Thursday, July 19, 2018

Diagnosis and Treatment of Gastroenteritis

Diagnosis of Gastroenteritis
Doctors may be able to detect gastroenteritis from symptoms experienced, as well as through physical examination. If necessary, the doctor may recommend a useful stool test to determine the type of organism that causes gastroenteritis. In addition to viruses, gastroenteritis can also be caused by bacteria and parasites.

Treatment of gastroenteritis
The main purpose of treatment of gastroenteritis is to prevent the occurrence of dehydration. Therefore,
patients are encouraged to drink plenty of water. If the dehydration is severe enough, the patient may need to be admitted to the hospital to get fluids through the IV.

Salt and sugar (Oralite) may be given to aid rehydration. This drug contains the electrolytes and minerals needed by the body. Although ORS can be bought freely in the market, be sure to always follow the rules of use written on the packaging. If necessary, ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.

Antibiotic medicines are not effective against viruses. In addition, do not give aspirin to relieve symptoms of pain in patients who are under the age of 16 years. To help alleviate the symptoms of gastroenteritis, do some of the following tips at home:

  • Try to always drink more fluids. If drinking difficulties directly from the glass, use a straw. Avoid eating fruit juice because this drink can actually increase the symptoms of diarrhea experienced.
  • Consumption of foods in small amounts and easily digested, such as bananas, porridge, and fish. It aims to provide recovery time for your stomach. Stop eating if the nausea begins to feel again.
  • Use more time to rest.
  • Children and adults can consume energy drinks to replace electrolytes in the body. Oralit is also highly recommended for treating infants and children. Avoid ice cream or soft drinks because it can aggravate diarrhea in children.
  • In patients with children, gastroenteritis should be treated as early as possible because the disease contributes to mortality in children who are quite high in Indonesia. Symptoms to watch out for include easy drowsiness, lips and mouth become dry, their hands and feet also feel cold. If that happens to your child, rush to the hospital for the best treatment.

The doctor will provide fluid intake to your child with nasograstic or NG tube, which is a tube inserted through the nose to the abdomen. The fluid intake can also be administered to your child directly with intravenous therapy injected through the blood vessels.

You can also do self-care by administering fluids to infants, 15-20 minutes after they have vomiting or diarrhea. This time lag is required for the baby's stomach to rest for a moment. Breast milk can be given to a baby if he is still breastfed. In addition to breast milk, oral acid or formula can also be given if the baby can drink from the bottle.

Read Also : What is Gastroenteritis? Diagnosis and Treatment of Gastroenteritis - Gastroenteritis Prevention

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Contains Salmonella, Hy-Vee recalls Spring Salad

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday the West Des Moines-based grocery chain discovered potential salmonella contamination on Monday night and pulled the product from its shelves.

After 20 people got salmonella in Minnesota, South Dakota, Nebraska and Iowa, Midwest grocery store chain Hy-Vee Inc. has recalled its store-brand spring pasta salad.

The states are Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and South Dakota -- where the salmonella illnesses occurred -- and Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Wisconsin.

The product was produced between June 1 and July 13. The packages have expiration dates between June 22 and August 3. Customers should dispose of the product or return it to a Hy-Vee store.

Symptoms of salmonella infection include diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps, and typically present 12 to 72 hours after exposure to the bacteria. The company first learned of the potential link to the illnesses Monday night and voluntarily pulled the salad from stores.

Symptoms last four to seven days, and although most people improve without treatment, some may require hospitalization because of severe diarrhea. Hy-Vee's phone number is 1-800-772-4098. It has more than 245 stores.

5 Amazing Facts About Human Brain

The human brain is one of the most mysterious, amazing, complicated and most valuable organs. Organ that serves as the body's propulsion machine also has a lot of uniqueness. Let's see more about the following brain facts!

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The facts about the human brain you may not know

1. The brain needs a lot of blood supply
To be able to work optimally, the brain needs a lot of blood supply that should not be stopped. In fact, 30% of the blood flow from the heart will be directly channeled to the brain. This blood flow makes the brain capable of producing a reaction or an action in just 1 per 10 thousand seconds. Wow, that's quick!

2. Exercise is good for the brain
Exercise is not only good for your body and heart health, you know! Basically, exercise makes the heart work harder to pump blood. Well, as explained above, the brain needs nonstop blood intake in order to function properly.

More blood flow after your diligent exercise can help maintain brain health. Hmm .. That's why if you lack movement, the brain can be "slow" because the lack of blood that flows into the head.

More unique, the brain will learn and remember every muscle movement as you move for the sport. This then allows you to move on to the next sports sessions.

Then, when is the right time to exercise if you want to maintain brain health? Morning. Exercise in the morning can help the brain receive more blood intake so as to increase your ability to focus and concentrate work throughout the day.

3. The more eating fat, the healthier your brain
Remember, not all fats are evil and should be avoided. Good fat intake, especially omega-3 and omega-6 from fish and fruits such as avocado, works to reduce inflammation in the brain while supporting the strength of the immune system. In fact, omega-3 fatty acids are the main nutrients that help the functioning of the brain.

The composition of the brain comprises about one-quarter of fat produced by DHA, a fatty acid belonging to the Omega-3 group. DHA plays a role in supporting gray matter of the brain associated with intelligence. DHA also establishes the sensitivity of neurons that help convey information quickly and accurately.

A study shows that increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids from foods such as fish and vegetable oils may help counteract the risk of Alzheimer's. Other studies have also found that people who consume fish oil supplements are better protected from the risk of brain weakening (atrophy) than people who do not consume fish oil.

4. The brain can still function 3-5 minutes after the head is decapitated
In addition to blood, the brain's work is also supported by glucose and oxygen that comes transported in the bloodstream. Sugar and oxygen are the main fuels for the brain. That's why if you eat less or skip meals, or rarely exercise, work the brain will gradually decrease.

Permanent brain damage can occur after 3-5 minutes without oxygen or glucose intake at all. No wonder when the head of a person beheaded, the brain can still work temporarily because it has not experienced permanent damage or death function in the first few minutes.

5. Brain operation does not make the brain so stupid, but can change the personality
Facts about this brain may be a bit weird and unique. But did you know, that brain surgery, or hemisferektomi, aim to lift some of your brain? Hemisferektomi is a very rare surgery performed to overcome seizures.

Many believe that with the removal of some "portion" of the brain, the intelligence of the person can decline. This is wrong. Hemisferektomi does not cause an intelligence disorder, but it can alter a bit of your brain function after surgery. For example a change in your memory, sense of humor, or personality.

Read Also : How to Exercise Your Brain
Read Also : Sweating Trigger Brain more creative

Q A : treat chronic mastoiditis without surgery?

Question: how to treat chronic mastoiditis, is there any effective way without surgery? explanation please

Answer: Mastoiditis is an inflammation caused by infection of the mastoid bone located behind the ear. This condition can arise due to complications from an untreated middle ear infection (otitis media) that spreads in this area.

Bone infections can cause a collection of pus even damage to the bone so that the symptoms are felt such as fever, pain in localized areas, swelling, redness and hearing loss can occur. Treatment that can be done is to deal with infection with antibiotics adequately thoroughly.

However, in some cases where extensive damage and no response to antibiotic treatment may be performed a mastoidectomy (removal of some mastoid bone) to avoid further damage.

Discuss this complaint to the ENT doctor who handles you, so that you immediately get the appropriate treatment, given if left too long then the complications will be worsened.

The doctor will perform a detailed examination to deal with disturbances in the ear area and surrounding areas to ascertain the cause of the complaint. You can read related articles about otitis media here, hopefully useful

Otitis Media in Child

Most cases of otitis media rarely cause dangerous complications. But if it occurs in young children, the risk of complications is quite high. This is caused by their immune system that is still developing and not yet fully formed.

The following are some of the possible complications of otitis media:

Disturbance in speech or language development. This condition can occur if your child has frequent ear infections and affects their sense of hearing as a child.

Labyrinthitis. The labyrinth is a delicate structure deep inside the ear. Sometimes, the infection can spread to this area. This condition is known as labirintitis. Symptoms of labyrinthitis may include dizziness, vertigo, hearing loss, and loss of balance. These symptoms will disappear within a few weeks, but you may be prescribed medication to relieve these symptoms.

Hole in the eardrum. Under certain conditions, pressure or damage that occurs in the middle ear can tear the eardrum. Although this condition can recover within 72 hours by itself, there are some severe cases that require the sufferer to undergo surgery to restore it.

Mastoiditis. Mastoid is the bone behind the ear. If the infection is spread to this area, then known as mastoiditis. Symptoms of mastoiditis are fever, headache, loss of hearing, and swelling, redness, and pain in the back of the ear. This condition can be treated with antibiotics given by blood vessels or by surgery.

Cholesteatoma. Cholesteatoma is a collection of abnormal skin cells in the ear. This condition may arise from frequent or frequent chronic middle ear infections. If left unchecked, cholesteatomas can damage the ear structure and impair the hearing function. Symptoms of cholesteatoma are hearing loss, paralysis of the facial half, dizziness, and tinnitus or rippled ears. Surgical removal of cholesteatomas will be necessary in most of these cases.

Meningitis. If the infection is spread to the protective membrane of the brain and spinal cord, it will appear a condition called meningitis. Complications of this type of otitis media are quite rare. Symptoms from meningitis are severe headache, fever, nausea, stiff neck, rapid heart beating and sensitivity to light. See your doctor immediately if you suspect meningitis.

Brain abscess. A brain abscess is a pus filled with pus and appears in the brain. This is a rare complication of otitis media. Symptoms include severe headache, paralysis on one side of the body, fever, confusion, and convulsions. This is an emergency condition that requires hospital handling. Treatment is usually done through the administration of antibiotics and surgery to remove pus in the brain.

Facial paralysis. Facial nerves are a group of nerves that pass through the cranium and are used to control facial expressions. Swelling that occurs due to middle ear infections can suppress the facial nerves, although this condition is very rare. Due to the pressure, the patient can not move part or all of their faces. This condition will recover if the infection has been treated.

Mood Swing Disorders

Everyone has a mood swings - known as the mood swing. We can feel very happy, but soon we are suddenly shrouded in sadness. One day we can feel excited about the day, but then, on the same day, we can feel very saturated and tired with all the routines. This may be natural for most people.

Basically, mood is a basic psychological condition as the body's reaction to a particular environment or situation. Sometimes, these emotional outbursts (good or bad) can seem overwhelmingly defeating the interest of the stimulus.

What causes mood swing?
One possible cause of mood swings is an imbalance in brain chemistry associated with the mood setting and hormonal changes that the body produces, depending on many different factors. What factors may play a role?

Weather: Sunlight can affect our brain almost directly through the outer portion of the skull and other parts of the brain to trigger the production of endorphins which is a "good mood" hormone, which makes us feel happy and happy. Lack of sun exposure, such as overcast weather and rain, makes the body lack a lot of endorphins, causing many people to experience 'SAD' - Seasonal Affective Disorder -, which is an over-reliance on the weather to regulate our mood.

Food: Food can have different effects on our body. Not only provide us with energy, food is also sufficient intake of chemicals in the brain, such as dopamine. Dopamine is a reward center in the brain that is produced after sex or when we eat food when hungry, to encourage us to repeat this behavior.

Immune system: The immune system can also play the role of ups and downs of our mood. When we are sick, this can make our body feel depressed and ultimately also affect our mood.

Puberty, Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS), or menopause: mood changes may be related to the ups and downs of body hormone levels, especially estrogen, throughout the menstrual cycle. Estrogen begins to rise slowly after the menstrual cycle ends, then reaches its peak two weeks later. After that, estrogen levels in the body begin to decline sharply before it starts rising slowly and down again before the new cycle begins.

In certain cases, mood swings can be very extreme, serious, and without obvious reason or stimulation that disrupt the function of the individual in his or her daily life. This extreme swing mood occurs suddenly and involves an emotional up-and-down condition, alternating between feeling happy and prosperous, then being overcome by anger, offense, or depression, in a relatively short period of time.

Health conditions associated with mood swing

Reporting from Good Health, some psychiatric conditions can also trigger extreme mood swings. A number of these conditions are known to be an inhibitor of the productivity of the infected person and may even show suicidal tendencies or extreme violence. Some of these health conditions include:

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
There is no antidote for ADHD; individuals with ADHD must live life to adapt to this condition, to feel frustrated over time. Many people who have ADHD are undiagnosed. Feelings of inability and lack of adaptation often lead to depression, resulting in uncertain mood swings.

Bipolar disorder
People with bipolar disorder suffer from extreme mood swings. They react with sadness when they find a happy situation, or vice versa - react happily in a sad or grieving situation - because they are unable to set the mood according to the right conditions or opportunities.

Borderline Personality Syndrome (BPS)
BPS sufferers are unable to maintain stable interpersonal relationships due to their turbulent emotional states about themselves and others. Academic problems, work, finances, legal issues, and relationships with others may arise as a result of extreme mood swing.

Mood swing due to depression can be very destructive. Depression can make you isolate yourself from friends, family, and people you love. You may not feel able to get out of bed, let alone work. During the manic phase, you may be frivolous, hysterical, and feeling very happy, until finally re-enveloped by sadness and helplessness.

Other causes of mood swing
Apart from the above conditions, mood swings can also be caused by medical conditions that directly affect the central nervous system, such as dementia, brain tumors, meningitis, stroke, and narcotics abuse. Mood swings can also result from conditions that deprived the nutrients and oxygen in the brain, such as head trauma, lung disease, and cardiovascular.

When the production of neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin, GABA, dopamine, and norepenephrine are affected, the result is a mood change. A person can alternately experience various feelings, such as depression, anxiety, happiness, stress, and fear.

If mood swings come suddenly, can not be controlled, are very irrational, or show suicidal tendencies, seek medical help immediately.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

What You Need To Know About Bone Density Screening

You may have heard of bone density terms or bone mass tests, or sometimes bone mineral density tests
(BMDs). They all refer to one of the common tests to determine your bone health by measuring your bone mass.

This test is used to diagnose osteoporosis, your risk of fracture / fracture, and measure your response to osteoporosis treatment. You can repeat the test every one or two years. This will allow your doctor to diagnose you with osteoporosis and provide the right treatment for you.

While there are several ways to test your bone density, the most commonly used method is called central absorptimetry, or a central DXA test. This test measures bone density in the hips and spine. Another type of bone mass test is a bone density test kit to measure bone density at the bottom of the arm, wrist, finger or heel.

Read Also : Benefits of bone density Examination

Usually the test will be done on a fractured bone such as your lower spine bone, thigh (narrow neck next to your hip joint) and the bones in your arm. But bone density is different in other parts of the body. If the test results in one of the bones shows you have a bone disease, your doctor may want to check other bones as well.

Why should I do a bone density test?
Bone tests can be used to measure your bone density. From the test results, your doctor may:
1. See if you have weak bones or osteoporosis before the condition gets serious.
2. Predict and reduce the chances of future fractures.
3. See if treatment to increase bone density has improved your condition.
4. Find out if treatment for osteoporosis works.

Who should do a bone density test?
Your bones have the ability to regenerate, but this ability will weaken with age. Women generally have lower bone density than men. It is recommended that all women over age 65 should have a bone density test. But if you are younger than 65 years and have a high risk for fractures, you still have to do a test as well.

In addition to age, there are some signs that can be a warning to make your bone density test. These signs include:

  • Your spinal x-ray shows a fracture or bone loss.
  • Back pain with possible fractures in your spine.
  • Losing height 1 cm or more in one year.
  • Total decreases in height 3 cm from your original height.

How do I read my test results?
After taking the test, you will be given a T-score: the amount shows your bone density compared to the average number of healthy adults aged 30 years. The lower the amount you have, the more likely you are to have bone disease.

  • From -1 to +1: Normal.
  • From -1 to -2.5: You have low bone mass, though not low enough to be diagnosed with osteoporosis. You should consider asking for medication to prevent osteoporosis to help slow bone loss and prevent osteoporosis in your future. Your doctor may ask you to keep healthy habits such as eating calcium-rich foods and vitamin D and doing weight-bearing exercise such as walking, jogging, or dancing.
  • From -2.5 or lower: You have osteoporosis. The lower the score, the more severe the osteoporosis is. In this case, you should take medicine.

Some drugs can slow or even reverse osteoporosis. Your doctor will advise you to take a screening test every year to check your progress.

Another result for the bone density test is Z-score: the amount shows your bone density compared to the average number of your age group. T-score and Z-score can be swapped. Pediatricians use a percentile to interpret the height of the child.

None of these scores can predict the risk of fractures unless you also know his age. Since T-scores and Z-scores can be converted back and forth, your fracture prediction is the same as each other.

Is my bone mineral density related to body mass index?
Body mass index, often known as BMI, is measured by height and weight (BMI = weight / (high * high)). Your bone mineral density (BMD) is measured by scanning your bones.

It is proven that the lighter your weight, when your BMI is <18.5, your risk for osteoporosis increases. When you are underweight, your bones are weak and can be broken easily. Thus, both BMI and weight can be attributed to BMD. There is research on this but the results vary. Thus, the role of obesity as a risk factor for BMD, osteoporosis, and low fractures remains unclear.

Valsartan, What is NDMA?

What is valsartan?
Valsartan has also long been used to cooperate with other countries.

This makes pressure and pumps blood throughout the body. By lightening the work of the heart, will make the blood vessels of the brain, heart, and kidneys.

Withdrawal of products in 22 countries
Novartis as the first company to develop drugs such as Sandral and valsartan / tablet HCT film coated for "not meet Sandoz high quality standards."

Pharmacies in the UK have been told to collect valsartan drugs made by Dexcel Pharma Ltd and Accord Healthcare.

The recall caused approximately 2,300 bets sent to Germany, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Hungary, Netherlands, Austria, Ireland, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, France, Poland, Croatia, Croatia, Greece, Canada, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bahrain, and Malta.

Novartis Agency and FDA
Novartis spokesman Eric Althoff said that products sold in the United States are no longer by this waste. Sandy Walsh, public relations officer for the Food and Drug Administration said that the agency is visible and there is no comment at the moment.

According to him, the FDA is committed to providing information to the public in a timely manner. In general, the FDA does not comment on third-party announcements, but is a resource to improve understanding of specific issues and help the FDA's mission to promote public health.

Valsartan products proved to be harmful impurities
Problems encountered during the purchase of valsartan active pharmaceutical goods (API / active inggridient pharmaceuticals) derived from external suppliers contain impurities. European Drug Agency of Medicines, Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals in Linhai, China. The FDA says impurities are "results in the manufacturing process."

The impurity is N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), an organic chemical present in a potent carcinogen family. These chemicals have been used to make fuels, softeners and lubricants, liquid launchers, among other products. It is also reliable and can not be used to produce pesticides, rubber tire manufacture or fish processing.

NDMA impurities cause cancer

Animal studies have shown that NDMA can be toxic and cause tumors in the liver, kidneys, and respiratory tract. It also includes humans in certain quantities. High levels of exposure can cause liver damage and is a possible human carcinogen, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services.

"The amount available in the API is much lower than the usual cumulative and external external endogen production of NDMA," Althoff wrote in an email quoted from the CNN website (6/7/2018).

"There is no certainty about how much this contaminant could potentially increase the risk of cancer in humans. Thus, the amount of NDMA found in the Valsartan API would not represent a significantly increased risk in patients taking Sandoz Valsartan and Sandoz Valsartan HCT film coated tablets. "

Q: A: What does NDMA stand for? NDMA stands for "N-nitrosodimethylamine".
Q: A: How to abbreviate "N-nitrosodimethylamine"? "N-nitrosodimethylamine" can be abbreviated as NDMA.
Q: A: What is the meaning of NDMA abbreviation? The meaning of NDMA abbreviation is "N-nitrosodimethylamine".
Q: A: What is NDMA abbreviation? One of the definitions of NDMA is "N-nitrosodimethylamine".
Q: A: What does NDMA mean? NDMA as abbreviation means "N-nitrosodimethylamine".
Q: A: What is shorthand of N-nitrosodimethylamine? The most common shorthand of "N-nitrosodimethylamine" is NDMA.

Vaping Can Cause Lung Cancer

A new study warns that Vaping or electronic cigarettes cause DNA mutations that cause cancer.

Researchers make copies of the bladder and human lung cells by testing on vaping vapors designed to avoid carcinogenic byproducts from tobacco.

They found the cells mutated and became cancerous at a much higher rate than expected, and smoke-exposed mice also experienced significant DNA damage.

The University of New York team warned their findings, published Jan. 29, 2018, questioned popular belief that nicotine voting is a safe alternative to smoking in the cigarette itself.

It comes just days after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rejected a healthy iQOS electronic vault Philip Morris product, saying it was no healthier than tobacco.

E-cigarette smoke (ECS) delivers nicotine through aerosols without burning tobacco.

While tobacco smoke contains nitrosamines and many carcinogenic chemicals from combustion, the ECS contains nicotine and some relatively harmless organic solvents. Consequently, vaping, commonly called colloquial, has been promoted not carcinogenic; safer tobacco substitutes.

A recent study, as reported by the Daily Mail, even found that electronic smokers have a 97 percent less lung carcinogen in body fluids compared to tobacco smokers.

However, experts warn that it does not mean safe and not at risk of getting cancer.

The new study by Moon-shong Tang, from the department of environmental medicine, is an investigation into the belief that other tobacco products, not nicotine, are drugs that cause cancer and damage other health.

They concluded that although vape provides fewer carcinogens than tobacco smoke, electronic smokers may have a higher risk than nonsmokers developing lung, bladder and heart disease.

The FDA voted against Philip Morris International's claim that electronic cigarettes can predict lower rates of illness and death in humans. This vape device has been sold in over 30 countries and Philip Morris aims to make it the first "risk reduction" tobacco product approved by the United States.

The opening of the FDA will mark a major milestone in efforts by industry and government officials to provide alternative tobacco products to US smokers. Adult smoking rates have dropped to an all-time low of 15 percent, although smoking remains a major cause of preventable illness and death in the country.