Efficacy and Benefits of Binahong Leaves
Efficacy and Benefits of Binahong LeavesEfficacy leaves binahong have known people from time immemorial. Plants derived from Chinese medicine can cure and contain many health benefits to the body. For more details on this successful business blog article will discuss the health benefits of leaf binahong for.
Binahong leaf is a medicinal plant from China known as the original Dheng San Chi. Binahong known in Indonesia as gendola. This vine has not been much scientific research that revealed usefulness. However, people use it to help the process of healing various diseases. Binahong a panacea to heal the wounds and the gunshot and sharp weapons scratches.
Efficacy benefit binahong leaf is accelerating convalescence after surgery, childbirth, circumcision, all injured in, colitis, launch and normalize circulation and blood pressure, prevent stroke, ulcers, gout, increase endurance, vizier or hemorrhoid medicine , facilitate urination, defecation and treat diabetes.
All parts of this plant has an efficacy Binahong starting from the roots, stems and leaves. Utilization can be boiled or eaten as fresh vegetables to the leaves with the rules of the dose for cough and vomiting blood disease leaves 10 / day, lungs perforated 10 pieces / day, diabetes 11 pieces / day, shortness of breath 7 pieces / harir, acute chronic ulcers 12 pieces / day, broken bones 20 pieces / day, low blood 8 pieces / day, kidney inflammation 7 pieces / day, the itching of eczema the skin 9 pieces / day, concussion 15 pieces / day and symptoms of liver 10 pieces / day. As for the healing of minor ailments such as ulcers, headaches and abdominal pain penyebuhan it only takes about one to seven days with the rules of five pieces per day dose.