Citrine Stone Benefits
Citrine Stone Benefits mineral citrineAbout Yellow Citrine Stone
Citrine stone is one of the agate stone that is currently popular in the agate market, not only is this agate also including one type of precious stone. For its own distribution, citrine stones can be found throughout regions of the world such as Brazil, Argentina, France, Indonesia and much more.Characteristic of this yellow citrine stone is on the color of a clear yellow stone and has a glow that resembles a gemstone when exposed to light.
Not only that, yellow citrine is actually one of the gems included in the Quartz group which has another name citron which in French means lemon.
Actually, yellow citrine is one of the transparent quartz rocks and this determines the price on the citrine. The more transparent with a shiny yellow color then the price is also more expensive. A myriad of benefits on the citrine stone make it more and more desirable people.
Benefits of Citrine
Curing Light DiseaseFor those of you who often experience symptoms of minor illness such as fever, dizziness, cough, colds, to menstrual pain, different on the benefits of paint eye stone then you can cure it with citrine. The way of healing varies depending on the type of illness you are suffering from. If your illness is fever or dizziness, you can cure it by compressing citrine water. And if symptoms such as cough and menstrual pain, you can drink citrine stone bath water.
Increase Wealth
The bright yellow color of the citrine has a positive energy, almost the same as the benefits of rock combong sulaiman that can widen and increase your wealth more effectively. This can also facilitate and simplify the business you are currently working on.
good luck talisman
In addition to increasing wealth, citrine stone can also ward off any kind of misfortune that can interfere to endanger your life. You can use it as an enzyme, with the energy of the citrine that radiates into your body, this energy will attract luck in your life and neutralize all the energy and negative aura that can bring bad luck to you.
Citrine also has a special ability that makes people willing to spend a lot of money to get this benefit. That is as a protector, this is different from the benefits of fire bejad, not only protect from witchcraft like witchcraft or witchcraft, citrine stone can also protect you from various kinds of evil intentions of humans can even make your body immune from various kinds of sharp weapons.
Increase Thinking Power
For those of you who want to have a more intelligent thought differently on the benefits of cempaka, you can also use citrine as an azimuth. With intelligent thinking, you will be easier to overcome all problems until it is easy to find a job. Not only that, you can also attract the attention of many people, so you can be the center of attention of people. Everyone will be amazed at your way of thinking and they will be more respectful and will not humble yourself.
That is the myriad of benefits of yellow citrine that we can convey. Hopefully the information we convey can be useful and increase your knowledge. To find out the truth about the benefits of yellow citrine, you can prove yourself by using it yourself.