Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Efficacy and Benefits of Binahong Leaves

Efficacy and Benefits of Binahong Leaves

Efficacy leaves binahong have known people from time immemorial. Plants derived from Chinese medicine can cure and contain many health benefits to the body. For more details on this successful business blog article will discuss the health benefits of leaf binahong for.

Binahong leaf is a medicinal plant from China known as the original Dheng San Chi. Binahong known in Indonesia as gendola. This vine has not been much scientific research that revealed usefulness. However, people use it to help the process of healing various diseases. Binahong a panacea to heal the wounds and the gunshot and sharp weapons scratches.

Efficacy benefit binahong leaf is accelerating convalescence after surgery, childbirth, circumcision, all injured in, colitis, launch and normalize circulation and blood pressure, prevent stroke, ulcers, gout, increase endurance, vizier or hemorrhoid medicine , facilitate urination, defecation and treat diabetes.

All parts of this plant has an efficacy Binahong starting from the roots, stems and leaves. Utilization can be boiled or eaten as fresh vegetables to the leaves with the rules of the dose for cough and vomiting blood disease leaves 10 / day, lungs perforated 10 pieces / day, diabetes 11 pieces / day, shortness of breath 7 pieces / harir, acute chronic ulcers 12 pieces / day, broken bones 20 pieces / day, low blood 8 pieces / day, kidney inflammation 7 pieces / day, the itching of eczema the skin 9 pieces / day, concussion 15 pieces / day and symptoms of liver 10 pieces / day. As for the healing of minor ailments such as ulcers, headaches and abdominal pain penyebuhan it only takes about one to seven days with the rules of five pieces per day dose.

Benefits of Lucid Dream

Believe it or not, lucid dream that could generate millions. How can that be? any kind of benefit Lucid Dream?

These benefits Lucid Dream
1. Fantasy and Adventure
The first thing that used to go to the brain is you can fly, entered into the world of Harry Potter, compete in the Hunger Games, make your own world out of the sand, fighting dragons, and other fantasy and a lot ideas again. In the real world, you are under arrest by the reality, but in a dream, there is no such thing as natural law. There is no such thing as running out of ideas to Lucid Dream

2. Inspiration
Inspiration from the dream itself? Yes. The dream has become a source of images, music, the building, which is very interesting. In your dreams, you can make music that is new, and has never played with someone else, even if you can not play music. In the lucid dream can wake you wrote your own home, and see the results. So you do not need it to make the first prototype.

3. Exercise
Lucid dream is a golden opportunity. Why not? In the lucid dream, you can do what you want, including exercise. Have mercy on those who are not able to lucid dream, because they could not first practice, before practice in reality. For example: You're afraid to do a backflip. In the lucid dream you do a backflip so in the real world you even dare to do a backflip.

4. Stop Scary Dream
"I never dreamed there was a long black haired girl coming toward me in the dark woods. I realized looks much like a ghost in the movie. Whuuush! I'm dreaming! I immediately remove power from the hand to the ghost. Ghost is dead, and I flew to ..... "

The above quotation is taken from my dream journal. In the lucid dream, you can fight your fear. Whether it's a ghost, your teacher, or animals.

5. Problem Solve
You can really confide same subconscious, and, guess what? Subconscious must have been a good listener. He will always answer you. You can ask different problem to him and he will answer you. For example: You're at a park, and you shout "How good my study?" And suddenly someone appeared in the park, putting on a headset, listening to a song, and learn. You know what that means?

That's it useful! Still remember at the beginning of the post, I said the dream could generate millions? Avatar, the film that produces a lot of money, made in his lucid dream James Cameron. If you pay attention, plot and setting of the film very similar to lucid dream!

Tell us what you dream Lucid benefits below! Good stead to be installed here! (Real)

Lucid dream: A dream realized
Hunger Games: Game killings
Prototype: replica
Avatar: The film is full of fantasy created by James Cameron (Lucid Dreamer).

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Moringa Leaf Healthy Benefits

Moringa has many benefits for our health. Various parts of the Moringa plant is edible. How to use Moringa is also highly variable, ranging from seed or young pods called "drumsticks", very popular in Asia and Africa. For its part moringa leaves, used especially in Cambodia, the Philippines, India and South Africa. Mature seeds, and oil from moringa seeds and roots.

In some areas, young pods are most often eaten, while the Moringa leaves are the most commonly used. The flowers are edible when cooked and tasted like mushrooms. Bark, sap, roots, leaves, seeds, oil and flowers are used in traditional medicine in several countries. In Jamaica, the sap is used for a natural blue dye.
Healthy Benefits Moringa Leaves
Moringa leaves are the most nutritious part of the Moringa plant itself, is an important source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, provitamin A as beta-carotene, magnesium, and protein among other nutrients that have been studied in the lab. by the USDA. When compared with the general food, Moringa leaves are very high in nutrients it:
Comparison of the content of Moringa and other food
Food Nutrition - General Food Types - Content of Moringa Leaves
Vitamin A - carrots - 1.8 mg - 6.8 mg
Calcium - Milk - 120 mg - 440 mg
Potassium - bananas - 88 mg - 259 mg
Protein - Yogurt - 3.1 g - 6.7 g
Vitamin C - Oranges - 30 mg - 220 mg

Moringa leaves are traditionally cooked and used like spinach. Besides being used fresh as a substitute for spinach, leaves are dried and ground into a powder to use in soups and sauces. For the record is important to remember that like most plant moringa heating above 60 degrees Celsius to destroy some nutritional value.
Efficacy Kelor Combat Malnutrition

benefits of moringa leaves
Moringa tree and the leaves have been used to combat malnutrition, especially among infants and nursing mothers. Various agencies INGOs Trees for Life, Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization, and Volunteer Partnerships for West Africa - have advocated Moringa as a solution to overcome hunger. One of the authors said that Moringa is a natural nutrition for the tropics. 

"Moringa Moringa are now so well known or so it seems there is no doubt of the substantial health benefit to be realized by consumption of Moringa leaf powder in situations where starvation is getting closer"
Moringa is very promising as a food source in the tropics because the tree has leaves filled the dry season when other foods are usually scarce.

Moringa leaves continue to do research to reveal the nature of the potential of nutrients and phytochemicals, including including in vitro antibacterial effects, improved glucose tolerance in diabetic rat model, inhibition of Epstein-Barr virus activity in vitro and reduction of skin papillomas in mice.

Moringa leaves in traditional medicine
Moringa has been used in a variety of traditional medicine, including Ayurvedic and traditional medicine in the Philippines, Africa and Indonesia. Moringa leaves can be given to nursing mothers to increase lactation or milk production.

Meniran Healthy Benefits

Although this plant grows wild but also contains medicinal properties that are useful for us. This plant is easily recognizable, like tamarind tree leaves, but many pieces along the stem below the leaves. In the science of plant morphology commonly taught in the Department of Biology, the plant is modeled as one of the anomalies in compound leaves.  

The leaves are similar at a glance, tamarind tree leaves like compound leaves, but actually is a single leaf. Because of the fruit under the leaves so he is not a compound leaf. And characteristic compound leaves no leaf buds or fruit buds in the armpit leaves.

Recent research on meniran it can be used for people with HIV-AIDS, which extracts meniran be "adjuvant", especially to increase the T-helper. Adjuvant means help in overcoming an infection. In addition to the standard drug given, coupled with a stimulant. With adjuvant therapy, the cure can be more quickly and more importantly, is to eliminate the recurrence.  

Meniran extract can be used as an adjuvant therapy in the treatment of stubborn infections such as viral infections, fungal infections, bacterial infections, intracellular and other chronic infectious diseases. Extract meniran this is helpful, not treat, cure HIV / AIDS. At least improve the quality of life and prolong life.
Prof traditional herbalist Hembing, offering healing hepatitis B with meniran. The recipe, 60 grams of leaves meniran several other herbs mixed, then boiled with 1 liter of water until the water is only 200 cc. Boiling water is taken twice a day for seven consecutive days. no modern medicine can cure hepatitis B with sniper. The most ideal is to prevent hepatitis B by vaccination. For those who are already infected, what may make, he must live with the virus HBV (hepatitis B causes).
The virus is transmitted through blood transfusions, sexual activity, and the exchange of body fluids-including through needles and razors. Vertically, hepatitis B can also be decreased by HBV-infected pregnant women.
Active compound in meniran-filantin and hipofilantin-function flush toxins in the body. In addition, shrubs plays one meter is also able to stimulate the immune system.
used as a cure various diseases, from diarrhea to epilepsy. Active compound in meniran-filantin and hipofilantin-function flush toxins in the body. In addition, shrubs plays one meter is also able to stimulate the immune
Bitter Leaf Benefits as Anti Malarial

Bitter Leaf Benefits as Anti Malarial

Healthy Benefits of Bitter Leaf

many benefits this bitter leaf, bitter leaf benefits are as follows this bitter leaf, to treat diseases such as diabetes, typhoid, and there is also the bitter leaf to treat the itching and prevent cancer, perhaps due to a distinctive bitter taste of these leaves.

But that has been widely used and recognized efficacy of the leaf is to prevent malaria because it leaves is referred to as anti-malarial drugs.

Beside that, the leaves are also useful for maintaining endurance or stamina. Maybe that's why the leaves are widely used for boiling medicinal. For the treatment of typhus usually bitter leaf coupled with turmeric and ginger then boiled and drunk boiled water 3 times a day until healed suffering from typhoid. While for better diabetes bitter leaf was eaten or chewed directly in the state are still fresh.

Martial Art Benefits

Martial Art Evolutions
Basically, martial arts can be categorized into two aspects, the technical and non-technical aspects. Every martial arts school has an understanding of the similarities and differences in both conditions, but the differences are not fundamental. The history of a country, customs, traditions and natural environment where martial arts is growing and developing, will color difference between the two aspects.

1. The benefits of the technical aspects martial art

  • Can use martial arts techniques in combat in a vast battlefield, to maintain their safety. 
  • Can use martial arts technique in a fight in the arena or a limited extent. 
  • To develop techniques to deal with an opponent in battle certain circumstances, for example, opponents of more than one person, or face attack opponents using weapons. 
  • Can maintain physical health through regular exercise martial. 
  • Can control the opponent's attack, and then controlled the fight so that the attacker and the attacked was not until severe injury. 
  • Can paralyze opponents with a tempo that is not too long, so it does not need a lot of wasted energy.
  • Can defend yourself and others by not relying on a frontal attack against an opponent who may have more power.

2. The benefits of the non-technical aspects martial art.

  • Having confidence in yourself and do not panic to save yourself and others. 
  • Having a mental attitude and relatively tough to not give up easily when faced with problems in life.
  • Having high morale in the pursuit of desire. 
  • Discipline can apply in everyday life. 
  • To understand the cultural arts and community character of a nation where martial arts originated, so that the fabric of brotherhood among fellow creatures God can be strengthened although different nations, countries, races, religions and ideologies. 
  • Can control the attitude and behavior of day-to-day so as not to harm others. 
  • Can enhance and balance the physical, mental and spiritual harmony of dynamic rhythms of life. 
Benefits of Chewing Food with Correct and Slow

Benefits of Chewing Food with Correct and Slow

Chewing is part of the process of digesting food. Everyone is always advisable to chew food properly and slowly. Unfortunately, because of the lifestyle that haste makes many people chew and swallow food quickly away. Though there are many benefits to be gained when we chew food slowly.

Some of the benefits and advantages that we will get when chewing food properly and slowly among them:

1. More satisfied
When we eat slowly, your brain sends a signal that makes so feel fuller, thereby reducing the size of the meal. Knowing when to stop eating helps a person lose weight and prevent excessive weight gain.

2. Helps digestion
When the process of chewing food, saliva will break down food particles and soften. This makes the food easier to get into the digestive system. The enzyme alpha amylase and lingual lipase enzymes in saliva help break down carbohydrates and fats. This enzyme is produced by the salivary glands.

3. Maintaining oral hygiene
When chewing food properly, saliva helps fight bad breath and plaque. Hydrogen carbonate in saliva neutralize plaque formation. In addition, saliva also kills harmful bacteria and food particles swept around the teeth.

4. Increased saliva production
When chewing food, your mouth will salivate more. Saliva helps to soften food and also help change the texture. As he chewed, nutrients and vitamins from the food particles are absorbed by saliva will increase the body's energy and break down the food particles more easily.

As mentioned, saliva kills bacteria that may affect digestion. If the food is not chewed kkta eat properly and be devoured, the digestion will require more time and bacteria from food can cause gas that makes us often fart or abdominal pain.
Pumpkin Healthy Benefits

Pumpkin Healthy Benefits

Pumpkin by the United States and some other countries is often used as one of the attributes of Halloween. In Indonesia, many hunted pumpkin season of Ramadan came to be made into a compote or fresh fruit mixed drinks. Pumpkin flour can be used in a series of food products, for example in noodles, bread, ice cream, biscuits, cake, and others. Pumpkin pulp can be used directly through several stages of processing into chips and pumpkin stick.

Nutrition and Benefits of Pumpkin
Heavy yellow pumpkins can reach 3-5 kg. Usually this fruit has green and pale yellow. Pumpkin fruit or the color orange has a very high carotenoid. Carotenoids in pumpkins mostly have beta-carotene which is a source of antioxidants, which can prevent premature aging and cancer.

Pumpkin also contains Vitamin C which serves as an immune function for the formation of iron-rich blood, potassium is useful for maintaining water and electrolyte balance in the body and pumpkins also contain fibers that serve to the body's digestive

Pumpkin is also known to contain quite a lot of potassium, a mineral that is said can reduce the risk of developing hypertension.

Other minerals contained in the pumpkin are zinc, which can improve the immune system (defense) body. Not to mention the ability to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, because zinc plays a role in supporting bone density.

Fiber content in high enough pumpkin is useful in digestive health to reduce the risk of constipation. In addition, according to research, that fiber can also reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Pumpkin juice is useful as an antidote to poison animals and seeds can be a tapeworm medication. The juice of the fruit can also be used as natural dyes in traditional food processing because it has a yellow color due to the content of beta-carotene.

In addition to meat, pumpkin seeds also have the benefit, which is to relieve the symptoms of arthritis, because it contains anti-inflammatory substances.

A simple way to eat fruit that is mixed with yellow squash cut, peeled, roasted and spiked olive oil, salt, and pepper as a simple dish that was delicious. Pumpkin seeds or commonly called pepitas, can be found at the nearest supermarket. Usually the pumpkin seeds are available in the form of an instant that could be eaten.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Belching healthy benefits

Belching healthy benefits

Belching is the release of gas from the gastrointestinal tract (esophagus and stomach) to the mouth accompanied by the sound and sometimes smell. Belching is the process of removing gas from the stomach through the mouth. Normally belching occurs when air enters the stomach has increased.

The emergence of the sound caused by the vibration of air / gas at the exit of the gas valve throat. This is a very common thing that can happen to anyone, and is an attempt to release the trapped air in the stomach which usually causes discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

if it happens constantly burp also caused by flatulence. Consuming foods and beverages that are too fast, feeling anxious and consume soft drinks are the most common cause for abdominal bloating.

At the time of burping, larynx, upper esophageal sphincter, the esophageal sphincter and diaphragm all work in accordance with the portion to set the rising and falling of air flow from the stomach to the esophagus in the chest.