol is used as a solvent compounds, and as an ingredient of alcoholic beverages. As for some compounds which are widely used in everyday life are:

Methanol is a type of alcohol that is widely used as a solvent sap and resin. Alcohol can be made into other compounds such as esters. Used to create a polymer plastic types, by changing methanol to methanal or formaldehyde.

In the industry, methanol is used as a raw material for formaldehyde, as a liquid antifreeze, and solvents, such as varnish. In motor vehicles, methanol is used to fuel cars formula.

Ethanol is a type of alcohol that has been known and used since ancient times, both as a solvent medicine (tincture), as well as a cosmetics and drinks material, such as beer, wine, and whiskey.

Ethanol can be made through fermentation techniques, namely the process of changing class compound polysaccharides, such as starch crushed into a simpler form with the help of enzymes (yeast).

Ethanol is a type of alcohol that is often used as a fuel, to make other organic compounds, and can be converted into ethanol or acetaldehyde to be used as a solvent.

Ethylene Glycol is a type of alcohol that is widely used as an antifreeze in car radiators. Used also as an industrial raw material of synthetic fibers such as dacron. Alcohol is widely used types as well as solvents and plasticizers or softeners.

Glycerol is a type of alcohol that is widely used as a moisturizer on tobacco and confectionery. Ethanol is also used as a solvent of various drugs. Used also for making nitroglycerine (glycerol trinitrate) is material for explosives or dynamite.

A few reviews about the benefits of alcohol this time. Hope can provide additional information useful and helpful to you.

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Health Benefits of Avocado Oil

Avocado is a plant that grows in tropical or temperate regions. The oil extracted from avocado fruit edible and contains a variety of nutrients. Avocado oil is commonly used as a cosmetic as well as having medicinal properties. Because vitamins and monounsaturated fatty acids, avocado oil is also widely used in various cuisines.

Health Benefits of Avocado Oil

The content of monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E in avocado oil make it friendly to the heart so that it can be used as an alternative to oil.

Avocado oil helps reduce LDL levels and potassium which contributes to an increase in blood pressure. Vitamin E keep blood vessels healthy by combating free radicals from the body. High protein levels combined with the content of various amino acids make this oil is very good for the regeneration of tissues and cells.

Avocado oil is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids are known to be anti-carcinogenic. Research shows this oil is able to prevent the growth of cancer cells, especially breast cancer and colon cancer.

Benefits of Avocado Oil for Skin

Avocado oil is known as a catalyst in the production of collagen. Collagen makes the skin taut and wrinkle free naturally. This oil can also be used as a skin moisturizer that softens the effect especially on dry skin. 

Omega-3 fatty acid content makes the skin glow when avocado oil is used for massage purposes. In addition, avocado face masks known to be useful to treat dry and scaly skin on the face.

Benefits of Avocado Oil for Hair

The content of vitamin E and high protein content makes useful avocado oil and softness to maintain healthy hair. In addition, iron, vitamin A, magnesium, copper, and folic acid can strengthen the hair roots and reduces hair loss.

Avocado oil is also useful to relieve itching due to dandruff and irritation when massaged into the scalp. You can make a hair mask using avocado oil mixed with honey, almond milk, lemon juice, egg yolks, mashed bananas, yogurt, and milk to relieve dry hair and damage hair.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

The Grass Roots Health Benefits

The Grass Roots or Reed is a type of grass that has sharp leaves and usually an annoying weed farmer plants. But other than as a weed, it benefits the reeds can be used to address a wide range of diseases and health problems.

Of course for farmers, many weeds are destroyed because it can inhibit the growth of staple crops such as rice, corn, potatoes and assorted other farmers crops. However, as quoted from, there are a lot of benefits and efficacy of reeds that we can get. Immediately following some of the benefits and ways of processing reeds as an alternative herbal treatment.
1. Treating Asthma
If we suffer from asthma and already take medication but do not heal trying to do traditional treatment using the grass roots of the weeds. The trick is 100 grams of grass roots, 20 grams of betel leaf, 20 grams turmeric washed. After the boil all the ingredients before using the water as much as 1.5 liters. Allow the water decoction is just half. He; lu lift strain and add 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon lemon juice stir until blended. Drink the potion at bedtime until exhausted. Do it regularly.

2. Prostate Drugs
Grass roots can also be used to treat prostate. Prepare 600gram roots of the weeds that have been washed clean. Then the grass roots are boiled with 5 cups of water and allow it to stay half the cooking water. Strain, cool and drink 3 times a day on a regular basis.

3. Smooth Urine
If you have a problem with urine is not smooth try treated using grass roots. The way is easy that 200 grams of grass roots washed and boiled for 10 min using 4 cups of water. Add rock sugar to taste and lift and strain. Drink the potion to drink 3 times a day rule 1 cup every time you drink.

4. Treating Urinary Stone
Material: The roots of reeds 100 grams
            Cat's whiskers leaves a handful
            Phyllanthus urinaria leaves a handful
            Tangkue taste
How: Boil all ingredients with 3 cups of water until the remaining half of the cooking water. Then, remove, filter and let it cool. Take the boiling water 2 times a day and do it regularly.

5. Treating Problem Whitish
Take 400 grams of the roots of reeds, 5 grams Alyxia reinwardtii BL, 1.5 papaya leaf stalks and wash. Boil all ingredients using 3 cups of water until just half. Once filtered let cool. Drink the potion 2 times a day and do it regularly.

6. High blood Drugs Due Kidney Pain
Boil 250 grams of roots of the weeds, tangkue premises to taste 3 cups of water. Let the cooking water until just half. Then lift, strain and cool. After a cold drink the potion 2 times a day on a regular basis.

7. Hepatitis Drugs
Treatment for hepatitis using the roots of the weeds is by boiling 150 grams of roots of the weeds with 5 cups of water. After living half the cooking water lift and filtered. Drink the potion after a cold drink 3 times a day rule. Perform the treatment regularly.

8. Treat Diarrhea
Stop diarrhea with tapped roots of the weeds. The trick wash 150 grams of grass roots using 2.5 cups of water for 115 minutes. Then, remove and strain. Drink the mixture until cold and exhausted after doing a couple of times.

9. Drugs Lung Inflammation
Material: The roots of reeds 450 grams
            Jasmine flowers 10 pieces
            Blumea balsamifera 4 pieces
How: All materials are boiled in 4 cups of water until the water boiled just half. After the mixture was filtered and drunk with cold drink 2 times a day rule.

 Besides That The Grass Roots Also Can Treat

1. Drug kidney infection
2. Drug gallstone disease
3. Cure bloody urine
4. Drug nosebleed
5. Treating urinary problems continuously
6. Drug measles
7. Treating bleeding in women
8. Drug fever
9. Treating inflammation of the liver
10. Healing the fibril weak
11. Overcoming the digestive problem
12. Drug coronary heart
13. Drug vomiting blood
14. Drug coughing up blood

Saturday, February 28, 2015

What to do when his penis is just TOO big…

Normally we’d say you can never have too much of a good thing, but once you’ve experienced sex with a larger than average penis you’ll know that sometimes, you really can…The thing is, if your guy is larger than average (5.5 inches erect) by a lengthy margin or has a gargantuan girth, sex can be trickier than expected, but it doesn’t have to be!

What to do when his penis is just TOO big ?

Knowing how to go about enjoying his gifted genitalia without hurting your own takes a bit of practice. There’s a few important things to know when you’re getting down to it so that you can make sure his penis gives you nothing but pleasure.

We talked to Annabelle Knight, Sex expert at Lovehoney for her advice on how to handle him when his penis is just too big.

So if you thought that your boyfriend's oversized penis was a bad thing then think again. This advice will see you totally satisfied.

Never forget foreplay:

Foreplay has never been more important to your sex life than when your man’s penis is too big.

Most of the time women take a little longer to get fully aroused and ready for penetration than men and your levels of arousal are key to your enjoyment of sex – on an emotional and physical level. It just makes sense, if things aren’t a-flowin’, sex won’t be mind-blowin’.

Foreplay will naturally relax the muscles of your vagina and provide some natural lubrication to ease him in, so it will be much easier for him to enter you without hurting you.

So if you ever needed an excuse before – this is it now. Make sure that you’re relaxed and raring to go by him spending time on your hot spots with his tongue, fingers and lips.

But if this still isn’t enough to get you going, you might need to turn to our next tip. Also don’t be intimidated when your natural juices come and go, it’s totally natural. If you need a little extra help just reach for your new friend - KY Jelly.

Lube is your friend:

One of the top tips you can take on board is to make lubrication your bedroom companion. Gone are the days when lube was just a sticky mess in a weird tube. Now it's the key to some OMG orgasms.

There are loads of lubes on the market and making use of a good lubricant is key to helping soften those blows.

Annabelle says: “Invest in some good quality lubricant. Most lubes only cost a fiver but they can make a real difference to your pleasure. A good lubricant will sensually hydrate you and soothe your skin. It will allow you to enjoy more sex if your man is well hung without feeling sore afterwards.”

When you’re ready to actually have sex then work in some lubrication to your foreplay. With lube in your hands, rub up and down his shaft to drive him wild while preparing him for entry.

He can also do the same to you and work in some extra lubrication as his penis teases around your clit and other areas.

Go slow:

Annabelle says for men with a long length, it’s crucial that they go slow.
“For most women, the problem they have with well-endowed men is when they have excessively long, rather than excessively fat, penises.

"As a basic rule, girth is good. If your guy has a lot of length, there is a chance that he can cause you pain by hitting your cervix during penetration which feels like a period pain and is not pleasant.”

So if you think that’s why your sex sessions cause you to get sore then make sure he takes his time.

“Guys should remember that they must not rush in like a bull in a china shop. Take your time and be gentle,” she says.

“Most of the nerves in a woman's vagina from which we derive all our pleasure are in the first three inches and the G-spot is typically two inches into a woman's vagina - so guys don't need a lot of length to reach all the crucial area.”

Get him to work on that G-spot for a while and then as your enjoyment increases, you can try going deeper. Which brings us on to our next tip.

Perfect positions:
A big penis is not a bad thing as long as you know which positions are best for accommodating his package. The basic principle is to have as much control as you can, which means positions where you’re on top make for the best sex.

Annabelle says: “My favourite with a well-hung guy is when the girl goes on top. You use your thighs to control the levels of penetration - that way you get a good work-out at the same time. Great sex and toned thighs - what more could a girl ask for!”

“Another good position is on your knees - again here you are in control and can determine how far you lower yourself on to him,” she adds.

But obviously not everyone wants to hop on top so for all you girls who like it best lying down, Annabelle has a little tip.

“There is another trick you can do where the woman hooks her legs and ankles around her partner so that she is in control and can determine just how deeply he penetrates. The key is the woman being able to manipulate his behaviour so that it fits with her body.”

You can see step by steps of all the positions that are best for an XXL penis right here.

Find a position that suits you both. This is entirely up to you as a couple - talk to each other and experiment with various positions and you will soon work out which ones work best.

Despite all of this, Annabelle says that with simple communication no position is out of bound - in theory.

“You should both remember: no position is out of bounds, even doggy. Everything is workable if you are communicating well and responding to the wishes of your partner. The female body is pretty elastic and can accommodate guys of varying sizes.”

It’s just what works best for you and your partner so experiment and keep mixing up your positions until you find some that work for you both. Oh life can be so hard, we know…

Anal: Approach with caution

Anal sex and an 8-incher just spells out pain for us but it doesn’t for everyone. Lots of women enjoy anal sex with guys with big penises but one thing Annabelle does recommend is to go slow, even slower than usual.

“Go slowly and gently, especially when you are first trying it out. You definitely need to be relaxed to enjoy good anal sex,” she explains. As well as this, just remember that trusty lube. Anal sex without good lubricant just spells for disaster.

“It is worth remembering that your anus has no real natural lubricants - unlike the vagina. You need a lubricant, which is going to stick, cover a wide area and stay on while you are having sex,” she adds.

“Don't be defeatist. There isn't a sexual problem in the world that cannot be overcome with understanding and good communication.”

So just make sure your partner is aware of your needs and you’re aware of his and you both should be able to enjoy a happy, healthy sex life.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Detox ; Benefits for the Body

Detoxification has been practiced since centuries ago by the various cultures in the world, including ayurvedic and Chinese medicine system. Detoxification is resting, cleaning, and nutrition of the body from the inside out. By removing toxins and eating healthy nutrition, detoxification can protect from disease and improve the ability to maintain optimal health.

benefits of detox
Benefits of detox
Naturally, detoxification means cleaning the blood. This includes the removal of the remains of metabolism in the blood by the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph nodes, and skin. However, when the system is disturbed, the toxins are not filtered and all the cells in the body are affected.

Detoxification program can help the natural cleansing process by:
1. Resting the organs by means of fasting
2. Stimulate the liver remove toxins from the body
3. Stimulate elimination through the intestines, kidneys, and skin
4. Improving blood circulation
5. Supplies the body with healthy nutrients.

Detoxification is recommended to deal with the symptoms such as tired for no apparent reason, the metabolic waste removal, skin irritation, allergies or mild infection, bags under the eyes, abdominal enlargement with the rest of the body remains thin, menstrual disruption, or mental disorders.

How to do it, first by reducing the burden of body toxins. Avoid alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, limit sugar and saturated fats, which are toxins in the body and interfere with the healing process. Also, reduce the use of household cleaners and personal products made from chemicals and replace it with a natural.

below is 6 easy way to detox body from toxins:

1. Drink warm water with lemon slices
Start your day with a cup of warm water with lemon slices. In addition to helping you hydrated, lemon works to balance the PH of the body and helps the digestive system in your body.

2. Sweating
Sweat or sweat can help your body get rid of toxins in the body. It is recommended, to sweat in the body, you should regularly exercise or sauna.

3. Vegetable Consumption
Keeping your diet consistently without being processed is one of the most effective ways to detoxify the body every day. Be sure to consume vegetables or fruits that are detoxification that can help the performance of liver and kidney function so that you healthier. Eat cabbage and other green vegetables.

4. Consumption of home cooking
Get used to cook at home and eat at the restaurant occasionally. Detoxification process will be more effective when you cook at home. Since all of your own secure and processing the material.

5. Consumption of green tea
Consuming green tea is rich in antioxidants with high catechin compounds, can help the performance of the liver and increases the production of detoxification enzymes in your body.

Other factors which affect health is stress, which stimulates the body to release stress hormones. This hormone can cause "adrenaline rush" that produce large amounts of toxins and inhibit liver detoxification enzymes. Yoga and meditation is a simple and effective way to relieve stress by improving physical and mental reactions to stress in life.

Here are 10 ways to help detoxify the body:
1. Eat plenty of fiber, including brown rice, vegetables, and organic fruit. Beets, turnips, cabbage, broccoli, spirulina, and seaweed are good chose for detox food.
2. Protect the liver by consuming natural ingredients such as green tea.
3. Consumption of vitamin C which helps the body produce glutathione, a component of the liver to remove toxins.
4. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
5. Breathe in to expedite oxygen circulation in the body.
6. Transform stress with positive emotions.
7. Practice hydrotherapy with hot water bath for 5 minutes, followed by cold water for 30 minutes. Do it 3 times, and sleep 30 minutes later.
8. saunas to eliminate water through sweat.
9. Brush the skin of the foot to remove toxins from the pores of the skin.
10. Do exercise at least 1 hour per day.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

natural gas benefits

Understanding the Advantages of Natural Gas

Natural gas is often also referred to as natural gas or marsh gas, is a gaseous fossil fuel consisting primarily of methane CH4). He can be found in oil fields, gas fields and coal mines. When the gas is rich in methane produced by anaerobic bacterial decomposition of organic materials other than fossil, then it is called biogas. Sources of biogas can be found in marshes, rubbish dumps, as well as the disposal of human and animal waste.

The chemical composition

The main component in natural gas is methane (CH4), which is a chain hydrocarbon molecules shortest and lightest. Natural gas also contains molecules heavier hydrocarbons such as ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8) and butane (C4H10), as well as gases containing sulfur (sulfur). Natural gas is also a major source of helium gas source.

Nitrogen, helium, carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and water can also be contained in natural gas. Mercury can also be contained in a small amount. The composition of natural gas varies according to the source of the gas fields.

3 Top Benefits or advantages of Natural Gas

Natural gas has now become an alternative energy source that is widely used by the world community for a variety of purposes, either for residential, commercial and industrial. From year to year, the use of natural gas is increasing. This is because of the many benefits of the use of natural gas compared with other energy sources. The energy produced natural gas more efficiently. Unlike petroleum and coal, its use is much more clean and very friendly environment so as not to cause pollution to the environment. In addition, natural gas also has some other advantages, such as a colorless, odorless, non-corrosive and non-toxic.
Broadly speaking, the utilization of natural gas is divided into 3 groups:

1. Natural gas as fuel
Partly as a power plant fuel gas / steam, industrial fuel light, medium and heavy, automotive fuel (CNG / NGV), as for household purposes hotels, restaurants and so on. Compressed natural gas (Compressed natural gas, CNG) is an alternative fuel other than gasoline or diesel. The fuel is considered to be 'clean' when compared with the two fuel oil for gas emission environmentally friendly. CNG is made by compressing methane (CH4), which is extracted from natural gas. LPG (liquified petroleum gas), is a mixture of hydrocarbons of various elements derived from natural gas. By increasing pressure and decreasing temperature, the gas turns into liquid. Components are predominantly propane (C3H8) and butane (C4H10). LPG also contain other light hydrocarbons in small quantities, for example, ethane (C2H6) and pentane (C5H12).

2. Natural gas as a raw material
Among other raw materials fertilizer plants, petrochemicals, methanol, plastic raw materials LDPE (low density polyethylene), LLDPE = linear low density polyethylene, HDPE (high density polyethylen), PE (poly ethylene), PVC (poly vinyl chloride), C3 and C4 her for LPG, its CO2 for soft, dry ice food preservatives, artificial rain, industrial iron castings, welding and light a fire extinguishing agent.

3. Natural gas as an energy commodity for export
The biggest natural gas used for export commodities in the world, LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) or liquefied natural gas.
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been processed to remove impurities and heavy hydrocarbons and then condensed into liquid in the atmosphere with cool tap around -160 ° Celsius.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Benefits of Folic acid for man

Benefits of Folic acid for man

Benefits of Folic acid or Folic acid drugs (folate or folacin), is a supplement tablets that contain high levels of certain vitamins that are medically have properties, functionality and usability to help improve the chances of getting pregnant.

Not only benefit the fertility of wives, folic acid vitamin B6 also has many health benefits for husbands, essentially taking the benefits of folate (folic acid) before pregnancy is very good for couples who are planning a pregnancy program.

Benefits of Folic Acid (folic acid) For Women

The benefits of folic acid and usability for a woman's body is able to help strengthen the egg, therefore wives who consume folic acid tablets can increase the chance and opportunity to become pregnant.

There have been many cases of community among pregnant program of visits NOT SUCCEED, when the couple who run the program planning and preparation for pregnancy TSB has been declared healthy by a doctor. In cases like this, the quality of eggs to be one of the factors that influence.

Folate (folic acid) has the special advantages, in addition to have utility to increase the chances of pregnancy, the benefits of folic acid is also very good and recommended for pregnant women consumed to prevent birth defects.

Benefits of Folic Acid (folic acid) For Men

Benefits of Folic Acid to Increase Sperm Quantity

A study conducted in the city of Nijmegen and the Netherlands (March 2002), shows the fact that folic acid can increase sperm volume by 74% in men taking folic acid tablets. Automatically with the increasing number of male sperm then the chances of fertilization in the female egg was so increased.
Benefits of Folic Acid increase Sperm Quality

Still based on the same study, the benefits of folic acid not only increases the sperm count alone but experts (researchers) found that folate (folic acid) can improve sperm QUALITY and able to reduce (minimize) the number of abnormal sperm up to 4%.

Sperm Quality Reasons Why So Important

Good sperm quality is very important for the process of fertilization in the egg, sperm men who have poor quality will be difficult to fertilize the female egg. Although the sperm can fertilize the egg, but it is feared could lead to defective babies and cause other diseases in infants such as Down Syndrome disease.

Does intake of Folic Acid (Folic Acid) of food is enough?

If you can ensure that the amount of folic acid intake is sufficient that you eat and really consistently consume foods that contain lots of folic acid for months, then you can put off for Folic acid supplement use.

But the facts and the reality is not so, often and many couples do not have a lot of time and opportunity to adjust the diet to be consumed each day. As was the case in couples busy that would be more likely to eat outside the home. For couples who are in a situation that does not allow this kind, it is suggested that folic acid supplement use diligent.

Folic acid (Folic Acid) should be consumed not only in order to increase the chances of getting pregnant, but also to prepare for the growth of a healthy baby later in your pregnancy.